Dark Paradise

By delxrious_

26.2K 3.8K 5.1K

The heavily inquired question arises in thousands of curiosity consumed beings; what would the outcome be onc... More

New School New People
The Name's Ryder
Kill Myself For a Guy?
Soup and Coke Situation
I'm a Whore Too?
Little White Lie
I Promise
The insulting Marathon
Smile For The Camera Kitten!
Adios Morgan
Don't Say Adios Yet
The Scandalous Deal
The Terrors of the Night
Let The Games Begin
Murderous Laces & Superiority
Devil's Late Night Crisis
A Kitten in a Cat Fight
Two Boys & a Pen
When Ron Met Kim
Cooper the Party Pooper
The Art of Ramen Noodles
French Fries with a Side of Charlie

Say Yes To The Dress

1K 179 123
By delxrious_

Say Yes To The Dress

Adriana's P.O.V.

Last time I've worn a dress was when I was below the age of ten, and I was forced every single time. I wasn't a fan of dressing up, I felt comfortable in my jeans and sweatshirt. The image of me in a dress was totally cringe-worthy. Was it too late to decline?

Ryder was a few feet in front of me and didn't even think of sneaking a glance in my direction. We took the escalator to the second floor and neither one of us muttered a word during our journey.  Not that I was complaining.

Once we arrived at the second floor, I mentally chuckled, the floor basically screamed money. At least fifteen ostentatious and expensive boutiques occupied the right lane. We entered the first store and I heavily sighed. It had only been five minutes and I was already exhausted and revolted by what was hung in front of me.

Ryder strode in confidently as if he owned the place. He raised one muscular arm and snapped his fingers. As soon as he did what he did, a lady immediately ushered the customers out and locked the doors. Was that really necessary? As she did so, him and I waited patiently as if the woman wasn't throwing out angry customers.

He approached another lady that looked around the age of twenty but dressed like a senior citizen. She wore a long, grey and neatly knitted pencil skirt. A white collared shirt tucked in covered her upper body parts, and a grey blazer that was a shade darker than her skirt was draped on her shoulders. She finished off the look with a pair of heels. Her hair was secured in a low bun and not even one strand of hair escaped the knot. A flirtatious smile played on her blood red lips as soon as she noticed Ryder.

"Mr. Morgan," she breathed out. Where was your self-control, woman?

Her false lashes fluttered incessantly that I was tempted to peel those dark wings off of her eyes. I stared at the red colored substance applied on her thin lips for a second. The lipstick was fading and some of the lipstick combined with one another, forming tiny circles. I tried hiding the disgust.

"Yeah you, take her and let her try on some dresses until she finds one that looks decent on her." she finally noticed me standing behind him once he stepped to the side. She shot me a disdainful look as she took in my attire. She faked a smile for Morgan once she was done examining my outfit and spoke.

"With all do respect, Mr. Morgan, but this task is going to be very difficult considering she looks like. . . that." she gestured towards what I was dressed in and my left brow rose about a millimeter.

"I rather dress my age than a woman who's on the verge of death." I shot back and Ryder tried to hold in the chuckle that dared to escape his lips. She frowned at my statement and was about to open her bad mouth again but Ryder beat her to it.

"I would love to witness this little cat fight, but we have business to get down too so let's go. . . person lady." never in my life have I ever heard anyone address another as 'person lady'.

"Her name tag is right there, you imbecile." I pointed at her chest and slightly shook my head at his idiocy. She gasped dramatically at my choice of words and Ryder clenched his perfectly defined jaw whilst balling his fist. I smirked at his reaction. Didn't take long to get him all worked up.

"I didn't ask you, moron."

"I don't care, dimwit."

"Shut up and let's get this over with. The sooner you're gone, the better." well there was something we both agreed on. The stunned sale's girl and I walked further inside the store and Ryder took a seat at the couch in front of the changing room. I closed my eyes shut and prayed to God that I wouldn't pass out.

None of the dresses satisfied me and a heavy sigh escaped my chapped lips. She snapped her long slender fingers in front of my face to grab my attention and I looked up, annoyed by the current situation.

"Changing room." she strutted over there and the clicking sound of her heels was quite irritating. If only I could take them off of her feet and stab her with them. I pushed those horrendous thoughts to the back of my mind and followed her. She extended her arms and shoved all the dresses to my chest.

"There, try those." I swiveled and closed the door behind me. The first dress I tried on was an orange halter dress with green dots dispersed everywhere and it ended just a few centimeters below my knees. It had a huge circular opening in the back and a repulsed look masked my features. I resembled a rotten orange.

