Dragons & Mermaids

By DragonRider4

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The Apocalypse has happened. The world is now a mix between Medieval and modern times. Only a few million hum... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII

Chapter XIV

445 22 10
By DragonRider4

“Well, it's been nice knowing you guys. We're screwed.” Lamar said.

“Probably be jailed forever.” Adam grumbled.

“Yeah, we are defiantly getting jailed.” Fred said.

            The guards came closer and Ashley shouted “Stop! Don't arrest them. They saved me!”

The guards stopped and bowed to her.

“Matthias!” I heard my mother yell. She came in front of the guards with the rest of our parents. They were under the cover of umbrellas from the rain as they came to us.

“Like I said, we're screwed.” Lamar repeated.

“Maybe not getting jailed forever, but we are getting grounded forever.” Adam said.

            We all started to get worried as our parents came over. My mother then hugged me.

“Well, done my son.” She told me.

“You're not mad?” Adam asked, confused.

“Not at all.” His mother explained. “Matthias' mother told us she married a Rider and she suspected her son was a Rider, even before Vanilor showed.”

“I thought that was an egg fragment in your room.” Mom said.

“Missed one, didn't I?” I asked.

“You did.”

“And why didn’t you tell me you married a Dragon Rider?”

“He didn’t want to you to join that life, but I see that it didn’t help.”

“No it didn’t. It looks like you’re going to rebuild your father’s Order now.”

“Yes, I plan to rebuild the Riders. If that's alright with you, Ashley.”

“That's fine. Just don't betray us like last time.”

“Betray you? The Royal Family was the one who declared war on the Riders, ya fish.” I argued.

“Hey, I was just kidding and I think I should tell the whole kingdom that I am Oceana, not you.” she said.

“Oh sure announce to the kingdom that you can grow a tail, that’ll bring the crazies here.” Kayla cynically said.

“Yeah, I can see the headlines right about now.” Tyler said.

“Wait, wait. You kids made up the whole Oceana thing? And it was really Ashley in the form of a mermaid?” Tyler's mother asked.

We all looked at each other and answered in unison.


“So we need to train to become Riders?” Fred asked.

“Yeah, but it's well worth it. You saw what I did to Ashley's uncle, didn’t you?”

“No we didn't, but we did see you set your sword on fire. Was that really necessary?” Sarah asked.

“Necessary? No, it was fun.” I said.

“You went all out.” Adam said.

“I really did.” I agreed.

“Can you teach us that in the training, man?” Tyler asked.

“Yeah. The training itself shouldn't take long. A few months or so. But first I think your dragons need to learn how to fly.” I said.

“Think again.” Vanilor exclaimed.

There were four small dragons in the sky. They dove down and landed by Vanilor like kittens going to their mother.

“What do we have?” Lamar asked, picking his dragon up.

“There are three males and one female.”

“Which is the female?” Fred asked.

“Yours is the female. The blue one.”

“Figures. Fred is always a feminine color at the arcade.” Adam joked.

            We looked at him what he said was true. There were scattered giggles this time.

“We're gonna need names for them.” I stated.

“We'll worry about that later. Right now, we need to rebuild the kingdom from the damages that were done. That is our main concern.” Vanilor said.

“What about the kingdom?” Ashley asked. “There is no other person to rule it now that my parents were dead.”

“Did you forget that you are the sole heir to the throne?” Liana asked.

“No, but I don't know how to rule a kingdom. I'm not going to be as good as my parents.”

“Just do what they did. I'll help you if you need it.” I said.

“You can do that?” she asked.

“I am a Dragon Rider. I have as much power as any king or queen.”

“Oh, that is sweet!” Fred said.

“We are kings!” Adam agreed.

“No I didn't say we are kings just because we ride dragons. The Riders are the keepers of peace, not tyrants.”

“So we can do anything we want just because we fly useless fire-breathing reptiles.” Lamar said.

“Be careful who you call a useless reptile, hatchling, or you may see yourself on fire.” Vanilor warned him.

“Hey, I was just kidding. I am still trying to get over the shock that we have as power as royalty.”

“That don't make sense. ‘We have as a royalty.'? I think you mean 'we have as much power as someone of royalty.'” Kiera said.

“Thank you, English teacher.” Lamar said, sarcastically.

“Hey! Get off.” Vanilor said.

            We turned to him and Tess had a hold of his still armored tail. He was swinging his tail around and tried to shake her off.

“Tess, get off of my dragon.” I said.

“Why? He ain't your dragon no more. He my dragon now!” she asked in her high and annoying voice.

“Because I am his Rider, you are not.”

“Well, I want to be a Rider.”

“You can only be one if an egg hatches for you. Did he hatch for you?” I asked her.


“Then get off him!” I shouted.

            Vanilor took care of it by swinging upward and launching her into the swimming hole. The others laughed at Vanilor's action and he did a small bow by placing his right claw in front of him and lowered his head.

“Well, I think we'll leave you to talk about the future of the village.” my mother said.

She summoned the guards to come with her and left us alone. Tess came out of the water, soaking wet, and followed her with the rest of our parents, into the vehicles and left. Ashley was down by the water hole by the lone tree.

