Xiaolin showdown collab with...

Od karikitdemon

578 11 3

Long ago before Wuya was a threat, Grand Master Dashi found two people to become the first ever Xiaolin drago... Viac

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 12

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Od karikitdemon

----- A week later, Xiaolin temple -----

Kari and the other monks have been getting along much better now since she started to open up. She has been more open and active with doing other things and this made everyone happy to see her warming up to them.

"Kari, come on or we will be late for training." Omi called as he knocked on Kari's door.

"Just a second! I'm putting on my--WAAH!!! ... Scarf..." Kari called.

"Did you trip?" Omi stated as he narrowed his eyes.

"Yeah... I'm all good." Kari opened the door with a smile and Omi grinned and the two walked to training. "Hey! Morning everyone." Kari giggled and waved.

"Morning." Kimiko smiled and waved and Master Fung nodded.

"Good morning, Kari." Kari blinked at Master Fung. "Is something the matter?" He asked her. Kari shook her head.

"Nope, just a thought." Kari grinned and stretched her arms up. Clay and Raimundo joined the group as Dojo slithered his way over.

"Good morning to ya'll." Clay said tipping his hat up.

"Morning everyone." Raimundo said rubbing his eyes still a bit on the sleepy side.

"It's a beautiful day and there's a good chance we don't have to go hunting for a shen gong wu!" Dojo said happily thinking about not having to worry about sneezing or itching uncontrollably. Kari grinned at Dojo then Master Fung sighed and took out the ocarina. He played it slightly on the second hole and Kari went to stage two.

"Hmmm." Master Fung stated as he motioned for everyone to get behind him and watch.

"What--- Why do I f-feel so..." Kari gulped with a blink. Raimundo, Clay, Dojo, Omi, and Kimiko moved behind Master Fung as instructed, they watched Kari go into stage 2.

"What's the meaning of this Master Fung? I thought we were training?" Raimundo asked looking at Fung confused.

"I had a feeling that Kari was gaining more control and I wanted to test it out when I saw you all." Master Fung stated.

"More control? What are you talking a-aha-ahchoo!" Kari sneezed and a small flick of fire came from her mouth. Master Fung sighed.

"Well, more control than before. She can now use her stage 1 and 2 without losing herself. For a while at least." Master Fung stated and Kari blinked. "I will explain in time Kari." He said and Kari huffed. "Now, time to train. Kari stay like that the whole time we are training." He said.

"But I feel so weird!" Kari whined and Master Fung gave her a look. "Will do!" Kari smiled brightly. Dojo looked at the group to see who was going to go against Kari first. Clay stepped forward to the field.

"I'd like to have another go." Clay said with a smile.

"Another? Well, whatever." Kari smirked then took a stance. "Ready when you are!" Kari called out. Clay ran as fast as he could to Kari as earth started to collect and form around his hands.

Kari blinked and giggled as she held out one hand and stopped him with telekinesis. Kari began to glow slightly as well as Clay. "Got you!" Kari smiled and tossed Clay around then dropped him. Clay was freaking out while being tossed around and then suddenly dropped, feeling extremely dizzy afterwards. Kimiko and Omi tensed up and shivered while hissing in pain. Kari walked up to Clay and held her hand out to him, healing him up.

"S-sorry about that. You feel better?" Kari asked while helping Clay stand up. Clay shook it off the dizziness off as he nodded his head.

"Yup, I'm alright. I'll have to try a lot harder next time." Clay said rubbing the back of his neck. Kari smiled and nodded.

"Yeah. Ok who's next?" Everyone hid with a shiver. "No one?" Kari blinked and shrugged. Raimundo looked at the rest of the group then to Kari, it was only training so it's not like he actually wanted to hurt her. Raimundo made up his mind and stepped forward thinking he'll still most likely lose to Kari, but it's worth a shot.

"I'll face you next." Raimundo said with a smile. Kari looked at Raimundo and then took a stance.

"Kay, ready when you are." She called out, her symbols glowing. Raimundo ran head on and as he got to close range he clapped his hands together making a wind current to blast Kari back.

Kari formed a barrier and skid back a bit. "SEISMIC KICK!!!" Kari called and Kicked Raimundo in the stomach. She smirked and rushed for another attack, beginning to glow brightly. Raimundo hunched over from the blow to his stomach in pain. She then went for a punch to the head but stopped, seeing that he was done. Her body stopped glowing to show a zig zagging black line going through her left eye.

"And... What just happened?" Kari blinked and took a few steps back with a sigh, scratching her head. "Why the hell am I so small?" Master Fung blinked and Omi walked up to Kari.

"Kari are you ok?" He asked, being cautious.

"Who? Oh, you mean me? Sorry kid but I'm not Kari... Well, I think I'm in her body, but I'm not. The name's Raiza, Raiza the deranged I was called back in my day." Kari smirked, an evil glint in her eyes. Dojo looked up to Master Fung concerned.

"What do we do, also another thing I was thinking about is if Kari is able to do this, than there is a good chance Kaiser is capable of the same thing." Dojo said pulling his ears down in panic. Raimundo looked up still in a little pain, but stood back up.

"Great it's happening again." Raimundo cursed under his breath so no one could hear him talk. Clay and the rest of the group were completely confused, what just happened to their friend Kari. Master Fung gulped.

"Raiza, you mean Raiza killer of many? Slayer of villages?" He asked and Kari nodded.

"Who else?" She huffed. "But I'm just happy I'm out here for a while. Nothin much has been goin on the past century or so. I sensed a fight goin on and jumped at it... Didn't know my descendant was so... Small, how old is she now? Ten? Nine?"


"Damn she's small!" Kari's body punched herself. "THE FUCK?!" "HEY!!! I'M NOT SHORT YOU HAG!!" Kari's growled.

"What is going on?!" Kimiko yelled out in confusion. Dojo looked to Master Fung to see if they should explain what was happening before them.

"Both dragons are able to contact their ancestors. Once they are more skilled they can do it at will. I was amazed the first time this happened, since Kari is so young." Master Fung explained. Clay nodded in understanding as everyone else did as well except for Raimundo since he already knew what was going on. Raimundo was surprised since last time Kari didn't say anything or even remember anything that happened during that time.

"Grr! The hell is wrong with you Kari! You are supposed to be suppressed or whatever!" "Shut it! Get out now!! I have a BAD feeling about you!! GET OUT NOW!!!" Kari roared and Raiza gulped. "Whatever you little brat! Geez, I was just having fun! You should respect your elders!" "DON'T PULL THAT SHIT WITH ME!!!" With that the mark that went through Kari's eye vanished. Kari looked at everyone. "Why is everyone looking at me like that?" She asked, her stage two form affecting her memory slightly. Raimundo raised an eyebrow, he just shook his head to "I'm not even gonna ask." Raimundo thought to himself as he spoke out.

"Nothing Kari, they were just a bit surprised at how hard you kicked me is all." Raimundo lightly laughed at his own pain.

"Ok..." Kari frowned and held her hands out, healing him. "Sorry... Didn't mean to be so hard." She apologized. Raimundo waved his hands back and forth frantically.

"No, no, no It's alright Kari I know you didn't mean to. Everyone gets a little carried away when it comes to training." Raimundo said giving her a reassuring smile.

