From Demigod to Avenger (Perc...

By straightouttaarrows

187K 4.5K 1.6K


Intro and Background Info!
The Perfect Day
The Perfect Day - Part 2
The Perfect Day - 3
The Perfect Day-Part 4
Author's Note! NOT AN UPDATE
The Perfect Day - Part 5
The Decision - Part 6
The Decision - Part 7
Welcome to SHIELD - Part 8
Welcome to SHIELD - Part 9
Remind me never to "die" around you... - Part 10
Training - Part 11
Four Months Later - Part 12
Backflips and Breakups - Part 13
Moving Out and Moving On-Part 14
Just your regular visit from a goddess before a party - Part 16
Dancing, Tripping and "DJ"ing - Part 17
Compromised - Part 18
Hulkbait..... Part 19
Falling - Part 20
Germany, AC/DC and Multiple Instances of Jumping Out of Planes - Part 21
Arguing with the God of Mischief and Hanging with the Science Bros - Part 22
I hate it when they argue - Part 23
I take a very very very very very very long plunge - Part 24
Through his eyes - Part 25
I'm not going anywhere - Part 26
Silver Arrow and Aegis; The Battle of Manhatten- Part 27
Sequel is out!

Nightmares and Ship Names? - Part 15

4.6K 123 16
By straightouttaarrows

**One week later**

Connor POV

"Connor please this isn't you!" A girl begs in front of me. Pathetic. This girl dragged you all around the country. And then what does she do? Breaks up with you. Patheic demigod. She needs to die. She is almost done. Her weapons have all fallen into the giant hole right by us. I still have I knife and I can kill her with that.

"Connor please!" I swipe at her with the knife and she blocks my arm with her hand and twists it, making me drop the knife and doesn't let go. The knife falls into the hole. Dammit. My vision is blue tinted and I struggle to see clearly but I kick her hard in the gut and she groans. Then she twists and propels herself over me and slams me into the nearest wall and I hit my head on it. Hard.  I fall to the floor just as the world begins to topple. I hear a scream as something trips over me. I look over and grab the hand of the person who fell over me. She dangles over the edge with nothing supporting her except for me.

"Lexi?" I say, confused.

"Connor," she breathes relieved. Then the world jerks and I loose my grip on her.  I scream her name as she falls over the edge.

I jolt up out of bed and fall on the floor. The dream has left me sweating and breathing heavily. I've been having the same nightmare for a week now. Being a demigod...I just hope that this dream doesn't come true. I don't know what I would do if I lost her. She might not like me anymore, but I still have feelings for her. In fact, I might even love her....


Lexi POV

I pull the bowstring back and aim at the target. I release the arrow and it goes flying toward the target and hits in the middle ring. I smile at my work triumphantly. There are six targets that surround me and each one as arrows in them that are in the shape of a letter. So pretty much the targets spell out my name.  I step back to admire my hard work but ice cold water explodes on my back, snapping me out of my element. I whip around to see a laughing Uriah and Zeke who are holding an empty bucket.

I glare at them. "You have five seconds to run."

They look at each other nervously and sprint out of the training room. I laugh once they run out and put away my stuff. I'll set them straight later.

I've been staying with Sammy, Uri and Zeke for a week. And their place already feels like home. I didn't know what to expect when I moved in with them but they are all some of the coolest people I've met. 

I learned actually a lot about everyone. For example I found out that Uriah and Zeke wasn't their actual names but their friends had thought their personalities were so similiar to the two Pedrad brothers from the Divergent series, they just started calling them that. And the kinda name stuck. They changed their names to the two Divergent characters when they first came to SHIELD. They had said something about wanting to protect the people they knew before they joined SHIELD. Their real names are James and Nathan but they never told me their last names.

I hate to admit it but the cold water felt sooooooo good. Especially for me. I mean, most people would just be refreshed but since I'm kind of a child of Poseidon, the water wakes me up in ways I can't explain. It's kinda like my senses sharpen and I can actually focus. Which is a HUGE accomplishment when you are and ADHD demigod.

