Who Will I Be?

By xosugarcookiexo

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Lizzie Jonas is part of McKinley High's New Directions. She has a blast, even though her two older brothers N... More

Who Will I Be?
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Tweleve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen- Part 1
Chapter Sixteen- Part 2
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen- Part 1
Chapter Eighteen- Part 2

Chapter Two

2.3K 33 7
By xosugarcookiexo

Chapter Two

Lizzie P.O.V.

“Hey Kurt, how are you doing?”

I put my tray down on the lunch table next to Kurt. His dad just got home after a week in the hospital from suffering a serious heart attack. Poor Kurt was depressed the whole week; I have never seen him so down….none of us have. Fortunately, he is now back to normal and is dad is home safe and healthy.

Kurt put his water down, “Doing better. He’s just getting used to being away from his beloved beef jerky.” He rolled his eyes playful.

I smiled, that was the Kurt we all knew and loved. I sat down next to him, then Mercedes sat down next to me, Tina rolled Artie next to Mercedes and she took a seat next to him. Mike, Tina’s boyfriend, planted a kiss on Tina’s lips then sat down next to her. I looked over at Artie who had a disgusted look on his face. Tina and Artie dated all last year, but Tina broke it off, Artie wasn’t being a very good boyfriend.

“Quinn! Over here!” Mercedes called.

The blonde in the Cheerio uniform turned to us and did a little wave. I motioned her to come over, but all she did was point over at the jock table. I turned to see her pointing at the new kid, Sam Evans. Well, he wasn’t new-new, he started last week and is now on the football team. His blonde hair kind of had the ‘Beiber Bangs’, but not totally. I nodded approvingly and gave Quinn thumbs up. She giggled and waved as she made her way over to the jock table.    

“Well…he’s….attractive.” Kurt said slowly, looking over at Sam.

Mercedes nodded and smiled, “Looks like he’s the reason Quinn ditched us today.”

I watched as Quinn introduced herself and the two ate next to eachother. I grinned, it’s about time Quinn to find someone to be happy with. The poor girl got pregnant last year by Noah Puckerman, local bad boy and her boyfriend’s (Finn) best friend. She gave up the baby to Shelby Corcan, an ex show choir coach, and since then, she’s never really been herself.

But the way she looked and smiled at Sam, there was no doubt in my mind they would be a couple.

“Hey, fag.”

Kurt and I didn’t have to turn to know who it is, Joe and Karofsky. Mike and Artie gave the two the death glare. I glanced over at Kurt whose bright eyes were replaced by sad one. I held on to his hand. Bad move.

“Oh, Lizzie, you’re a fag-lover?” Karofsky said in a fake sweet voice.

  “Yeah she is, and a crippled lover.” Joe pointed toward Artie.

Mercedes put a hand on Artie’s shoulder. Now it was Kurt’s time to comfort me. He squeezed my hand. I heard Joe chuckle.

“Flirting with my sister, Hummel? Even she’s not that desperate.”

Karofsky laughed, “Sure about that?”

The boys laughed for a while as I sighed. I never cried anymore, I was too used to them talking to me like this.

“Well, we better head back to the table. Goodbye Fag and Fag-lovers.” Joe said.

They walked back over to the jock table, receiving high fives from numerous of their teammates. Sam and Quinn just looked over at us, feeling guilty for not doing anything. I looked up at Kurt.

“You, ok?” I squeezed his hand.

Kurt nodded, emotionless, “Yeah, I’ll be fine.”

We went back to normal, eating, talking, and laughing. Kurt participated too, but I just knew the bullying hurt him more than it hurt anyone else.

He just knew how to cover it up better.


I played with the keys on the piano in the choir room as the glee members filed in. Glee was my favorite part of the day, nothing like singing and dancing to get you out of your afternoon slump! I played the song ‘Jar of Hearts’, I was still learning it but it sounded pretty good.

“Hey, Lizzie!” I smiled up at Brittany’s sweet voice as she walked in with Santana.

They’re both Cheerios, and super popular. Brittany is such a ditz; she’s sweet…but not smart….at all. She thinks a ballad is a baby duck. Santana is…well…..a skank and a bitch. I can tell she doesn’t like me very much…then again, she doesn’t like anyone very much.

