When The Dead Start Walking (...

By bellachiara00

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Note that I do not own some of the characters in this story! This takes place right after the season 3 finale... More

Chapter 1- To The Prison
Chapter 2- The Food Supply
Chapter 3- The Governator
Chapter 4- Fight On
Chapter 5- The Hunt
Chapter 6- Hey baby brother
Chapter 7- Easy Come, Easy Go
Chapter 8- The Army
Chapter 10- All Sanity Lost
Chapter 11- Homecoming Queen
Chapter 12- Beginner's Luck
Chapter 13- Stand Your Ground
Chapter 14- Mommy Dearest
Chapter 15- This Means War
Chapter 16- Walker Bait

Chapter 9- Welcome, Welcome

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By bellachiara00

"And why would we go with you.," Daryl spits, pulling me closer behind his back. He may be a jerk sometimes, but he's always protective over everyone.

"Well.," the Governor said, laughing at Daryl. "Because I'll kill you if you don't.," he finishes, his little laugh completely fading. He's sick in the head. The army he gathers seem to not mind his odd behavior. They must have nowhere else to go.

"Just take me. Let Nicole go. Besides, Merle's my brother. Want revenge? Take me.," Daryl says, looking at the Governor right in his eye.

"Now tell my why I'd let Nicole escape back to the prison and tell everyone about my friends over here.," the Governor says, walking slightly closer with his arms out, his hands miming each word he says. Daryl groans, standing his ground. The Governor walks up to us, his army aiming their guns, watching for any signs of escape. He goes behind Daryl and over to me. I watch in fear as he reaches his arm out to me. Daryl turns around, facing us as he pulls me closer to him.

"Now Nicole, come here.," the Governor says, his eye full of hostility. Daryl only brings me back more as I am at a loss for words. The Governor then steps up, grabbing me by my hair. I groan in pain as he pulls me to him. He is so dead. When we get the chance to kill him, I'll be the one to do it. It will be slow and painful.

"Let me go!," I say as I grab my hair, following him as he pulls me to his army. He ignores me, tossing me to a few of his guards. He remains unaware of the rest of the group we have in the store.

"Take her to the truck. Grab the trash too.," he says, walking away from me and into the bushes. I shriek as a bag is placed on my head while my hands are tied back. I listen as they toss me into some truck, starting up the engine.

We ride in silence. The bag on my head begins to irritate me neck, but there is nothing I can do about it. I try to get out of the ropes bounding my hands behind my back, but I only end up cutting my wrists. I let out a sigh, fear running through my veins. If I make it out of this alive, I'm going to rip the Governor's head off, along with all of his dumb followers. Who would follow him anyways? He brings nothing but trouble.

I hear the engine stop as doors open. I am pushed out of the car, a person holding onto the collar of my jacket. I feel like a trapped animal. Daryl and I need to get out of here. Speaking of Daryl, where is he? They must've put him in a different truck. I walk as one man guides me through a set of doors. What is this place?

"Stairs.," one person says to me, telling me to take a step. I roll my eyes inside of the bag as I walk up the stairs. He is still holding onto my jacket. He better not ruin it; it's my favorite jacket.

"Why do you even listen to this guy? He's a complete nutcase!," I whisper, hoping to knock some sense into the guy.

"Because I have no where else to go.," he says, his voice sounding young. He sounds like he could be younger than me, but he is pretty strong, so I need some weapon in order to take him down.

"What's he planning?," I ask, hoping I can feed in some answers from him.

"I can't say.," he says, trying to end the conversation. I sigh as I reach the top step. I almost trip as I realize there are no more steps. As I land harshly on my leg, I remember my wound. I still need to take the stitches out; my bandage is off.

"What's your name?," I question, my voice curious. I hear him sigh as we continue to walk. He doesn't answer me. He must have been told to keep his mouth shut. The fact that he answers me even a little bit means I can use him later. Younger boys are always easy to crack. I smirk at the thought. I may have a chance after all.

The boy takes the bag off of my head, throwing me into a poorly lit room. There's a twin size bed, pink walls, and princess stuff everywhere. We are in someone's house. I begin to explore the room, my hands still tied back. The walls are full of poorly colored pictures. I sigh as I think about the little girl who used to live here. This world is going mad.

I crank my head as the door is burst open, a brighter light shinning through. I watch as Daryl is roughly thrown in, being forced to his knees with his hands also tied behind his bag.

"Useless trash.," I hear a deep voice mumble as the door closes. Daryl obviously didn't keep his mouth shut either. I hear him groan in pain, the light making it hard to see his face. As he looks up, I see a bloody scratch on his cheek starting to bruise. I begin to feel sympathy as I sit next to him. He too sits, letting out a deep sigh.

