The Suffering [A Supernatural...

由 KatyNicole143

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While Katy assumed she was just an everyday College student, she was far from it. Katy, was more then her wil... 更多

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Four

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由 KatyNicole143

It was a new day, the sunlight was shining in on Dean and me. It was bright, and it hurt my eyes when I opened them. I broke loose from Dean's death grip, and walked over to the bathroom. I washed my face, brushed my teeth, and fixed my hair. When I walked back out, Dean was up and Sam was downstairs. I smiled at them both, I walked into the kitchen to start a pot of coffee. Castiel poofed up behind me, I turned right into him.

                "Whoa, Cas." I said in shock.

                "Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to alarm you." he said back.

                "It's okay Cas, just be careful next time, I mean I am human."

                "I know, you’re human. What else would you be?" he said confused.

                "Never mind Cas, did anything happen last night?" I asked.

                "No, nothing. It was quiet." he replied.

                Sam and Dean walked in, and looked at both of us with confused looks. I looked up to see Dean walk over to me and place his hand on my hip. I just walked over to the fridge, and grabbed some eggs and bacon out. I smiled at them as I turned around. Sam grabbed the eggs so I wouldn't drop them.

                "Here, let me take those, before we have a huge mess." he said.

                "Oh, it's okay. I won't mind if I made a mess." I said with a smile.

                "Hey, if you want we could help you out." Dean said.

                "You, in the kitchen? Ha, don't make me laugh. Like you can even cook." I was smiling now "I'd like to see that."

                "Well then, get out of the damn kitchen, and we'll make you a meal you'll never forget." he said with a smirk on his face.

                "Umm, okay. I suppose, just don't light the place on fire, will you? Cas come watch TV with me, let’s get out of the way of these two."

                Castiel and I walked into the living room, I sat down on the couch and turned the TV on. Castiel was just standing awkwardly next to me, I looked up and him and then patted the space next to me. Castiel was always polite and waited to be invited somewhere. He smiled at me, and then walked over to sit down. I couldn't help but feel Déjà vu, it felt as though we have done this before. Had we? Maybe we had, but I guess I'd just have to wait for the memory to come back, whenever that may be.

                While we watched TV, I started to think about my dream last night, I couldn't really explain what it was, actually. All I could remember off of the top of my head was that Dean and I were looking for Sam. Where he was, I don't know. But he had been missing, something had him I assumed. I started to really think about the dream when it streamed through my mind and blinded my view. I had blacked out, again and I had no idea when I'd awake from it this time.

                "This is Sam, leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can." I frowned at myself as I got Sam's voicemail yet again. "Voicemail."

                "Where the hell could he be?" Dean was nearly yelling.

                "Dean, I don't know. But we should probably call Bobby." I stated.

                "No, we won't drag Bobby into this, we can't. He'll just worry." he said.

                "Oh you mean, more than we already are, Dean think before you talk you dipshit." I was getting pissed now "Do you honestly think Bobby shouldn't know? Sam is like a son to him, and you want us to just keep this from him? What if he's dead Dean?"

                "Don't you dare say that? He's not dead, you hear me. He's not." he was not in my face yelling at me.


                I always hated when Dean was worried. He always lashed out at me like it was my fault. I knew he didn't mean it, but it wasn't exactly easy for me either. But what more could we do, Sam has been missing for 4 days now. Where could he honestly be? I hadn't realized that I was starting to hyperventilate, I was getting myself so worked up that I fainted.

                When I hope up Dean was standing over me, his eyes were so beautiful. I looked him dead in the eyes and noticed that his eyes had worry written all over them. Great so now Dean was worried about me too. I just had a moment, I'll be find. We need to be worried about Sam, but I know that won't happen now that I've fainted.

                "Katy?" he said

                "Yeah Dean, I'm fine." I answered back.

                "No, you’re not. You're getting so worked up, that you fainted. Maybe you should stay back." he said.

                "No, I'm not saying back, Sam needs me. We need to find him. I'm not staying here Dean." I said "Sam means just as much to me as he does to you."

                "Katy...” he looked me in the eyes. “Please, just stay back. I can't be worried about you as much as I already am about Sam. I need one of you to be safe."

                "Okay, fine. But when you find him you need to call me, right away." I said as he nodded.


                Dean packed his bag and left, I didn't even know how long it had been since he left, but I was trying not to worry. But I finally got myself to look at the clock, he had only been gone for three hours. I checked my phone to see if I had any missed call or texts, and I didn't. I frowned at myself, so rather than sit in the room waiting, I went to take a shower. I turned my ringer up as loud as it would go, and set in on the sink before I got into the shower. The warm water felt great running down my back. I had to of been in the shower for no more than 10 minutes when I hear my phone ring. I jumped out as fast as I could without slipping and picked it up.

                "Hello? Dean?" I said.

                "No, it's Sam." he said.

                "Sam? Where the fuck are you? We've been worried, what, were is Dean?" I was deeply concerned now. "He said he would call when he found you."

                "Dean is fine, he's with me. He's sleeping. I'm driving us back. I'm sorry we worried you. I just need some time, to think, to..." he paused.

                "To what Sam?" I asked.

                "To... To get over you..." I frowned as I heard him say these words. They stung.

                "Oh... I see. I'm sorry you felt that you needed to run away to do that. Look, I need to go. I'll see you guy when you get back." I said and hung up the phone.


                I stood outside of the shower for a while. How long, I had no clue. Long enough to get cold. I got back into the shower, the water was starting to get cold, so I turned the knob all the way over, and the water was warm again. I sat down in the shower and just let the water run down my body. I heard a knock at the door, how long had I been sitting there?

