Inevitable Desires

By misty_moo

892 22 33

Seventeen year old Alexandrea Nowakovsky attends an all performing arts school, but what happens when she fal... More

Inevitable Desires- Chapter 2
Inevitable Desires Chapter 3

Inevitable Desires

645 17 29
By misty_moo


This is something I’ve been playing with for ages but a friend of mine said *cough, cough forced* me to upload it onto Wattpad. I want to thank one of my closest, most trust worthy friends Sarah Hayes for helping me come up with a name for the story, she’s also uploading a story please check it out and support her, it’s going to be amazing! Please comment so that I know what I’m doing right, wrong and what could be improved. Also a HUGE thankyou to my amazing friend Ruby who made the cover for INEVITABLE DESIRE!! Love you Ruby. I doubt that I will add a cast to this because I like to imagine how people look when I’m reading without outside influence. This is just a short story; I might make it longer I’ll see what happens. If you want to know anything else just leave a post on my message board.

Please vote, comment, fan, and add to library… go crazy!                                   

Hope you guys like it!

~ Enjoy :) xx


The annoying piercing sound of my alarm clock is what woke me, and right now I wasn’t impressed; I was seriously considering going all ninja on it’s ass but thought better of it.

“Alexi! Get out of bed; you’re going to be late! I made breakfast, your favourite; peanut butter waffles!”  My aunt Zoë yelled in her thick French accent, and sure enough as soon as I opened the door the mouth-watering aroma of waffles met my nose.

I’ve lived with my aunt Zoë since I was twelve years old; my parents died of an animal attack when they were on holiday in Peru, on a hiking trail. The funeral was a small affair, as most of our family were either in France or Russia. When they passed away my aunt Zoë flew in from France to look after me, we now both live in New York. My mother was born and raised in France and my father was born and raised in Russia, they met one another on one of their many travels in Spain and fell in love. Quite a romantic story really.

I opened the taps of my shower and adjusted them to just the right temperature and got in. The warm droplets of water pelted onto my naked back, relaxing me. I washed my hair with my favourite strawberry scented shampoo and turned the taps off. I wrapped a towel around my hair and body as if to keep the heat from escaping and dressed in my jeans, my favourite hoodie and black converse. Simple. I looked in the mirror. It was very rare that I would actually want to look at myself I see so much of my parents in myself. I had the exact same shade of dark chocolate brown hair my dad had, the green eyes of my mother, my skin was pale in a way but the soft undertone of natural rose pink blush contrasted well with it. I didn’t like to wear revealing clothes, besides everyone knew I had an athletic build from the dancing and years of gymnastics I did as a child. I grabbed my dance clothes and rushed to the kitchen.

“What’s the plan for today?” I asked as I was chewing on my waffles.

 My Aunt Zoë ran her hand through her bright red curly hair and sat down next to me on the kitchen stool. She was quite young. Only thirty-three and was a beautiful woman, she had gorgeous green eyes and an amazing figure. Her eyes reminded me so much of my mother… I really admired her. She left her whole life back in France, gave everything up just to look after me. She would never know just how much I owed her and how much gratitude I had towards her for doing that for me. She didn’t often speak about Pierre, the love of her life. She broke it off with him so she could live here in New York. It must’ve killed her but she still did it and for that I couldn’t thank her enough. She was there when I needed her the most.

“Well, I want to finish that sculpture and I need to do some shopping for my next project, what are yours?” she said having the last of her croissant.

“Well, I’m planning on taking a quick helicopter ride to Bangladesh and then I’ll probably fight a few evil robot unicorns and marry Clark Kent! What do you think I’m doing?” I said sarcastically.

School was fun… occasionally when we did something exciting in dance class or something new in music.

“You know, I let you go to that performing arts school so that you wouldn’t get bored, but that did not work so well,” she was washing a few dishes and putting them away.

I smiled.

“I’m not bored, it’s just I wish we had better choreography and that Ms. Pell would be replaced by someone who can actually play an instrument.”

She just smiled and silence fell upon us, well apart from the soft jazz music emitting from the small radio on the counter. After I handed my plate back to her she told me she might not be home when I get here, I just shrugged and planted a kiss on her cheek.

“I made a fresh batch of chocolate croissants last night grab some for lunch, yes?”

“You know me too well, thankyou,” I said as my cell phone vibrated in my pocket.

