The truth about love...

SummerLove6 द्वारा

63.6K 1.6K 152

I've never been anyone's number one or the girl who gets all the guys. My mind had always been on that one gu... अधिक

How it began again...
My new enemy..
The old me?
Home sweet home? Yeah right..
My guard dog...
Beer fight?
Date night.
The hangover from hell.
More trouble..
Finally Eighteen!
My turn to be happy...
The city of love? Maybe not.
My brother? My problem.
The waiting game...
Hospital Blues...
Happy ending? (LAST CHAPTER)
New book 2023


2.4K 67 12
SummerLove6 द्वारा

"Jason, open up man." I heard Trip's voice and I woke from my short sleep. I opened my eyes enough to see that Jason was sill fast asleep underneath me.

"Jason, Trip is shouting for you." I said sleepily then watched as he never even flinched. I guess I'll be answering the door then.

I managed to get out of Jason's grasp, how did I manage to sleep literally on top of him?

I grabbed Jason's shorts and pulled them on. I looked around for a top but his room was pretty much spotless. I rushed to his drawers and pulled out a shirt and pulled it on.

I ran to the door and opened the door. "Finally, fuck you take forev-" he stopped when he noticed it was me. "Woah, did you two just fuck?" He asked, shocked.

"No?" I lied. Oh my. Help.

"You did, holy shit. Kaley is gonna kick your ass." He chuckled.

"I didn't fuck him, Trip and he's not with Kaley anymore." I attempted to adjust my hair.

"No way, are you serious?" He bent over laughing.

"Trip, can I help you with something?" I said annoyed. He just woke me up to annoy the hell out of me.

"I need to see Jase." He pushed past me and in to my room. "Wake up asshole. Alan needs us." Trip lifted my pillow and flung it at Jason.

I crossed my arms over my chest and looked around awkwardly. "What is it?" He murmured sleepily.

"Alan's got a bunch of staff that's phoned in sick. He needs us to work the bar tonight." I assumed Alan was the one who owned the strip club.

"I can't man, I'm knackered." Jason lifted the blanket up over his sleepily head.

"Come on, we said we would help out." Trip was now getting annoyed.

I watched the two friends slowly become more annoyed with each other.  "Right, give me twenty minutes." Jase sighed and sat up slowly.

Trip looked at me before walking out the room. "Do you need me to do anything?" I asked nicely.

"Do you fancy staying the night?" Jason stood from the bed completely naked.

"Ummm, I- I probably shouldn't. I don't want everyone knowing about us just yet." I tried to concentrate on his face.

"They don't have to, we're best friends as well remember?" He said sneakily. He was right, it wouldn't look as suspicious because we are already best friends.

"Yeah, okay then. Give me a call when you're home?" I suggested.

"Best not, it could be really late. I'll leave you my keys and you can just come over when you want." He strolled to the bathroom.

I didn't realise I was biting my lip until it started to hurt. I released it from teeth and began getting undressed out of Jason's shorts.

I caught my reflection in the mirror and my mouth fell open. My hair was full of tugs and I realised how it looked, if Lee saw me like this he wouldn't let me hear the end of it.

I walked in to Jason's bathroom confidently and opened the shower door and stepped in. "Mind if I join you?" I grinned.

He turned his head and smirked, "how could I refuse that?" He pulled me to him and his lips were on mine.

It was around half an hour before we stepped out the shower whilst giggling. Shower sex? Tick.

I wrapped myself in a towel and strolled in to Jason's room. "Trip is gonna go mad." Jason said whilst towel drying his hair.

I started getting dressed in to the jumpsuit from yesterday whilst Jason rushed to get smart clothes on. I was pulling the zip up when Trip banged on Jason's bedroom door.

"Dude, come on." I heard him say and I held in my laugh.

"Do you have a hair dryer?" I asked Jason and he scoffed as I put my sandals on.

"Yeah actually, I have three." He said sarcastically. I chuckled and walked to the window.

