Love is not weakness (clexa)...

By Maywemeetagain100

117K 1.9K 492

When Clarke gets told she must go to the ground all she can think about is survival nothing else, that is unt... More

You can call me Lexa #1
Exploring #2
you can control your demons #3
I'm just a kid #4
acid fog #5
secret bunker and a pod #6
can you help me with something? #7
Costia? Finn! #9
just another day on the ground #10
tell... Clarke... i love... her #11
I wont let you die #12
just like you... #13
love is not weakness #14
Don't blame yourself skai prisa #15

Jus Drein Jus Daun #8

3.4K 116 53
By Maywemeetagain100

Abby pov.

"Abby, the pod is on earth and it looks like all the cameras are set up and working, well all but one. Number 11 is blank must have gotten damaged in the landing." One of the engineers tell me. I go to check the cameras as I have the screens for them in my room. All the cameras are nicely set apart and most of them are on the kids camp well that's what it looks like.

I look around to see if I can see Clarke on any of them but suddenly number 11 comes on which was a blank screen it's blurry at first but when it focuses I see to faces one I recognise to be Clarke's the other I don't no suddenly Clarke leans into whoever it is. At first I think that's really cute that she has found love already until I see that the person is a girl just wish we had enough time to install audio to them or speakers so I could ask her who it is? I guess I will have to wait till I get to earth but that girl better have a good reason for this I think, if it was someone like Bellamy I wouldn't have minded but I don't no who it is and they are a girl to.

Clarke pov.

"Hey Clarke where have you been?" Octavia says running up to me.

"Uh... no where just out for a wander around." I answer quickly and go inside the drop ship before she has time to ask anything else. When i go inside i decide to have a lie down for a bit.

After a while i hear shouting coming from outside so i go to investigate.

"Clarke! Group of grounders have been spotted just outside the gate." Bellamy says in a hurried voice. I decide because I'm meant to be the 'leader' to check it out.

I walk up to the gate and demand they open it, when a few people do I'm faced with two grounders on what I think they used to call horses.

"Are you Clarke of the sky people?" The one asks I nod my head and wait to see if they do anything. The two grounders look at each other and nod then the one speaks up again.

"Our leaders of each of the 12 clans are having a meeting and since it seems you will be here for a while they want the leader of your people to join us. Word has got around that you are the leader of your people? Please come with us it won't last more than an hour but it takes an hour to travel there and back." They say. I decide as I have nothing better to do then to go along anyway but I need to put someone in charge first.

"Bellamy" I call out as he turns around. "I am needed you will be in charge until I return okay? Don't let anyone have more than there share of rations you no the rules no violence no fighting and no going beyond the gates." I say then follow the grounders one of them helps me up on there horse and we set off for who knows where.


"We are here" I hear one of the riders say, I look up to see a big statue of what looks like a man sitting on a chair under it says ton dc.

They jump down off the horse and gesture for me to join them so I get off but stumble a bit thansk to my leg going dead from being on the horse so long.

"Where is this meeting then?" I ask.

Neither answer me they just start walking so I follow them since I can't go back now, because I have never been this part of earth before.

"We are here." One of the riders say after walking through some trees to a clearing. There are lots of leaders I'm guessing wandering around everywhere I turn around to see the riders have gone so I just stand there until I hear someone call out my name. I turn round to see Lexa standing there.

"Uh... Hi Lexa, listen I'm sorry I just can we go somewhere private for me to explain?" I ask nervously, what am I meant to say? Do I tell her the truth what do I do? Before I can think of what to do Lexa interrupts.

"Clarke it's fine I understand, but before we carry on you are here for the meeting not for me I know that. You must understand that no one here knows that I no you, they just think that I sent my riders out to every group we no of to find there leader and bring them back here, as there is an emergency we need to discuss. So because of this you need to call me commander today, around other people anyway. You can explain it all to me later anyway as I'm guessing you will be staying the night a lot of the leaders are going back to there people but they are close by, you however you won't get back for ages and you don't no your way around so you can stay with me the night if you wish?" Lexa says, I don't no what to say so I just nod.