"Nice save." Dojo whispered quietly so only Master Fung could hear him. Master Fung nodded

"Kay, I'm still sorry I went all out like that." Kari sighed but then she smiled and looked at Master Fung. "We done?" She asked and Master Fung nodded. "Yay! I'm gonna go and play some soccer." Kari smiled and went off, going back to normal. Raimundo and the rest of the group watched as Kari went off to play soccer. Kari was smiling as she balanced the ball and did a few tricks here and there, trying her best to stay at the top of her game. Raimundo watched as she pulled a few cool tricks with the soccer ball as he smiled to himself. Soon Kimiko and Kari along with Omi and everyone else went to watch a movie. Kimiko chose the movie.

The movie was called "Haunted Hospital" which was a horror movie. About half way through Kimiko, Dojo and Omi were shaking and hiding behind a pillar while Kari didn't look the least bit scared. That is until a nurse came into view, holding a syringe. She shrieked and shivered with the other three behind the pillar. The thing was, that nurse had shown up before holding saws and knives and stuff but Kari showed no fear. Clay was hiding his face under his hat when he'd get spooked from the movie. Raimundo sat there as the scary movie went on slightly shivered or jumped a bit when something or someone was to jump out out of nowhere.

"You all know that this all is just a movie and this would never happen, right?" Raimundo said looking to his friend's that were hiding behind the pillar. Then Dojo said right after.

"Easy for you to say Raimundo." Dojo quivered and hide behind the pillar after hearing a blood curdling scream that came from the movie. Kari shrieked and held Kitearo and whined.

"Is it gone, is it gone?" She whimpered and sniffled.

"Is what gone?" Omi asked with a gulp, his teeth chattering. Kari gulped.

"Th-the syringe! I-is it f-gone?" Kari muttered in a high pitch squeak. Kimiko peeked out from behind the pillar and nodded. Kari sighed then rushed back to watch. Only to yelp and hide behind Raimundo as another nurse appeared, holding a syringe. "Myaaahhh!!! Get it away get it away!" She shivered and cling to Raimundo's back. Raimundo's face started to become flustered when Kari hid behind him and clung onto his back. Collecting himself together before speaking so he didn't sound like a stuttering idiot.

"H-hey Kari, It's okay the syringe isn't going to get you. Besides i-if there was one around I wo-wouldn't let it hurt you." Raimundo said sweetly in a gently way trying to make Kari feel more secure. Kari whined and clung tighter to him, not wanting to see it.

"I-I know... B-but y-you know wh-what k-kind of people killed my p-parents... I-I don't trust th-those things! Y-you don't know i-is in there! It c-could be poison o-or maybe some sore of mind control juice or something!" Kari squeaked with a terrified voice. Raimundo turned a bit as he placed a hand on Kari's head smoothing her hair out to comfort her. She let out an adorable yet still scared sigh.

"Yeah, that is really scary, even I wouldn't trust syringes either. But it's the people with the syringes that you can't trust since it's them that fills the syringe with whatever they fill it with." Raimundo said trying to calm Kari's nerves down a bit as his face was getting redder by the minute the more she held onto him. Clay and Dojo were watching Kari and Raimundo highly amused at how cute they looked together like that. Kari nodded.

"They hurt too..." Kari sniffled and stayed there, her face hidden in his back still, shivering slightly. Kimiko and Omi watched. Kimiko holding Omi's mouth so he wouldn't speak up. Raimundo felt like his chest was going to explode on the inside from the large amount of happiness filling his heart that Kari was clinging to him for protection from the disturbing deadly syringes that were being seen in the movie.

"They do hurt, I'm not a fan of needles or syringes either." Raimundo said agreeing with Kari's statement. Raimundo watched as one of the nurses was killed and the syringe was nowhere to be seen. "Hey Kari the big old mean syringe is gone." Raimundo said looking over his shoulder to look at Kari as her face was buried into the back of his hoodie. Kari looked up and peeked from out behind him then crawled and sat next to him and watched.

"D-Don't t-talk to me l-like I'm five." She sniffled and watched the movie. Each time she saw a syringe she would rush behind Raimundo and he would let her know when it was gone. Clay fell asleep with his hat covering his face as Dojo was lightly snoring coiled up on the arm of the sofa, Omi had fallen asleep on top of Clay and Kimiko had been asleep on the chair close to the sofa.. Raimundo was enjoying spending time with his friends watching this movie, even though he didn't notice that everyone but Kari and himself were the only ones awake as the scary movie was coming to the end.

Eventually, near the ending of the movie Raimundo felt something on his shoulder, it was slightly heavy and it was making a slight breathing noise. Raimundo looked to his right shoulder and saw Kari, asleep soundly on him. Raimundo looked to his right to see Kari sound asleep, looking around himself a bit more, everyone but himself was sleeping. His face got warmer as he gave a gentle smile down to the sleeping Kari. He placed an arm around Kari so she wouldn't fall backwards or anything also wanting to give her a sense of being protected while she slept. Raimundo soon started to feel his eyelids getting heavy, when the credits of the movie were showing Raimundo was sound asleep resting his head on top of Kari's. Soon everyone woke up, except for Kari and Raimundo, who were out like lights.

Kimiko smiled and took a few pictures while Omi stared at the two curiously. Clay looked to his two sleeping friends with a smile on his face. Dojo was smiling lightly. "Ahh young love at its finest."  The dragon thought as Raimundo was sleeping soundly with a small smile while he slept not knowing that his friend's were watching and taking pictures and videos of him and Kari while they slept peacefully. Kari let out a sigh and Kimiko squeaked then giggled happily and shot a video while smiling, hoping no one woke up. Raimundo opened his eyes a bit hearing a soft giggle, and his eyes widened as he saw Kimiko with her PDA pointed at Kari and himself.

"W-what the heck do you think you're doing Kimiko?" Raimundo whispered making sure not to wake up Kari as his face was getting red with embarrassment that his all his friends have seen the two sleeping and cuddled close to one another. Clay let out a soft chuckle as he watched Raimundo quietly panic as Dojo was doing the same thing. Kari let out a moan and opened her eyes slowly.

"Mmmyyyaaa--nnn???" She purred and saw everyone staring and felt something around her. She looked to see that she was cuddling with Raimundo. At first she was too dazed to care, until she saw Kimiko filming. "WHAT THE HELL!!" She called out and tackled Kimiko with a red face from both rage and embarrassment. Clay and Dojo chuckled at Kari's reaction as Raimundo jumped a bit. Kimiko squeaked as Kari snarled and snatched the PDA from her. Kari looked at the video and blushed brighter since it was playing.

"Kari, you ok?" Kimiko gulped, thinking Kari was sick. Kari gulped and tried to speak but no words escaped her mouth as she just stood there with a wide mouth. "I think I broke Kari..." Kimiko gulped and Kari gave the PDA back to Kimiko without doing anything to it. She huffed and sat down, her back to everyone as she crossed her arms as if pouting.

"Hey come on you two, relax. It's not like we pulled a prank on you two or anything." Clay said defensively to his two friends that were completely red in the face. Raimundo looked to Clay.

"But still, that's not cool taking pictures and videos of people while they sleep!" Raimundo shouted a bit as his flustered face got worse. And then that is when Dojo jumped in saying the most reckless thing of all time.

"But Raimundo, it can't be helped that you and Kari look like you two would make such a cute couple." Raimundo's face was as red as a tomato not knowing what to say to Dojo, Raimundo felt like he was going to pass out from pure embarrassment and happiness that Dojo thought they looked good together. Kari was steaming.