I pull out my phone and take a picture of my name on the targets and send it to Agent Barton.

(C = Clint/Agent Barton, L = Lexi)

L: *insert picture here*

L: How's that for accuracy XD

He doesn't respond immediately so I shove my phone in my back pocket and hit my hand against my thigh like I'm summoning a dog. The arrows come flying back and land in my quiver. A trick Leo helped me figure out. I take of my gloves when a voice behind me startles me out of my thoughts. I really need to stop getting lost.

"I never knew you could to that Lex."

"It's something I figured out recently...Connor." I say looking at him, reluctantly.

"So, its been a while. How are you? Uriah and Zeke pranking as usual?" He laughs.

"You were here for that?" I laugh.

"Ya I was watching you earlier when you were shooting. Not to sound like a stalker or anything." He smiles.

"Ok Mr. I Was Watching My Ex Shoot Arrows. Nothing stalkish about that." I tease. This feels so normal. Just me and him. It feels like the way its should be.

"Ha ha Lexi. But I just wanted to say good bye." He says, looking me in the eye.

"Good bye? For what?" I ask.

"I have a mission with Agent Barton and Coulson in Nevada. I'm leaving tomorrow." He responds.

"That's cool. Well good luck then. Is there anything else you wanted to tell me?" I ask, edging slowly to the door.

"Only that I miss you. Every night." He says, sadness and a little fear seeping into his gray, stormy eyes. Has he been having nightmares again?

"Connor  are you okay? You don't look so good." It's true. His hair is a little messier than usual and his eyes are duller than I remember and he has bags under his eyes. I walk up to him and put my hand gently on his forehead. He instantly relaxes at my touch and closes his eyes. "Have you been having nightmares lately?"

"No I-," Connor starts opening his eyes again in alarm.

"Don't lie to me." I say and put my other hand under his head and he rests on it.

"Yes I have." He admits, looking down at the floor.

"Come here." I pull him into a hug. His head rests on my shoulder and his pulse relaxes.

"So you're not mad at me?" Connor asks hopefully, his voice muffled by my shoulder.

"No I'm not." I smile at him, pulling away from out hug. I try to ignore the sparks from his hands around my waist but I know my cover can't hold for much longer. "I just am not ready to be in a relationship yet. I had my heart broken not to long ago. I need time before I can think about someone like that."

"I really am sorry Lexi." He says, sadness clear in his voice.

"I know you are." I reassure weekly, heading for the door. "I'll see you around." I send one last glance at his stormy gray eyes and walk out of the room only to find three eavesdropping friends.

"Really guys?" I ask.

"What?! I wanted to hear if Lennor happened!" Uriah said.

"Lennor?" Zeke says. "I thought were were going with Alexir!"





As the brothers start arguing I look over at Sammy and she and I simultaneously facepalm. After a while we decide to just leave them there. "Where are we going?" I ask.

"To a friend for some fun." Sammy responds. "You know that one party that Owen organized?"

"Please tell me you aren't-," I beg.

"Oh no, I didn't want to go either but I lost a bet with Jamie and now I have to go this party and she has to doll me up and if I'm going down, I'm dragging you down too." Sammy laughs.

"Gee thanks Sammy." I say unamused.

"She already know's we're coming so let's go!" Sammy jokes and a fake girly voice.

"Kill me now." I groan as Sammy drags me to Jamie's place. Ugh


AN: So that happened. I'm not exactly proud of this chapter but it's gonna have to do. Just another filler chapter. Sooo ya.


I need a ship name for Connor and Lexi. Whether that foreshadows kinda does. Let me know in the comments if you like ALEXIR or LENNOR or come up with something better. I probably won't update until 7/28/15 so you have until then!

Luv ya all!! Vote and comment if you liked this part!

Stay Nerdy,



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