Future (Kavi/Scomiche)

De lkuecrar

14K 490 210

A sudden upheaval in Kirstie's life leaves her and Avi questioning the newly budding feelings between themsel... Mais



1.4K 55 31
De lkuecrar

Kirstie smiled at the soft snores coming from Avi and lightly kissed his bare chest. They'd been together for three months now, yet everyday was as good as the first. Avi, unsurprisingly, was an amazing boyfriend. He was attentive, yet he didn't smother her. Both of them liked their alone time, which was nice.

Kevin had decided to move out. She'd felt like it had been her fault and had pleaded with him to stay but he'd told her, after promising her to secrecy, that he had already been planning to move to his own apartment. He actually thanked her for moving in since he wouldn't be leaving Avi alone to deal with the rent. She questioned why he'd wanted to move out and he'd given her some watery excuses until she finally stopped asking. She was almost sure that he was dating someone and wanted privacy but she didn't want to intrude so she just left it unsaid. He would tell them when he was ready.

She'd also learned that when Avi was hit with song-writing inspiration, it was almost always during the middle of the night. She'd woken up in an empty bed plenty of times, only to find him hunched at the kitchen table with balls of paper all around him. They'd taken to writing together during some of those times after realizing that it was easy to bounce thoughts off of each other. Other times, she found herself writing all throughout the day on the tiny notebook she kept with her all the time.

She'd found a huge well of inspiration in the time that she'd been with Avi and had very nearly filled the notebook with random thoughts. Sometimes she'd write entire choruses, other times only a line or even just a single word. She'd have to get a new notebook soon enough.

They still hadn't officially told the fans that they were together. There hadn't been an announcement but she was sure some of them were beginning to suspect something since she never mentioned her old boyfriend and mentioned Avi a lot more than usual.

Kirstie lightly trailed her fingers over the dark hairs on his chest and giggled quietly at the trail of goosebumps she'd left on his skin. The first time they'd slept together had been amazing. He'd treated her like she was the most precious gem in the world. That had been two weeks ago and every time since then had been even better than the last.

Avi lightly caressed her bare back, making chills run up her spine. She looked up at his face and saw his hazel eyes cracked open, staring at her. She stared back for a moment before leaning up to kiss him. "Good morning."

He smiled at her softly. "It's always a good morning waking up with you." She loved the way his voice sounded in the morning, but she loved it even more when he spoke like that. He always seemed very agreeable just after waking up.

She laid her head on his chest and giggled. "I bet you used to tell all the girls that." She knew he'd had a few girlfriends in the past but couldn't comprehend why they'd left. Unless it had been the same reason that she and Eric drifted apart: tour kept them away from each other too often and for too long.

Avi hugged her tightly to his side and looked at her with a look she couldn't decipher. "I've never actually told anyone that. You're the first. Hopefully the last." He'd just insinuated that he wouldn't mind staying with her forever and she'd never been happier. He didn't even look afraid after admitting something so huge, making her feel brave.

She smiled sweetly at him. "I've never been as happy as I have been in the past three months." She paused for a second and giggled before resting her head on his chest. Her words came out muffled, yet she was sure he heard her loud and clear. "When I am with you, there's no place I'd rather be."

She looked up at him after singing that line. "You know, every time I sing that, I sing it to you? Even when I was with Eric, I didn't feel like it fit us. There were other places I'd rather be than with him. That's not true when it comes to you." Her voice had fallen to a whisper by the time she stopped speaking.

She glanced up at him and felt as if the air had been sucked from her lungs. The look he was giving her was intense. "Kirstie, I think I love you." He spoke with such conviction that it brought tears to her eyes.

She nuzzled her head into the crook of his neck. "I love you, too. I really truly do." He wrapped his arm around her tightly and just held her to his side, basking in the moment.

The moment was broken by Kirstie's phone ringing loudly. She groaned and rolled out of Avi's arms and swiped it from the nightstand. She briefly wondered why Mitch was calling so early and answered it. "This better be important."