"Y-yeah r-right! I'm not good enough for Raimundo. Kimiko actually has a better chance than me." Kari muttered under her breath, but everyone still heard. Kimiko blinked and blushed a light pink as Kari spoke and Raimundo's heart broke at the sound of Kari's words, as he stood up to leave the room without a single word to anyone feeling upset. Clay and Dojo watched Raimundo just suddenly leave the room right after Kari's choice of words, they both had a gut feeling that Raimundo thought differently from what Kari was expressing. Raimundo walked outside as he kicked a random pebble as he was walking under the sunlight sad that Kari felt that way. "If I was to tell her would she even accept me as her boyfriend, or just straight up reject my feelings for her. I have come to terms that I really like Kari, maybe even love her." Kari sighed then stood up and followed Raimundo. Clay, Dojo and the others watched as Kari left as well. Once finding him he punched his arm lightly.

"Don't mope! Geez! It's not becoming! I was just saying that you'd look best with Kimi cuz she likes you. Don't take what I say out of context and listen to me." She huffed. Raimundo looked at Kari with a look of confliction in his eyes debating whether or not he should tell her what he really thought. Raimundo let out a breath as he looked at Kari.

"Even if I don't take it out of context it still hurts hearing it. You're such a wonderful and amazing person Kari and you shouldn't think any other girl is better than you because there are things only you can do that makes you better than the others in your own special way." Raimundo said as his eyes showed slightly pained, but gentle look at Kari. Kari gave a bitter smile.

"I'm... Just not... I don't know..." Kari gulped and looked down. "If someone were to ask me into a relationship, I just don't think I'd be ready. You know what I've been through and you know how I've been treated so... I'm scared, of being in a relationship, in a way. Y-you know... Geez, why am I saying all this you, you'd probably never want me as a girlfriend... Or something..." Kari gulped and took a step back. "I-I've g-gotta go ok? I-I'll see you later." Kari stated then rushed to her room, flustered. Raimundo was going to say something, but Kari ran off. Raimundo made up his mind, he was going to tell Kari how he truly felt. So Raimundo started to run after Kari as he shouted to her.

"KARI! Please wait!" He shouted desperately out to her hoping she'd let him catch up. Kari skid to a stop and sighed.

"Y-Yeh?" She asked, not looking at Raimundo, her back to him. Raimundo stopped a few inches behind her as he panted a bit catching his breath. After two minutes he said to Kari. The other monks and Dojo were watching from near by.

"You're wrong." Raimundo looked at her back eyes determined to tell her. Kari blinked and slowly looked at Raimundo, turning to face him. Raimundo then continued to speak his mind. "You say Kimiko has a better chance than you, but that's not right. Because all in reality I see Kimiko as a really close friend..." Raimundo's face became flustered as he let the next few words flow from his mouth. "B-because I don't feel that strong of an attraction to Kimiko as I do with you Kari." Clay Omi, and Dojo smiled while Kimiko sighed but then gave a slight smile that Raimundo finally manned up and told Kari how he felt about her. Kari just stared with wide eyes. She gulped and looked away slightly for a moment.

"I... Y-you... I...  Uh..." Her face was a very deep and bright scarlet and she was unable to find the words to speak. Steam puffed from her face as she looked at Raimundo. Raimundo walked a bit closer to Kari still looking at her.

"A-and all those times that you were really close and friendly with Clay... I couldn't help but feel jealous at times, and there were moments when I thought you were better off with Clay because he's such a great guy that knows how to treat a girl." Raimundo's head handed down looking at the ground. Clay's expression soften hearing that his best friend was jealous of how Kari and himself were close and hugged at times, he felt a little bad for unknowing making Raimundo feel that way. Kari was frozen in shock as she stared at Raimundo and gulped.

"R-Raimundo... I... I don't know... How to even.... I always thought you liked Kimiko better. She did lean on you a lot for multiple things, and I always thought you looked cute-- wait you got jealous of me hugging Clay? I just thought of like a big brother figure." Kari gulped and gave a nervous giggle. Raimundo's face got flustered a bit, but then shook his head.

"Kimiko does, but I always felt like it was just as two really good friends just being chill and laid back. Well from how I saw it, you two hugging was a bit more then brother and sister hugging..."

"You know I was separated from My brother when I was five. I don't really remember how a brother and sister hug, I kinda forgot..." Kari shrugged as she rubbed the back of her neck. Raimundo chuckled a bit shaking his head before talking again.

"Yeah I know... But umm Kari I'd like to ask you something." Raimundo said looking to Kari to see if she'll listen to what he has to ask while Dojo's ears perked up as Raimundo was gonna ask, about time too. Kari blinked and began to listen, unsure of what he was going to ask due to her innocence.

"What is it, Rai?" Raimundo then got on both knees in front of Kari as he took her hands in his looking up to her.

"I know I can be an idiot, say stupid things without thinking first, be a bit of an airhead, and many other things, but I want to ask you: will you be my girlfriend?" Clay, Kimiko, Omi and Dojo smiled at how Raimundo was acting very serious and showed compassion in his eyes to Kari. Kari blinked and gulped

"... Raimundo... Stand up please..." Raimundo looked at Kari as he did as Kari told him to do, getting a scared feeling that she was going to turn him down now then waited to hear what Kari had to say. Kari sighed and walked up to Raimundo then punched him. "THAT'S for taking so long! And this," she hugged him. "Is my answer." She smiled. "Just know I don't know how to act in a relationship..." Kari sighed happily. Clay whistled as Dojo clapped at Raimundo and Kari as she hugged him after punching him. Raimundo winced a bit after being punched, but then smiled as he hugged Kari back happy finally being able to call her his girlfriend. His chest swelled with happiness as was so lucky to have her in his life. Kimiko felt her heart ache as she had lost her chance with Raimundo but she was also happy for Kari.

"They are a very cute couple." Omi giggled and went to congratulate them happily. Clay and Dojo nodded to Omi. Clay put a hand on Kimiko's shoulder giving her a gentle smile saying everything will be okay. Raimundo pulled back a bit to show Kari his biggest smile he could give her to show just how happy she's made him. Kari giggled and smiled just a big.

"What now?" She asked with an adorable shrug. Soon they were surrounded by everyone else, getting congratulated happily. Kari went red and nearly passed out from shock. Raimundo placed an arm around Kari's shoulder to make sure she didn't fall over or anything not wanting her to get hurt.

"How about we watch a comedy movie now in celebration of Kari and Raimundo's relationship!?" Dojo said loud with excitement

Kari shook her head. "Nah, I wanna go for a walk... Get my head around this... I'm still in a daze. Maybe later Dojo." Kari giggled then went off to walk after she got her stuffed wolf. "I won't be long, I'll be back before dinner. We can watch the movie then if you want." Kari smiled happily as she left the temple grounds to walk around the forest near the temple.

---- With Kari ----

Once Kari was a good distance away from the Xiaolin temple and was walking for a while thinking about the current events that have just happened a few minutes ago several eyes were following her in the shadows. Kari smiled and giggled.

"I wonder what this will be like? Aw man this is so weird! ... But, a good weird. If only you were alive Kite, that'd be so cool! We could--" Kari had a feeling she was being watched and she felt a shiver dart up and down her spine. "SHOW YOUR SELF!!!" She called, holding Kitearo close with a growl. She glanced around and soon enough a big group of jungle warrior cats started to surround Kari.

