A Dark Lovers Series: Fallen...

By NashiSims

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Victor was a dangerous elder vampire. His life as a vampire did not start off as a walk in the park. He was t... More

Bathed In Moonlight
Who Do You Think You Are?
Authors Note
She's A Friend
Author's Note
Change of Heart?
Rough Loving
A New Home
Acknowledge Her
Morgan the New Roommate
Car Chase
A Date with Destiny
Mating Before Marking
Unwanted Mark
I Need You Safe
A Visit to the Underworld
Together We Are a Force to Be Reckoned with
My Perfect Soulmate
Missing Morgan
I am your Father
The Blood Bond
Learning of the Past
Our Unborn Child
Back with a Vengeance
A Riddle?
This is My Fight

Forgive Me

72 3 1
By NashiSims

Morgan gulped and took a step back walking into Isadora. Large wolves stepped out from under the protection of the trees. "We're going to die." She quietly said to herself. "No we are not. I promise I will not let anyone harm you." Isadora showed no fear as she stepped toward a black wolf. 

It was larger than the others. As she took another step the black wolf snapped its teeth at her in warning. She straitened her back and squared her shoulders. "We are not you enemies. You will back down now!" Her voice boomed throughout the night sky. 

Her body radiated authority as it lit up. She no longer wore her jeans and dark blouse. He body now adorned a white dress that split up to her thigh. The wind unusually flowed around her. The wolves howled into the air and bowed one by one. 

The black wolf's body began to shake violently and right before Morgan's eyes stood a tall, tanned, muscular man. "Oh my God. He's hot." The mad that stood where the black wolf once was winked at her causing her to blush. "I said that out loud didn't I?" 

She turned away from the handsome distraction and noticed that the wolves were no longer surrounding them. She looked into the eyes of hot, muscular, naked men kneeling. Her cheeks turned a darker shade and she quickly turned away and looked at the ground. "Moon Goddess please forgive us."

The man in front of Isadora kneeled and apologized. She gestured for him to stand. "Do not bow to me. I am not your Mood Goddess. I am however, her daughter. You may refer to me as Isadora and this is my friend Morgan. We seek shelter here in your realm alpha of all alphas." 

The man rose and so did the others. "Of course I will offer you and your friend shelter. It is the least I can do for the Mood Goddess. Please allow us to change into some clothes and we will all head back to the pack house." 

The men disappeared into the dark and came back wearing loosely hanging jeans. Morgan couldn't help but admire them all. Isadora however only had eyes for her mate. She and Morgan followed the men as they made their way through the woods. 

"This is all your fault. You son of a bitch! Why did you force it on her? That is sick and savage. Now she's gone with demons and blood thirsty vampires seeking her out!" Adriana shouted at Victor as they all sat in his office. 

"If you would have told me about your damn visions I would have locked her up!" Adriana shook her head and backed away in disbelief. "You have no idea what destruction your actions are going to cause. We all have choices and with those choices comes consequences." 

A haunting look appeared on her face. "We will all perish." She turned her fierce eyes to Victor. "My children will not die for your cowardice." She turned to Fen. "We are leaving. We have to take the children and go." She turned on the balls of her heels. 

"You need to think before you act Victor. Our lives are in you and Isadora's hands. Make peace with your ailia." With that Adriana left the office. All the men in the room stared at the door where her form retreated from then they gazed upon Victor.

"So we're all going to die because you're a dick. Wow that's just great. If only she was my mate." Liam was cut off by a hard right hook from Victor. "She is mine." Victor angrily stated. Liam rubbed his jaw. "I wasn't saying that I wanted her in that way, but face the facts brother. 

Anyone of us in this room would have treated her a lot better than you have. Thanks to your fucked up past we have to suffer." Kent placed his hand on Liam's shoulder, but he shook it off. 

"No. I'm right and you all know it. You refuse to let go of what happened to you more than centuries ago. You now have a beautiful, smart and kindhearted goddess who would climb fucking mountains for you if you gave her the chance." 

Victor looked away in shame. He knew that Liam was right. He never gave Isadora a chance and now thanks to his ego and unwillingness to let go of his past he may have lost his ailia. "You are right. It is my fault." Victor felt empty, like a part of him was missing. He looked at his brothers. 

"I know that I am asking much from you all, but please help me find her. Help me right my wrongs." He looked at each brother as they placed their fists over their hearts and nodded. "As brothers we shall follow." Victor looked at his brothers proudly and placed his fist over his heart. "Thank you."

Al stepped forward. "I know it is a touchy topic at the moment, but we have to use all of our resources, including you. Have you tried reaching out to her through the blood bond?" Victor shook his head. "No I have not. The bond is not complete but I am able to sense that she's okay." Al nodded. 

"Do you think you could sense where she is if you were close." That's when Fen stepped in. "You should be able to. The closer you two are the stronger your bond will grow. You will know if she is close." Liam cleared his throat. "SO gentlemen who's up for some road trips?" 