                "Katy?" Sam called as he peeked in the bathroom.

                "Go away Sam." is all I could say.

                "No, we need to talk about this." he said back.

                "No, Sam we really don't. I'll be out soon. Just go away, okay?" I said and he did.


                I turned the water off, but didn't move and inch. I just keep sitting in the tub. I didn't even care that I was starting to get cold. Sam, left because of me. So he could move on. So now that I've choose Dean, he's just going to forget about me? I mean, I knew this would happen, but I didn't realize he would just up and leave because of it. I started to cry, as I the realization hit me. I heard another knock at the door, this time it was Dean.

                "Katy?" he said "Are you okay?"

                "No, Dean. I'm not. Go away." I snapped.

                "No, talk to me. I need to know what’s going on with you." he said and we walked in.

                "I don't want to talk about it, if you really want to know, just go talk to your stupid brother." I said.

                "I already have. Katy, please talk to me." he said as he opened the shower curtain to see me sitting in the tub naked. "Katy, you should really get out of there, you'll catch a cold."

                "Oh well, I don't care." I said as I turned the shower back on. "Please get out."


                I realized, that I was upset about Sam getting over me. I love Dean, I do. But I love Sam just as much, and by him saying he left to get over me, it completely upset me. Why did it upset me? I picked Dean. Maybe it was the wrong choice, was it really the right one? I knew what I had to do. I had to leave, just disappear.


                I came back to reality, and then realized exactly what I just had a dreamed about. It was about when I left. How I came to Arizona. I left because of Sam. I disappeared on them, because of Sam getting over me. Holy shit, what would they do if they knew that? Castiel was now looking at me, worried written all over his face.

                "Cas, I'm fine. Just remembering my dream from last night is all." I said.

                "I know, that's why I'm looking at you." he said.

                "Please, don't tell them what you just saw. I don't want them to know, I still need to figure out how I even got put under the Djinn's spell. I don't want them to know why I had really left." I pleaded.

                "I won't tell them, but I can't keep it from them forever you know. When you figure it all out, you need to tell them. Or I will." he said.

                "I know Castiel, I know. I will." I promised him.

                "Hey you guy, foods done." Sam said and he walked into the room.

                "We'll be right there." I said back.

                I looked at Castiel and then thought to myself "Castiel, I know you can hear this. Please, whatever you do, do not mention this to Sam or Dean at the table, or I will hurt your sweet little angelic ass." Castiel smiled and simply nodded his head. I smiled back. We both go up and walked over to the dining room. The table was set, there was a frying pan of eggs, and plate of bacon, and each plate had three flap jacks on it. I was in complete disbelief. They did it, Dean and Sam really did it. It all looked amazing. But where the hell did they find pancake mix? I didn't think I had any.

                "Guys, this all looks amazing, but where did you find pancake mix?" I asked. Dean smiled.

                "Sam ran out, while you two were watching TV, and got pancake mix, orange juice, and a case of beer." Dean said.

                "Really? Beer, its only noon." I snapped.

                "It's for later you retard." he snapped back.

                "Will you two shut up and sit down and eat with us." Sam said.

                We both sat down, I just suck my tongue out at him and took a bite of my bacon. He just smiled at me, they all did. I smiled back. While I was sitting at the table with them listening to them all talk, I started to think about my dream again. I couldn't help but think about it, since it was the reason I had left in the first place. I wanted to know so badly as to when the Djinn got me. I thought I'd remember that, but I'm sure it's just controlling my dreams, to make me remember things I don't want to again, to make me run off in the night, once again. I started to really concentrate on my dreams. When I got a horrible pain in my head, next things I knew I was falling back in my chair and I was out like a light.

                When I woke up I was laying on the bathroom floor, still naked of course. How long had I been laying there? I heard a knock at the door, and Dean stepped in.

                "Katy, you've been in here for a day now, and you're still naked I see." he snapped at me. He was started to get really angry with me now.

                "What do you mean, I've been in here a day? I've only been in here for twenty minutes." I admitted.

                "I don't know what you're smoking, but it's been a day, and I have to shit, so can you please put your clothes on and get out of the bathroom?" he said.

                "Umm, sure. I suppose I could do that. Whatever you say grumpy." I said while putting my clothes on, he only stared at me as I did this. "You know, staring at me with a mean look won't make me move any faster."

                "I know it won't, but at least I could try, can't I? You're dressed, now get out of here." he said and he pushed me out of the room, of course just before he closed the door he smacked me in the ass.

                "Dammit Dean, did you really have to slap my ass? That hurt." I said and he just giggled.


                I looked around the room to see Sam wasn't in there, where did he go now? I'm sure probably ran off again to get over me some more. Just as I thought that I heard the door open, it was Sam he had food. He smiled at me as he walked in.

                "Well I see you’re finally out of the bathroom." he said.

                "Yeah, Dean kicked me out, since I've been in there for a day now?" I questioned what I said. "How could I have been in there for a day, if it only felt like 20 minutes?"

                "Wait, what? You're not making any sense, Katy." he said as he walked over to me. I took a few steps back. "I see, you’re still upset with me. I'm sorry."

                "I was only in there for 20 minutes Sam. I swear I was. Wait, where are we? I thought we were at my house, and where is Castiel?" I said, I was not beginning to freak out. I started to hyperventilate.

                "Katy, calm down. You're fine, what do you mean your house, you don't have a house and Castiel is around, I don't know where but around." he was starting to get really confused and worried. "Why are you talking like this? Is something wrong?"


                Just then I realized I wasn't in Kansas anymore, and the Djinn got to me once again. I was in my dream, and I had no clue as to how I'd get out of it this time....


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