"Look what we have here, isn't this a lovely coincidence, seeing you here by yourself Kari." Chase Young said as he stood among his cats looking at Kari with a light mix between a smile and a smirk. Kari growled and hugged her plush tighter to her chest.

"Why are you here?" She asked with a glare. Chase let out a chuckle as if the answer was so simple.

"It's quite simple really, I'm here for you Kari. It's time you joined us young one." He said looking into her eyes.

"I already told you, Chase! I'll NEVER join you! Ever! ESPECIALLY not now!" Kari's rage was building up and her symbols began to glow.

"Would it happen to be because of your new relationship with the dragon warrior of wind?" Chase asked smirking. Kari blinked and took a step back, not replying with words. She just glared at him. Chase walks closer to Kari as he circled around her.

"You wouldn't even leave them all behind for poor old Kaiser?" He asked raising an eyebrow to her.

Kai began to growl. She dropped her plush and covered her ears. "Sh-shut up!! Shut up Shut Up SHUT UPPP!!!" She snarled and began to shake. That is when her toy began to glow brightly and change shape.

"I believe she has made herself clear." A voice called. Once the glowing stopped a fifteen year old boy with silver hair, sapphire blue eyes, a white "x" symbol on his forehead emerged from where the toy originally was. He wore a dark gray tan top and blue jeans. He also had silver wolf ears and a wolf tail and his eyes werewolf like in shape. He snarled, baring his fangs at Chase. "Leave my little sister alone and back away before I tear you to pieces."

"What the FUCK?!" Kari called as she fell down in shock.

"I'll explain later Kiddo, right now I'm busy." Chase looked confused at the once plush wolf. "How interesting." Chase Young thought to himself before speaking.

"And who are you to be getting in my way you possessed plush toy?" Chase gave a threatening growl to the guy before him. Kitearo growled and began to glow again, now turning into wolf that resembled his plush form, but bigger than an average wolf.

"She's still my sister!" He called out and grabbed Kari in his jaws and leapt over the cats and raced back to the temple, knowing Kari was too shocked to fight. Kari looked back at Chase and blinked as if she was thinking. Chase watched as Kari got away from him again, as his cats went to run after them, but Chase stopped them. He didn't have everything he needed to go after Kari that was heading to the temple. With that Chase left with his cats as he thought about how close he was to getting her to come willingly, maybe next time.

Kari and Kitearo soon arrived back at the temple, Kari still in Kitearo's jaws. The wolf looked around and then trotted around the temple, Kari too stunned to even protest about him carrying her. Raimundo heard running so went to go check it out, and when he did Raimundo started to run for the oddly large Kitearo look alike carrying Kari.

"HEY! Put Kari down now!" Raimundo shouted going into protective boyfriend mode.

"And why should I listen to a runt like you?" Kitearo snarled. That's when Kari poked Kitearo in the eye.

"Bad Kite!! No!! You don't snarl at Raimundo like that! Now put me down!!" Kari called and the wolf put Kari down with a huff and reverted to his human-like form. "Yeesh! Ok, explain now!" Kari called and Kitearo sighed.

"Everyone needs to be here for this." He stated, swaying his tail and flattening his ears since he was hurt by Kari. Kari sighed and went to gather everyone and told them to go in the main room. That is when Kitearo began to explain. "So, before you were born, Kari, I was mom and dad's second son. But about two months after I was born we got into a car crash because of some drunk driver one night. That killed me instantly because my neck snapped." Everyone winced. "Yeah, it hurt like hell! But then my spirit came back so I could watch over everyone, mainly my new sister who wasn't born yet. I remember hearing the doctors saying you were too small and weak to make it through the process but I helped you out there. I made sure You made it and, here you are. Not only that, but I possessed your toy plush that mom and dad named after me, in hopes you would ask "Hey, why is his name Kitearo." So they could tell you. But you never really asked. Regardless, I've been watching over you. And I must say, I'm so proud of how big you are! I even over heard what you are! That's so cool." Kitearo wagged his tail happily.

"So, you're basically the soul of my dead brother who I never knew and you watched over me by possessing a toy and now you're like this... What is life even?" Kari blinked, in shock still.

"Oh, and congrats on getting a boy--"


"Ok..." Kitearo flattened his ears and Kari sighed, scratching his ears. He smiled and reverted to his wolf form, but smaller like a wolf pup now.

"Thank yooooooooooouuu!" He called, his "you" sounding like a howl. Raimundo was surprised by all that he just took in. Kari had another brother that she never knew let alone was even told about. Raimundo went over to Kari and gave her a hug to show that he was there for her like always while their friends watched thinking the same thing as Raimundo. Kari sighed while Kitearo smiled and pawed at Kari.

"Hey, you two are--"

"Don't." Kari glared.

"Aw don't be so mean! I'm only being nice."

"Well, then why are you just NOW doing this? Huh?!" Kari growled. "I could have used your help when I was six! I GOT SHOT DANM IT!! WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU WHEN I WAS BLEEDING TO DEATH HUH?!"

"You were shot? I think you left me at home that day..."

"DUDE!!!" Kari growled then sighed. "Look, we just met and all so.. Lets just get to know each other... But for now, I think you're a jerk.." Kari huffed and crossed her arms. Immediately her thoughts trailed to Kaiser and her first meet. It was when she was shot and being bullied. She wished that she took Kitearo now, because if she did, she would not have met Kaiser and she would not be going through this. But, it was also a good thing. Because if she brought him, she would have never made such a close friend.

----- That night Xiaolin temple -----

That night as everyone slept Kari had a nightmare and jolted awake to find that she was holding Kitearo in his plush form. She gulped and got changed into her casual clothing and packed her thing and left a note just simply saying.

"I'm sorry. I... I need to go... I can't deal with this anymore. Raimundo, if you are reading this, I can't be your girlfriend if we're on opposite sides. Bye. Don't stop me. Kari Kana Lee Himura." And she left the temple to confront Chase about his offer. She took one more look before leaving the temple.

"You sure you wanna do this Kari?" Kitearo asked. "They are your friends, you even told them that you considered them family."

"Kite... I know, but I considered Kaiser a sister long before them. To me, she is the first family besides you and Thread." Kari responded and Kitearo sighed.

"Alright. I'm with you no matter what. Need a ride?" He asked and Kari nodded. He then got out of Kari's grip and changed into his wolf form, big enough to carry Kari to Chase's palace.

"Thanks Kitearo. This was a tough decision... It may even be the wrong one... But I'll handle my own mistakes." Kari sighed as Kitearo walked on. "Could you go a little slower? I want to get a long look at the temple."

"Sure... I can do that..." Kitearo whispered as Kari turned round to face the temple. She waved at it and sighed. "Bye everyone." She thought, staring at the temple she once called home so she could have it burned in her memory.

Soon they were in front of Chase's palace, seeing the man himself looking at them with crossed arms as they approached the door. Chase walked a bit closer to the fairly large plush wolf and Kari before asking.

"So I see you've have a change in heart I see Kari? Why if I may ask." Chase looked to her curiously waiting to hear her response. Kari got off of Kitearo and glared at Chase.

"I don't have to respond to your question, Chase. I'm here of my own accord." She snarled, making it clear that she was here because of what Chase said earlier. It was written all over her face and even her stance. Chase gave Kari a charming villain like smile understanding why without a single word as he said.

"At the moment Kaiser is in her room locked away. She's been in since there before we got back from our little showdown last week and only comes out to eat." Chase said turning around walking in to lead Kari and Kitearo the way. Kari followed Chase with her guard up and Kitearo looking at their surroundings.