Tina blew me a kiss playfully as she and Mike walked in. Mercedes rolled in Artie and were followed by Finn and Rachel. Rachel is a total spotlight hogger. She’s very talented, but she will explode if we don’t give her at least one solo. Finn is her boyfriend, they’ve just started going out over the summer. Finn’s on the football team as well, Joe hates his guts. Finn’s the quarterback, a position Joe has wanted since freshman year. Finn and I don’t really talk much, but he always shoots me a smile in the hall…and I melt.

Yes, I find him attractive, but so does every girl in the school. My thoughts were interrupted when Mr. Shue came into the room. I got up from the bench and sat in between Kurt and Mercedes, my usual spot. I could hear Rachel and Finn (mostly Rachel) talking about future duets and solos behind me. Puck was busy flirting with Santana while Artie and Brittany talked to each other. The two seemed mighty close recently.

Mercedes, Kurt, and I were planning future shopping trips when Quinn walked into the room….with Sam. Mr. Shue talked with Sam as Quinn took a seat next to Mercedes.

“Why’s he here?” The diva asked, curiously.

Quinn grinned, “You’ll see.”

Mr. Shue clapped to get everyone’s attention. We all got quiet as our eyes directed towards him and Sam.

“Okay guys, this is Sam Evans, our newest member!”

We all clapped.

“I’m Sam, I am. And I don’t like green eggs and ham.” He smiled, pleased with himself.

“He’s so gay.” Santana said.

Sam’s happy demeanor changed to a sad one. He sat next to Quinn who was busy giving Santana a death glare. Kurt leaned over to me.

“He plays on my team.” He happily said.

I looked over at Sam and Quinn, flirting, “Are you sure?”

“Please, no straight guy dies his hair that blonde anymore.”

I giggled as Mr. Shue started to talk about this week’s assignment. We had to pick someone to duet with, and then sing it to the glee club. The winner gets a free dinner at Breadstix, the hottest restaurant in Lima.

“Choose your partners and discuss what song you want to sing. We’ll begin the competition tomorrow with whoever is ready.” Mr. Shue smiled then went to go talk to Brad, our piano player.

I turned to Kurt, “Who are you going to sing with?”

He stared lovingly at Sam. I smirked, I guess Kurt and I won’t be singing this time, even thought we would totally beat everyone. I watched as Mercedes went off with Santana, Brittany with Artie, Tina and Mike, etc.

“Hi, Lizzie…right?”

I looked up to see, Finn Hudson.


A Few Minutes Earlier

No P.O.V.

Rachel Berry walked hand-in-hand with her boyfriend Finn Hudson as they walked into the choir room. She shot a glance at Lizzie, who was playing ‘Jar of Hearts’ on the piano and silently humming. Even thought the girl never really got a solo, she was talented, which made her competition for Rachel.

Point blank, she didn’t like Lizzie Jonas.

She pushed thoughts away about the girl as she and Finn took their regular seats.

Finn stared blankly at the Jonas girl as she went to go sit with Kurt and Mercedes, he didn’t know her very well. Even though they have been in Glee together since the beginning, he never really talked to her. All he knew about her was from what Kurt told him and that she was the sister of Nick and Joe Jonas. She was pretty cute-

“Finn! Did you hear me?” Rachel interrupted his thoughts.

He looked over at her, “Huh?”

She rolled her eyes, clearly annoyed, “I’m saying we should throw this competition.”

It took Finn awhile to realize that she was talking about the assignment Mr. Shue just assigned them. They had to pick a partner and sing a duet with them, the winner gets a free dinner at Breadstix. Why would Rachel want to throw this assignment?

“Wait, why?” He asked.

Rachel whispered into his ear, “To make Sam feel welcomed. We need him for Nationals; we got to keep his confidence up.”

“So…you’re saying…” Finn was still a bit confused.

Rachel rolled her eyes, “I’ll sing with Puck and you can sing with….” She scanned the room then smiled, “Lizzie.”

Finn looked down at the girl, she was talking to Kurt. Finn smiled, it would be interesting to sing with a girl besides Rachel…when was the last time he has done that? He nodded.

“Good idea, babe.” He pecked her on the cheek.

The two went their separate ways. Finn hopped down from the second row of chairs and stood in front of Lizzie.

“Hi, Lizzie….right?”

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