"I'm not coming out in this one, it looks horrible." I hollered. I stared at my reflection and the expression that was glued to my face at that moment was as laughable as the dress.

"Everything's obviously going to look horrible on you, Lancaster. So just show me." he hollered back and as usual I didn't let his snarky comment bother me, but that didn't stop me from glaring at the door.

"Screw you,"

"I know you want too." he cockily muttered and I rolled my eyes as I scrunched up my nose in disgust. I unwillingly unlocked the door. I took my time in opening it and slowly stepped out. His demonic eyes widened and I knew a laugh was making its way into his mouth. He sat up straight and began laughing hysterically. I bit the inside of my cheek, never have I ever felt this humiliated.

"One word and you're dead, Morgan." seven dressless years and when I do wear one that happens? Thanks life!

"Pose for the camera, kitten." my eyes widened at his words as he pulled his phone out. I was about to sprint back in until I heard the snapping sound of his camera. No no no, this wasn't happening!

"Are you kidding me!? Delete it right now!" I shouted in demand and that grabbed some unwanted attention. I tried to snatch away the phone from his firm grip but I failed. I stood on the tip of my toes and even jumped the highest I could but there was no use.

"This is going to be great blackmail." a wicked smirk played on his rosy tinted lips and fury consumed my body. I knew he wouldn't delete it no matter what. Two could play this game!

"I'll get you back on this one day." I vowed and he mumbled a 'sure'. I banged the door shut and a loud sound echoed throughout the store. Eight horrible dresses later, I sighed and sat on the far end of the couch. I rubbed my forehead and took a deep breath. I was done!

"God, Lancaster, I didn't think anyone could be this ugly. You took ugly to a whole new level." his idiotic little mouth opened once again and I wasn't in the mood to have a childish argument with him. But that didn't mean I wouldn't have a lame comeback to say in return.

"Says the guy with a bright red zit on the tip of his nose and a horrendous shaped stubble. Who on Earth grows hair on a certain spot and has the other clear?" those were all lies. His skin was as clear as day and his stubble made him look like the models plastered on magazines.

We were interrupted by a woman around the age of sixty. She wore a genuine smile, something I haven't seen in a while.

"I'm sorry to interrupt you two lovebirds, but I think I have just the dress that would suit you." her blue eyes twinkled with excitement and a few laughs escaped my lips at her previous statement. Lovebirds? I think the hatred between us was evident.

"The fact that you thought I would be with someone like her is insulting," she raised a brow at him and placed a hand on her hip making her seem sassy.

"That is no way to talk to a beautiful young lady like her, watch your mouth young man!" the lady said in a very stern tone. He looked taken aback by her response but said nothing in return. Well, at least he had some respect for the elderly. I smiled at her and she winked in return. She strolled away to grab the dress as we waited.

The old lady returned with a gorgeous floor length, black lace gown that had very intricate detail from the top till the bottom of the dress. To my satisfaction, it had perfectly fitted sleeves. The lady twirled the dress and I spotted a slight opening in the bottom of the back, like two triangles touching at their peak. I smiled sweetly at her and she hurriedly pushed me back in. I took off the hideous green dress and wore the black one. As I zipped it up, I noticed the thigh-high split.

I glanced at myself in the mirror and choked on my breath. I looked different. Very different. I felt very self-conscious, I couldn't walk out in this. The dress was too revealing, something I wasn't used too. I was always burying myself in sweatshirts and jeans, so this was foreign attire to me. My hand had a firm grip on the knob and I just didn't want to open it. I somehow gained an ounce of courage and swung the door open. I stepped out and the lady grinned and clapped her hands in approval. I twiddled with my fingers as I shyly diverted my attention to the ground. The jerk didn't even notice my presence, he was too busy texting on his phone. I just wanted to get this over with.

"Son, look." the lady said, excitement lacing her voice. I bit my lip as he lifted his head. His face at first held his usual bored expression but then his pupils immediately dilated and I for some unknown reason felt nervous. His eyes roamed my body, from up till down and they were still as wide as they were a minute ago. Was it that bad?

"You look. . . ." he paused for a second. "Like a clown but this'll do, I guess." he shrugged his shoulders but his eyes were still glued to my figure in this breathtaking gown.