He bared his dazzling smile. Al clapped his hands together. "Alright it's settled then. Kent do you still have contacts with any coven leaders?" Kent nodded. "I will contact Kimora. She will know if Isadora stepped foot in the witch realm." 

Kent was the first to take his leave. "And what about the Fae?" Liam asked. Victor shook his head. "No. They would never let outsiders in. I won't rule them out but let's not waste any time. Fen I know that Adriana is mad at me and wants to leave, but can you hold her off at least until you pay a visit to Ezra.

His pack scout their realm portal day and night. He would know of anyone came through." Fen nodded his head. "Don't worry about Adriana she will be okay. Once I've calmed her down, I will take my leave."

Fen was the second to go. "I will go and meet with Dragomere." Al was the third to leave. "I hope Izzy hasn't taken shelter there. The king of the dragons is a bit scary. Anyway I'll go and speak with Kheiron. I'm sure he'll be of some help. I'm going to ask Kent to see if Kimora can get a location spell on Isadora." 

Liam patted his brother's shoulder. "Do not worry brother. We will find her, but when we do you better be ready to do some serious begging and ass kissing." Victor chuckled. He appreciated Liam's jokes and planned to do more than kiss Isadora's beautiful plump ass. 

"Get the hell out and go do your job." Liam shook his head and backed out of the room. "I'm just trying to help you out man." With that he turned on his heals leaving Victor in his office. Victor walked over to the window and glanced out at the moon. "Where are you my little goddess?"

Isadora stare up at the moon wandering if Victor was looking for her. A knock came at the door drawing her from her thoughts. Morgan peaked through the door. "Hey their having a bonfire and are going to share stories about their history. You should come down. They're really nice and I could really use a familiar face. This pack is huge." 

Isadora giggle at Morgan gesturing how big the pack was. She helped keep the situation they were in light. Isadora knew that Victor would come for her, but her dark brooding mate was not her biggest concern. She was being hunted. 

The demon in the forest was not the evil that followed them in the car. What she couldn't figure out was why they were being chased. "Hello. Earth to Isadora. Are you coming?" Isadora came out of her thoughts once again. "Yes. Come on let's hear some stories and get really drunk." 

Isadora linked arms with Morgan and they walked out of the pack house. One by one wolves bowed to her and she did not stop them. They worshiped her mother and she did not want to disrespect their beliefs. If they wanted to bow, then she would let them.

They made their way to the group sitting on longs around a pit of fire. "Welcome Goddess Isadora. Thank you for coming to hear our history. We are honored." Isadora held up her hand. "It is honor to hear your history." She and Morgan took their seats. 

The pack Luna told the old stories of love, war, happiness, and hardships. The girls were awestruck at the way she narrated the stories as if she lived every one. By the time the Luna finished the stories the children were up dancing to the Alpha's guitar playing. 

The women joined in with the giggling children. Morgan was pulled into the dancing circle by one of the children. Isadora smiled at Morgan's happiness. She knew they couldn't stay there for long, but making memories and connections with people was not a bad thing. 

She wanted Morgan to meet new people and experience new and exciting things. "That was so fun. Those kids will be up all night. I had to stop." Morgan pranced back over to where Isadora was sitting. Isadora yawned. 

"Well I'm glad you're having fun. I'm getting tired, so I'm going to get some rest. You should stay though and enjoy yourself." Morgan smiled, but she knew Isadora was missing Victor. "Okay. I'll be up for a little while, so you go and get some rest." She rubbed Isadora's arm. "Thank you."

Isadora said her goodnights and retired to the guestroom. She closed the door behind her and glided across the room to the window. There was a half-moon shining down on her. She rubbed her hand over her heart. 

"Why of all the people Mother, did you pick him? Is it patience you're trying to teach me?" She sighed and leaned her head on the window. "I miss him. But he doesn't want me." She touched her mark on her neck. 

"Or at least he doesn't know it yet. Ugh! I just want to punch him in the face. Why does he have to be so complicated?" She felt a pull in her mind. 

"Isadora? Sweetheart can you hear me?" Victor was tapping her mind. Their bond was growing stronger. "Victor get out of my mind you son of a bitch! You have no right!" She tried to shut him out but it was harder than she thought. Her heart and soul was craving for him. 

"Sweetheart please just hear me out. I was wrong for forcing our mating bond. I'm sorry. I know I don't deserve your forgiveness, but If you would give me a chance. I will make it up to you. No matter how long it takes I will use every day of my life to make it up to you." 

Tears formed in Isadora's eyes. She wanted to believe him, but he just seemed to have so much baggage. "I know I'm not perfect. But for you I will change. I will do whatever it takes to have you back in my arms. I need you Isadora. Please give me another chance." She wiped her tears away. 

