HIATUS-Hospitalized (Riker Ly...

By sassy-tatertot

7.2K 251 47


What happened?
Alone Time
Not An Update
I Dont Remember
Love You Again
Morning Troubles
Catching Up
Cut Cables
The Explanation

Im Trying

608 23 4
By sassy-tatertot

~~Riker's point of view~~(surprise)

I know everyone is in the room. Rydel is here too, I can smell her perfume, faintly, but it's there

I keep telling myself to open my eyes. Move my arms, something to let them know I'm here. But nothing is working
Someone is next to me. They were talking to me. I couldn't understand them, but hearing a muffled voice makes me feel like I'm not alone

I think it was Rydel. It somehow sounded famine. And I'm starting to feel things. She's holding my hand, I do believe

I'm fighting through the black fog to see her. I need to know if she's okay. I need to tell her I'm sorry, the accident was my fault. I should have pulled off sooner

Now I feel like I'm coming around. I can hear rhythmical beeping and it smells like a hospital.

"goodnight Riker"

That's Rydel!

'Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!! C'mon!' I argue with my self

...Rydel is crying. Why is she crying?

'Because her big brother is in a fucking coma, idiot' I'm still fighting with myself when everything goes white and the beeping fades.

My head is pounding and chest burns. Voices swirl around in my head

"I'm a brilliant filmographer! Is that a word?"

"Were R5, we love you, good night!"

"Ready set rock!"

"Riker and Allison!"

"Mom? Hey, we just wanted to call and tell you we love you"

"When in Paris, must get crêpes"

"Rydellington is real!"

"Ross Lynch!" (Winning award)

Then... nothing... Emptiness...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Johanna's point of view~~

'Shit!' Doctors are racing to Riker and Rydel's room. Someone pressed the call button. I follow

The room is packed with doctors. Some are surrounding Riker's bed, others are helping Rydel get into her bed

I push through the crowd to get to her 'Rydel? What happened?!'

When she sees me, she latches onto me (hug) 'Johanna! What's going on!? What's wrong with Riker!?' She's hyperventilating

'Rydel-' She's not focused '-Rydel! What happened? Calm down. Deep breaths'

'Okay.. I was talking to him, then I fell asleep. I think the beeping put me to sleep. But that's what woke me up. The beeps stopped *sob* It was one long tone *sob* Is he dying Johanna?'

I hug her really tight. I whisper in her ear 'Shh, shh it's okay Rydel. No he's not dying.. Look, the doctors are taking care of him' I turn her so she can see Riker

I must say, I don't like what the doctors are doing. They have the defibrillator (shocky thing) charged up, and are preparing to zap him.

'1, 2, 3! Clear!' They shock him once

'1, 2, 3! Clear!' They shock him twice

"C'mon Riker.." I plead in my head

'1, 2, 3! Clear!' They shock him one last time

The room goes silent. Everyone watches the monitors. The loud tone returns to beeps. Every single person in the room, let's out a sigh of relief
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Everything returns, but now I can feel the presence of more than one person in the room.

Someone moves my bangs out of my eyes. Another person pats my good shoulder

"Johanna, will you stay?" Rydel asks

'Who's Johanna?' Is what I'm wondering

"He could've died! I don't want to loose my big brother!" Rydel is crying hysterically

My baby sister is crying, and being the big brother I am, I need to comfort her.

Trying harder than I did before. I pull myself towards her voice. I attempt to move any of my limbs. My arm moves


And just like that, boom. I'm stating at the ceiling of a hospital room. But there's something down my throat, I can't breathe that well.

Then a woman is standing over me 'Is he awake?' I know that voice anywhere, it's Rydel. So she must be Johanna

'Hey, hang on. Your doctor will be here in a second to remove this' Johanna points to the contraption down my throat.

Sure enough, a man leans over me and unclips two tubes, then slides another out of my throat. I gag

They help me sit up 'How do you feel Riker?' My doctor I'm guessing, asks

I look to my left, Rydel is staring at me. I smile 'I'm better now' I say still looking at my beautiful baby sister

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