Alan's Story (Alan Ashby Fan...

By werestep1

38.8K 771 117

Alan never imagined meeting a girl like Sierra, she was a writer, a writer on tour. She looked to innocent to... More

Alan's Story (Alan Ashby Fan-fiction)
Just The Little Things
Innocence and Mosh Pits.
When You Can't Sleep At Night
Place Your Bets!
My Rockstar is in Another Tour Bus?
Drinks On Me
This Is Only The Beginning
The I Love You's (The End)

Doggy DayCare

3K 60 6
By werestep1

“Wake up” I heard Sierra say, I groaned and rubbed my eyes.

“Alan the movie just ended, and I’m hungry but I don’t want to get up.”

“So?” I mumbled and tried to roll over but instead I fell off the couch.

“So? You are already up” She snickered, and I got up from and looked at her, a smile was spread across her face, and she was all cuddled up in a huge sweatshirt. She looked so adorable all cuddled up; just I wanted to just cuddle up next to her like a cat.

“Alan? Can you stop looking at me like that and make me a sandwich?” She got up and waved her hand in front of my face, that’s when I saw what looked like a small dog next to her until it sat up. It turned out to be a very large and scary looking German Shepard.

“Is that yours?” I asked pointing at the dog, which looked at me and growled.

“Yeah, this is Jeffree. He comes everywhere with me. Well kind of everywhere” She smiled and patted the dog’s head, which ran to the back room of the bus.

“Cute dog, he seems trained” I stated as I stared to get up and make her sandwich.

“Yeah, I got lonely when I didn’t have my friend around for the longest time. So I got Jeffree when he was a small puppy.”  She started to unravel in her blanket and come up to me, she was in a large sweater and some shorts. I wish I could just hug her, pick her up and kiss her. Woah, Alan chill, you just meet the girl, don’t get over yourself here.

“You lived on your own? Krissy told me you have a pretty big house” She came next to me, and shrugged her shoulders.

“Eh, it’s not that big but it’s big enough. Being a writer and all, I really don’t need much” She sighed, and took a knife out from the drawers.

“My favorite thing though” She started talking but stopped to cut the sandwich in half, she grabbed one piece and handed it to me, then took the other.

“Is sharing, so basically my house became everyone’s. Krissy lived with me for a while, Becca, Ryan now I have three boys living there. One of them to which just got out of jail.” I smiled at her, and took a bite out of my half of the sandwich.

“So what happened? Why did you leave?” She finished off her half and looked at me; she pulled her hands into her jacket and looked like she was going to cry.

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to-“

“No its fine, I had to get out of there. I wanted nothing more to then leave. It was just-“She stopped and I could tell she was about to cry. I wrapped my arms around her, and I could feel her tears just start to fall. She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me as close as she could. Just her being in my arms, sent a shiver um my spine the way her small hands were placed on my back and my arms around her neck. Her head lay on my chest as I held her and let her cry softly.

“They kept fighting and fighting.  The two of them got into a huge blow out fight and punched each other, then I walked in on the one kissing his ex after me and him like-“She paused and looked at me, we were sitting down now, and I held her in my arms as she explained to me everything that went on and that is going on now.  She was like the fans, they all had a story, and they all have problems. I just happened to have feelings for her, and seeing her cry like she is, it not only hurts her but it pains me. I can feel my heart break with every tear that falls from her beautiful eyes.

“it’s okay” I said as she cuddled up close to me again, holding onto my shirt for dear life.

“Wanna watch another movie?” I whispered to her, as I moved her hair out of her face gently.

“Yeah, can we watch Star Wars? Austin let me borrow his movies and I am in a galaxy war sort of mood”

“Of course” I kissed the side of her head, and got up to put the movies in.

“Alan?” I snapped my head around to see Sierra all cuddled up again.


“If I ask you to cuddle with me tonight, would you find that a little weird?” She asked, I let out a small laugh. He was such an awkward turtle sometimes but it was the most adorable thing in the world.

“I would be honored to cuddle with such an amazing and gorgeous girl as you” She giggled and grabbed one end of the blanket and pulled it up for me to get under, as I was about to crawl in next to her Jeffree had to jump into my spot.

“Oh no, get down” I said pointing to the floor, Jeffree just looked at me and huffed.

“That’s him basically saying ‘fuck you’” Sierra laughed

“Do you want a piece of bacon?” I saw Sierra eyes go wide.

“Don’t say it”

“Say what? Bacon?” The next thing I knew I was being attack by a very heavy German Shepard dog, licking my face and whimpering.

“Jeffree LOVES bacon”

“Get up, get up, get up!”  I felt someone start to mess up my hair; I rolled over to find a very sleepy Sierra still in my arms. I tighten my arms around her and pulled her in even closer to my body, not wanting this moment to end.

“I’m totally fucking instagramming this” I heard Austin laugh.