I slide my hands under my legs, bringing them to my front. I crawl behind Daryl and begin to untie his hands, an awkward silence taking up the air. The rope seems a lot harder to budge with my hands tied up. As I finally loosen the rope, I watch as he shakes his hands free. He turns around facing me.

"Thanks. Here.," he says, flicking his head at me to give him my hands. I slightly flinch as he begins to unravel the rope. I pull my hands back, rubbing my wrists. I was dumb to try and struggle earlier; it only caused me more pain.

"Thank you.," I say as I lean in to give him a hug. He looks like he needs it. Mixed emotions run through his eyes. Normally I would despise hugging Daryl, but right now I am glad to see he is alive. He hugs me back, not saying a word. I let go, letting out a sigh. I rub my wrists, the tender skin beginning to sting. We are in a big mess right now and with no one able to save us.

The group must be devastated right now. So many bad things are happening way too fast. I sigh as I think about Austin. I promised him I'd teach him how to ride a motorcycle, and I don't intend to break that promise. I wonder what Daryl's thinking about. Maybe Carol? Or maybe a plan to get out.

I look around the room, searching for anything I can use as a weapon Maybe we can break through the window? We both stand up and walk around the room. I head towards the window, lifting the dark curtains. They are barricaded. Great. I let out a deep sigh as I stomp the ground with my left foot in anger. The only way out is going through the house.

They stripped my jacket of any weapons I had, along with the rest of my clothing. All I had was that one knife in my jacket. Now it's gone. Daryl doesn't have his crossbow anymore either. We have nothing but the clothes on our backs. I go sit on the little bed, Daryl deciding to do the same. We continue to look around the room for anything.

"Hey, Daryl. Look at that dresser.," I whisper, pointing to a dresser to the left of the door. "We can break off the legs and use them.," I suggest, looking over at Daryl. We can beat up the next person to walk in. He nods, looking at me as he stands up. As he is about to walk, the door creaks open.

"Hello, prisoners," the Governor says, walking in. I glare as he calls us prisoners; he is clearly jealous of the prison we live in. Daryl twitches his face in anger. He must be upset we didn't break off the legs in time and make weapons. Especially because the Governor is the one to walk in. Daryl and I sit in silence, not bothering to respond to him.

"Now, do you want to tell me how many people are at that little prison of yours?," the Governor asks, walking closer to Daryl.

"I ain't tellin' you nothin'.," Daryl spits, his southern accent bold. He just stands his ground, ready for any physical attack.

"Well then you are coming with me.," the Governor says, smiling devilishly as two guards burst through the door and attempt to grab Daryl. Daryl fights back, punching one of the armed guards in the nose. Unfortunately, the two finally get a hold of him, forcing him out of the room, curse words leaving his mouth angrily. My heart sinks once I see him being taken. What are they going to do to him?

"Now, Nicole. Do you want to tell me how many people are at your prison?," he asks, his eye full vengeance as he smirks, walking up to me. I just shake me head, my mouth unable to create words. I slide back on the bed, getting as far away from him as possible.

I lift an eyebrow as he just stands there, smirking. His hands are together in front of his body as he stares at me, not speaking a word. I let out a gasp as I crank my head to the left of the room. Through the wall, I hear Daryl's voice taking in pain. I cover my mouth with my hands, hearing someone beat him up. Obviously they have him tied up because I only hear one person in pain. My stomach drops as I quickly snap my head over to the Governor, my eyes full of anger and hatred.

"You monster!," I yell, springing for the Governor. "Let him go!," I grunt through my teeth as I leap over to him, throwing a punch at his face. He reacts quickly, grabbing my wrists. I kick and scream as I hear him call for backup. I manage to loosen his grip, freeing one of my hands as I aim my fist towards his lower jaw. I smirk as he lets me go, covering his mouth with his hand as two men walk in. They grab a hold of me, looking at the Governor for direction.

These must be the men who beat up Daryl; I don't hear any racket going on in the next door room.

"Take her to the redneck. Maybe she'll talk after seeing him," the Governor says plainly. He seems to be angry, his eyebrows are hardening. I struggle, attempting to break free as they grab my by my arms and take me out of the room.

They continue to hold my down as we walk through a different door. I shriek in fear as I see Daryl strapped mercilessly to a chair, his head facing down. He looks up, and I see his face covered in fresh blood.

"Daryl!," I shriek as I one of the guys holds both of my arms from behind, forcing me to watch the other abuse Daryl. I continue to struggle, but the strength of the man holding me down is too much.

"Monsters!," I scream, watching the Governor as he enters the room, chuckling as he watches Daryl take each punch. Every hit Daryl grunts, but he keeps glaring at the Governor, taking each blow like a man.

"Feel like talking yet?," the Governor asks, walking up to me. He grabs my neck right below my jaw, forcing me to stand on my toes. I wince in pain, keeping my eyes on Daryl. He struggles as he watches the Governor cause me pain, shaking his arms as much as he can in hope to loosen the rope. The Governor smirks, pleased as we both struggle.