I saw Lee was up the path with a different girl from the other day and in to our house. What a boy.

"Here's my keys, I better run." Jason walked up behind me and passed me his keys. He turned me around and he leaned in and kissed my lips. I wanted him again. Was this what it was always going to be like?

"That's it, I'm coming in." Trip burst through the door and I jumped away from Jason.

"I'll see you both later. Enjoy work boys." I smiled and rushed past Trip and down the stairs.

I held the keys in my hand as I walked out the door and along the street. I must look terrible. I ran in to my house and straight up the stairs.

I looked in Mason's room and smiled as him as his friend played a game on the Xbox. I walked back out and in to my room.

I blow dryed my hair and decided to pack a bag for tonight. I found a pair of shorts at the bottom of my wardrobe and a tank top for bed time and I packed sweats and a hoodie for walking back across the street tomorrow.

I changed in to black tights and a royal blue tight dress and I had blue velvet heels to go along with it.

I spent a while doing my make up; foundation, bronzer, smokey eye shadow, eye liner and mascara and I left out red matte lip stick to apply before leaving.

I knew it would still be a while before he got home but I thought I would go by before he got home to make him some food for coming in.

I laid down on my bed and switched the TV on, I realised that I hadn't really stopped smiling since I got out that shower earlier.

Lee strolled in to my room soon after, holding his wrist. "Fancy going out for dinner?" He suggested and then looked at my outfit confused, "unless you have plans?" He raised his brow.

"Not till later, you got cash?" I moved to sit up.

He nodded, "yeah mum and dad left me a wad of cash. I'll go ask Mason if he wants to come." He turned and walked out my room.

I stood and walked to my bathroom and put on my lipstick then my heels. I grabbed my phone from my bedside table and then walked to the hallway as Lee was walking out of Mason's room.

"He doesn't want to come. Let me just go put on a shirt, I'll get you down stairs." He walked to his room and I made my way down the stairs.

After dinner we walked down the street whilst having a laugh, "you're acting so different. Are you sure everything is okay?" He asked.

I saw ahead was the strip club. "Yes, everything's good." I smiled. I spotted Trip outside smoking a cigarette.

As we walked closer Lee looked at me, "you know him right? Get him to get us in." Lee nudged.

"We're seventeen? We won't get in?" I said confused.

"Come on, just work your charm." Lee pulled my arm towards Trip and stopped right in front of him.

"Trip, hi." I said awkwardly.

"Maisie, come on in and have a drink." Trip kicked his cigarette away and lead us in.

"Well that was easy." Lee said, slightly amused. The music was loud when we walked in and I automatically looked behind the bar to which I saw Jason talking to a girl who was at the other side.

Don't be mad. "There's two seats at the bar, come on." Trip said over the music and we walked to two bar stools and sat down. "What can I get you to drink?"

"I'll have a beer." Lee said quickly.

"Um, I'll have anything." I smiled. He nodded and walked behind the bar and I watched as he prepared our drinks.

I glanced at Jason again, he hadn't noticed me yet and he was still talking to the girl. I looked over at the 'dancers' on the pole and I quickly felt bad for them. Everyone is staring at them, watching them wearing next to nothing.

When I turned back round, Trip was whispering to Jason and he nodded then started making up a drink.

"You look angry." Lee commented.

"Do I?" I forced a smile.

After a minute or two, Jason lifted a glass to pass to Trip but he pointed in our direction. Jason looked over and his eyes lip up when he saw me.

He walked over and put the drink down in front of me. "Hey, I didn't realise you were coming tonight." He leaned over and kissed my cheek.

"Me either." I muttered stiffly and took a sip of the drink in front of me, it was a cocktail of some kind. It was nice but very strong.

"Are you okay?" Jason asked concerned.

"Yup. I'm just going to the bathroom." I spotted a sign for the toilets and I slid off my seat and walked towards the restroom.

I stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom and tried my best to fix my windswept hair. I should of probably straightened it before I came out because it was just frizzy.

I had to look twice when the girl Jason was talking to stumbled in the bathroom door with another girl. "I really gotta pee." The friend said and rushed in to one of tbe cubicles.

I continued to try and fix my hair. "Don't you think that bartender is cute? The one with the dark hair?" Jason's new 'friend' gushed to her friend.

"I like his friend, I kinda want his number." Her friend giggled. Trip.

"I'm gonna make it my mission to get dark haired one. Why don't they have name tags? It's so confusing." She laughed to herself.

Well considering there was only two bar men, one that your friend was clearly interesting being Trip and the other one clearly being Jason. It isn't that confusing, stupid head.

I walked out the bathroom before I spoke and just made my way back to my seat. Jason was talking to Lee when I sat back down.

"Blondie wants your number." I muttered, trying my best to hide my annoyance.

"Who?" Jason asked confused.

"The blonde girl that was at the bar?" I took another sip of my drink.

He looked around the room, "I don't have a clue who you're talking about." He laughed. I could see in his face he didn't know what I was talking about. I must of looked like such an idiot.

"Could it be the girl you were just talking to?" Lee laughed, looking at the girls on the pole.

Jason shrugged his shoulders. "I can't even remember if she was blonde." He admitted and then Trip called him over to take an order.

I felt like I was watching the girl with the blonde hair bat her eyes in Jason's direction for ages before Lee forced me to snap out of my trance. "Alright spill, what's going on with you and lover boy?" He finished his third beer.

"Nothing." I lied. "We're friends, just let us be friends and stop making up shit." I said angrily.

"Why are you getting all defensive?" He asked.

"Why are you asking me about me and Jason? Nothing has changed." I took a gulp of my drink until it was finished.

This is how relationships get ruined, other people jump in and get involved. Whether it will be my annoying twin brother or the blonde in the corner who looks like she's trying to work up the courage to go talk to Jason again by practically inhaling every drink Trip takes to the table.

"Right whatever. You can sit by yourself, you're doing my head in." Lee scored off his stool and went to talk to one of the girls in the corner of the room.

Why was there so many girls at a strip club?

"Do you want another drink, babe?" I heard from beside me and I turned to see a man around the age of twenty five standing beside me.

"No thanks." I looked straight ahead, trying to give the impression that I wasn't interested in talking to him.

"Oh come on, one drink won't hurt. Are you from around here?" He asked.

I nodded, Lord help me. Why did I always get these losers coming up and trying to make a move when it comes to this club?

"Hey bartender." The man called Jason over and he finished serving someone and walked over. "I'll have a straight double vodka and whatever my friend here is wanting." The man pointed to me and I looked at Jason.

"Can I ask why you're buying my girlfriend a drink?" Jason put both hands on the bar.

Girlfriend. Jason said girlfriend.

The guy looked from me to Jason, "her glass is empty, I'm just offering to fill it up. Nothing wrong with that, is there, darlin?" The man smiled in my direction.

"I don't want a drink, sir. Jason just get him his vodka." I turned my head the opposite direction of the man, feeling extremely awkward.

"Sir? I like it. How very submissive of you?" The guy now put his hand on my back and leaned in so his mouth was inches away from my ear.

"Dude, you have five seconds to get away from her. I just told you she's my girlfriend now walk along and go chat up someone else." Jason warned.

The guy seemed to take the hint, well  sort of, "if you change your mind, I'll be around." He grinned before walking away.

Jason looked at the guy angrily as he walked away. He leaned over the bar a little and pecked my lips. "Mine." He murmured before wandering away to serve someone.

I couldn't help but smile again, wow if that's all Jason needs to do for me to forgive him then I must be pretty damn weak.

"Is he your boyfriend?" I heard another voice, this time it belonged to a female. Why did everyone want to suddenly talk to me? I turned my head to see it was now the blonde girl.

