Mr. CEO and the BET

By loverofvamps18

1.6K 13 0

My name is Axel Thorn. i'm the big CEO of a billion dollar company. I'm arrogant, a major player, and I can g... More

Chapter 2 (Edited)
Chapter 3 (edited)
Chapter 4 (edited)
chapter 5 (Edited)
chapter 6 (edited)
Chapter 7 (edited)
Chapter 8 (edited)
Chapter 9 (edited)
Chapter 10 (edited)
Chapter 11(edited)

Chapter 1 (Edited)

174 2 0
By loverofvamps18

I was sitting at my desk when my dad just walks in without knocking. 

"Son your mother and I have found you a secretary and no you need one and you will have one. And you can't fire her only I can. I pay her salary not you. Now be nice and meet the lovely young lady your going to working with." He says

"Dad with the fuck no!" I shouted

"Young man watch your mouth" My mother says

"Sorry mom." I tell her

"Now Alexis come in here" Dad says

Soon the door opens again and a tall brunette wearing a grey pencil skirt, white sleeveless blouse walks in.

"Hello Mr. Thorn, I'm Alexis Petrova." She says sticking her hand out for me to shake

I reached out slowly and shook her hand. 

"Pleasure I'm sure" I hiss

"Axel enough" My dad roars

Alexis flinches and steps back.

"Sorry there sweetie. But he needs to know his manners that I know he knows." My mom says patting her shoulder

"I'm sorry Alexis" I say to her

She nods and offers a sad smile. Damn I want her already but I don't want a secretary. 

"Now Alexis you will join us for dinner tonight cause I want to know my son is treating you right." Dad says

"Sure sir. Now I have work to do and i'm sure your amazing wife here would like some time with her husband so shoo" Alexis says

My eyes bug out with how she just spoke to my dad and I smirk thinking he will fire her. 

"Now you my little spitfire I like very much. So how about it my amazing wife, Lunch?" He asks my mom

"Sure honey. And thank you Alexis. And don't let Axel bully you. Put him in his place if you need to." My mom tells her

"Oh I certainly will Mrs. Thorn. I'm here to work and work only. No time for play time." Alexis says seriously

My mom and dad walk out closing the door and Alexis faces me. I open my mouth to speak and she holds up her hand.

"Look I know about you and your type. Don't hit on me or try to get me in your bed cause it won't happen. Just tell me what you want done and i'll get it done. And I never work late. Those were my rules to taking this job. Now what can I do for you Mr. Thorn?" She asks

"Just file those folders and make a lunch reservation for two at the Italian restaurant down the street. You will be joining me for lunch this one time so I can at least know a few things about you if we are going to be working together." I tell her

"Very well. Oh and you have a meeting in five" She says walking out swaying her hips

Alexis' (pov)

I swayed my hips a little more than usual and walked out of his office closing the door. I put the files away and made the reservations and got things ready for his meeting. I got up to take some papers to him and I knocked.

"Come in" He says

I walk in and place the papers on his desk while he was on his conference call. He nodded and said goodbye to the mall on the screen.

"Ready for lunch?" I asked

"Sure." He says

"Good i'm starving" I say

He nods and stands buttoning his jacket and we walk out locking his office. I grab my jacket and purse and we head towards the elevator. We walked out the front door and he pulled out his keys. 

"Don't we can walk. It's only two blocks down the road." I tell him

He huffs but nods. We walk down to the restaurant and he opened the door for me. I nod and he nods back. 

"Reservations please?" The hostess asks

"Thorn" I say

"Right this way please" She says

She seats us and we pick up the menus and start looking at it. 

"Hi I'm James i'll be your waiter what can I get you to drink?" He asks

"Yes I'll have a glass of white wine." I tell him

"And you sir?" He asks

"The same" Axel says

"Very well. I'll fetch those for you" He says walking away

"So are you single?" Axel asks

I sigh but nod. 

"Just wondering didn't want to piss anyone off. Well i love pissing people off but I just didn't want to be shocked." He says

"So no girlfriend?" I ask

"Nope. I don't do relationships" He says

"Well ok then. Just warn me if your going to have a bitch in your office fucking so I can leave til you get done with you business" I tell him

He chuckles and smirks. I smirk back and James comes back with our drinks. 

"Would you like to order now?" James asks

"Yes I'll have the chicken Alfredo please" I tell him

He nods and looks to Axel.

"The same" He says

"I'll get them out right away." He says and walks away

We make small talk about my schooling and other things when I food finally comes. I pick up my fork and take a bite and moan at the taste.

"That is amazing" I say eating more

"Damn you eat a lot." Axel says

I frown and lay my fork down pulling out some money and laying it on the table and I get up and walk out leaving Axel calling my name. I make it back to the office and walk into my office and I sit down placing my hands in my head and sighing. 

"What the fuck was that?" Axel shouts

"Do not raise your voice to me. And nothing I wasn't hungry" I said not facing him

"I will speak to how I please. You work for me" He yells

"I may work for you but your daddy pays me to deal you. Your an arrogant, playboy, who thinks he can get everything he wants. You do not own me, your not my boyfriend, lover, father or brother. So do not speak to me like that." I yell yanking up my purse and stomping off to the elevator

The elevator opens and out walks Mrs. Thorn and she gasps when she sees me. She pulls me into a hug and pulls me to Axel's office.

"Axel Gage Thorn!" She shouts throwing open the door and storming in dragging me with her and slamming the door

He sighs and looks at her.

"From now own Alexis here will be living with you. You two will get along. Alexis you are to stop any slut from coming into that house. You two will work this out and start being better for each other. I'm not saying you have to date, or have sex. But you two will spend every waking and sleeping hour together. Starting now. Axel take the beautiful girl out shopping buy her what she wants or needs and then take her home and get her settled in. I will see you two tonight for dinner at our home. Now Alexis clean up that pretty face and whip those pretty green eyes and smile for me." She tells us

"Mom.." Axel starts

"Open that mouth and i'll close it for you hot shot." Mrs. Thorn says

"Yes ma'am." He says

"Thank you" I tell her

"We will talk later cause I know your hiding something and you need a motherly figure" She says

I gasp and look at her with wide eyes and my eyes water again and I back away and run from the office. I run straight to the stairs and run all the way down and out of the building. 

"Alexis stop" Axel shouts

I try to run faster but a hand wraps around my wrist and stops me. I sob harder and he pulls me into his chest and lets me cry. He scoops me up and carries me to a car and sets me in the back seat and gets in with me. 

"To the mall George" He says

The car starts moving an Axel looks at me and wipes my face. I don't look at him and he sighs. We pull up to the mall and he steps out and I follow him. We walk in and he nods for me to start shopping. We buy me some clothes, a new phone, a lap top, I Pad and other things. We head to his house and we pull up to this giant house and George parks the car. He gets out carrying my bags inside and I sigh. I follow him down the hallway and he stops suddenly and I bump into him. 

"Watch where your going" He hisses

"S-sorry" I stutter out trying not to cry again

He walks forward and opens a door and sets my bags on the bed. 

"Have a shower and I'll meet you down stairs when your done." He says walking away

I nod and walk into the bathroom and close the door. I strip down and step into the shower. I wash quickly and step out. I realize I didn't bring any clothes with me so I wrap the long towel around my whole body and open the door. I step out and walk over to the bed. I realized again that we didn't buy me pajamas. I hear the door open and I freeze and turn around. 

"Um could I barrow a shirt? We forgot pajamas for me" I ask quietly

"Top left drawer" He says

I nod and walk over pulling one out. I walk over and grab a bra and some panties and walk back into the bathroom. I dress quickly and dry my hair and walk back out of the bathroom and to the living room. I see Axel sitting on the couch looking at his phone. I sit down beside him with my brush in my hand. I reach up to part my hair and he takes the brush from me and nods for me to turn. I do and he starts brushing out my hair. The shirt I borrowed was to big for me so it fell off my right shoulder and when Axel moved my hair he gasped. I quickly pulled the shirt over my shoulder. He dropped the brush and grabbed my shoulders spinning me around. I gasped and slid back away from him covering myself with my arms.