Instead of the snippy reply she expected, Mitch spoke quickly. "Kirstie, you need to go on Twitter and start doing damage control. Eric has lost it. Scott and I have been deflecting and absorbing for twenty minutes now but we can only do so much. I'll call you again later once we get this under control." The line clicked off, making her feel as if the sound where the sound of a gun firing straight at her.

She knew she shouldn't panic but she just couldn't help it. Kirstie hopped off the bed, not caring that she was giving Avi a total view of her naked body, and grabbed her laptop off of his desk. She snatched Avi's shirt from the floor and threw it on before stomping to the kitchen. Avi was asking her what was wrong but she ignored him, intent on stopping whatever was happening.

She opened her laptop and went straight to Twitter. The second she saw all of the notifications, her stomach knotted even tighter. Avi came in the kitchen, dressed in his sleep clothes, and sat down beside her. His eyes bugged out when he noticed the amount of activity on her profile. "What is going on?"

She turned to look at him with a scowl. "I don't know. Mitch said something about Eric."

Avi's eyes darkened at the mention of her ex-boyfriend. "I still say I should have beat the shit out of him that day." His dislike for her ex-boyfriend would make her giggle normally but it just made her frazzled this time.

She glared at him. "And I still say you shouldn't since I like having a boyfriend that isn't in prison for aggravated assault." Turning back to Twitter, she kept scrolling until she found the first post that Eric had made.

Her eyes widened when she realized what he'd done. Post after post, he'd insinuated that he'd caught her cheating on him with Avi. She didn't even know how to react to what she was reading and just scrolled through the entire argument that he, Scott, and Mitch had been having. Scott and Mitch had been tirelessly defending her making her smile but she saw what Mitch had meant when he said that they could only do so much. She laughed softly when she saw the photo Mitch posted of Eric and the nameless "bleached skank" as Mitch liked to call her. He'd aptly captioned it "Bleached skank in tow".

Suddenly angry at the way he'd painted Avi, not herself, she started typing. She didn't even address anything that Eric had said and just made post after post explaining, in detail, what had actually happened, complete with times and dates. She explained everything as clearly as she could, uncaring that she was dragging Eric through the mud, and did everything in her power to make sure that everyone knew that Avi was innocent in all of what had happened. She even told them that Avi had taken her in when she had nowhere to go, making sure that he couldn't look bad from any angle.

Realizing that Avi had been very quiet she glanced over and winced at the murderous look on his face. He'd clearly been reading the conversation over her shoulder and didn't like what he'd read. At all. He was gripping his coffee mug so tightly that she was sure it was going to shatter any moment. Worried, she lightly put her hand on top of his and worked the mug out of his grip before hugging him. "He's an asshole and we're going to get this straightened out."

He gripped her tightly. "I really want to lay him out now." Suddenly, he let out a humorless laugh. "I tell you that I love you and literally seconds later, this happens." He glanced up at her sadly. "I'm sorry."

Kirstie looked at him sternly, feeling like her heart would shatter from the sad way he'd just spoken. "You don't have anything to apologize about. This," she waved her hand at her computer, "isn't your fault. You didn't have anything to do with this. The only person to blame is Eric." She leaned forward and kissed him. "I meant it earlier; I love you. We're going to get this taken care of and then you can show me how much you love me later."

His eyes softened and he chuckled quietly. "I love you too. I'm just sorry that this is happening at all." His smile turned into a frown. "Maybe we can get Mitch to sneak him just a little too much of something. He seemed pretty comfortable drugging Scott, and he likes Scott. I bet he'd be perfectly fine with drugging that dick."

Kirstie laughed quietly. "However tempting that may be, I don't particularly want Mitch to go to prison. I'm gonna have to pass on that, sadly." She smiled at him and started reading through all of the direct messages she'd gotten that morning from random fans. Nearly all of them were just messages telling her that they didn't believe a word of what Eric was saying, while a small majority of them were asking if she really was with Avi now. She rolled her eyes at that. Of course that's what some of them would be worried about. Surprisingly, none of the messages were mean spirited as of yet.

