Chapter 10- All Sanity Lost

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I gaze around the room, my knees pulled up to my chest as I sit on the bed next to Daryl. I see him open his eyes, looking at me as he sits up. He nods, sitting up. We were here all night without anyone coming in. I sigh, standing up as I head towards the curtains, my head spinning from drowsiness. I'm unable to sleep, knowing any moment could be made our last.

I open up the dark colored fabric, watching the small spots of light shine through the the separate pieces of wood. The glass I found is too weak to pry the wood off, so I continue to search the room. There has to be something. Daryl's eyes rest on me as I look for something. He too stands up, searching the room. We both want to make it out of here as soon as we can, but that's not going to happen until we find something to open the window with.

"There's nothing here!," I whisper, letting out a frustrated sigh. "Face it Daryl, even if we do kill the Governor, his group of pets are going to kill us right away.," I say, looking down at the floor. It's true. Once we kill someone, the others are going to panic and kill us.

"If we can get guns, we can make it outta here alive.," he says, still wandering around the room. I hear him sigh as he walks up to the window. "Maybe I can open the window.," he says as he slips his fingers on the bottom plank, pulling as hard as he can. Whoever built this made sure it was strong enough to hold a man. Worry begins to feel my face as I watch him pull at the wood. He's not going to give up; he's going to hurt himself even more.

"Here, let me help.," I say as I walk over to him. He nods, letting go. The nails are screwed in deep. I slip my fingers on the bottom left side, and he puts his on the bottom right. We look at each other and nod. We both begin to pull the plank, using as much strength as we can while still keeping quiet. I smirk as I begin to hear the wood slipping. The wood is around two or three inches, so I assume the nails must be extremely long.

"Shh.," Daryl says, stopping. He takes my hands off the wood as he looks at the door. We hear several footsteps stomping up the stairs quickly. Backing away from the window, we go sit on the bed, looking as if we never left it. I pull my knees up to my chest, and Daryl keeps his right leg out but pulls his left leg up, resting his left arm on his knee. I've noticed he seems to sit like that a lot.

The door bursts open, and the Governor walks in with two guards to his sides, each holding rifles. I gulp as they come in closer. Daryl and I keep quiet, our eyes glaring at the three men. Only if we can get those two guns! I keep my eyes on the men holding the rifles. Only if the Governor was gone, Daryl and I could take the chances and steal those guns. I look over at Daryl who seems to have the same idea.

"Here's the deal: you give me answers, and I'll let you go.," the Governor says, walking closer to the bed set. His frown makes him appear even more crazy than he already is. Daryl and I stare at him, watching every move he makes.

"No.," I finally speak up, my voice confident. I'm not going to give up our information to someone who's going to let us go just to kill us later. He wants to know how many people we have. How many people he has to kill. He wants war.

"You sure about that? You could always warn your people and give up the prison to us.," he says, in a stuck up tone. No. We can't allow it.

"And go where? What about baby Judith!? Don't you care that we have children there? Are you that heartless? Think about what Penny would think. She wouldn't like having you going around and killing little children!," I rant, throwing many words at him in hope to convince him to let us go. If he has any sanity or love left, he'd let us go. But he just stands there, thinking about it for a minute. I begin to wonder what he is thinking.

"It would keep Penny alive.," he says, turning around and walking away. His guards give each other a look which is hard to identify, but they too follow him. Once they close the door and walk away, Daryl and I glance at each other, standing up and returning to the window.

When The Dead Start Walking (The Walking Dead fan fiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن