•Survival Of The Fittest• |Ow...

By DarellyLucero

64.7K 2.1K 243

•You better run in this wild jungle• Aella Grant will be tested on her knowledge of survival. Running from Ve... More



4.3K 121 9
By DarellyLucero

Disclaimer: All movies of Jurassic Park are not mine. In some parts if the dialogue looks the same with the movies, well it is. I only own the character of Aella. And some parts of her life. Try to enjoy this. With Love Darelly.

⇛    2.0


Lamentably for Aella, she couldn't sat with her father and Ellie, she was sitting between Dr. Ian Malcolm who was dressed like if he was rock star, which she finds kind of weird; the other person was the lawyer Donald Gennaro who was actually dressed with safari clothes. Ian turned to look at her father and Ellie.

"So you two dig up dinosaurs?" he asked them.

"Try to" her father answered. Malcolm laughed, finding it very amusing, which confuses Grant. Hammond turned around annoyed.

"You'll have to get use to Dr. Malcolm. He suffers from a deplorable excess of personality, especially for a mathematician" John told them.

"Chaotician, actually. Chaotician" he clarified. Hammond snorted, not even bothering to cover his contempt for Malcolm.

"John doesn't subscribe to Chaos, particularly what it has to say about his little science project" Ian told everyone in the helicopter.

"Codswollop, Ian, you've never come close to explaining these concerns of yours about this island" John exclaimed.

"I certainly have. Very clearly. Because of the behavior of the system in phase space" Ian defended, after awkward silence he turned to look at Aella and smiled "You little one, have you heard about of Chaos Theory?" he asked, Aella rolled her eyes, she glanced to her dad who gives her a small smile clearly saying "do your thing", she smirked and turned to look at the "rock star."

"Yes I have actually" she answered "Is the field of study in mathematics that studies the behavior of dynamical systems that are highly sensitive to initial conditions a response popularly referred to as the butterfly effect" Alan was smirking at his genius daughter "Small differences in initial conditions such as those due to rounding errors in numerical computation yield widely diverging outcomes for such dynamical systems, rendering long-term prediction impossible in general" Ellie and John were holding their laughs looking at Ian's expression "This happens even though these systems are deterministic, meaning that their future behavior is fully determined by their initial conditions, with no random elements involved" she stopped to clear her throat but then continue "In other words, the deterministic nature of these systems does not make them predictable. This behavior is known as deterministic chaos or simply chaos" she finished with a grin "And I'm not little one, my name is Aella Grant, Dr. Malcolm" Ian's eyes were wide and his mouth was open in shock, he gulped.

"You are smart" he stated in disbelief then turned to Alan "Your daughter it's really something" Grant laughed.

"Yes she is, and she doesn't like when someone treats her like a child" he replied. Ian nodded and tuner to look at the ocean but not before giving a quick glance at the child or genius next to him. He had to admit he was intimidated but also curious about her. Hammond looked out the windshield, and clapped his hands excitedly startling everyone on the helicopter.

"There it is" he exclaimed happily.

Aella looked out and saw that it was smallish island, completely ringed by thick clouds that give it a lush, mysterious feel. The pilot pulled up over a spot in the clouds and starts to descend, fast.

"Bad wind shears. We have to drop pretty fast. Hold on, this can be a little thrilling" John told everyone. The helicopter dropped like a stone.  Outside the windows, they could see cliff walls racing by, uncomfortably close.  They bounced like hell, hitting wind up and down drafts "We're planning an airstrip. On pilings, extending out into the ocean twelve thousand feet. Like La Guardia, only a lot safe. What do you think?" he asked but they don't answer, just hold on.

As they neared the ground, a luminous white cloud cross appeared below them, a landing pad shining through the Plexiglas bubble in the floor of the chopper. The cross growled rapidly larger as the chopper plummeted, but a sudden updraft catches them and they bounced skyward for a moment then drop again, even faster if possible, before landing with a hard BUMP.

Everyone went outside of the helicopter, Aella looked two jeeps not so far, there was something writing on them, they said Jurassic Park on the doors with and image of a T-rex's skeleton behind it. She walked beside her father and climb into the first jeep, with Alan, Ellie and Ian. In the whole trip Ian keep trying to flirt with Ellie but when he catch Alan's glares he stopped, then turned to look at Aella, who quirked her eyebrow to him.

"I'm a minor" she told him. Ian's eyes widened, then quickly shook his head.

"I wasn't going to flirt with you, for god safe" he said quickly "I was going to ask you, where you learn about the Chaos theory?" she sighed almost annoyed.