"Did you think I was going to hit you?" He asked softly

I didn't say anything I just looked at him afraid to speak. 

"Lex talk to me. I would never hit you out of anger. What happened to your shoulder?" He asked

He looked down to see the shirt came up around my hips and I gasped and pulled it down before he grabbed my hands. He opened my legs and looked at me shocked.

"Stop it. Just stop. I know they make me ugly. Just STOP!" I screamed

I broke down sobbing and he pulled me into his arms and rocked me back and forth. I pushed him off and ran to my room and slammed the door and locked it. I crawled into bed and cried til I fell asleep. When I woke the next morning I could barely open my eyes. They were red and puffy and really swollen. I sighed and jumped in the shower and got ready for work. I did my make up trying to cover the puffiness of my eyes. I walked down stairs to have the maid sit breakfast in front of me. 

"Mr. Thorn left car keys for you for when you ready to head to work." Nancy says

"Thank you Nancy. Breakfast was amazing by the way" I tell her

"Your welcome sweetie." She says

I nod and grab the keys and head out the door. I drive the twenty minutes to the office and park in my spot. I head in to see the bitch at the front desk tell me I can't go through. I walk to the private elevator and punch in the code and step in while flipping her off. The elevator door open again and I step out sighing and walk into my office with my head held high. 

"Alexis get in here" Axel yelled

"Yes sir?" I ask

"File these, make lunch reservations, and send my suit to the cleaners." He barks

"Yes sir." I say stepping out closing the door

I do everything he asks and Mr. Thorn walks into my office. 

"Alexis dear how are you?" He asks

I turn to face him and he gasps. 

"I'm fine" I tell him turning back to my computer

He storms out of my office and into Axel's. I heard shouting and ran in. 

"What in the world are you two shouting for. The whole fucking office can hear you two" I snap at them

They look at me with wide eyes and I sway a little. Mr. Thorn catches my arm and I grip my head. 

"Are you ok?" He asks

I nod and look at Axel. 

"Do you not see the bags under her eyes or the dark circles and you let her come to work today? What is wrong with you? She may just be your secretary but her well being is on your hands as well." Mr. Thorn shouts

I sway again and I look at Axel. 

"Help" I say before I collapse

Axel's (pov) 

Dad was shouting at me about how Alexis looked this morning. I didn't know she looked that bad. She walked in shouting at us about yelling cause the whole office could hear us. Next thing I knew she hit the floor. I rushed around my desk and lifted her up and ran her to the elevator and to the car. We rushed her to the hospital and they took her away. After five hours the doctor walked out. 

"Family to Ms. Petrova?" He said

I stood up he walked over to me. 

"I'm her husband" I said

I only said that cause I knew he wouldn't tell me anything otherwise.

"Are you aware she has a eating disorder?" He asks

I shook my head and took a seat. 

"She will be fine but you need to monitor her eating habits." He says and asks if I want to see her

I nod and follow him to her room. I step in and she was looking out the window crying. I clear my throat but she still doesn't look at me. I walk over and sit by her and grab her hand and she snatches it back from me. I sigh and look at the floor.

"Lex talk to me" I whisper

"No" She says

I groan and stand up and start pacing. Soon my mom runs in and sighs and runs over to Alexis and hugs her. 

"Are you ok?" She asks

"I'm fine Amy" She says smiling

"Girl if you ever do that to me again i'll beat you black and blue." My mom hisses

Alexis giggles and I smile. 

"Now how about we get you out of here and go get some lunch?" I ask

She nods but doesn't look at me. My mom helps her dress and we all head to grab a bite to eat. Once we got to Olive Garden we took our seats and ordered. My parents weren't paying attention to us and I noticed Lex wasn't eating. I leaned over and grabbed her hand and nodded at her. She sighs and shook her head.

"Just a few bites" I whisper in her ear

She nods and eats about ten bites and then puts her fork down and I nod and smile at her. She gives me a small smile and sighs again.

"Alright you two go home and watch a movie or something. Today has been a mess. And you young lady if you feel sick stay home and just tell Axel you don't feel good he will understand, One day without you won't kill him" My dad says

"OK Henry. Bye Amy and thank you" She smiles at my parents

"Your welcome honey. Call me if you need us" My mom says

Alexis nods and smiles. We head our separate ways and I drive us home. We walk in the front door and she tries to bolt but I grab her hand. I pull her into her room and walk over to her dresser and pull out her bikini and toss it at her. 

"Put it on." I tell her

She sighs and shakes her head.

"Lex put it on now" I yell at her

She jumps but goes to put it on. She comes back ten minutes later wrapped in a towel. I sigh and walk over offering my hand. She takes it and we walk down to the pool area. I walk over picking up my trunks and head to put them on. I come back and she hadn't moved from her spot. I started up the hot tub and walked over to her and grabbed the towel. She tightened her grip on the towel and I sighed turning around.

"OK" She whispered

I turned around to see her in the hot bubbling water. I step in and sank down across from her. She laid her head back and I reached down grabbing her foot and she shot up. I started massaging her feet and she sighed. 

"Lex talk to me please" I asked

"no I c-can't" She whispered

"OK when your ready" I say still rubbing her feet

She sighed and I noticed she was falling asleep. 

"Come on Lex. Let's get you in a bed" I said

She nodded and stood up and turned around to step out and I gasped. She realized she showed me her back and sank back down into the water. I sighed and stepped over to her and picked her up bridal style and stepped out of the water. I put her on her feet and wrapped a towel around her. She gave me a small sad smile and i grinned at her. I swept her off her feet again and carried her through the kitchen. 

"Hey baby" Mandy shrieked

Alexis struggled and I put her down. She looked at me and shook her head and ran to her room.

"How did you get in?" I hissed

"The door was open. Who was that?" She asked

"No one. You need to leave now" I said

"No I'm not leaving who was that?" She yelled

I grabbed her arm and drug her out slamming the door in her face and locking it. I ran upstairs and knocked on Alexis' door. She opened it and she was on the phone.

"Yeah give me twenty minutes to change and I'll meet you there?" She says

I wonder who she was talking to. Hmm I waited for her to hang up and she finally did. 

"Who was that?" I asked

"No one. What did you need?" She asked

"Nothing. Where you going?" I asked

"Out" She said shutting the door

I ran and changed clothes and went to head to the kitchen when she opened her door at the same time. She had on a short black dress and red stilettos to match her red lip stick. She was holding her phone and keys and passed me and headed out the door. She stopped in her tracks to answer her phone.

"Hello. Yes i'm leaving now, OK see you in a few" She said and hung up

She opened the door and stepped out. I sighed and decided to follow her so I grab my wallet and keys and head out the door. I follow her til she stops and steps out of the car. She walks up to a man and hugs him and kisses him on the cheek. Another man approaches and she hugs him and pecks his lips. I growl and turn the car around and head home. I toss in turn in bed all night til my alarm goes off. I get up and quickly shower and throw on one of my black suits. I head down and Alexis was sitting at the bar eating her a pancake and a slice of bacon. I sit beside her and drink my coffee.

"Are you OK to come in today?" I ask her

"Yup all good" She says smiling

She places her plate in the sink and walks over stepping into her heels and grabs her purse, keys, and briefcase. She heads out the door and I soon follow her. I get into the building an Alexis was arguing with the girl at the front desk.

"What seems to be the problem?" I ask

"This girl is trying to use the private elevator again and says she is your secretary and we all know you don't have a secretary" The blonde hisses

"Actually she is my secretary and if you put your hands on her again I'm not responsible for what she does to you" I roar

"y-yes sir" She says

"Now Alexis grab me a coffee and whatever you would like and meet me in my office please" I tell her

"Sure" She says walking away

"Your fired. Get out" I tell the blonde

"Please I didn't know. I'm a new single mother I need this job." She cries

"Oh well" I say and walk to my office

I sit in my chair and ten minutes later Alexis walks in pissed.