Avi had moved to cooking breakfast, just simple eggs, sausage, and toast. Kirstie had been trying to get him to cook more since they'd gotten together, and so far, it was working out. Even if the food was too salty or a little on the overdone side, she loved it because he was the one who made it for her. He seemed to be managing well on his own, so she let him keep going while she tended to the war raging on her Twitter.

More and more questions were coming in, asking whether she was with Avi. She began to think about telling them that she was, in fact, with Avi and got the perfect idea. "Hey, Avi?"

He hummed at her in acknowledgement and she spoke to his back. "Do you think we could tell the fans about us today? I'm starting to get literally hundreds of messages asking if I'm really with you and I wouldn't mind telling them."

He turned around with a pensive look on his face. "I'd be fine with that. Are you sure you want to do it now, though?" He stroked his beard in thought.

Kirstie nodded. "I'm sure. I'm not going to pretend I don't love you just to spare his feelings." She motioned towards her laptop. "I wonder why he waited until now to start doing this. We've been done for a while now..." Her mouth fell open. "I wonder if he's jealous?"

Avi's eyes darkened at that. "Well, he can shove it. He lost his chance with you." Kirstie smiled at that. Something else she'd learned in the last three months was that Avi would get incredibly defensive whenever other men would try to move in on her.

Kirstie smirked at him. "He absolutely lost his chance. I want to rub it in his face." She got up and made her way to Avi and sweetly kissed him.

Avi was surprised but leaned in anyways but realized what she was doing when he heard the sound of her phone taking a photo. "So you're gonna post a photo?"

Kirstie smiled. "Just the photo. No caption or anything. I think it'll get the message across loud and clear."

Avi's phone vibrated a few seconds later, letting them both know that the photo was up and he'd just been tagged in it. It wasn't long until the photo started getting favorited like crazy. She grinned when she saw that the Superfruit account had retweeted it with the caption, "#kavi is real!! I repeat, #kavi is real".

Kirstie looked at Avi and smiled. "Well, nobody's mentioning Eric anymore. I think we just stole his thunder."

Kirstie was smiling while reading through all of the replies to the photo. It was amazing to think that so many people were happy for them. Avi spoke suddenly. "Um... We're trending."

Kirstie's eyes snapped up at him before she cut them back to her laptop. Just like he'd said, #kavi was sitting in the trending topics. Kirstie just shut her laptop, in awe of the fact that so many people liked their relationship. She got up from the table and stood in front of Avi, who was still scrolling through his phone. She reached around him, turned off the food, grabbed his phone, sat it aside, and kissed him hard.

He was shocked for a moment but then kissed her back with equal vigor. Kirstie leaned back. "Feel up to showing me how much you love me? I mean, it's what the fans would want." Her heart felt like it was going to beat out of her chest.

Avi grinned at her and was already towing her back to his bedroom. "I think I can do that. For the fans, of course." Kirstie was giggling the entire way to his room, the sound cutting off when his door slammed shut behind them.

Things were looking up. Kirstie was now with a man who truly loved her, Avi had finally found someone that he could truly call "the love of his life," and not only were their friends supportive of the relationship, but so were the fans. They'd never been happier but they couldn't wait to find out what the future still had in store for them.
AN: That's a wrap! I hope you all enjoyed this because I know that I enjoyed writing it. This was one of the first things I've written in a long while that I didn't get tired of writing after a while. It was nice to write and enjoy it again, instead of it feeling like a chore.

Anyways, Kavi is the only reason I'm really on this site so if (and when) I eventually write more, it'll be about Kavi. You might be interested in that, so feel free to follow me. I'm not big into AUs either, so I won't be writing about High School AUs or SciFi-ish AUs; it'll be normal stuff where they're already in Pentatonix, like this story.

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