From Demigod to Avenger (Perc...

By straightouttaarrows

186K 4.5K 1.5K


Intro and Background Info!
The Perfect Day
The Perfect Day - Part 2
The Perfect Day - 3
The Perfect Day-Part 4
Author's Note! NOT AN UPDATE
The Perfect Day - Part 5
The Decision - Part 6
The Decision - Part 7
Welcome to SHIELD - Part 8
Welcome to SHIELD - Part 9
Remind me never to "die" around you... - Part 10
Training - Part 11
Backflips and Breakups - Part 13
Moving Out and Moving On-Part 14
Nightmares and Ship Names? - Part 15
Just your regular visit from a goddess before a party - Part 16
Dancing, Tripping and "DJ"ing - Part 17
Compromised - Part 18
Hulkbait..... Part 19
Falling - Part 20
Germany, AC/DC and Multiple Instances of Jumping Out of Planes - Part 21
Arguing with the God of Mischief and Hanging with the Science Bros - Part 22
I hate it when they argue - Part 23
I take a very very very very very very long plunge - Part 24
Through his eyes - Part 25
I'm not going anywhere - Part 26
Silver Arrow and Aegis; The Battle of Manhatten- Part 27
Sequel is out!

Four Months Later - Part 12

5.2K 143 79
By straightouttaarrows

AN: Thank you sooooo much to everyone who left me character and personality suggestions!! I used as many as I could in this part. I also put their username next to the character(s) they suggested. Keep them coming and I will try and put your suggestion in too! 

Lexi POV

I flop down on my bed and pull out my SHIELD phone to check the time. 11:00 am. Dang it I had lunch WAY too early and I have nothing to do. Connor's out hanging with some of his other friends.

Its been four months since me and Connor joined SHIELD. Agent Barton kinda made us think training was only three weeks. He didn't tell us it was four and a half months. So the last four months have been the most tiring, back-breaking, pain-inducing months of my life.

Well, if it wasn' wouldn't have been any fun.

We started training with some of the other trainees and while ago and I must say, some of them are pretty cool.

Others...not so much.

Like one of my close friends for example, Samantha Maria Segal aka Sammy. (Sammysegal3) She hates people calling her Samantha, bear that in mind. She's pretty cool to hang out with and you know, shoot stuff with and she LOVES to sass everyone. And its pretty funny when she does. She especially likes to sass and talk back to this one group of people. Their main guy is Owen Pierce. (Jules_is_a_Jewel) Alexander Pierce's son. And he's the freaking most insensitive, mean, bigheaded, annoying little twerp if I have ever met one.

He has his own little group...kinda like a stereotypical high school bully.He has a couple guys in his group and hangs out with a lot of different people. Pretty much the people I don't hang out with. His his close group contains Colton Franta (Jules_is_a_Jewel & Zadanite), Dylan Hoswell (Lucario52), Allison Cruise (zadanite) and unfortunatly Connor Griffen.

Yup. My bae hangs out with them too. I hate it when he does. And you thought your high school drama was bad. Welcome to SHIELD drama.

But I can't govern who Connor hangs out with so I just let him do it.


I need a swim to clear my mind. Its been too long since I last had one. I put my phone down and walk up to my closet. I open my black SHIELD gym bag and stuff in my coverup, some black SHIELD flip flops and black two piece swimsuit. Also my black workout tank top and some dark gray sport shorts are in there as well. I swear almost every piece of clothing I have has the shield logo on it and/or black or sometimes a really dark gray. (See what I did there XD. If you can tell me what movie that is from I will be very happy)

I take off my jacket and leave it in my room. I also grab my weapons/jewelry and a water bottle for later. Its Saturday so there isn't going to be training til Monday but I still like to work out to stay in shape (AN: FITNESS GOALS RIGHT THERE).

I leave a little note for Connor on my bed just in case he comes back early and I head out for the pool.

Went for a swim, see you later!

XOX Lexi ;)

I pull out my earbuds and connect them to my phone. Then my fav song comes on. Angel with a Shotgun. Yassss.

I remember when me and Connor discovered that every song ever released was on our phones. Oh my gods we both flipped out. I blasted this song in our room and he said the title reminded him of Nico di Angelo.

I walk past the armoury and through the window I see Leo talking with Calypso. They wave at me and I wave back. Then I start thinking about Camp Half-Blood. I Iris message Percy every week and sometimes its kinda nice to talk to him. Things have moved on pretty much in Camp as I expected them too but he still misses me. He also found his actual birthday gift I tried to hide from him. It was a panda pillow pet to replace the one Octavian kinda killed. Annabeth told me he sleeps with it. That made me laugh.

Sometimes I can't help but miss them. Other times, I don't even think of them. It's acutally pretty strange.

I reach the pool entrance and put my thumb in the fingerprint scanner. It unlocks and I go into the girls locker room and change into my swimsuit. The pool is quiet and thankfully there isn't anyone here. I dive in gracefully...who am I kidding. I tripped and fell into the pool. Way to go me!

I let myself sink to the bottom and I lie down one the pool floor. Its comforting here and quiet.

I don't know how long it is before I notice someone looking down at me from the side of the pool. I smile recognizing the person. Agent Barton. I kick my legs and swim to the surface.

"Back from New Mexico?" I ask smiling at him.

"Yup, that was one interesting mission." He laughs.

"So he was a norse god?" I ask, remembering what Agent Romanoff had told me.

"Yup," He responds. "He put up a good fight too. Until he got to the hammer and couldn't lift it. Then he was just out of it until one of his friends came for him."

"Wow, that is interesting. Hey Agent Barton, you really think we can consider him as an ally?" I ask.

He looks down at me who is still treading water and responds,"When did you start thinking like a SHIELD agent?" I roll my eyes and laugh.

"Well I'm gonna go talk to Fury and debrief, and Lexi, you can call me Clint...if you want to." he says.

I smile. "Okay Clint, I'll see you around then. By the way, Agent Romanoff wanted me to tell you she's on a mission in LA."

"Thanks Lexi. See ya." He responds and leaves the pool. I smile at myself again and climb out of the pool. I get up onto the top of the high dive and lie down at the edge, thinking how did I get lucky enough to become good friends with the Black Widow and Hawkeye.

Then the boy's locker room opens and the people I was hoping not see appear, Owen, Colton, Dylan and Allison. Plus Connor, but its not like I didn't want to see him.

"Well well well, what was that little conversation about Carson?" Owen spits.


Lexi: Calm down there Nerdy.

Me: Ok...I'm calm...hopefully....nope

**Nerdy_Girl has signed off**

Lexi: Err... I hope all you guys liked this part and comment, vote and follow Nerdy_Girl to stay updated! Crud what does she say again....Oh ya!

Stay Nerdy!

- Nerdy_Girl

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