Playing Games (Mindless Behav...

By goldenfe

87.2K 1.1K 255

Just R E A D Please . ¥ More

Playing Games (Mindless Behavior BoyxBoy
Rated R (Royce)
Want Him? As In Me?
No Sex? (Royce)
Rated R (Pray)
Filler #1
Cast Call *CLOSED*/ Other Information (A / N)
Filler #2
Cast List >C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S<
Filler #3
Going Out ?
Anniversary & Questions
A / N
Filler - Chevy Style
Tryna Fix Us
Im Quitting This Story ...... Must Read : (
What ? She's Back ?
Meeting Maria

....Maybe She's Right.

2K 75 16
By goldenfe

Roc p.o.v

Princeton frowned at me, his arms crossed over his chest.

"Push me," he demanded. I shook my head. He squinted at me as he began to swing himself on the swing. He uncrossed his arms and his fingers held on to the chains on the sides of him. He glared at me, all the while. Suddenly he shot up in the air.

"Aaah!" He screamed, unmanly.

"My bad," Megan apologized from behind him. She held her arms out as he came back down and pushed him again. Princeton stuck his tongue out at me. Giddy that he got what he wanted : somebody to push him on the swings.

I glared at him.

"Your so spoiled," I said. His laugh carried threw the air.

"And whose fault is that?" He shot back, in a sing-song voice. I rolled my eyes as I looked up at the sky. It was grayish and gloomy. I took out my phone and went on my weather app.

95% Chance of rain storm.

"Yo I think we need to head back," Mae said, eying the sky just like I was previously doing.

I nodded my head. "Yeah I agree," .

Ray p.o.v

"-ma get back to you when I can. Aight bye." 

I hung up the phone in frustration. The least he can do is pick up his phone! I was still laying on his bed, staring up at his ceiling. My phone rang and without checking the caller I.D, I answered, instantly thinking it was Prod.

"Babe!" I yelled, happily. 

"Uh.... Im not your babe," Chevy said into the phone. 'But I appreciate the love!" I rolled my eyes. 

"Where's Prodigy?" I asked, grumpily. She laughed.

"Next to me, hold on right quick this is priceless," I heard a quick click and some giggles. "This is so going on instagram!" 

"Chevy!" I snapped, agitatingly.

"Yes?" She sang, I can hear her typing on her phone's key-board. "Why did you call me?" 

"Cause.... Im bored!" She exclaimed, "All Prod does is sleep, and when he's not sleeping he's all nervous and shit." I laughed. 

"Seriously, I don't know how you can deal with this," She added. I could her hair move around a bit. "Hey, do you forgive him?" I thought about that.

"I honestly don't know," I answered, truthfully. "I want to, but he hurt me." My voice broke a bit. "A lot, and I don't know what to do." I blinked to block back the tears. "Why didn't he tell me?"

Chevy thought for a minute. "Ray if you was in his position, would you tell him about all the shit that's going on in your life?" 

".....I'll want to," 

"That's not what I asked you," 

"....No, I wouldn't." 

"And why wouldn't you?" 

"Because....because I wouldn't know how too, and I wouldn't want to hurt him." Prod is the worst person to get upset. When he cries he makes everybody else around him want to, too. 

"Exactly!" Chevy exclaimed. "I don't even think I need to explain that, because it's common sense." 

I opened my mouth to talk when she began speaking again. "Shit I gotta go, that flight attendant is staring me down. Shiiiiit I got a girlfriend, boo boo," was the last thing I heard before the phone hung up. I looked at my phone and then back at the ceiling, tossing my phone to the side. 

.....Maybe she's right. 


Im sorry for the shortness and dryness of this chapter !!!!! Im kinda rusty on this BxB stuff so ya'll gonna have to work with me until I get my flow back, okay? 

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