"Just let Daryl go!," I yell as he lets go of my neck. One of his sheep is still holding my arms back, preventing me from causing any damage.

"Now why would I do that?," he asks, walking up to me even closer with his hands behind his back. This guy is messed up in the head.

"Because he did nothing wrong.," I hiss, watching the Governor's one eye. He begins to laugh, turning around and walking slowly around the room. A few yards away, he turns around, his laugh gone as he faces me.

"He invaded Woodbury.," he says, glaring angrily at Daryl, pure disgust in his eye.

"Only because you kidnapped our people! You never told us until they came to attack. It's your fault!," I yell, my voice cracking out of exhaustion. The Governor gives me a hard stare, looking as if he has to find words to say.

"That blasted Michonne killed my Penny.," he says, taking in a deep breath. "Take them away.," he finishes, looking at the two guards. I see the one who beat Daryl untie the rope around his wrists and take him out of the room. I watch as he weakly goes along, too tiered to fight back. My heart sinks as I see defeat in his eyes. I too am dragged out and taken to the first room I was thrown in.

They toss us in, throwing us on the floor harshly. I see Daryl hit the floor hard, muttering words as lands. He quickly recovers, using his arms to lift himself up. Blood drips down his face and onto the floor, his eyebrows lowered as he heads to the bed to sit.

I stand up, following him. I rub my wrists which began to bleed earlier from the ropes. As I look at mine, I glance over and see Daryl's gushing blood. He never gave up on struggling.

We sit there in silence as I put my hand on his shoulder, whispering that we will make it out of here soon, but he just sits there, his eyes glued to the closed door. He breathes heavily, exhaustion taking over his body, but he refuses to sleep. He then looks over at me, his emotions hidden in his eyes changing to concern.

"Are you alright? Did they hurt you?," he asks, taking my wrist from the hand I put on his shoulder. He looks as the red, ripped skin, rubbing it. I flinch from the slight pain as he touches it. He then lets go, pure hatred filling his eyes. He may be rude, but he is protective, putting others over him. I never expected to see this side of him. As bloody and beat as he is, he still makes sure others are okay.

"Yeah, I'm fine. You should lie down. You need rest.," I suggest, looking at how banged up he is. I feel sorrow seep into my heart, giving me more drive to find a way out of this place. His mouth opens as he readies to argue, but I shoot him a glance. He nods, lying down on the bed as he lets out a deep sigh. He covers his eyes with his arms, and I stand up to look around.

The windows are barricaded with nailed in planks. Only if we had something to remove the planks with. I search the room in hope of finding something metal and strong. Nothing. They cleared the room of anything we can use. I then focus my eyes on a picture frame with a drawing of a girl. The drawing seems like it was created by a young girl.

I walk over, quietly taking it off the walls. I set it on the ground, step on it, then empty out the glass. I take the largest piece, holding it like a knife. Perfect! I heard how the Governor lost his eye. Why not the same way twice? I smirk at the thought, sliding the glass into my shorts. I look at my stitches. They sit there, waiting to be taken out. Only if I had scissors or something. I grab another piece, around the same size as mine, and walk over to Daryl.

"Hey.," I say, arousing him. He looks at the piece of glass I hold in my hands. "Here.," I say, handing it to him. He smirks as much as his injured face will let him, taking it. He places it in the side of his pants, allowing him to lie down without breaking it or hurting himself. We nod at each other, and I pat him on the shoulder, telling him to go back to sleep.

I walk over to the shattered frame, and pick up the extra glass. I clean it up and hide in one of the empty dresser shelves near by. I take the drawing, thinking about the one who drew this. I wonder who she is, or was. I flip the paper, looking at the name written in the back. Hannah is messily placed in the middle of the paper in pink crayon. I hope she's still alive somewhere.

Only if the frame was made out of metal; I could have used it. I sigh, heading over to the bed Daryl lay peacefully on. He needs rest. He didn't even get to sleep the night before. He took the group out instead of staying at the prison and sleep or stay on watch with me. I sit on the bed against the wall at his feet. I pull my knees up to my chest and rest my head on them. I let out a sigh, resting. I don't want to disturb Daryl and find a place to lie down, so I just sit. It's a small bed, and he's the one who needs the rest anyways.

I begin to plot on what to do when someone walk in. If it's a guard, there will probably be more outside, so attacking wont be the smartest thing when they have guns. But if it's the Governor on the other hand, I could get him by surprise. I shrug, continuing to plot our way out of here. We will get out of here.


9 chapters! :D Well, I started school so it may be one chapter a day, or every other day for me to upload instead of every few hours. e.e' Let me know what you think! Vote/comment! <3

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