"Nice place you got here..." Kitearo blinked and kept close to Kari. "How'd you know I was a spirit possessing Kari's plush earlier? She could have done that with her abilities." Kitearo questioned. While walking and not looking back Chase answered Kitearo.

"Because, every living being has an aura that surrounds their body, and I'm pretty sure regular toy plushies have an aura themselves unless they are possessed by a spirit." Kitearo blinked and sighed.

"Forgot about that."

"How come I never saw that?" Kari growled lightly, her cheeks puffed out slightly. Chase let out a small chuckle out of amusement seeing Kari act like that.

"I've been alive for a very long time Kari, and it takes time in order for some people to see auras around people let alone see them surrounding plushies." Chase said answering.

"Well no shit Sherlock." Kari huffed and looked behind her slightly at the door. Her eyebrows curled upward sadly, thinking of how everyone would react come morning. She could see it now. Raimundo would knock on her door happily, saying something to wake her up in an excited tone since they had just gotten together. He would knock again until he would finally get Kimiko to get the door. Kimiko would come out and say that she was not in her room, neither was her stuff and Raimundo would then run in and look around and notice that she left a note. He would read the note in front of everyone and his heart would break and everyone would get sad while Master Fung would get frightened of what was to come.

Kari shook the thought from her head and kept going with Chase. Chase lead Kari to a door made of a fine wood with a very complex, but beautiful design carved into it as Chase opened the door stepping to the side showing Kari.

"This will be your room from now on, Kaiser's room is the third door down from here. I figure you go to her if something is wrong, that is if she ever comes out anytime soon." Chase says and sounding slightly concerned for his little illusion mistress. Kari nodded.

"Ok..." She replied, sounding troubled and upset. Kitearo nudged Kari and whimpered. "Thanks... I guess." Kari entered her new room with a sigh. Why did she do this? Kaiser, that's why. Kari and Kitearo flopped on the bed, Kitearo now in his plush form and they slept soundly. Well, close enough anyway.

----- Next day Xiaolin temple -----

Raimundo woke up as soon as he noticed the sunlight peeking into his room. Stretching his body and yawning as he excitedly got up and got ready for the day. Soon enough he was out of his room kinda running to Kari's room. Being the first to see her as happiness filled his heart and just the thought of her and the image of cute dazed face from just waking up from her sleep holding Kitearo in her arms made his heart flutter. Not taking long Raimundo got to Kari's room knocking on the door as he said happily.

"Good morning Kari, It's time to wake up sunshine." Raimundo called from the other side of the door as he listened for signs of Kari getting up to answer the door. After a few minutes of not hearing anything Raimundo tried knocking on her door again, maybe she was still sleeping.

"Hey babe, it's morning we have training soon!" Raimundo shouted a bit loud so she could hear him. Five more minutes past and still no answer from his newly beloved girlfriend so he headed to Kimiko's room to see if she could get the door open so he could wake Kari up. Since the girls' rooms weren't too far apart he got to Kimiko's room and knocked on the door three times.

"I'm up! Just a sec." Kimiko called then opened the door and blinked. "Hey Rai... Where's Kari? I would have thought you would get her up and then go get breakfast together." Kimiko asked, tilting her head slightly. Raimundo let out a sigh before talking.

"That was my plan, but I think she's still sleeping. I've knocked on her door twice and I didn't hear her make a noise or moving around at all. Maybe you can open the door please?" Raimundo asked as he looked to his female best friend for help. Kimiko nodded and went to Kari's room. Raimundo followed standing outside the door way.

"KARI GET UP!!!" Kimiko yelled as she slammed the door open. "Huh? She's n-not here! Neither is her stuff!" Kimiko gasped and looked around, thinking Kari was playing a prank. Raimundo's eyes went as wide as plates as he rushed in taking a look for himself.

"Kari this isn't time to play pranks! Come on, we gotta get to the dining hall if we wanna eat before training!" Raimundo looked around the room for possible places for her to hide in as he slowly got more frantic after each spot Raimundo checked. Clay and Dojo heard the commotion while passing by so walked in looking around.

"Where's Kari partner?" Clay asked Raimundo. Raimundo turned to Clay giving him the "I don't know where she is, if I did know where Kari was I wouldn't be having a panic attack looking for her." look. Omi walked in with a smile, asking the same question with Kimiko answering. Omi began to help search.

After a while of everyone searching around Kari's room for her Dojo then noticed a piece of paper on the floor and pointed to it.

"Hey what's that there on the desk?" Dojo asked as Raimundo's head snapped in the direction Dojo was pointing to as he rushed over and snatched up the note Kari left, which had dried up spots where tears had landed, and opened it as fast as he could. Raimundo's eyes widened as he read it to himself. "N-no that can't be right, this is can't be true." Raimundo thought to himself rereading thinking he might have misread it or something. Clay noticed something was wrong by the look on Raimundo's face, his friend's eyes showed fear and pain.

"What's wrong Raimundo, what does it say pal?" Clay asked as Raimundo looked like he was going to have some sort of break down at any giving minute. Raimundo's hands trembled as he read the note a third time, but this time out loud for the rest to hear. After hearing what the note said everyone was in shock not wanting to believe it. Raimundo's heart felt heavy and in pain as he just couldn't stand any longer just collapsing to his knees holding the note in his hands feeling like crying at that moment not giving a damn about who saw. Kimiko and Omi stared in shock. This couldn't be true. Kari MUST have been playing a joke, or Chase kidnapped her after forcing her to write the note! Anything would have made sense EXCEPT this.

"I refuse to believe this!" Omi called out. "Kari said she considered us family! She would never do this! She even said that she would never join Chase's side!" Omi gulped, balling up his hands then eventually going and hugging Clay's leg, sniffling. "She'd never do this, right?" He asked, hoping it was all a big lie. Raimundo couldn't hold it in any longer just started to cry as tear droplets fell onto the note staining the paper even more. He felt his heart shattering apart, they just got together and then all of a sudden she turned around saying she can't be with him, it was such an unbearable pain that overtook his chest as he cried in front of his friend. Clay looked to Raimundo as he just broke in front of them all, it hurt seeing his friend hurting like this.

Dojo was sad, but he needed to inform Fung about this. Dojo then snached the letter from Raimundo as he rushed to show Master Fung what was going on. Master Fung began reading the letter to himself. He gulped and looked down.

"Dojo, do you feel any shen gong wu?" He asked, trying to get his mind off of the note. Right as Fung asked Dojo he started to roll around scratching himself all over. "S-shen gong w-wu just revealed itself s-sir! I'll get the monks n-now." Dojo said as he rushed off back to Kari's room where everyone was most likely to still be in there.

"EVERYBODY we gotta go! New shen gong wu had appeared we gotta go! There's a good chance we'll see Kari if she's with Chase and them!" Dojo said itching himself wanting to leave already. Everyone glared at Dojo.

"Too soon!" Kimiko snapped, trying to comfort Raimundo. Raimundo slowly got up rubbing his red puffy eyes from crying so much and looked to Dojo.

"No he's right... We gotta go and if Chase does have her we'll take her back." Raimundo said heading outside to leave for the wu. Clay watched as Raimundo left still heartbroken about Kari, but trying to be strong about it as he soon followed behind Raimundo. Soon everyone came outside as Dojo grew large for everyone to hope on. Kimiko grabbed the three scrolls like always before heading over to Dojo.