"Why the fuck would you fire that poor girl? She didn't know I was your secretary no one in the whole fucking building knows who I am. She is a single mother and a beautiful little girl. Who ever knew you were so cold hearted." she yells and walks out slamming my door.

Alexis (pov)

That's it i'm calling Amy I think to myself. I pick up my phone and dial her number. 

"Hello" Henry says

"Henry it's Alexis. We had a problem and Axel fired the poor girl for not knowing who I was. I tried explaining that it wasn't her fault she didn't know who I was. She is a single mother of a new born. I don't know what to do. Help me please" I tell him

"OK sweetie calm down. Look I will take care of it. It sounds like it wasn't her fault." He says

"Thank you" I tell him

He chuckles "Your welcome" He says

"What do you say to you and Amy coming over for dinner tonight i'll cook. I've been dying to get my hands on that shiny kitchen of his" I ask

"Sure. We will see you at 7" He says chuckling

"Bye" I say and hand up

About twenty minutes later the blonde comes into my office and says Axel wanted to see her. I nod and send her in. 

"Alexis" Axel calls

I sigh and walk in and shut the door.

"Oh my thank you so much." The blonde says hugging me

"Your welcome. You didn't know. And you may want to warn other people so no one goes grabbing me and ends up with broken bones." I say returning her hug

"Yes ma'am" She says

"And I seen a picture or your daughter she is beautiful. And I want to meet her. I love babies" I say giggling

"Sure. How about lunch Saturday?" She asks

"I would love to. I don't have many girl friends" I tell her

"Alright. Well I will let you two get back to work." She says leaving smiling

I smile and sigh and turn to face Axel who is grinning.

"What?" I ask

"You ran to daddy" He said amused

"What was I suppose to do? You wouldn't listen to me. It wasn't her fault. And besides the baby done it for me. I love kids. I would have dozens if I could." I tell him sitting down

"Alright then. About that coffee?" He asked

"Oh right. I'll run down to Starbucks and get you something" I tell him

"Don't bother. They deliver just give them a call" He says

"Yes I want hot tea" I say

I walked to my desk and called Starbucks for them to bring us something. A few minutes later Jace walks in and I jumped up and rushed over to hug him. He pecked my lips and I smile at him. 

"What are you doing here early?" I ask him

"I wanted to surprise you" He says pulling out pink roses

I smile and him and walk over to put them on my desk. 

"Alexis what the hell is going on?" Axel yells

"Just about to take my lunch break" I tell him

"No today you will have something delivered cause I need you for a meeting in ten" He says

"Fine. Jace baby I will see you tonight. Dinner my place?" I ask him

"Sure. I'll see you at seven" He says kissing my forehead and leaving

"No let's get to that meeting I know nothing about" I hiss at Axel

He storms into his office and slams his door shut. I sat at my desk getting things ready for the company party when I look up and notice it's five already. I shut down my computer and head home. I walk in and take a quick shower before putting n a tight fitting dress and walk down to the kitchen and started cooking. I made steak, mashed potatoes, and corn on the cob and a salad. Axel comes down glaring at me and I glare back. The door bell rings and I slip on my heels and run to open up the door.

"Amy. Henry glad you could make it. I just finished dinner." I tell them

"Well you are awful cheery to have had to work today and cook dinner." Amy says hugging me

"Well I have a guest joining us" I say smiling

"That's great sweetie" Henry says

They take their seats as the door bell rings again. I run to open it to see Jace standing there with Markus. I smile and they step in. I walk them over to the table and Jace wraps his arm around my waist and I smile at everyone. 

"Everyone I'd like you to meet my best friend and his boyfriend. This is Jace and Markus" I tell them

I can visibly see Axel relax and I smirk.

"It's nice to meet you sweetie" Amy says

"Likewise. Now my beautiful love of my life what did you make that's going to make me fat?" Jace asks

"Steak" I tell him

"A woman after my own heart. To bad I am gay" He says laughing

We take our seats and I realized I forgot the wine. I stood up and walked to the kitchen and grabbed it out of the fridge and turned around and bumped into Axel. 