“You alright?” I asked.

“Just a bad headache.” she answered.

“My parents are dead and my uncle betrayed them.”

“It wasn't your fault.”

“You're right. It's not my fault. It's yours. You were supposed to protect them!” she screamed. Her response caught me off guard. Did she really just blame me for the death of her parents? I did everything I could to protect her and she lashed out at me for not trying to protect her parents?

“I can't protect everyone!” I shouted back.

“Then you should have let me died! Protect them instead of me!”

“If I did that, then who would rule when they died?” my question seemed to stop her rage.

She then thought for a moment and said “I'm sorry. I was angry. I didn't think about it.”

“No, you didn't. Now, why don't you tell me the real reason why you're angry.”

She took a deep breath and said. “I always dreamed about becoming a mermaid and I had my chance, but with the necklace gone, I can't go back to being Oceana again.”

“Well don't take your anger out on me, girl.” I said.

            She leaned against the tree and laid her head back.  Her legs then started to shift and change. Then before we knew it she was Oceana once more.

“Ashley,” Kiera began.

“What?” she asked.

            She then looked at her tail and asked us.

“How did this happen?”

“I don't know. What did you do?” Liana asked.

“Nothing, I just thought of being a mermaid again and this happened.”

“You must be able to do it telepathically.” Fred pointed out.

            Ashley looked as if she was trying to shit again. Then Sarah let out a yelp and fell. She was now a mermaid like Ashley.

“Let me guess. You thought of Sarah as a mermaid and then that happened.” Tyler said.

“Yeah. Cool, I can turn other people into fish.” Ashley said.

            She turned to me and gave a mischievous smile. I could practically see the gears in her head turn.

“Don't even think about it.” I ordered her.

“Oh, you're no fun.” she complained.

“I'm a flier, not a swimmer.” I stated.

“Can I have my legs back?” Sarah asked.

“Yeah sure. Hang on for a second.” Ashley said.

She focused her mind and shifted Sarah's tail into a pair of legs.

“Thanks.” Sarah said, gratefully as she stood up.

“Don't mention it.” Ashley said as she shifted her form again.

“So our hatchlings, what are we going to call them?” Fred asked.

“That's up to you. You decide on what to name them. You have the female so I suggest a female dragon name.” I advised him.

“Cool. We have to name them ourselves.”

“Oh, I have a name for mine.” Adam said.

“Let's hear it.” Liana said.


“Golda? What about Glendor, the one with the golden scales?” Kayla suggested.

“He came from the Wind.” Vanilor said. “He should be called Ventus.”

“What name them in Latin?” Kayla asked.


“Dang, I should have named you Terros.” I said.

“Vanilor is a name of power. It is suited for the future dragon leader. It means 'leader' in the Magical Language. Vanilor and Matthias. Leader and Spirit. That is what Matthias means.”

“Spirit Leader. That's our new name, isn't it?” I asked him.

“Yes, but you are a Warlock Killer now. That took spirit.”

            Then we heard a cracking above us.

“Tess, get out of the tree.” I said not bothering to look up. She came down and Ashley said.

“Hey Warlock Killer, how about a ride?”

“Oh, I think I'd be happy to give you a ride on my dragon.” I said.

“I have two places in mind that I think we should visit.” I jumped on the saddle and Ashley came on and wrapped her arms around my waist.

“Wait how are we supposed to get back to the kingdom?” Kiera asked.

I gave a laugh and said. “You can walk.” as Vanilor launched himself in the air. Even though the rain made it hard to see, Vanilor made his way to the cemetery. I wished I had a helmet because the rain stung my skin like little thorns. I was just glad Ashley was behind me so she wouldn’t take the stinging rain to her face.

            As he beat his wings I said to Ashley.

“You know this was supposed to be your birthday present.”

“Well, it does beat that lame hair clip you gave me.” she said.

“Hey, I made that for you.”

“I'm just kidding. I like it anyway. I'm just saying that this is better.”

“Well, being a Dragon Rider is pretty cool.” I agreed.

“Vanilor, land here.” I ordered him.

            He slowed his flight and descended into the cemetery.

“Why here?” Ashley asked.

“I have to visit someone.” I told her.

            I jumped off Vanilor and went through the rain to my father’s grave. Ashley followed and stared at the gravestone. There was a long silence before any of us said anything. I was the first to break it.

“He was a Rider and I didn't even know it.” I said, making a ring of flowers with magic.

“He would be proud of you no matter what.” she said as she came to me.

“Would he? The last thing I said to him was in anger.”

“You just saved the kingdom from a Warlock. I think that is something for any parent to be proud of.”

“Would he? I mean, I killed your uncle. What if I become like him and Javion?”

“Matthias I promise you that you will not become like that.”

“Be sure of that. Now we have another stop to go to and I do want to get out of the rain.”

“Me too. So, what's the second stop?”

“That's your choice.”

“I get to choose?”


“The throne room in the castle.” she said without hesitation.

“Let's go then.”