Her mind was made up. She was only away from him for less than twenty-four hours and she was missing him. Isadora would go back, but she would let him wait a little while longer. She closed off her mind to him and slept peacefully that night. Knowing that she would eventually be back in his arms.

Four days had past and Isadora decided that Victor had suffered enough. Morgan had agreed on going back because like Isadora she too was missing someone. "Thank you for your hospitality. We are forever grateful." Isadora nodded her head toward the Alpha and the Luna. 

"Please it was honor to have you with us. We pray that you won't stay away for too long Goddess Isadora. You as well Ms. Morgan." They all said their goodbyes and the women departed from the clearing. Morgan held on tight to Isadora while they transported from the Realm of the Werewolves.

"Ugh. I don't think that I will ever get used to that." Isadora giggled as Morgan held her head. "It's not that bad." Isadora took in her surroundings and quickly held Morgan closely. 

"Do not forget our situation before we took shelter in the Realm of the Wolves. I know you don't like it but we have to orb again. I'm being hunted and I don't know why." Morgan quickly held onto Isadora and closed her eyes tightly. Her mind swayed again, then stopped. 

"Alright. You can open your eyes now." Morgan did as she was told and took in her surroundings. "Oh thank heavens. We're home!" Morgan ran to the television and started up the PS4 system. "I'm going to go let everyone know we're back."

Isadora walked out of the living room and orbed into the cotier. Liam was conversing with two women. She walked up to him and placed her hands in front of his eyes. "Guess who." The women he was talking to scowled at her. Liam smiled. 

"If it's who I think it is, she had better run because I'm going to kill her." Isadora pouted. "Is that how you greet your BFF?" He chuckled. "I guess you're right, plus I miss your lovely smile." She playfully swatted his arm. "Don't say such things or Victor will have this place in an uproar." 

Liam turned his back on the girls and bellowed out a laugh. "You are absolutely right. I think they'll be planning my funeral." The women glared at Isadora. "Excuse me, but when did you two become so close?" One of the girls inquired. 

Liam smirked and ignored the two girls that he planned on bedding that night. He knew they would be around when he called for them. "Let's take this to the game room. I believe I owe you a rematch." Isadora elbowed Liam in his side as they walked toward the game room.

"You so cheated and I plan to beat your ass this time." Liam stopped walking. "Damn. I forgot I have a meeting to attend." Isadora pouted. "Awe. I really wanted to play." A creepy smile plastered his face. Isadora lifted an eyebrow. "What are you up to?" She asked. 

Liam took her hand and they appeared inside an office. Isadora looked around at the large table of faces. "Liam you decided to join us and you brought a guest." Victor glared at Liam and Isadora. Isadora spotted Victor near the head of the table. 

He gestured for her to come here, but Isadora couldn't move. Victor looked like he wanted to fuck then kill her. He cocked an eyebrow that asked did she want him to come get her. Isadora hurried over to where Victor sat. He grabbed her waist roughly and sat her on his lap. 

Everyone gawked at them. "Now that my brother decided to join us. Let us continue." Victor massaged patterns on the inside of Isadora's thigh. She squirmed, but Victor grabbed her waist and held her in place. 

A red haired man slammed his fist on the table. "I don't know why you have her sitting in on this meeting. She's not a vampire and has no reason to be here." Victor stared at Malcom not blinking. He mind linked with his brothers.

"Does he have a death wish?" asked Victor. "I'm dying to see what you say to him." Liam replied Victor continued his pattern on the inside of Isadora's thigh. "Malcom she is a Goddess and would have valuable intel on the matter at hand. Wouldn't everyone agree?" 

The rest of the council nodded their heads in agreement. Malcom growled. "I am not stupid. You're fucking the bitch and your conquest do not have a voice here on the council." Malcolm banged his hand on the table again. His head rolled off his shoulders and onto the floor. 

"Oh my God what the hell happened?" A blond hair she vamp yelled. Victor shrugged his shoulders. "We have more important things to discuss. Now Isadora will you please enlighten us on the history of our war?" Liam sighed. 

"Brother don't you think it was a bit reckless to behead the leader of the Rhode Island faction?" Victor closed his eyes. "Isadora can you take care of the mess over there? As for the Rhode Island faction I will phone their Co-Sire and he will take it from there." 

Isadora waved her hand and Malcolm's body along with his head disappeared. "Alright now let's get down to business. Lauren please update Isadora on this meeting." The blond cleared her throat and began to inform Isadora. 

"Well we are currently at war with the demon race. In fact, every supernatural creature is fighting this war. After the last killing that the Dark Nights investigated Liam noticed something." Liam cut her off. 

"There was another entity in the house. It was watching us. I think the demons have gained the influence of the spirits that are stuck to roam the earth. If the demons have them on their side, then they will be able to see every move we make. They will have the upper hand and if that happens then we are basically fucked."

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