Waiting for Dally

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A year later, Harper was walking with Dally along the sidewalk when some red mustang pulled up to them. There were a bunch of rich kids in there and Dally expected Harper to be scared and hide, but she didn't.

"Hey Dal. I see your pickin up five year olds now. Can you believe this guy? Such a fake."

Harper then said something that no six year old would ever be able to comprehend.

"He's not the fake you are. He's truer than you'll ever be! I bet behind all that money and those sideburns, your nothin but losers who don't know how to wipe their own butts!"

They all just stared at her with there mouths hanging open. Even Dally. They richies in the car ended up just driving away, still trying to understand what just happened. Dally already knew what happened. Harper was getting tough like him and as much as it broke his heart to even think it, he knew what he had to do.


Harper woke the next morning to see a note taped on the door to the apartment. It read,

I had to go somewhere but don't worry I'll be back soon. I promise. You will soon know where I went and all there is to know. I gave you 50 dollars incase you need it. Be safe. By the way, happy 6th birthday.

Harper didn't know what to do. Dally has never left before. She decided that she will just wait. She went outside and sat on the edge of the side walk and waited. She kicked pebbles around and waited. She got a bag of chips for 50 cents and waited. She ate the chips and waited.

She started worrying. What something happened to him. What if he got in trouble with the fuzz again. What if he left her. No he wouldn't. He wouldn't hurt her like that. But he would protect her like that.

It was dark out and Dally still hasn't come. Harper started to cry as the truth hit her hard in the face. Dally left for Oklahoma.

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