"I read it in a book" she simple stated, Ian didn't believe her.

"You just read it and remember it?" he asked in disbelief.

"I have an eidetic memory and an IQ of 180" she snapped back.

"Okay, I'm sorry I didn't know there is no need to be snappy, kid" he told her.

"Stop calling me little one or kid, my name is Aella" she told him. After a moment they stopped the jeeps. Aella twisted in her seat as the jeep stopped and looked at one of the gray tree trunks. Riveted, she slowly stood up in her seat, as if to get closer. She moved to the top of the seat, practically on her tiptoes. She raised her head, looking up the length of the trunk. She looked higher. And higher. And higher. That wasn't a tree trunk.  That was a leg. Aella's jaw dropped, her head fell all the way back, and she looked even higher, above the tree line. There was a brachiosaur in front of her, without looking away she started to hit her father who was talking to Ellie about some plants. He quickly turned around to ask what she wanted but when he saw what she was seeing, his jaw dropped too.

"Hah" Aella laughed happily, without waiting her father she jumped off the car and started to run, she stopped and keep looking at the dinosaur, she almost fell for keeping looking high.

"THAT'S A DINOSAUR" Alan shouted in disbelief. A dinosaur. Chewing the branches. Technically, it was a brachiosaur, of the sauropod family, but they've always called it brontosaurus. It crutches the branch in its mouth, which was some thirty-five feet up off the ground, at the end of its long, arching neck.  It stared down at the people in the car with a pleasant, stupid gaze. Ellie looked up at the sauropods in wonder. Hammond got out of his jeep and came back to join them.  He looked like a proud parent showing off the kid. Ian Malcolm looked at Hammond, amazed, and with an expression that was a mixture of admiration and rapprochement. Grant, Ellie and Aella continued walking, following the dinosaur.

"The movement" Alan shouted happily.

"The agility. You're right" Ellie told him.

"Ellie, Ella, we can tear up the rule book on cold-bloodedness. It doesn't apply, they're totally wrong. This is a warm-blooded creature. They're totally wrong" Alan said.

"They were wrong. This thing doesn't live in a swamp to support its body weight for God's sake" Ellie exclaimed.

"That thing's got a what, twenty-five, twenty-seven foot neck?" Alan quickly asked at Hammond.

"The brachiosaur? Thirty" he answered.

"And you're going to sit there and try to tell me it can push blood up a thirty-foot neck without a four-chambered heart and get around like that?  Like that?" Grant exclaimed altered "This is like a knockout punch for warm-bloodedness."

"We clocked the T-Rex at thirty-two miles an hour" John said proudly. Aella who had been quiet the whole time, finally react at his words and turned at him.

"You've got a T-Rex?" she asked him in disbelief, she looked at his dad "He's got a T-Rex. A T-Rex. He said he's-" she mumbled. She was still in shock, all those times when she imagined what could happen if dinosaurs were still there, and now she was looking at one right in front of her.

"Say again?" Alan asked in shock.

"Yes, we have a T-Rex" John answered him with a smile. Grant sat down on the ground.

"Honey, put your head between your knees, and breathe" Ellie told him. Hammond walked in front of them and looked out.

"Dr. Grant, my dear Dr. Sattler and Ms. Grant. Welcome to Jurassic Park. They turned and looked at the view again. It was beautiful vista, reminiscent of an African plain. A whole herd of dinosaurs crossed the plain, maybe a hundred that they can see in a quick glance alone.

"They're absolutely, they're moving in herds. They do move in herds" Aella exclaimed happily.

"We were right" Alan exclaimed "How did you do it?" he asked John "How did you do this?"

"I'll show you" he answered him smirking.


They entered the building, Aella saw a huge T-Rex skeleton in front of her, and there were a lot of workers working on the construction. Hammond greeted them.

"The most advanced amusement park in the world, combining all the latest technologies. I'm not talking rides, you know. Everybody has rides. We made a living biological attractions so astonishing they'll capture the imagination of the entire planet" John told them. Grant stared up at the dinosaur skeletons and just shook his head. Ellie catch his reaction.

"So what are you thinking?" Ellie asked him.

"We're out of a job" Alan breathed. Ian Malcolm popped in between them

"Don't you mean "extinct"?" he mocked. Aella rolled her eyes but she hated herself for thinking it was actually funny.


They were lead into a room with a huge screen in front of them. They all sat. She was next to Ian, few moments later the screen turned on. Hammond walked over to the giant screen in front of them. Behind him, a huge image of himself beamed down at him from the giant television screen.

