The Lost Boy (Sequel to The L...

By _YellowRose_

16.9K 891 124

Four months have passed since Arabella received a strange message, yet it is still obscure. No new letters, n... More

Chapter 1
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-four
Chapter Twenty-five

Chapter Sixteen

621 39 4
By _YellowRose_

New York appeared to be exactly as the world made it seem-crowded and quick. Yet, completely beautiful in its own way. For the past couple of years I'd been spending my days wondering forests of magical wonder, now I was back in my home realm surrounded by concrete and bursts of technology. Not really a negative if you ask me.

My feet move quickly along the pavement, somehow in sync with the crowd around me.

My sisters are in front of me, discussing lunch plans.
I try to stay a close distance behind them, but get distracted by my surroundings.
So many stores, so many restaurants, so many windows, so much life, and so many thoughts.
They consume my brain, creating a buzz I haven't had in years. It's terrifying yet what I've craved.

I focus in on a few people as they pass by, searching for any possible mention of Peter. It's a long shot, but still a shot.

Ana suddenly stops, giving my slow self a chance to catch up. She earns a couple discerning looks from our peers as well as some mumbles of profanities (perhaps my favorite thing about New York is the extent of the colorful language, something simply none existent in Floristian).

Sam copies her and soon I have caught up to them. We continue forward, now partaking in conversation.

"This is a lot busier than I thought it would be," Sam says.

"Yah the amount of people is insane. Arabella, how's your head?" Ana asks, giving me a concerned look.

"Pulsing with thoughts. Doesn't really hurt though, at least not like it used to when there was this many people. I guess I've grown into my powers," I answer.

"Shhhh," Sam starts, "We are surrounded by people you can't say that," her voice is slightly lower.

Ana and I roll our eyes.

"It's New York City," I say, "No one will hear me. And if they do? Well it'll probably be one of the more normal things they've heard on these streets."

We go back to walking in silence, them staring at the scenery and me avoiding awkward eye contact with strangers as I read their thoughts. This time, however, I keep in perfect stride with my sisters.

Then, once again, Ana suddenly stops, putting her hands across both my and Sam's stomachs forcing us to mirror her actions.

"What?" I ask.

She's looking up, toward a store name ahead of us. My eyes follow her gaze.
In deep purple letters the words "Mini Vision: Your home for miniature goods!!"

I scoff, "Really? I mean I agree mini things are pretty awesome but you didn't need to stop NYC crowd flow for them," I attempt to move forward but her arm stops me. People passing us continue to grumble and curse.

"You don't feel it?" She asks, giving both Sam and me a confused look.

"No," we say skeptically, in unison.

"There's something about that place that," Ana's eyes fill with a strange tint of recognition, as if she knew what it could be but couldn't figure it out.

"Let's go in," I demand, and veer off toward the store.

It's small, and appears to have a cheap magic store meets circus theme with a draped purple cloth above the velvet red front door. The window of the store displays a set of mini silverware, a mini toy car set, a mini barrel of monkeys, and a mini set of golf clubs and contains the same color pallet as the front door.

Overall, the place feels faded and dead, a complete contrast to the world outside of it.

I reach out to open the door. I can feel the hesitation from both Ana and Sam behind me,  yet without missing a beat I open the it and enter the shop.

The inside isn't as dark as I'd thought it would be but isn't exactly bright.
It carries the same theme as the front, with draped cloth hanging from the ceiling and red velvet (now mixed with blue) covers the walls. Shelves and shelves of various miniature items cover the store. They aren't tall though, so one is able to clearly see the whole store, which-as hinted by the front appearance- isn't very big.
Straight ahead is a cash register and a glass case of what I assume to be the more expensive items. No one is behind it. Actually, no one besides us appears to be in the store.

I hear the door close behind me and look back to see my sisters gazing around, distrust in their eyes.

"There's no one here," Sam says, her voice wavering, "We should go."

"Oh no sorry miss!!" A voice calls from behind the counter. It's sounds old and frail, similar to the atmosphere of the shop. Then, the speaker emerges behind the counter.

He's exactly as his voice sounded, old and frail, with thin gray hair and tired brown eyes. He appears small even in his tiny shop, and his clothes-a striped green apron and brown flannel- make him look like an old fashioned toy maker. A smile appears on his face.

"How can I help you ladies?"

My heart stops for a moment. His thoughts are hidden, that's why this store seemed so dead. I look at Ana and she seems to have caught on because she returns to me the same expression of anxiety. Any form of magic on Earth meant it had to be powerful. Something my sisters and I had learned the hard way.

"Um we're just looking," Sam says with a sweet smile. She has no way of comprehending the seriousness of our current situation.

The old man smiles, "I think I have just the perfect thing for you ladies. A mini jewelry box!! Small, but beautiful." He reaches into the glass case and pulls out a sapphire covered, rectangular box about the size of half of my palm.

The three of us walk over to him to look at the object. It's even more captivating up close.

"It's wonderful," Ana says, she seems to have dropped her suspicions in awe of the box.

"Isn't it?" The old man says with a smile, clearly pleased with himself. "Try opening it! It has more room in it than you think!!"

His voice has a weird edge at the last part. He hands Ana the box and I notice a strange twinkle in his eye.
Ana begins to lift the lid. The man's eyes gain a darkness.

"No!!" I shout, and slap the box out of her hands. It lands on the table, opened toward the old man.

His eyes fill with fear, "What have you done!!?" He screams. Suddenly a purple smoke pours out of the box and begins to surround him.

My gaze meets his fury stricken face. "He. Will. Get. You." The old man shouts, the cloud grows thicker and thicker until not even his outline remains. It begins to rush quickly back into the box, like water flowing into a drain.
Then, the purple smoke is gone, along with the old man.

I turn to look at Ana and Sam, both of their faces frozen in shock.

"What....was..that?" Ana huffs out.

I shrug, carefully closing the box, "I'm not sure, but this rescue mission just became much more complicated."

Peter's POV
Modern Day

I stare into the darkness, gently whispering,
"Don't find me, don't find me. He'll kill you, He'll kill you." I repeat over and over, as if somehow it'll reach her.

Somehow this evil man has dragged her into this world of misery and deceit, and even if she thinks it, I'm not worth the saving. She doesn't know what she's getting into, she just doesn't know. She couldn't.

Footsteps appear outside the door, approaching quickly.

His voice calls, as bitter as it has ever been, "It seems your little girlfriend has managed to avoid one of my associates. She better be careful, I don't like being tested," He gives an awful cackle and heads back down the hall.

Part of me is filled with relief, the other with the same fear that's existed since she arrived.

"Maybe she can make it," The first side says.

"If he knows where she is, she's already dead." The second half yells.

"I love you Arabella," I whisper, and shut my eyes, hoping the whole world will just fade away.

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