Eager Journeys (Doctor Who)

By JustSadielol

1K 69 22

Emily's roommate was noticing her saying two words every night in her sleep..."doctor who?" Emily is eager to... More

Prologue~ "Doctor Who?"
Chapter one~ Call Me Maybe
Chapter Two- Who is "Emily"?
Chapter 4 ~ Hot Great Grandma
Chapter 5 ~ How did you do that?
Chapter 6 ~ 5/1000 questions answered
Chapter 7 ~ Meeting the Parents
Chapter 8 ~ Am I a friggin Power Puff Girl???
Chapter 9 ~ Time to Heal
Chapter 10 ~ I mist this
Chapter 11~ the black house
Chapter 12 ~ take us to your leader
Chapter 13~ allonsy I guess

Chapter 3- Baby You Can Drive My...TARDIS?

87 4 1
By JustSadielol

Finally the TARDIS stopped moving and I took a deep breath.

"Where are we?" I asked excited. We could've been literally anywhere in the universe.

"Oh, we're just drifting." He responded nonchalantly.

"Drifting? where?" I asked confused.

He smiled.

"You wanna see?" He asked cheekily.

I nodded enthusiastically.

He led me to the doors of the TARDIS and started to open them. I braced myself for whatever could be outside of them.

The doors swung open and I felt my mouth drop open. The doctor wasn't kidding when he said we were just drifting! We were literally just floating in space.

It was so overwhelmingly beautiful, though. There was so much to look at. Millions of bright shining stars and a blend of black, purple and blue. I was in awe.

I looked over to see the doctor grinning at my reaction. He was acting as if he had just showed me the first episode of his favorite TV show and he had me hooked.

"Wait." I said thinking. Something wasn't quite right. "How are we breathing?"

"I have a shield, of shorts around the TARDIS so you don't....well, die." The doctor chuckled.

"Living is nice." I replied jokingly. I took a deep breath just to test things. I felt like I was breathing normally.

I felt like I could stare at all those stars and stuff forever but then I remembered that there were about five thousand things going on all at once.

"So what now?" I asked turning to the doctor. He must see things like this all the time but he seemed just as amazed as I was as he gazed out at the sky.

"Right!" The doctor said alertly turning around and shutting the TARDIS door. "You said you know where a thub watch you own might be?"

Even though I was still confused out of my mind I decided to focus on this one thing for now.

"My family owns a storage unit that has a bunch of things like that." I replied.

"Ok." The doctor said thinking. He then led me somewhere by putting a hand on my back. "Put one hand on this." He instructed. He gestured towards an area on his console thingy.

I looked at him quizzically before following his instructions.

"You're left-handed?" He asked smiling slightly.

I nodded. I honestly hated being left handed, it was such a hassle sometimes.

"I had a friend who was a lefty once." The doctor said with a far off smile. He said it like they were dead.

"Okay, now try to imagine that storage unit as best as you can." The doctor ordered, snapping out of his fog. "Picture it in your mind."

I closed my eyes and tried as hard as I could but I didn't exactly go to my family's storage locker often. I couldn't even tell you which one it was if we got there. But I pretended like I knew what I was doing and the TARDIS started shaking again so I figured it was going somewhere.

If it could take us somewhere near the storage lockers I could figure things out from there but I don't know where the TARDIS was going now.

Before I could give it a second thought my fingers were on the controls. I was pressing and pulling random bits like it was second nature for me. It didn't sink in that I shouldn't be knowing what was I doing.

I was taking the TARDIS to a street side where I grew up in Florida. I would be able to walk to the storage lockers from there.

The TARDIS landed with a shaky thud and that's when I realized what I just did. I looked up and saw the doctor staring at me, incredulous.

"Did I just.." I let out. I'm pretty sure my face was showing equal shock. I just drove a space ship that I've never seen before in my life.

The doctor nodded slowly. I almost felt like I was going to be sick.

"How did you do that?" The doctor asked. That was a good question.

"I don't know." I whispered, trying to put it into words. I had an idea of how to explain it. "Do you happen to play a musical instrument?"

"I play a couple." The doctor answered. He didn't seem to see where I was going with the question.

"You know when you've been playing a certain song so long that you can play it without thinking? Like you couldn't even say what notes you're playing, you just know it so well." I described.

I saw a flash of understanding wash over his face.

"So that's what it felt like when you drove the TARDIS?" The doctor inquired.

"I don't even know what I just did." I nodded.

"And you don't remember ever learning how to do that?" The doctor clarified.

"This is my first time even being in one of these...things." I said gesturing around me.

"So what made you try and control the TARDIS?" The doctor asked as he leaned against a wall.

"I didn't think it was going to the right place." I answered. "I don't have any strong memories of the storage unit so I tried to take it to a familiar street and figure out how to get to it from there."

"Well let's see if you were successful." The doctor said standing upright again.

He walked up to the double TARDIS doors and swung them open before stepping aside so I could look outside of them.

"Does this street look familiar to you?" The doctor asked making a big gesture towards the street with his arm.

I walked over and peered out of the doors smiling. We couldn't of landed on a more familiar street.

"It's the street I lived on, growing up." I answered half proud of myself, half scared of myself.

"Interesting." The doctor said with a tiny smirk on his lips.

"What's the smile for?" I asked, giggling.

"You are very, very special." The doctor replied. His smirk had turned into a huge grin by then.

And I think I was starting to believe him.

Exactly a thousand words. You can count them if you want.

(Sorry for the terrible chapter name.)

Merry whatever


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