"Hello, John" the John from the screen said.

"Say hello" the real John said to everyone, everyone said an awkward hello "Oh, I've got lines" he quickly scanned his cards to fine the right lines. But the screen John continued without him,

"Fine, I guess. But how did I get here?" the screen John asked.

"Uh" the real John muttered but then found his place "Here, let me show you. First I'll need a drop of blood. Your blood" The screen-Hammond extended his finger and the stage-Hammond who reached out and mimes pocking it with a needle.

"Ouch, John. That hurt" the screen John said.

"Relax, John. It's all part of the miracle of cloning" the real John said. While the two Hammonds rattled on, the screen image split into two Hammonds, then four then eight, and so on. Grant, Ellie, Aella and Malcolm huddled together excitedly in the audience.

"Cloning from what? Loy extraction has never recreated an intact DNA strand" Alan asked confused.

"Not without massive sequence gaps" Ian stated.

"Paleo-DNA? From what source? Where do you get 100 million year old dinosaur blood?" Ellie asked confused. Aella was looking at John when he saw his staff, it had on top of it a yellowish ball, she leaned in her seat to see what was inside of it, when her eyes widened in realization.

"Mosquitos" she muttered. Ian turned to look at her.

"What did you say?" he asked her not catching what she meant. She turned to look at the three of them wide a huge smile.

"Mosquitos" she repeated "I get it, it's so fascinating" Everyone watched her confused.

"Ella" Alan said "Not everyone in here has an IQ of a genius" she shook her head, she was going to explain it but the screen interrupted her. Mr. DNA had taken over the show, and it was speaking to the audience from the screen.

"A DNA strand like me is a blueprint for building a living thing. And sometimes animals that went extinct millions of years ago, like dinosaurs, left their blueprints behind for us to find. We just had to know where to look" the DNA cartoon explained.

The screen image changed from animated to a nature- photography look.  It's an extreme close-up of a mosquito, its fangs sucked the deep into some animals flesh, its body pulsing and engorging with blood it's drinking.

"A hundred million years ago, there were mosquitoes, just like today. And, just like today, they fed on the blood of animals. Even dinosaur" The DNA said.

The camera raced back to show the mosquito that was perched on top of a giant animated brachiosaur. The image changed, to another close-up, this one of a tree branch, its barked glistening with golden sap.  Mr. DNA leaped on the sap.

"Sometimes, after biting a dinosaur, the mosquito would land on a branch of a tree, and get stuck in the sap" it said.

The engorged mosquito landed in the tree sap, and got stuck. So did Mr. DNA. He tugged his legs, but they stay stuck.

"WHOA" it exclaimed.

Now the tree sap flowed over them, covering up Mr. DNA and the mosquito completely.  Mr. DNA shouted from inside the tree sap.

"After a long time, the tree sap would get hard and become fossilized, just like a dinosaur bone, preserving the mosquito inside" Aella's eyes widened, she was right.

The screen image changed into a science laboratory. The place buzzed with activity. Everywhere, there were piles of amber, tagged and labeled with scientist in white coats examining it under microscopes. One scientist moved a complicated drill apparatus next to the chuck of amber with a fossilized mosquito inside and bored into the side of it.  The DNA cartoon escaped through the drill hole as the scientist moved the amber onto a microscope and peered through the eyepiece.

"This fossilized tree sap which we call amber waited millions of years, with the mosquito inside until Jurassic Park's scientists came along" said the DNA "Using sophisticated techniques, they extract the preserved blood from the mosquito, and Bingo.  Dino DNA." Mr. DNA jumped down in front of DNA data as it raced by a headache speed.  He hold his head, dizzied by it "A full DNA strand contains three billion genetic codes. If we looked at screens like these once a second for eight hours a day, how much time you think it would take to look an entire strand?" he asked the public, in which Aella answered immediately.

"Two years" she said.

"It would take two years to look at the entire strand. It's that long. And since it's so old, it's full of holes. That's where our geneticists take over" the DNA stated. Everyone's eyes turned to look at Alan's daughter in surprise; she just smiled at them and continued to watch the screen, trying to ignore their looks sometimes it was uncomfortable for her, she didn't like much the attention.  


Hello everyone this is chapter two, please comment if you like it and vote, I don't like ghost readers:/

So please, vote, comment and/or follow me.

I really want to know your thoughts about this chapter.

By the way I really love Aella I thinks she is so cute and smartass, which is awesome for me<3

Love you all xxx

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