Dally's Little Princess

By _nerdy_SKWID_

76K 1.7K 348

(THE FIRST BOOK IN THE Royal Greaser SERIES) We all know Dally doesn't care about anything but nothin. Well... More

Abandoned in New York
First Meeting
Dally's New Friend
Waiting for Dally
Finding Dally
Never Will He Ever Be Replaced...
A Gang To Call Her Own
Dally's Little Princess
Author's Note
There Be A Sequel Out!

Lost In New York

7.8K 167 20
By _nerdy_SKWID_

Harper's legs ached and she was exhausted. It takes a little kid a really long time to walk 5 miles. Like a really long time. When Harper finally reached New York city, it was 10:30. The bright lights and the sound of people driving around calmed her down a bit. But the dark alleys that she passed didn't.

She ended up going into one though. Not because she was crazy, it was because she is three and heard what sounded like a puppy whining. As she came closer she saw it was a little brown puppy trapped under a wooden food crate. She carefully lifted the crate off the dog and reached out to pet him. The puppy gladly crawled into her lap and licked her face. Harper scooted backwards into the sideways crate for a little 'home', and fell asleep with a puppy in her lap.


The next morning Harper woke to see three guys standing in front of the crate. They were kicking the crate and yelling at her.

"Get up you little freak!" One yelled.

"Yah and take your mutt with you!" Another added.

The last one smirked.

"Guys, there are simpler ways to do this."

He lifted the crate and dumped out Harper and the puppy.

"Get lost kid! Go away!"

Harper picked up the dog and ran away. A little puppy is still a lot of weight for a tree year old girl. Harper kept running until she saw an old apartment building partially knocked down. She snuck through a little hole just barely big enough for her, and put the dog down. She wondered around a little with the puppy at her heels. Then she stopped. One room was painted a light green. There was a purple bed in there and some clothes in the little closet.

She went in and sat on the bed. She was hungry and muddy. The dog jumped up on the bed with her and fell asleep.

"I tink I'll call you Lukey."

She turned back to the closet and walked towards it. There were little girl clothes and a little bit older girls clothes. Harper reached out and touched a pink toul skirt and a green sweater. She jumped up and yanked the shirt and skirt down. She laid it out on the bed like her mother used to and curled up on the bed crying.

"Good night, Mommy."


The next day Harper did her best to get herself dressed all by herself. She often got help from her mother like most little kids. But her mother is not here now. It took threes tries but Harper finally got the skirt and shirt on the right way.

Harper then realized something. Lukey wasn't on the bed where he was the night before. She looked all over the house calling his name, but didn't find him anywhere. She started to panic, so she went outside to the sidewalk running around calling his name.

She was running through a puddle when she slipped and cut her foot on a piece of glass. She wobbled over to the edge of the sidewalk and cried. She carefully tried to pull out the pieces of glass but it hurt to much to try. So she cried and cried. She cried for her mother her left her. She cried for Lukey who disappeared. And she cried because she was lost in New York.

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