I ran my hands through my hair. Save me from this woman. "Yes, yes he is." I grinned from ear to ear.

He rolled her eyes before stumbling away. Well someone wasn't happy.

Ten minutes later, Lee walked to me with a girl attached to his arm. Great. "Ready to go?" He asked.

I nodded and got up off the stool. I saw Jason was swamped with customers so I just smiled in his direction before following Lee and his lady friend out the door.

Luckily there was a cab just outside that we all got in to. I fidgeted awkwardly whilst Lee and the girl whispered to each other. Talk about third wheel.

Two girls in one day? This guy has got a problem. I wondered what girls seen in my brother, he wasn't ugly but girls communicate, why have none of these caught on about his plan? He lured girls in for sex and then kicks them out as soon as he gets what he wants. It baffles me that he can get away with it.

When we arrived back to the house, I walked straight to my room and grabbed Jason's keys and grabbed my bag and then walked to Mason's room. He was watching TV whilst eating a take out pizza that Lee must have gave him the money for.

"I'm just going out for the night. Lee has got a girl in so avoid that room and I would turn the volume up on the TV if I was you to block out the sounds of yet about net one of Lee's conquests." I joked.

"Thanks for the advice." He laughed and turned the volume up a little. "Where you going?" He asked.

Do I lie or do I just come right out and tell him I'm going to Jason's? "I'm just going over to Jason's and we're gonna have a comedy marathon. I'll be back tomorrow in time for lunch." I smiled.

He nodded with a smile and I waved bye before walking out of his room, I made my way down stairs and out the door yet again.

I unlocked the door to Jason's and dropped my bag by the sofa. I decided I would go to the kitchen first and I made Jason a pasta bake thing that he could heat up when he arrived home.

It was around half eleven when I finished making his food and I didn't think we would be too long. Surely Trip could handle it after twelve.

I sat in front of the TV and put my feet up on the sofa. I switched the channel to an Adam Sandler film and laid my head against the arm of the chair.

I glanced at the time to see it was almost 2AM and the boys still hasn't come home. I couldn't help but let out a yawn. I wonder how much longer they will be. Maybe I should just close my eyes whilst I wait? I won't sleep, just close my eyes for a little bit.

I felt myself be lifted and I started to come out of my sleep. "What time is it?" I murmured sleepily as my head was against Jason's chest and I inhaled his cologne.

"It's five babe, you fell asleep on the sofa." Jason spoke back and I felt myself slowly start to fall back asleep but I pushed myself to stay awake just a few seconds longer as we reached the top of the stairs.

"Is that you just home?" I asked him.

"Yeah, where's your bed clothes?" He asked.

"Down by the sofa, I left them there in a bag. It's okay, I'll just sleep in this." I felt him gently place me down on the bed.

"Just take this off, I don't sleep in any clothes anyway." He unzipped the back of my dress and I let him undress me completely.

"I tried waiting up for you." I continued to mumble stuff.

"It's alright, just go to sleep now." Jason said as he climbed in beside me and kissed the back of my head. "Goodnight babe." He whispered.

"Goodnight." I said, pretty much already sleeping again.

It was just after twelve in the afternoon when I woke up beside Jason. He was already awake and on his phone.

"Hey." I said sleepily as I rubbed my eyes.

He looked at me with a smile, "hey babe. Did you sleep okay?" He asked and the l nodded. He locked his phone and reached over and put it in the bedside table. "What was that about last night? You seemed really pissed at me that some girl wanted my number?" He propped himself up on his elbow as he turned to face me.

Whoops. "I'm sorry, I know it wasn't your fault. She just made me mad, she walked in to the bathroom talking about you." I said, embarrassed.

"You should have just said, 'hey blondie, back off. That's my boyfriend.'" Jason joked in a deep angry voice.

I couldn't help but chuckle, "is that what we are now? Boyfriend and girlfriend?" I looked at him seriously.