As everyone got on Dojo, Raimundo looked down next to him, thinking Kari would run up any minute saying. "HEY WAIT!!" And she'd trip on her scarf. He then thought he would feel her tugging on his sleeve and frown. "I-I need help..." He heard her sweet voice in his head and seeing her with an adorable pouting face. He wiped the tears from his face and slowly got on. Seeing images of her in her usual sitting spot on Dojo's head in her favorite sitting position. He then thought of how reckless she was.

"THIS IS TAKING TOO LONG!!' He remembered her scream from their first wu.

"I GOT UP HERE ALL BY MYSELF!!" Raimundo remembered Kari shouting excitedly about getting onto Dojo all by herself

"I-I don't like syringes! You never know what's in them!" Raimundo groaned at his thoughts. "This is my brother, Thread" Raimundo remembered how stupid he felt about being jealous towards Kari's brother. Every single memory they had together came flooding into Raimundo's mind one right after another nonstop causing the pain in his chest to worsen with each memory that flashes into his mind.

"Raimundo, hey earth to Raimundo. You alright there partner?" Clay asked shaking Raimundo by his shoulders lightly to snap him out of his painful thoughts. Raimundo looked to Clay nodding his head fast, he didn't want to worry them because what was more important was finding and getting Kari back. Clay knew Raimundo was lying, but decided to leave it be he understood the amount of pain and suffering his best friend was going through. Out of everyone here Raimundo was hurting the most and the most worried about Kari's safety.

They soon found the Wu and were about to grab it when they were stopped by the heylin side. Kimiko looked at everyone. No Kari. That was strange, then where could she be?

"SPIKED-STAR-BALL!!!" A familiar voice called as a shimmer appeared behind them. It was Kari, in stage one form and wearing her casual clothing! She went to attack them from behind like when Clay threw Kari to help her attack. Raimundo's head snapped in the directions of Kari's voice. She whizzed between Clay and Raimundo, grazing their cheeks.

"K-Kari!? What are you doing, you're on our side aren't you?!" Raimundo panicked a bit then glared at Chase. "What did you do to her!?" Then a black mist surrounded Clay who then got kicked in the face as Kaiser's body appeared from the mist with her usual blank, but smirky look. Dojo was looking at Kari shocked, he was so confused about what happened to Kari. Kari turned to face everyone on the xiaolin side. She growled.

"KITE!!!" She called and from the pocket of her hoodie the plush toy hopped out and went to his wolf form. "Thanks."

"No prob." Kitearo smiled then he lunged at then went for Raimundo. Raimundo saw Kitearo coming and clapped his hands making to blow at Kitearo sending him back as he looked over to Kari. Kari rushed and grabbed Kitearo as he went back to plush form and held him as she spoke.

"Chase didn't do anything Pedrosa, I came here of my own accord." Kari called with a huff. Raimundo shook his head in disbelief until Kaiser spoke up.

"Kari would never lie, you pathetic worms! You're are just going to end up hurting her one day and if she was to stay and I found out..." Kaiser smirked more chuckling a bit before continuing with a mercilus look in her eyes. "I'd have to hunt you down one by one and break every bone in your bodies." Kaiser finished clearly being protective over Kari's well being.

"She does have a point." Kari sighed and let Kitearo go as he took on his human-like form. "Ready? We've practiced this move almost all night. Kari asked, slightly looking up at her brother, who nodded.

"Ready when you are." Kitearo began glowing as well as Kari.

"DUEL DEATH WOLF!!" They called out and became a blur. Kari appeared to the right of Raimundo and Kitearo on the left. They began to close in but vanished again, now going for Clay! The hit landed, wounding Clay's sides badly causing him to collapse to one knee. Kari and Kitearo then stopped glowing as they reappeared next to Kaiser, where they started.

"Good job." Kitearo smiled and Kari frowned.

"Shut up." Kari huffed, crossing her arms. Kaiser noticed the conflict Kari was having within herself as Kaiser set a hand on Kari's head patting it.

"Kari, worry about the wu, I can handle these bunch." Kaiser said looking to Kari.

"Thank, Kaiser. You're the best." Kari smiled then went to nab the wu while Kitearo stayed behind with Kaiser. Chase smirked as he watched his two dragon warriors fight side by side until Kaiser told Kari to get the locket. Raimundo started to go after the wu as well.

"Kitearo, you can have your pick." Kaiser said with a smirk cracking her knuckles.

"I'm going for Clay." Kitearo crossed his arms and went to his wolf form and raced towards Clay snarling. Clay's fists covered in earth as he punched Kitearo.

"Sorry about this Kitearo." Clay says tipping his hat up. Kaiser set her eyes on Kimiko as she went over into her direction.

"Looks like it'll be you and me fighting Kimiko Tohomiko." Kaiser took out a throwing knife.

"Bring it on Kaiser." Kimiko growled and dodged the knife and threw a fireball at her.Kaiser caught the fireball and crushed it with her hand then kicked Kimiko in the stomach. Kari climbed upwards on the rock, almost at the wu. She grabbed it then pulled the rest of her body up to see that the Wu was glowing with another hand opposite hers. Kari slowly looked up, fearing the worst. She blinked and saw Raimundo across from her. She knew this feeling all too well, the feeling of fighting a friend. But she gulped it down, even though it hurt worse that it did when she fought Kaiser. "R-raimundo, I ch-challenge you t-to a Xiaolin sh-showdown!" Kari narrowed her eye. Raimundo looked at Kari with his still slightly red puffy eyes as he cursed in his head, he didn't want to fight his girlfriend he'd rather face Kaiser than Kari. "I-I accept your challenge K-Kari."

"The game is whoever defeats the most enemies within two minutes wins." Kari gritted her teeth behind closed lips as she began to utter the following words in unison to Raimundo.

"Gong yi tempai!" The showdown started. The field changed so that there was a big arena around them and enemies behind closed doors. The doors opened and the two fought the enemies that came at them, not looking at each other at all. Kari noticed the counter was in her favor, so she manipulated it to freeze for a moment so Raimundo could get past her. Nobody noticed this, except for Chase Young and Kitearo. Raimundo was fighting off the enemies, but trying to not go as fast as Kari. Raimundo wanted Kari to win, he didn't have the heart to beat her at a showdown if it was anyone else he was facing, Raimundo would of gladly started to kick the shit out of all these enemies. Raimundo watched Kari out of the corner of his eye as she was killing enemies too. There was something eating at him and needed to know.

"Kari why did you leave!? You were so happy, we were happy and then you just up and left us, you left me!" Raimundo shouted turning to face her after killing another enemy.

Kari stopped as she stabbed another enemy. "Shut up... I'm not telling the e-enemy jack shit..." Kari stammered as she killed another one, wanting to keep the showdown silent so she wouldn't have to talk to Raimundo. Because she knew if she did she would start to cry, so she covered up in a shell of cold and emotionlessness so she could deal with this for a while. Even though it hurt Raimundo, it hurt her even more. Raimundo felt the familiar stinging in his eyes as his chest kept on hurting and rubbed them away as he blew back another one.

"You left because of Kaiser wasn't it?! You couldn't bare to be without the person who gave you so much when you barely had anything at the time huh?! I poured my feelings out to you an-and you said y-you felt the sa-same and everything! Ju-just to turn around and run off back to Kaiser so she can BABY you like the old days!" Raimundo sounding more hurt with each word he said as a tear fell down. Dojo and the others looked at Raimundo surprised and looked over to Kaiser. Kaiser glared at Raimundo from where she stood.