I slide it open to read the text from my best friend, Tyler.

‘At sub station, where are you? Xx’

I glanced at the clock and cursed, it was 7:15 already!

“Au revoir! Je t’aime,” I yelled over my shoulder and I ran from the apartment.

I jogged down the busy and crowed streets, I could hear car horns and smell the fumes from them but I could also smell the strong sent of Flower City and then further down the road I could see Louis the hot dog man by the entrance of the sub station. I gave him a hurried wave and threw the change for the usual on his stand while grabbing my hot dog with the lot. Louis was a great dude always asking me how I was and his two-year-old son was just the cutest! I was panting by the time I reached Tyler on platform 2.

“I realize you like having long showers but Mrs. Lilford’s going to skin us alive,” he said grabbing my hand and jumping onto the sub just before the doors closed.

 “Hey, by the way.”

“Bonjour my short tempered little friend,” I said putting on a French accent like my aunts. I could speak fluent French but I definitely did not have the accent.  Tyler really wasn’t short tempered; he was probably the most carefree easygoing person on the planet and rarely got angry.

“Short tempered? Ha ha ha, hilarious! We’ll see what excuse you use to get out of trouble this time. I don’t think the ninja attack quite convinced her last time,” he said lifting his feet to rest on my legs.

I looked down at his shoes sneakers and then up into his hazel eyes. Tyler was actually quite attractive, tall, shaggy blonde hair, nice build but he was only a friend, my best friend actually. I could tell him anything without it being awkward. I trusted him with my life. We’d been friends since first day of freshman year. He’d accidentally dumped his lunch on me and was surprised when I didn’t have a huge tantrum about it like other girls would. He helped me clean up and promised he’d make up for it with lifetime servitude. I wasn’t going to say no to that.

“Hey! Those pigeons may as well have been ninjas! They were pecking at my hair!” I joked, laughing at his face.

“Pigeon’s? I think you mean Pigeon, there was only one. How are you?” this is what I liked about Tyler, we never ran out of things to say and even if we did we’d talk about something completely random, like marshmallows or something.

The halls at school were deserted so we jogged down them; I passed my locker not having time to grab my music books or scripts. Tyler and I burst through the door as Mrs. Lilford read my name out for roll call.

“Alexandrea Nowakovsky?” she said looking through her huge glasses.

“I’m here!” I said, out of breath.

“You’re late, again. Why?” she looked pissed.


“I’m really sorry Mrs. Lilford but I was mourning the loss of my goldfish Moby, he drowned,” I said with a sad voice.

I actually sounded convincing, which is what made it so much funnier! I heard Tyler crack up and then the rest of the class followed. Mrs. Lilford looked unimpressed but continued down the list. Tyler and I took our usual spots and just sat there talking to Trish and Malcolm until the bell signalled start of first period.

I entered the dance room with Malcolm and Tyler; we went to our usual corner and stretched while waiting for the instructor. We were chatting away, he’d been to Japan over the summer break and we spoke about the culture, I’d been there twice. We practiced one of the numbers that we were going to use for our end of semester showcase. Dancing was Tyler’s strongest point and Malcolm could definitely bust a few moves they were both amazing. I preferred classical and contemporary though, they were both better at hip-hop and jazz than I by miles. Tyler was my partner since he was clearly the strongest out of the two of us he did the lifts, he was the muscle and I was the… not muscle?

“Alexandrea! Legs straight, toes pointed! C’Mon people we don’t have all day.”

I was ready to punch Drake by the end of first period. Sure my pivot was a bit off but Chelsea’s wasn’t exactly graceful and he didn’t bite her head off!

Malcolm saw my blood boil and sent me sympathetic smile. I just wanted to get out of there and go to music.

I stopped by my locker and grabbed my music books. I caressed the picture of my parents under the Eiffel Tower once and closed locker. I really do miss them sometimes…when they died they took a part of me with them, they were so in love and that’s what makes it so hard for me to accept. They were such good people, always trying to help other in any way they could, looking after me like I was their little princess. I just really wished sometime it was all just some long nightmare and that I would wake up one morning and am truly happy again. With my parents waking me up together like they had every morning.

 I missed the smell of the hot cocoa my mum would make; warm and mouth watering and the sharp scent of my dad’s after shave, the way he would hold me on his lap while mamma would make us breakfast.