He nodded, "yup, I'm not letting another day go by where I can't call you my girlfriend. I can't believe it took me so long since we got back." He moved a loose hair away from my face.

"We need to hold off before telling everyone but. I don't know how Mason would take it considering what happened while we were on holiday and I'm not really sure I'm ready for your mum and mine to plan our wedding." I rolled my eyes, I knew it would be their next mission. After all they have been trying to get us together for years.

"If you wish, it's your birthday next week. Are you and Lee doing anything special?" Jason asked.

My birthday was never a big deal, yeah maybe this year it's different. I'm eighteen but it was still just another day, I guess the only thing I could possibly like about my birthday was the attention being on me and then even then I need to share it with Lee. Ugh brothers.

"Probably just all out to dinner." I replied and then glanced at the time. I promised Mason I would be home for lunch so I sat up. "Any plans for today?" I asked.

"I'm gonna drive up and see Danielle and Jack. You're welcome to join me if you like." He smiled.

"I should probably go over and make sure my two animals back home have been fed and watered. Mason gets quite snappy when he's hungry." I joked.

"We'll meet back up in two hours then. I'll pick you up? I have to go to the gym anyway." He suggested and I grinned, he was taking me to see Danielle. Danielle meant the world to him.

"Yeah, sounds good." I leaned over and pecked his lips. "I'll just get dressed then I'll go home." I got out of bed, completely naked and walked to the bathroom.

"Well I could get used to that view every morning." He commented and I smiled proudly to myself.

When I arrived back home, the girl from last night was just leaving and Lee was in the kitchen, gulping down some apple juice from the carton.

"You let someone stay the night?" I asked in shock. It wasn't like him to let a girl stay.

"She said she'd make my breakfast. The lazy bitch just rolled out my bed ten minutes ago." He rolled his eyes and pulled out some bacon from the fridge and set up the frying pan. "Is that you just up as well? How did you and Jason enjoy your 'comedy night'?'" He teased.

"He didn't get in from work till like five so I was fast asleep when he came in." I answered him and walked to the fridge and grabbed the apple juice and poured a glass.

"I think today we should sit in front of the TV and eat junk until we can't move. It's definitely a relaxing kind of Sunday." Lee began cooking the bacon.

"Umm I'm going up to see Jason's sister for a little. Mason will be here but so you can annoy him all day." I said, I felt bad that I was bailing on him.

"Danielle? Really? She was hot, where did she even go?" Lee asked.

I shrugged my shoulders, I knew but I wasn't supposed to. Jason told me in secret and no one else apart from him and his parents knew from around here, it was just kind of a mystery.

Danielle had got pregnant at eighteen to a boy she wasn't in a relationship with, as soon as her parents found out she was given some money and told to make it on her own. I didn't agree with Mr and Mrs Mitchell but it wasn't my place to say anything.

I called Mason down stairs and we all had some bacon rolls that Lee made. We joked about Lee's 'chef' one night stand and how she bailed on breakfast.

After breakfast I made my way to my room and took a long relaxing bath, I thought about Jason and how he made me feel special like no one has ever me feel before.

After doing my hair and putting on some make up, I brushed my teeth and walked to my closest in search of something to wear.

I picked out denim skinny jeans and a grey sweater and put them on. I sprayed some perfume on and double checked my hair still looked all in place in a bun. I put on some black vans before leaving my room.

I walked back down stairs and Lee and Mason were sitting in front of the TV. I walked to the armchair and sat down. "You look nice, where are you going?" Mason asked.

"She's going to see Jason's sister. You remember her, right?" Lee grinned.

"Yeah I think so. Are you and Jason together then?" Mason rolled his eyes.

"No, gosh this family is annoying." I sighed.

I heard the sound of a horn beep and I stood from the chair and glanced out the window to see Jason's car. "See you later, losers." I waved and made my way out the house.


Let me know what you guys think in the comments section please!! 

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