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Hey guys, it's been awhile.
I thought I'd tell you about the new book I'm working on. It's called The Original Isabelle, and it's basically about the first rough draft of Isabelle, which was Isabelle Donovan. See Belle was originally a foster child to the Winchesters along with her sister Sara, (Who's first book called True Blood is in the works now. so check that out on July 14th.). So The Original Isabelle will be out at the end of this month or sometime next month.
True Blood will be out on the 15th, so I really hope you check it out.
Oh, I almost forgot, the first chapter to the third and last book in this trilogy, Changed is out now.
Alright I love you guys. Bye. ~ Izzy

Winchester's Daughter [1]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora