Saint Seiya:Golden Destiny

By nmena15

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After the disappearance of Athena all 12 gold saints Aries, Taurus ,cancer, Virgo , Aphrodite , Aquarius , li... More

Chapter 1 The golden path
Chapter 2 The Seals
Chapter 4 The secret of the seals
Chapter 5 The man closest to a God
Chapter 6 The hunter and the hunted
Chapter 7 The last Rose
The Frozen Dream

Chapter 3 The Origins of Hope.

182 4 0
By nmena15

Where are we Mu? I don't know Saga but we better get moving a find out what we're doing here. Look over there it's the house of dimension. I have heard of this place it's suppost to be a house of dimensions that each room is a different dimension were some may never end and only the correct one can find its center. We need to find its center and stick together to make sure that we don't get seperated and taken out I can sense a barrier from this place something's definitely going to be changing the circumstances. Are you able to communicate through your telekinesis Mu? No the barrier is expanding and has covered our bodies, it's blocking me from sending my signal to the other gold saints. We're going to need to find out what's causing this barrier and destroy it. Let's go saga let's destroy it in the name of Athena! Burn your Cosmo Mu were smashing through and breaking down the defenses.
Sage and Mu both raises their arms and send a shockwave towards the door as it slams open.
An enormous roar echoes through the rooms and returns slamming the doors closed.
That's strange the shockwave has returned and slammed the doors again says Saga. Alright let's just do it again and as soon as the shockwave slams it open will dash right behind it and get in before it can shut. Ok let's go!
They do the shockwace once more and dash through the doors as it slams shut behind them and they approach a long corridor of mirrors and doors.
There's something strange going on in here, I can sense our power is j deed being drained but I also sense an energy coming from the mirrors.
A mirror hanging from the ceiling begins to glow a neon green as I a man floats out of the mirrors and lands in the middle of the corridor. Welcome gold saint Gemini saga. I have been awaiting our fight, allow me to introduce myself Chaos warrior Galaxy, Cannon. I am the gaurdian of the house of dimensions and I have brought a friend along but you won't be meeting them for a while. My brothers name was cannon, during the war between hades he was the Gemini gold saint. He possessed true heart, I believe he should have been revived in my place. I'm greatly pleased it was you because I have a score to settle with you Gemine saga. I have come here to challenge you the saint On my way! ho has control over dimensions to prove that I am not weaker I am the warrior who will defeat the strongest gold saint and prove you are nothing says cannon. You'll have to get through me if you want to touch cannon, says Mu. You will not interfere with my battle Mu, I will make sure you don't stop me. Galaxy graviton!
The mirrors glow and pull Mu into one and appears on the opposite side of he glass.
Release me from this mirror Cannon! Mu it's alright I'll defeat him and then release you from the mirror his power is no match for mine. Galaxy Explosion, says saga.
Cannon jumps into a mirror as the attack goes flying into a mirror behind him and return from a mirror above Gemini.
AHHH. In this house I control the destination of the mirrors and how they warp reality to redirect your attacks says cannon as he falls back down from the mirror. Now let me show you my real power! Dimension cannons!
Energy from all the mirrors and the all converge into the palm of cannons hand. I will send you to an eternal imprisonment, just like I did to your brothers soul! What!
Saga grabs cannons arms as he charges his attack and slams him against the wall.
What are you talking about cannon, is long dead. Well well it seems you don't know all of my true power. I can travel throughout space and can bring anyone along with me. I brought his soul here and imprisoned it within my mirror labyrinth, the same one your friend is in and were the seal is. What seal says Mu. You see long ago an ancient power was sealed away in the 12 castles and here lies the seal of Gemini. As long as this seal remains your Cosmo will continue to drain. I think now I'll begin phase two of the seal says cannon. Chaos claws!
Out of the mirrors emerged waves of dark energy spreading throughout the entire house.
What is this says Saga. It's the next level of the chaos seal. The 12 seals have 3 levels, lv.1 chaos, lv.2 Crimson , lv.3 balance. The first stage was balance and now Crimson was just activated, this allows us to drain even more Cosmo and spread the energy absorption even farther out than the castle. Soon when it spreads all over the world my master will be freed from golden seal. Know I will drain you even further with the power of my dimensional eye. A eye forged from the darkness of my master that allows me to drain the power of the victim in my sight that will turn to stone before the power of my eye. Behold Stone Stare! Now prepare to spend eternity as my statue!
Saga looks down as he gasps at the transformation of his gold cloths feet begun turning to stone and can no longer move.
I can't move, I can't even fight back all I can do is think if the sorrow that fills my body... I let Cannon down and now he's a prisoner of this monster. you may hold my brother prisoner but it was foolish to hide him! His power is my power, we are the gold saint Gemini and our power will stop you we will defeat you and rid this world of chaos! You idiot Saga! I will sentence you to eternity as a statue on my wall.
Cannon raises his arm as a shockwave of energy shatters the stone covering him and sends saga against a mirror as the stone regenerates covering more of his body.
I have failed you cannon I can not surpass this power to much darkness fills my heart I can't awaken my god cloth says saga.
Saga, you can't give up now, you don't know the true power that awaits you, while I was trapped in here I came upon a seal. At first it seemed like pure darkness but underneath all of that darkness was an extremely large golden Cosmo. Without my physical body I wasn't capable of shattering the seal so now it's up too you, with that power you will become even stronger and can truly win this battle. Go now Saga in he name of Athena. No brother we will do it in the name of Athena.
Both brothers stare in opposite directions as Saga stares at at the chaos warrior and cannon stares at the seal. Both raise there arms to the sky and yell Twin Dimensions!
The two send beams of light as the two switch places And the beans fall back into there palms.
You may have transported my soul to the world of the living but I will destroy you and bring us both to the world of the dead! Feel the wrath of the bond between brothers!
So this is the seal my brother speaks of. Well I will end it with our power!
Both brothers raise there arms and u leash the power of there bonds.
Twin Dimensions!
The seal shatters along with The Chaos cloth and cannon goes flying against the wall. The golden energy rises up and rushes towards Saga and Cannon raises his arm out of the rubble and gets engulfed in darkness.

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