The Moon's Pets

By Electric_Elephant

24 3 1

A young orphaned girl runs away from her new foster parents only to end up in the woods,where she meets many... More

Chapter 1: The Escape
Chapter 2: The Den

Chapter 3: We Are the Pets

6 1 1
By Electric_Elephant

"What the heck is going on right now!?" I shouted.
"I'm dreaming, I'm dreaming, I'm dreaming." I muttered.
"Your not dreaming Liz." Said the blonde beast that Nikki transformed into.
"I'm sorry I have to break it to you like this but...we are werewolves." The very sight of an animal talking almost made me faint.
"How is this possible? Is that still you Nikki?!?" I said very confused.
"Yes Liz, it's still me. Even though we are in wolf form,we still have our own brains, memories, and voices." Said Nikki.
" The only differences of our human form and werewolf form is that our werewolf forms are stronger, faster, taller, wider, sharper teeth and claws, jump higher, we catch our own foods, we can fight against other magical beings, and we can poop in woods without getting in trouble!" Said the reddish-orange wolf who had the exact same voice as Seth.
"Is that you Seth?" I asked.
"Yea. Pretty cool huh? I bet I could beat you in a race!" Said Seth.
I turned to look at the grey wolf in the entrance. He looked as menacing as ever as he got down on all fours and crawled towards me.

"Is he going to eat me?!" I asked Nikki. She didn't say anything which scared me. He got closer and closer to me and I could feel a dark atmosphere following this thing. He got so close to me before he stood up on his hind legs.

"You better be right." He growled very angrily. I looked into his big yellow eyes. It felt like he was looking into my soul and he didn't like what he saw. What was Nikki supposed to be right about?
"Trust me, Jigoku. It's fine." She said. I don't know what's going on but I hope I stay alive in the next few hours.
"I don't know Jigoku. She looks mighty tasty to me." Said one big brown wolf.
"No!...Don't touch her until we know for sure that she's not just a big mistake. You really wanna survive? Well then your gonna have to get tough real fast!" Said Jigoku. He looked at me and started to head for the exit of the Den.

"It's showtime." He said softly. The big grey werewolf stuck his snout into the air and released a long howl. All the other werewolves did the same. I didn't want to be left out so I tried my best at one too. I put my nose in the air and shouted,
"AWOOOOooooooooo.......!" I slowly started to quiet down as everyone looked at me and stared. Seth started to shake his head. After that embarrassing 20 seconds, all the werewolves got down on their fours and ran out of the entrance behind Jigoku. Except for Nikki.
"Alright Liz. That was the lunch call. As a werewolf it is your duty to catch your own food and eat yourself. If you find your own food, it is up to you to decide how much of it you want. But if you accept food from others, you must finish the food. It is very impolite to discard someone's catching because you don't know how long it took them to catch it. It could have taken 30 seconds or 30 minutes. You don't know." She said. After that she drops down on her hands and runs after the other werewolves. At first I thought it would take me forever to find and kill something myself so I would just accept someone else's offer, but after what I just heard, I don't want to upset any of the wolves. I think for a few seconds and remember that I had found a few bins full of fruits and veggies so I whip around and headed
straight to my room.

"Yes!" I shout as I grab some bananas from the bin. I have my hands full as I walk out the room. As I walk out of the hallway I look up to see all the wolves staring at me. Each one of them had some kind of animal in their mouths. I saw some hogs, some birds, some deer and Jigoku brought back a baby bear. Several of them had smaller creatures in their paws like squirrels and rabbits. I looked at Nikki and she brought back a decent size doe. She removed it from her mouth and held it in her arms.

"Come Eat!" She said. They all stopped staring and filled the large table. I went to the last empty seat that just happened to be by Nikki and I sat down. I peeled my banana and I looked up to see all of the vicious beasts that they were. Blood flew everywhere as they sunk their Strong jaws in. All the wolves dropped their prey on the table in front of their seats.

"How's that banana?" Nikki said with a snarl. I looked at her with no response due to her ferocious and scary look. I looked over at Jigoku and saw his pearl white teeth stained with red. I lost my appetite and placed the banana down.

"What's the matter?!?" Said Jigoku with a snarl. I closed my eyes in an attempt to get rid of the horrible scene that was taking place in front of me but I was interrupted when I heard another being slam their fists down on the table. I opened my eyes and saw a dark brown werewolf looking at me.
"Jigoku!!!" He said
"I'm done waiting! I don't think she's one of us!" I was completely shocked and turned towards Nikki who was still finishing her food and then towards Jigoku who abruptly stopped eating and said
"Fine....let's move on." And he pushed back his seat and got up.
"Nikki, explain to your...'Liz' what we have planned next." He said. Nikki got out of her seat and turned towards me.