            We climbed back on Vanilor's saddle and he took off. We headed for the half ruined castle and went to the throne room. I had never been in the throne room except for when I was a baby and when she was a newborn. The room itself had a long red rug from the door frame to the steps where two wooden chairs were placed. The Throne room was a place of negotiations between Royalty. Hardly anyone was allowed inside. I felt like I was trespassing or breaking into the most secretive place in the castle. The crowns were inside glass stands near the two thrones. I removed the glass to the Queen's crown and set it down on the floor, looking at Ashley's heirloom.

“Take it.” I said to Ashley.


“It is your responsibility to continue your parents rule.”

“I am the heir,” She said. “but the kingdom needs a king to rule with its Queen.”

She gestured at the King's crown.

“Take it.”

“Why?” I asked.

“I want you to have it.”

“Why me? I’m sure there are better people more suit for the job.”

“No, there is no one else I want besides you.”

“But I’m not worthy.”

“You said it yourself. You have as much power as a king or queen.”

“No one said anything about ruling a kingdom.”

“That’s what my father said on my birthday.”


“Yes, he said that I looked happy with you while we were dancing.”

“He said that?”

“Yes, and after your display with the sword fight against the knight, you would be great suitor.”

            This took me by surprise. All I wanted was to tell her how much I loved her and that I would love to rule the kingdom by her side, but my duties as a Rider were needed now. Not just to this kingdom, but to others that were in danger. Plus my immortality produced a problem. This is what I was afraid would happen.

“I can't.” I said.

“You can't what?” she asked.

“I can't rule with you. My duties are needed elsewhere.”

“But you're my choice. I have chosen you to rule with me.”

“And I want to. I really do. But I'm immortal, you're not. I will not watch while you grow old and grey while I stay as I am now. I love you, but I will not watch you die while I live.”

I could see her eyes start to water and tears rolled down her cheeks.

“So what will you do? Wander the land unloved, but wanted?”

“Wanted, but as long as you live, I will always love you, Ashley, daughter of Cindy, Queen of Water.”

“May you fly strong and swift, Matthias, Rider of Dragons.”

“Matthias.” Vanilor spoke up. “Look at her. You're not gonna find another girl like her. Not in a millennium. Take her offer and rule with her.”

“Vanilor, please don't make this more painful than it already is.” I begged him. “What can I do?” “We'll find a way to make her immortal.” He replied.

“Is it possible?”

“Only through a blessing. Speak the words you know them.”

“I don't know the word for immortality.” I complained.

“Then let our knowledge merge together to let her have immortality.” he said.

            I felt his mind take and control mine.  As he spoke to me, I said the words out loud. When he let go of my mind, I let my eyes refocus. When they did, I saw Ashley. She looked more beautiful than she was before Vanilor took control of my mind. Her face was more smooth and angled. Her cuts from the shackles that were locked on her were gone. There was no evidence of any cuts or scars on her body.

“Vanilor, what you do to her?” I asked, with a little anger in my voice.

“I think you mean what you did to her. She is reborn.” he said.

“Reborn?” I asked.

“She has become reborn with immortality.”

“I'm immortal now?” Ashley asked.

“Yes. You are immortal now.”

“Oh, this is so cool. So I'm gonna rule forever.”

“Matthias will be your king and to him, you will be his queen. But beware you are not invincible. You can still be killed or assassinated.” He warned her.

“We can rule together forever.” Ashley said to me.

“Yeah, but the Riders and the others training. I got to do that first.” I said.

“Go. Rebuild the Riders. End the injustice of the land and other kingdoms.”

“I will and Vanilor, do not take over my mind again or you're gonna lose a leg.” I warned.

“I promise I will not do it any more unless you tell me to do it.”

“I can't imagine a time when I want my dragon to take over my mind.”

“It is a useful tactic in battle. A dragon can see an opponent's move before it is made. That is how I hunt. It is not something that I can do when I chose to do it. I can only do it when my Rider wants something that cannot happen. Think of it as a miracle. Every dragon is born with one miracle for his Rider.”

“O, great and mighty dragon. I thank you for your gift of immortality.” Ashley said, doing a perfect curtsey.

            She then tore a piece of fabric from her family crest and tied it around my arm. The right one. Just above the elbow.

“What this?” I asked.

“A mermaid's colors for her champion Dragon Rider.” she said.

            I then realized that she had just given me my warrior colors.

“Dragons and mermaids. That’s an odd combo for this kingdom, but I guess it's perfect for its Queen.”

There was then a loud cheering roar outside. It started out small but then grew into a chorus. I noticed that the rain had stopped as well.

“Our public awaits.” I told her.

“No.” she shook her head. “As I said, that is your public. You are the one who saved me, the kingdom, and the world from a terrible fate. Who knows how many innocent lives might have been taken by my uncle.”

“Best not keep them waiting then, huh?” I asked.

Something I hadn’t expected then happened: Ashley kissed me. I had been waiting for that kiss for a long time and I was glad to return her kiss. We broke the kiss when we both needed air. We then got back on the saddle and Vanilor took off from the throne room. The crowd below us was starting to cheer as we soared above them into the rising sun. This marked a new beginning for the kingdom. Then we soared off into this new beginning for the kingdom on my dragon.

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