Chapter 4- Fight On

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"Daryl!," I whisper, my eyes still glued to the figure. "Do you see him! It's the governor!," I tell him, my voice still soft but full of panic. Throw me a bunch of walkers, leave me alone in the woods, and I'd be fine, but when it comes to the Governor, and after what happened, I feel fear. Who knows what he has hidden under his sleeves.

"What?," Daryl says, looking through the scope on his rifle. "I don't see nothin'.," he says, looking back at me. I look again through my scope, and he's right. Nothing's there.

"Damnit, he left.," I say frustratedly.

"You sure you saw him?," Daryl asks me, concern in his voice. Whoa. Emotion. I guess he's just worried about the group safety. Not that I'm probably seeing things.

"Yes, I'm sure. And I saw him earlier too when you pulled me inside!," I explain, hoping that he'll believe me. It all makes sense. The Governor goes mad, shoots Johnny, and sticks around the prison, probably trying to find away to attack.

"You absolutely sure?," he asks me, his voice demanding.

"Yes!," I say, my voice slightly raising. I see him groan and stand up.

"Well then we're goin' on a lil' adventure.," he says, his voice serious. He sticks his hand out to me; I take it and he helps me up. I grab my gun and pull out my knife. He flicks his head towards the rest of the walkway. I follow him without another word. We have to take out this Governor.

"Down here.," Daryl says as I follow him through a different building which connects to the walkway. We go down the stairs, open the gate, and head out. Once we make it out of the prison, we search through the forest.

"I saw him over here.," I say as I lead him to the area where I saw him. I watch him scan the ground for a while.

"Well he sucks at leaving tracks.," he says, pausing for a moment, "follow me.," Daryl says, his eyes glued to the ground, searching for more tracks. He pulls out a flashlight once the trees start to block the moonlight. He shines it, following the tracks which were very distinct.

"Wait, Daryl...," I say, my expression tense while I think. "Why would he leave tracks so clear? They obviously aren't walker's tracks. They walk too...alive.," I say, looking up at Daryl.

"Because I obviously wanted y'all to follow me.," says an all too familiar voice. Daryl and I look up, viewing the Governor holding out a gun. "Tell Rick I said hi." With that, he doesn't give us time to react. I fires his gun, and I feel an awful pain coming from my right leg as I am forced take a few steps back. Daryl and I both glance at each other then look down at my leg. Blood is pouring down everywhere. The sight finally brings me to realization. I fall down and my knees, trying as hard as I can to stay up. I look back up. The Governor's gone.

"Damnit, damnit!," I shout as softly as I can. "He's gone!" I look up at Daryl, and he seems to be debating whether to chase after the Governor or help me. I hear him curse under his breath.

"Go! Go get him!," I scream at him. "Think of Johnny!," I shout, remembering the poor boy which no one has any idea if he is going to survive. "I can take care of myself!"

"Yeah and get ripped up by walkers? The shot wasn't exactly that quite.," Daryl says as he bends down next to me. He puts his crossbow and gun strapped around his shoulder. He also takes mine, holding onto it. He folds up my pocket knife and puts it in his pocket. Ripping off a piece of the blanket I have wrapped around my shoulders, he ties it around my leg, hoping to stop the bleeding. He wraps an arm around me, helping me up.

"Ouch!," I say as my weight is pressured against my leg. Daryl just groans, helping me walk. We aren't very fast because my leg is slowing us down.

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