I walked into the one of the music rooms and talked to Ashley, she said there would be a new teacher today. I can’t believe it! It was as if my prayers were being answered! As a joke I looked at the roof threw my hands in the air and yelled “Thank you!” she started giggling and continued playing bass.

I made my way over to the white grand piano and started playing, other students were doing their own thing on guitar or drums, I let the music flow through me I felt the tempo and tapped my right foot along with it. I played The Meadow by Alexander Desplat, as my fingers danced softly along the keys the class started to buzz but I paid them no attention I was nearing my favourite part of the song.  I played the last chord and turned the pages in my book to another song when I heard someone clear their throat.

 I looked to my side and sitting there was a guy. A really hot guy. How did I not notice someone sit down next to me? His hair was messy but not like he just woke up… actually, yes it was exactly that but he pulled it off extremely well. His blue eyes were piercing; you know that blue you see on pictures of tropical beaches? It was that blue, he had beautiful full lips and stubble the colour of his gorgeous hair. He smiled when he was certain that he caught my attention. I swear my heart skipped a beat… or three when he smiled. His teeth were perfect, the way his lips curved upwards, perfection.

He looked like a frikken Greek god! And the way his shirt hugged him in all the right places. Swoon.

“Hey,” oh my Lord! His voice… excuse me while I faint.

I smiled in return.

“Hi.” I replied astounding myself with my even tone.

I had this image in my head where I’m like a little kid saying ‘Mom, can I keep him?’

“ What’s your name?” he asked I wanted to be able to say something cool and simple like Emily Roberts but no, I had to have some long name, curse you dad for your Russian-ess!

“ Alexandrea Nowakovsky, but my friends call me Lexi and You?” playing it cool, good girl Lexi don’t show him you think he’s the hottest male to walk the face of the earth. Ever… in the history of the world.

“ I’m Zachary Alexander, my friends call me … Zack? And you can too, but most my students tend to stick with the more appropriate ‘Mr. Alexander’” his voice was like that of an angels, so soft and melodic and… wait! STUDENTS?!

“Students? How old are you?” he smirked, which in turn made my heart beat ten times faster.

“Yes, I’m the new music teacher, and I’m twenty-three, wonderful playing by the way, you?” he asked amused. I knew he knew I was seventeen and that I was a student, I guess he was just having his fun. I still gave him a puzzled look.

“Umm, I’m a student…? And I’m seventeen.” This made him smile.

“Oh, you look a bit older, and good I guess we’ll be seeing plenty of one another then.” There is a God! A wonderful, wonderful God!

“Thanks? And I guess so.” Smooth real smooth. Not. “ So since you’re a music teacher, can you play anything?”

“Yes, I play Piano, guitar, drums, bass I can also play the triangle!” he said winking at me.

“Oh, that’s cool. Our last teacher could barely play anything but she wasn’t really a music teacher she was a filler cause they couldn’t find anyone on such short notice they ended up keeping her around for about seven months. Seven torturous months.” I said sadly.

“Well glad I could save you from your torture Lexi, what do you play?”

“Pretty much everything you play minus the drums, and God only knows how long I’ve been trying to perfect the triangle, ” I said teasingly.

“Wow, so you’re multi talented.” He gave me a weird look. And winked again. I felt warmth rush to my cheeks and faced the keys again.

After Zack introduced himself to the class he played us all a little something. He was good. Really, really, good. The rest of second period I played piano only shifting to bass at the very end. When the bell went I couldn’t wait to get to drama, I was being so distracted by Mr. Alexander. There was something about him.  I was in such a hurry that I completely forgot about my music books. All the girls seemed to suddenly forgot how to play one chord or another. I can’t blame them he was… something else entirely.

“Lexi! Hold on!” no Mr. Alexander I don’t want to hold on, you’re too frikken hot for your own good and you keep distracting me please let me go!

“Yeah?” I turned around trying to avoid actually looking at him.

“You left your music at the piano.” He walked to the piano closing all the books and walked up to me.

I looked down at the books then back at him. Can I kiss you or punch you in the face or something? No? Damn. I reached out and grabbed the books accidentally making contact with his hand. He was so warm, and there was something this little shock that went through me. He looked at me his eyes wide. I just gave him a puzzled look and mumbled something close enough to a thankyou.

As I walked through the door I looked back at him, he was smiling at me. I really hope he’s less perfect tomorrow somehow.

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