"The meeting will start soon so you better follow me and remember you have to call me commander." Lexa tells me and I follow her into a tent. When we walk in there are lots of people in there I'm guessing the leaders. I stand in the corner next to Lexa until she steps forward.

"Let today be remembered as the day we march into war again, to avenge those lives taken and to keep others from the same fate." As Lexa starts talking to everyone whispers go around the room but I am confused as to what she is taking about, until she carries on.

"To those of you who don't understand, or those who were called to lead your people so quickly. The mountain has stricken again, taken lives and damaged others. For so long we thought we were the rulers of this world and the only ones on it, when the mountain men appeared we let them live as long as they don't bother or harm us, but they have not kept to that agreement and have taken 13 more lives whether they are still alive we don't no all we do know is that if they are they are held prisoner with the others." Lexa steps back after finishing talking to let any other leader speak no one speaks up until one person does.

"Heda if I may ask not to be rude but why is she here I have never seen her at any other meetings before and I understand s lot of those among us today are new leaders but she isn't even wearing out clothes please may you explain?" The women who stepped forward asks she looks at me the whole time she is speaking so clearly is talking about me.

*Thena is the name of the leader who stepped forward, pronounced as th-ee-nah, ok keep reading :)*

"It's ok Thena, this is Clarke of the sky people. You probably saw the big thing fall from the sky about two weeks ago? Well that is called a drop ship, from what I have heard is that this thing called the Ark in space has other people who used to live here on earth but when the bombs came they went into space, and now they sent down 100 teenagers to test if the earth is survivable?" Lexa looks at me as if to ask if this was right I nod my head and she carries on. "But I thought as this is there leader Clarke she should also be included in this meeting as her people will probably come up against the mountain some time as well and if this does happen it would only be right to teacher her and her people what will happen and what she should do, as right now they have no idea who the mountain men are or what they do." Lexa says and steps back again to let anyone else speaks.

"Commander you said stricken again? But what are we going to do about it?" One of the leader asks.

"Tomorrow we will fight again, war is just around the corner but we are ready for it this time. We will free our warriors and the mountain will pay, the ones who's lives got taken by the mountain will be avenged!" Lexa starts shouting.

Suddenly a chant starts to go around the room.

"Jus drein jus daun, Jus drein jus daun, Jus drein jus daun, Jus drein jus daun." Soon everyone around the room starts chanting it. Lexa walks over to me when she see's how confused I probably look.

"It means blood must have blood, in my language." Lexa explains. I nod and decide its time to leave I don't fit in with these people at all.

I decided to go for a walk for a bit, soon I come across a little lake surrounded by trees I lean against one of the trees and start to think about everything that has happened since we arrived here.

Suddenly I feel someone sit next to me I turn my head to see who it is, to my surprise I see Lexa sitting there looking worried.

"Why did you leave?" She asks in a worried voice.

"I don't fit in with your people at all, I just wanna go back to my home." I say.

"You will Clarke I said I will have one of my riders tale you back tomorrow because as you can see its to dark right now." Lexa says clearly she doesn't get what mean.

"No Lexa, I wanna go home to the Ark, but I no I never can now. That's the place i grew up since as long as i can remember i have been in the ark i was born there and did everything there then getting forced to leave was so hard when I had no warning at all. I guess i'm just a little home sick." I say with a sigh.

"But you do the look sick Clarke of the sky people. maybe you should get some rest if you are feeling sick?" Lexa says clearly she doesn't understand me then I remember there language is different from ours.

"It's not that type of sick Lexa." I say turning to face her.

"I don't understand." She says.

"Your adorable when you are confused you no that right?" I say and before I can even process what I just said or what I am about to do I lean into her and connect our lips neither of us pull away. I don't understand why I did this but I don't pull away in fact I think I might be enjoying this.

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