"Okay. Long story short, I can smell that you have werewolf blood in you. No one believes me and you have to pass a series of test that will bring out your werewolf side and if you fail to transform then we'll have to kill you....kk lets go!" She said cheerfully. I was dead frozen and I couldn't process what she had just said to me. I watched Jigoku and the rest of the werewolves run off towards the bedrooms. After sitting there confused for the next thirty seconds, Seth and Nikki came out from the bedrooms in human form followed by a bunch of other new human faces that I hadn't seen before.

"Here's the full crew." Said Nikki. I looked at them all and saw quite a variety of characters. I watched Nikki walk over to a very tall and burly older man with grey, slicked back hair and she said

"Of course you know Jigoku right?"Jigoku gave a sinister glare to me that I felt was purely intended to send chills down my spine. Nikki walked passed a very muscular and chiseled, young Asian man with long black hair that touched his shoulders and said

"That's Blake. Sorry for his rude behavior earlier...he's just a little skeptical about this whole thing."
I didn't understand what she meant until I saw him gunning me down with his vicious brown eyes. He was the one who got upset at the table earlier. Nikki kept walking and reached a young beautiful latina woman who had long and wavy black hair, tan skin and a very endowed chest.

"Meet Rosa. She's very nice...well...sometimes...but whatever you do, don't get her upset. She's quite a hothead." Nikki said.

"I luuuuuvvvv the heat!" Seth said as he started to bite his lip and dance around Rosa.

"I'll cut your throat while your sleeping if you don't back off!" She said with her fist cocked back in front of Seth's face.

"Oooo we've got a feisty one!! Papi le gustas mucha! Trae tu culo aquí chica!" Said Seth with much confidence. All I saw after that was Seth running away from a furious Rosa who was screaming
"Estás muerto! Voy a patear tú en tu coño."

Nikki laughs and continues on with her introductions and she stopped at a short but foxy lookin girl with cyan hair that reached all the way down to her bottom. She had quite the hipster style with a fedora on and a few buttons were undone on her red and black plaid shirt.

"Hi! I'm Dana, it's really nice to finally meet you! You smell extremely delicious! I just want you to know that if you were a normal human, id eat you down to the bone!" The girl said as she gave me a wink. I didn't think she meant it like that until Nikki looked at me and said
"'s exactly what you're thinking."

Nikki walked over to the next people which caught my attention quickly because of one reason...they were two little kids...who looked about the age of ten.

"Meet the twins, Payton and Parker!Watch out for these two...they're two tiny Devils in the bodies of cute nine year olds." Nikki said. Parker, the little boy, walked up to me, sniffed me,and scrunched his nose saying
"Eeeeewwww! You smell like cowboy buttsex on a Sunday night with peanutbutter and dirty cabbage!" Parker and his sister, Payton, began to laugh hysterically at his insult towards me. What the hell did that mean? Cowboy buttsex? Peanutbutter? Dirty cabbage? All from a twelve year old? Oh hell no! I'm not letting this slip. I regained my thoughts and snapped back at the little runt,

"Well I learned from the master in front of me!" I said awkwardly. I felt like a nerd who didn't know what to say back. Payton turned towards me and said
"You're so ugly, where'd you get your style? The lost and found?!?" Her and Parker began to squeal again. I panicked and the only thing I could think of was
"Call me when your tits grow in honey!" I felt like a stone cold winner...until Payton said
"Call me when yours do too!"
...I felt like a loser. I just got roasted by two nine year olds...

"All right that's enough!" Said Nikki. She brought me to the last person who was a tall dark skinned young man with   a beautiful smile and a nice, tight toned body. He was very handsome and I was going to jump to my own introduction but I was too slow and Nikki took the Golden State Warriors SnapBack he had on and put it on backwards on herself and threw herself into his arms and wrapped her legs around his waist while kissing him very aggressively. After a couple of seconds, Nikki stops kissing him and turns to me,while still wrapped up on him, and says

"And this is my boyfriend, Marsel!" She then climbed down from Marsel and called Seth and Rosa to come back. Rosa walks back followed by a slow and slumped over Seth covering his right eye. He dropped his hand and I saw a hideous black eye. I guess Rosa wasn't playing around. Everyone but me lined up in an orderly fashioned and pulled out pieces of clothing from their pockets.

"What's going on?" I asked Nikki.

"This is test 2! It's time to test your senses. You must sniff us and our mixed-matched clothing items to grab the scent. Afterwards we will throw the item and you must run and grab them to give them to the coordinating wolf. You only have five minutes to do it. Ready...." She said.

"What?!?!?" I shouted.


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