Kari winced at his words and felt tears forming in her eyes. "Sh-shut up danmit.. Shut up!" Kari felt her third form coming and she was doing everything she could to hold it back. "You're just making it easier for me to stay by pissing me off Raimundo! So shut up!" Eventually Kari had tears running down her face like a river as she glared at Raimundo. "I made this choice you little shit! So fuck off and let ME do this!!!  CAN TAKE CARE OF MYSELF!!!" Kari was now in a rage, tears streaming as she went to stage three and was mercilessly going after enemies.

Eventually the round was over and the winner was decided. Raimundo won by one point. Raimundo's face turn grim when he saw he won the showdown, he cursed himself out for not stopping when he should of. After the match Kari left, in the back of the group and blocking out the words they cried out to her while Kitearo walked to her left. Kari stopped and glanced back sadly only once, but then kept going. Kaiser looked to Kari who was sadly leaving in pain as she turned and started to walk to Raimundo with rage in her eyes.

"Raimundo head's up! Pissed off Kaiser ten o'clock!" Dojo shouted just as he got punched in the face.

"Kaiser no!" Kari stopped her by getting between her and the Xiaolin warriors. "No, leave them! We have what we came for and I'm really tired. If you stay back then it'll only take us longer to get home. I wanna nap." Kari plead the innocent card that Kaiser could never resist. "Maybe next time, kay?" Kaiser looked at Kari and then rolled her eyes putting her back to Kari.

"Come on, you're tired so I'll carry you." Kaiser said in her normal cold tone, but since it was Kari it was a bit nicer.

"Thanks." Kari smiled then got on Kaiser's back. Kitearo frowned and crossed his arms.

"I wanted to carry her." He huffed but let it be. Raimundo was surprised that Kari stopped Kaiser from almost killing him, but in all honesty he could have cared less if she did right now as he watched Kari be carried off by Kaiser. Kari looked at Kitearo and smiled.

"Next time Kite. Promise." She smiled kindly, Raimundo getting a glimpse before they went back home.

"It'll be ok Rai... She'll come back..." Kimiko gulped as Raimundo got on Dojo's back slowly and sadly. Raimundo looked at the locket as he held it in his hand lost in thought as his world was falling apart. Kimiko saw the red and gold heart shaped locket, looking similar to the heart of jong. "Lets see what the wu is." She said as she took out one of the scrolls. "Hmmm... It's called the Sweetheart's locket. Once put on, the user who is wearing it will be as romantic towards the one they truly love, even if they are not a couple. So to say it's a wu to find one's true feelings for someone. If the user had just been through a breakup, however, they will remember the good times and slowly get over it and eventually being forced by the wu to love another, even if it is someone they are not interested in. Ouch... So you basically forget everything about the relationship you had before, everything. Even the person!"Kimiko blinked and gulped. Raimundo listened to Kimiko as he looked at the locket, "A wu to control love huh?" Raimundo thought sadly as he thought back to the showdown, why did it have to be Kari. Raimundo just wanted to get back to the temple and put the wu away before heading to his room to cry his heart out from losing Kari to the Heylin side.

"We're almost back everyone." Dojo said as his tone of voice was sad as well, everyone was sad that Kari left. "Kaiser this and Kaiser that. I understand that's like her sister and all, but come on Kaiser's a girl who's had a tough life too. People would consider her a psychopath just with one look. Kari doesn't belong over there, bu-but if she re-really thinks that way... Then maybe I should just forget, because this pain is all too much for me." Raimundo thought to himself as he was planning something in his head. Kimiko looked at Raimundo and noticed the gears in his heads were turning so she told Clay to watch out for him, since they were best friends. Clay nodding his head in agreement as they were flying home.

"I hope all of this blows over..." Kimiko thought. "I really hope she comes back... She better come back.." After a while longer flying Dojo finally landed at the temple safely, they were able to get the wu, but at the cost of losing a really good friend. Raimundo was the first one off of Dojo as he silently headed to the vault where all the shen gong wu are put for safe keeping. Clay got off second as he looked up at Kimiko giving her a nod that he was going to go follow Raimundo to keep an eye on him and off Clay went. When Kimiko and Omi got off Dojo shrunk his size looking at Kimiko and Omi.

"I am most disappointed... Why would Kari... No, I will not speak of this! I will only make us sad and if we are sad then we will not be able to think straight so we can get Kari back." Omi gulped, trying to stay a little positive.

"That's a good way of looking at it, Omi." Kimiko gave a bitter smile and rubbed Omi's head slightly.

"Why thank you Kimiko." Dojo lightly smiled at the two for trying to stay positive in such a hard situation, he just hoped Raimundo didn't do anything stupid in his time of pain.

Raimundo finally got inside the vault as he started to descend them to find a drawer for the wu. After a few steps down the memories of Kari as her voice filled his mind brought the pain that had dulled down a bit back up forcing him to sit on the stairs and clutch his hands over where his heart was while holding the locket as he started to cry more over losing Kari to Cha--, to Kaiser this was all her fault! Raimundo was suffering so much emotional pain because of her!

"I-I just want this to st-stop! I've n-never felt such a pain twist inside my chest like this... I-it's awful, I want to ta-take my pains aw-away." Raimundo sobbed to himself as he looked to the sweetheart locket thinking about one of its effects and slowly putting it on around his check as old tears stained his tan skinned face while new tears fell down. "Why did you leave, Kari? I never wanted you to go against me! I'm so sorry, it wasn't supposed to be like this..." He gulped and put the Sweetheart's locket on. "S-sweetheart's locket!" He called in a sad and desperate attempt to move on because the pain was too much for him to bear. That is when he felt a hand his face and the sweetheart' locket ripped from him.

"WHAT IN TARNATION DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOIN RAI?!!" Clay growled as he glared at the crying teen, holding the locket so Raimundo could not get it.

"It hurts so much! I-I can't do this Clay! It hurts and I can't move on! I want this to end!" Clay smacked Raimundo across his face again. "OW!"

"Well no duh it's gonna hurt, partner. But you LOVE Kari right?" He asked, kneeling down to be eye to eye with Raimundo, keeping the locket away from him. Raimundo nodded. "You'd do anything for her?" Raimundo nodded again. "Then get up and walk it off. Because I know Raimundo and THIS is not how he acts! He is brave and strong and a hot head! He would never give up on anyone just because they left. Whenever Omi left you never gave up on him, you even FOUGHT for his freedom! What makes Kari any less different?! You should be fighting even more since she's your girlfriend!!" Clay growled and stood up and held out a and to help Raimondo stand. "I'll be here too if you ever with me, partner. You're not in this alone." Raimundo looked up at his best friend Clay and wiped the tears away from his face as he grabbed his hand. Once Clay helped his friend up Raimundo's facial expression went from sad and suffering to determined boyfriend to get his girlfriend back at any means necessary.

"Thanks Clay, I guess I really need that scolding." Raimundo smiled a bit as Clay laughed a bit.

"Don't mention it, we gotta stick together in rowdy tough times like these my friend." Clay said as the two bumped their fists together. Clay put away the locket in a drawer as they both went up and out of the vault to get some rest and try to make a plan to get Kari back from the Heylin group.