“Go away” Sierra mumbled in my chest,

“Sierra, get your lazy fucking ass up or we are getting rid of the nutella” Just like that she pushed me off the couch and jumped up.

“No Mommy! Don’t take away the nutella!” Ryan yelled rushing into the room also.

“I hate you” I mumbled as Austin started to help me off the ground laughing so hard I thought he might die.

“I love you too my ginger princess” He said making a kissy face and giving me a big smooch on my cheek.

“Ahhh gross Carlile!” I yelled

“You love it” He laughed.

That’s how my morning went, just all of us. Both bands in one bus, just joking around until we had to get ready for set; we shared the stage with Krissy’s band so I got to see Sierra before and usually after my sets. Sometimes she was off somewhere else, other times she was with Jack. Don’t get me wrong I think Jack is a great guy; just he’s not so great with girls. Epically with a girl like Sierra, she needed all the love you can give her, she is also a ride or die kind of girl when she is having her good days. Like I know I have only known Sierra for what seems like a week it feels like I have known her for so much longer than that. I feel like I am falling her for, I am getting myself attached to her and I’m starting to think it’s a bad idea.

“Hey Alan, can I talk to you?” I heard Krissy call over to me.

“Yes?” I asked, I was a little confused she was just to go up for set. Why did she need to talk to me so badly?

“What did you and Sierra talk about last night? She seems kind of… I don’t know, off her game today?”  I was a little confused, I didn’t think that anything that had happen last night would affect her in anyway

“Just why she left, why?”

“Hmph, that’s not why because she always rants on about it sometimes. I think something is really bugging her and I just can’t figure out what the fuck it is!” She sighed in frustration.  I can see why they call her “Momma Krissy” sometimes; she really does act like a mother toward them sometimes.

She looked behind me, and I saw her eyes grow wide like apples or something and a huge smile come up on her face.

“What?” I asked as I turned around to see what basically broke my heart. Jack was holding Sierra, in his arms. Just standing there, holding her and whispering things in her ear making her smile; I could feel my face get red, and the jealously burning inside me. That should be me, I should be the one holding her, kissing her cheek, or just being with her. I felt Krissy grab my arm and pull me toward the stage.

“Alan, calm down. I’m sure it’s just a fling. Sierra isn’t that stupid to go after guys like Jack” She laughed a fake laugh until she really thought about what she said. It was one of those ‘oh-wait-she-would-do-that’ kinds of realization laugh.

“She would be that stupid” I mumbled, I could hear Austin yell my name. It was time for our show and I had so much anger and aderline pumping through my veins I could wait to get on the stage and give them my all. We started playing “the Depths” first, I played my heart out. Jumping to the beat of the song, each time Tino would hit down I would jump up, head banged with Austin as he screamed his heart out and did my signature guitar swing move. With each beat and each movement, I could feel the jealousy and anger leave my body. I felt so relaxed this was what I lived for, this is what I breathe. I can’t let Jack ruin my day just because he’s going after Sierra, because I am not going to let that happen. Like Hell am I going to give up so easily, I’m not going to give up on an amazing girl like Sierra.

After set we all took our bows and hopped off stage.

“Whoo!” Austin yelled and swung his arm over my shoulder.

“Man, Alan! You played like a beast out there!” Tino yelled, jumping up and down as we reached the tour bus.

“I don’t think I have ever seen you play that hard in my life” Phil smiled,

“Yeah, it felt great!” I laughed, it really did feel good to play my heart out like that just to relax and get my mind off things.

“You know what lets party!” Austin yelled swinging his hands up in the air.

I nodded my head in agreement; we decided to join up with the boys from Bring Me The Horizon and head up to one of the many clubs. I left my phone in the bus so I wouldn’t drunk test, I was still on a roll and I was planning on getting shit faced.  I didn’t talk to Sierra the whole night, I didn’t want to hear anything about her and Jack or whatever was going on even if anything was going on.

We got to the club and I headed straight to the bar! Time to get my drink on!

*The next morning*

“Ginger princess wake up!” Austin yelled pulling me out of my bunk.

“Whyy” I groaned, getting up. I was getting really sick of falling on the ground all the time.

“I promised Krissy we would go and help put stuff in her bus before we left for the next stop” TIno yawned as he dragged us out of the bus.

We walked to the bus and I started to get that hangover feeling, I must have went hard last night to fell this horrible. I can’t wait to get a hug from Sier- Oh wait she was with Jack.

“Alan! Austin! Tino! OMG Phil!” yelled Becca, she was a very loud and hyper girl.

“Krissy?” I asked dodging Becca’s death hug, and jumping onto the bus.

“Only me” I saw Jack come into view but I didn’t see Sierra, so I started to look over his shoulder for her.

“Where is Sierra?” I asked, looking at him suspiously.

“Oli took her to the hospital a few moments ago”

Hello my lovelies !!! I feel like there is so much fluff in this one but I needed something to lead up to the cliff hanger x) love you all!

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