(Ciel x reader) The Girl in t...

By ohbxssy

212K 7.2K 2.3K

You have always lived on the streets doing whatever you can for money whether it be murder or doing laundry... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Authors note
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Ninteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter One

22.6K 550 191
By ohbxssy

Your pov
You wake up feeling you back against the cold ground. Which could of been worse if you didnt have your purple coat wrapped around you. It was the only nice thing you had and it was almost your signature look. But you normally left it in a hiding place due to the fact it made you look feminine which you are a girl but it was easier to look like a boy to get nasty perverts to stay away. You get up and look around, your head pounding. You groan and walk around your stomach growling. "Tsc when was the last time i ate?" You think and remember you had money for food and as usual you bought the food and gave it all to the little kids in more need then you. You sigh but it was worth seeing the little kids smile in hope that they can survive another day. "Hey you!" A man standing in the shadows says. You look at him and grab your blade to stand your ground. "Are you _____ _____ lady of the purple coat?" He asks. "The finest killer around who will murder at the most reasonable price?" He continues to ask. You nod your head slowly he knew you were a girl because thats what they call you when you kill. "I will pay you a fine amount if you kill a boy with the name Ciel Phantomhive" he says. "Okay when do you need him to be killed?" You ask. "Tonight. If you cant do that by then, then no money" he says. "If you succeed meet me back here tomorrow morning at 8:30 and i will pay you greatly. Oh and he has a butler beware of him he is deadly so goodbye for now ____ ____" he says walking back into the shadows and away. "Deadly butler?" You think. "Cant be to hard to get Ciel alone" you say.

(Time skip to tonight)

You walk around to see Ciel Phantomhive with what seemed to be his butler. "He seems to be around my age" you think. Hiding in a shadow you hear the butler say "wait out here Ciel ill only be a few minutes to buy some things" he then walks away. "This is my chance!" You think and walk out onto the street fake coughing. "Excuse me sir do you have water?" I ask looking weak. "No but i can buy you some follow me" he says. You follow and he walks down an alley. Moving fast you run to him with your knife and almost to stab him when a hand with a white glove stops you. You look up to see a pale face with jet black hair say "i dont think you want to do that" he smiles slightly still gripping onto your hand. "What?! How could he of caught my hand when he was no where to be seen a couple seconds ago?" You think. Ciel turns around and stares at you annoyed. "Why were you trying to kill me?" He asks. You shrug "i was told if i were to kill you i would be payed greatly" you say looking at the floor. "You would take a living soul for money?" He asks. "If the money went towards kids food so they can live another day in this world then yes" you say. You looked at Ciel and he looked shocked for a moment and went back to his emotionless face. "Sebastian i order you to take us back to the manor and find a room for him to stay" Ciel says and walks towards his carriage. "What?" You ask wondering why he isnt going to kill you. "I dont understand either sir, but if my master asks for it to be done then it shall be" the butler says. You struggle against his still remaining grip to get free but fail. "Oh dont try and struggle that will get you nowhere" he says and leads me towards a carriage. You sit down and look down at your ragged pants and grimy tshirt you didnt have any shoes but they slowed you down anyways so you didnt mind. You didnt have the best hygiene so you felt out of place at this nice carriage. "Wait!" You say forgetting your purple cloak. "Huh?" Ciel says looking up at you. "I forgot something" you say panicking. "We can go back for it in the morning its late" he says. "NO!" You shout. "We have to go back for it now!" You say, you can feel tears forming in your eyes but you held them back. Ciel looks at you shocked but tells the butler to stop. You run out the carriage to go find the cloak. Since you run fast it took two minutes to run get the cloak and run back. Out of breath you go back to the carriage and sit down closing the door. Putting the dark purple cloak on your lap you tell them to continue. "Damnit" you think "that was my chance to escape why am i so stupid?" You sigh and look out the window the rest of the ride to the manor.

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