"Sorry forgot the wine." I say to him

I try to walk around him and he grabs my arm. 

"Lex" He starts

"Don't start." I tell him walking back to the table

"Here you go guys I totally forgot about it" I tell them

"And this is why I love you" Markus says

I smile and wink at him. 

"So Alexis how is the new job treating you?" Jace asks

"Well I ended up in the hospital and sick" I tell him eating my salad

"And you didn't call me?" He shouts

I jump and close my eyes. 

"Honey calm down" Markus tells him

"Sorry Lexi you know I worry after." He says

I stand up slapping a hand over his mouth. He nods understanding and I sit back down. 

"Sorry about that everyone. Jace has word vomit problems" I tell them looking at my plate again

I push it back and I feel a hand on my knee and Axel nods at my plate. I huff and shake my head at him. 

"So how about dessert?" Markus asks

"I'm making banana splits" I tell him standing

I walk to the kitchen and I feel someone follow me. I grab the ice cream and turn and bump into Axel again. I sigh and start spooning the ice cream into bowls and I cut up the bananas and strawberries I add blue berries and also blend up some strawberries and blue berries together and pour it over the top of the ice cream and add whip cream. I take everyone their ice cream and sit down.

"You aren't eating any sweetie?" Amy asks

"No I don't eat sweets" I tell her

"Come on Lexi you love ice cream" Jace says smiling

I smile and he feeds me a few bites of his before I want to get sick. I clamp my hand over my mouth and bolt to the bathroom. I can hear Jace cursing. He runs in after me and holds my hair. 

"I'm sorry baby" Jace says rubbing my back

"It's OK. It's not your fault" I tell him

Jace lifts me up and walks out of the bathroom. Axel is standing there looking at a pale me.

"Where is your room?" Jace asks

"End of the hall. She sleeps in my t shirts so top left side of the dresser by the window." Axel says

"Actually I brought something I thought she would want back so I have her sleep wear" Jace says

Axel nods and follows us to help Jace. Jace lays me down and pulls out his old jersey and I smile weakly at him. He smiles and me and unzips my dress and lowers it before Axel growls.

"Slow your roll dude. Gay remember and I know her body better than anyone" He hisses at Axel

Axel nods and backs off to leave Jace to get me ready for bed. Markus walks in with a mug in his hands just as Jace pulls the covers over me.

"Here you go baby" He says handing me the mug

I take a sip and moan. I smile and drink some more.

"Perfect" I whisper and my eyes close

"Are you OK sweetie?" Henry asks from the door

"Oh my god i'm so sorry. This wasn't suppose to happen" I say as the tears fall down my face

"Hey no one blames you. You just got sick that's it." Amy says

I nod and Jace looks at me and I shake my head at him. Amy walks over kissing my forehead and smiles at me. 

"I'll stop by tomorrow and check on you. I want you in this bed for a full twenty four hours." She says 

"Yes ma'am" I say laughing

"Get some rest honey" Henry says and they leave

"I'll come by tomorrow as well. We will talk about this missy" Jace says sternly

"K" I mumble and lay back

He leans down and pecks my lips and Markus kisses my forehead.

"Feel better baby" He says and they leave

Once I hear the front door close I throw the covers back and get ready to stand up.

"Where do you think your going?" Axel asks

"To the guest bedroom" I say in a duh tone

"No you are not. Finish your tea and go to sleep" He says

"But" I start

"no buts just sleep" He says pulling off his shirt

I sigh and turn my back to him and settle into his comfy bed. I roll over again and wiggle around and turn back over. I sigh again and sit up.

"Ugh I'm so going to regret this" I mumble to myself

"What's wrong?" He asks

"Can you just come rub my back til I fall asleep. Normally when this happens Jace or Markus do it but they left and I will toss and turn all night if someone doesn't do it" I whisper

"Turn over" He says

I face the wall and I feel the bed dip and him lie down behind me. I feel his hand go under my shirt and start drawing patterns on my back. 

"Thank you" I whisper

"Shh just sleep" He says

I close my eyes and that's when I was out for the night. 

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