Dally's New Friend

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The building was old and looked ready to fall apart at any moment. That was why they shut this place down. The lobby was dirty and fallen apart. Dally got the creeps just lookin in it.

"Okay where now kid?"

"Up stairs. Da door is open and deres a gween room wiv a purple bed."

He swept her up and started up the stairs. He kept going until he saw an apartment with the door open and a green room with a purple bed. He brought her over to the bed and carefully set her down.

"Okay, I think I might have to take the glass out of your foot."

Her eyes filled with fear.

"No! It'll hurt too much!"

He sighed slightly annoyed. Why can't little kids see that what has to be done has to be done? He tried to explain to her as nicely as possible that if he doesn't take the glass out, it will hurt a lot more. She finally gave in and let him take the glass out. Luckily it was just one piece that was easy to take out. After it was out Dally ripped the sleeves of his shirt off and wrapped it around her foot.

"So this is where you live huh? Well how are you gonna get food?"

She shrugged.

"Well aren't you hungery? When's the last time you ate?"

Her stomach growled and she nodded.

"Two days ago. I tink. Yeah, two days."

Dally reached into his pocket and pulled out a half eaten sandwich. He gave it to Harper slightly embarrassed.

"Its all I have right now, but I can bring you more food tomorrow."

Her expression went pained to hopeful.

"You'll be coming back?"

"Yeah. I'll be back."

She looked Dally right in the eye.

"Do you pwomise?"

"I promise."

Dally had just prided Harper that he would come back. She trusted him. He made a promise that would lead up to friendship.


As Harper got older her hair darkened to a light brown color. Dally visited her every day and they often explored the city together. Dally was starting to think of Harper as a little sister. He felt attached to her and like he had to protect her. He couldn't lose her and he would stop at nothing to keep her safe. Even if it ment leaving.

Harper was five now and it had been two years sense her mother abandoned her. Dally was talking about leaving for Oklahoma all the time and Harper was scared that he would leave. He kept saying he had to get away from his dad and that he had to get away from New York, but the real reason he wanted to leave was he didn't want to influence Harper to be tough like him. He never left though. He stayed with Harper. But that could all change with one wrong move.

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