----- Chase's palace -----

Kari walked around with Kitearo in wolf form to her right. She couldn't sleep and needed to clear her mind.

"Hey, Kari." Kite whispered since they thought everyone else was asleep, but Chase was still up.

"Yeh?" Kari hummed.

"You feeling ok? You--"

"Kite, I just left my boyfriend to be here. What do YOU think?" Kari seemed a little upset that her older brother brought up such a topic. Kitearo frowned.

"Why did you do it?"

"Because, Kaiser is here... She saved my life and we used to help each other a lot, we made each other stronger and I hated being away... But I was happy there... I just feel like, right now, Kaiser needs me more than they do at the moment."

"Did you see how Raimundo was acting though?" Kitearo whined. Kari stopped and gulped.

"I'm not blind brother..." She replied in a cold and upset tone as she looked down slightly and clenched her fists. Kitearo sighed and looked up.

"Hey, the moon looks like your symbol tonight..." Kitearo smiled and wagged his tail happily, hoping that would cheer Kari up, but it only made things worse.

"That's great... Lets go, I'm starting to get sleepy..." Kari sighed and headed back to her room.

"Kari, what are you doing up this late?" Chase asked as he stood behind Kari. Kari jolted and turned around in shock.

"D-Don't s-sneak up on m-me like th-that!!" Kari called out, flustered and she sighed. "Couldn't sleep... T-too many nightmares..." Kari replied as she looked down and slightly to the right, holding onto her bandaged right arm, shuffling her feet. Chase leaned on the wall looking at Kari.

"My apologies Kari. Nightmares of what, if you don't mind me asking." Chase asked.

"Someone... hurting my arm..." Kari gulped and winced slightly trembling. Kitearo nudged her for comfort. Chase let out a sigh and looked her dead in the eyes.

"Is that the truth, or is there more to it? Kaiser did say you'd never lie." Chase said bringing up Kaiser.

Kari winced at his words and whined. "... I...... N-no... It's not it... " Kari gulped with a sigh, breaking down. Chase walks over and pat Kari on the head gently looking down to her.

"It wouldn't happen to be about the dragon warrior of wind would it?" Chase asked raising an eyebrow.

"... Sh-sh-shut it..." Kari growled lightly as she fidgeted with her scarf, making it cover her mouth. It was painfully clear that she was having nightmares about her arm and Raimundo. Chase chuckled lightly removing his hand from her head.

"Would you like to talk about it? Getting things off your chest and clear up your mind for better sleep. Should I go wake Kaiser for you if you won't tell me." Chase asked being nice in a odd way.

"N-no! I-I don't wanna worry her. She gets too protective even though I'm not six anymore." Kari gulped, not wanting to face Kaiser like this. Chase rolled his eyes lightly as if saying "Too late for that." Kari blinked and looked to Kitearo then yawned. "I-I should go to bed... I'm getting tired."

"Actually I just wanna be in my room for the moment cuz this is getting awkward." Kari thought to herself. Chase then gave a bow and walked on his way to a few doors down to see if Kaiser was sleeping. Kari winced at the direction he was going and went and tugged on his arm. "Noo, stooop! I'll talk I'll talk! Just don't wake up Kaiser! She's crazy if she doesn't get enough sleep!" Kari whispered with a gulp. "Please, if you wake her up she'll have my head!" Kar gulped and held her throat at the thought of Kaiser's rage. "I've made that mistake before and she was pissed." Kari shivered. Chase then turned around seeing that his normal check up on the Mercilus dragon has gotten Kari to talk.

"Alright I'm listening." Chase said leaning on a wall listening to Kari.

"Lets go somewhere that's not close to the rooms." The two walked to the main room and Kari sat down and sighed. "I... I was back at home, in the orphanage I grew up in for two years. I was getting bullied as usual when someone took out a knife. One of those plastic knives that are used for kids so they don't hurt themselves badly. This one had been sharpened to a point with scissors and four other kid held me while another kid began to cut my right arm up..." Kari gulped then took off her bandages that were around her right arm to reveal a scar that went from her shoulder down to about an inch from her wrist then forked out in three different directions, diagonally left, diagonally right and straight down until the points were about a centimeter above her wrist. "It hurt a     lot and that one boy kept going back to the top and repeated the process over... And over... And over again until two hours had passed, which was the end of free time. When that nightmare was over I woke up in the temple. I left my room and saw another me, covered in blood."

Kari gulped. "It was a more twisted version. Aura was coming from the symbols and I had a strange right eye, markings that looked like two black slashes on each cheek, thick eyes and messy hair. I looked behind it to see that everyone was there, dead... But, R-rai was beheaded and his head mounted on the wall with his eyes wide open in fear and a tear stained face and saying 'here lies my love' in bold bloody letters. "You'll never escape" The twisted me said and it came at me. That's when I woke up and went out for a walk." Kari gulped and wrapped her arm back up. Chase gave a frown to Kari after hearing everything she had to say.

"I'm terribly sorry for what you've been through, I know nothing in the world can take away suffering like that... But in your case it's made you grow stronger for those you care for... Go rest up, tomorrow's another day filled with the unknown of what's to hold." Chase said bowing to Kari again as he went the same way before Kari stopped him. Kari sighed and went to her room. She did feel better. When she was in her room Kari fell asleep, seeing her "twisted" version flash slightly in her head before she was actually in her dream. Chase went to open Kaiser's door, to feel that it's locked once again and let out a frustrated sigh.

"Kaiser open the door now, I know you're awake." Chase said in a demanding voice as he heard a slight shuffle and then a click and soon enough Kaiser stood in the doorway looking at Chase.

"Let me guess, here to do one of your regular check ins to make sure I haven't lost it. If so I'm perfectly fine and don't need you checking up on me like I'm some kid." Kaiser said keeping her guard up. Chase forced his way into Kaiser's room, grabbing shutting the door and then slamming her into a wall.

"I will not have this in my domain Kaiser." Chase said looking dead into her eyes tightening his grip on her arm before continuing. "You look like your normal self when we're out for wu, but any other time you lock yourself away." Kaiser winced in pain and lowered her gaze to the floor, Chase was right like always he was able to see right through her. Instead of trying to deny it, Kaiser breathed before talking.

"That day we went for the star blade and you triggered an unnatural snap into stage three the whole time during that stupid showdown I had to watch every single person walk away from me exiting my life... You were the first to leave, then Wuya" Kaiser started to shake as her voice trembled, but continuing. "Th-then J-Jack left me behind making me feel really sad... But the one that hurt me the most was having to watch Kari leave me alone in the dark by myself...A-and then I saw bl-blood everywhere, I was dead on the cold dark ground covered and laying in my own blood however right beside that body was another me who's completely lost her mind drenched in blood as well from th-the body." Kaiser started to cry as Chase shook his head patting her head gently and releasing her arm. Kaiser was afraid of being abandoned by those who actually stood by her and didn't care that she was cold, when she just wanted someone to care.

"You have nothing to worry, me and Wuya rather enjoy your company and your cruel sense of humor. If Jack heard you say that I think he'd have one of his weird moments.... As for Kari, she wouldn't dream of ever leaving you alone. Now go get some sleep." Chase said leaving without another word to Kaiser as he shut the door walking away thinking about what both Kari and Kaiser have to put up with. Kaiser crawled into bed tears lightly falling a bit as Snowflake snuggled up to her and Kaiser hugged Snowflake as she soon fell asleep.

----- End of book 1 next book soon -----

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