Winchester's Daughter [1]

By Izy_Winchester

35.2K 773 196

Isabelle Winchester in the daughter of Dean Winchester and Allison Argent two of the most famous Hunters. More

The beginning
The Lie
The Talk
The Note
The Memory
The Strawberry Blonde Knows
The Shot
I Wish
I'm Not a Child
Ten Minutes
Vamp and the Runaway Prisoner
I Shouldn't Have Done It

The Book

3.8K 77 29
By Izy_Winchester

# Chapter 3: The Book #

I sit down at the kitchen table across from him. "Yes, Dad.". "I found some old videos and a couple books of you mother's. I wanted to know if you'd like them I always found this. He pulls out three Chinese daggers and my mother's bow and her quiver. "I know we don't hunt any more but I figures you'd like them. I nod and take them. I get up and grab the box taking it all to my room. I pull out one of the tapes and put it in the VHS player. I hit play and watch it come on. Mom's in the hospital and she's holding me. Sammy stands by the bed with Dad. "Hey, Izzy, this is your Uncle Sammy." Sam touches one of my hands. There's more to the video, but I put another tape in. I'm give Mom's chasing me around the couch while I yell that she can't catch me and of course she does. Everyone says I look just like her and now I see. My hair, my eyes, the voice, everything is the same. She catches me and spins me around. The last tape is from the day she left. "Mama, do you have to leave?!" I asked. "You know I do, Iz." She hugs me and I hug her back. She opens the front door. "Don't leave!" I hug her. "I love you, my baby girl." She kisses the top of my head then leaves. I turn the VCR off. I lay down and pull the covers up. " I love you, Mama." I whisper. "Izzy, you know I love you too." My mom appears beside the bed. She pulled the covers up more. She kisses my forehead, then disappears. She wasn't really here just a figment of my imagination. I get out the book and open it. I start to read then fall asleep. I wake up to something crashing to the floor a gun shot goes off. I grab one of the Chinese daggers and head downstairs. I walk downstairs to hear the door slam. I open the door slowly and peek out. My dad jumps when he sees me. "You scared me!" He says. "Sorry." I put the dagger away. "You looked just like your mother just then." Dad hugs me. I nod a tear slides down my cheek. "Don't cry, Baby girl." He wipes the tear away. I smile and run back inside. "You take good care of him for me while I'm gone, Baby girl." My mother whispers. "Mama, I can't do it." I whisper back. I get dressed and grab my backpack. "I'm leaving for school, Dad, love you." I yell opening the door. I told Dad at breakfast I was going to walk. I slip mom's bow into my bag along with two Chinese daggers. "Ethan!" I run to his car and jump in the passenger seat. "Woa, what you excited about?" Ethan asks. "Look!" I pull the bow out along with the daggers. "They were my Mom's and this." I pull out the book. "The Bestiary. Her family's Bestiary one of the most famous ones!" Ethan exclaims. I nod. "Let's skip and go shoot." I say. "We can't, Iz." Ethan protests. "Come on." I beg. "Fine." He says. "Yay". He drives over to Miller Creek. Miller Creek is a place we made in this place near my Grandpa's that has a small creek running through it. I walk into the old shed that's Grandpa's. The back door opens and a man comes in. "Who there?" I say looking at the man. The person laugh which makes me calm down. "Grandpa!" I run over to him and jump into his arms. "Iz, I thought Ethan said you guys were coming after school?" Grandpa asks. "Ethan? What do you mean, Gramps?" I ask obviously confused. "That werewolf you caught, Ethan said you two were bringing it here after school." He explains. "Ethan get your butt in here!" I yell. "He left to get the kid." Gramps says. I nod and sit on one of the stools. "We protect those who can not protect themselves." I say. "I like it better then Dad and Sam's code.". Gramps looks at me "Where'd you hear that?". "The Argent Bestiary. My mom came up with it and I'm going to follow it until she comes back." I say firmly. "Until she comes back?" Gramps asked. Ethan came in before I had to answer, luckily. The boy's hand were bound. Ethan sits him in the chair. I grab a Chinese dagger and unbind him. "You try to run and I put this dagger in you." I say and he nods. "What's your name?" Gramps asks. "Cody." The boy says "Cody Dylan Thomas.".

# # # #
I love the idea of Chris as a grandpa.
Okay so my Godmom made up the character Cody's name.

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