"Don't listen to him, dear. You look absolutely stunning. No man will be able to keep his eyes off of you." she squealed like a little girl and Ryder muttered something under his breath that I couldn't quite catch. I chuckled and thanked her for the help. I quickly peeled the dress off of me and put on my previous clothing. I spotted him standing at the cashier and I glanced at the time. It was 5 o'clock?! All that time wasted on a dress.

A thought hit me at that exact moment. How was I going to pay for this? I had about ten bucks on me and plus I couldn't afford anything at places like this. What was he thinking, bringing me here? What was I thinking, agreeing to this?

"I can't buy the dress," he groaned and diverted his attention to me.

"Why the hell not? Did you like the orange one more?" he sarcastically asked.

"I thought you would've known by now that not everyone owns a money tree,"

"I'm paying for this," he blankly replied and pulled out his wallet.

"Woah woah woah, I'm not letting you pay anything." I wasn't the kind of person to feed off others money, and I wasn't going to start being one.

"Fine. If it makes you feel any better you can pay me back whenever." he tuned me out after that and started talking to the cashier. Sounded about good even though it still bothered me. When he was done paying, he exited leaving the bag on the counter. Always a gentlemen! I was going to be late for work if I didn't get back home now. We made it to the parking lot and I halted.

"All right, see ya!" I saluted him and was about to walk away but then he spoke up, much to my dismay.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?" his eyes bored into mine and my grip on the school bag tightened.

"What's it to you?"

"Well, I did just by you a dress." he said matter-of-factly.

"Against my will."

"Where's your car?" he folded his arms in front of his chest.

"There's this thing called a bus. Yeah, people who don't grow money trees use it." my voice sounded as if I were explaining one-plus-one to a five year old.

"Stop being a smart ass and get in." it was clear that he was tired and was in no mood to argue with me. That made two of us, buddy.

"I can't, toodles!" he waved me off and entered his breathtaking vehicle. He started the engine as I walked to the nearest bus station. I checked the time and mentally cursed myself. The only thoughts that were running through my mind were: father and work. Now I'm going to be late and arrive with a black eye. Can this day get any better?

The bus dropped me off in my neighborhood and I ran as fast as I could. I bit my lip so hard as I carefully unlocked the door. I poked my head in and thankfully, the coast was clear. I closed the door and rushed upstairs. I quickly hid the dress and stuffed my uniform in a bag.

"FOR FUCK'S SAKE, ADRIANA!" and here we go again, another exciting episode in Adriana Lancaster's Life. I should have my own reality TV show.

I dashed out of my room and clumsily ran to his. The door was open so I stood at the door frame. He glared daggers at me and I gulped.

"I have been calling you for the last three minutes!" he narrowed his light colored eyes at me.

"I-I'm sorry. I was just doing homework and I got kind of distracted," perfect, he didn't notice my disappearance. I've been getting better at sneaking in and out. Kudos to me

"Since when has homework been more important than your own dad?" I wanted to laugh at that statement. Dad? He thought he was a dad? A dad wouldn't ever treat his daughter like that. His only daughter.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, staring at the floor. I wasn't sorry at all, not even a single bit. I had no reason to be sorry, yet it was the only thing I could say.

"Sorry, that's all you're good at." he shook his head in disappointment and I avoided any eye contact. He decided to let this go and order me around as usual.

"There's some cleaning that needs to be done so make sure you do it and fetch my shoes, I'm going out." he waved me off like I was some animal.

Yes, your highness.

I grabbed his shoes and decided to do the cleaning later. Minutes later, he exited the house and I didn't waste a minute. I took a seat on the bus and began taping my fingers on the glass window. It was a nervous habit that many people despised.

Shitnoodles, I was going to be late! The bus stopped in front of my destination and I glanced at my phone. Five freaking minutes were left! I ran out and bumped an old lady with my shoulder. I felt bad but I had no time to stop and apologize. I speed walked to the bathroom and pulled off my clothes. Throwing my uniform on, I had no time to check the mirror so I just left for the employee room. Anna noticed me and giggled.

"Your shirt's inside out," I scanned my outfit and groaned.

"Yolo?" she laughed and I thanked the Lord I wasn't late.

• • • • • • •

I wiped the last dirty spot on the table and a sigh of relief escaped my lips. I scanned the atmosphere with a satisfied smile. I haven't cleaned in a while meaning the house has been trashed for days. But now, everything was organized and somehow looked presentable. Even though the walls were kind of peeled, and the wooden doors were chipped. This house needed an extreme makeover.

It was nearly one in the morning and I was exhausted. My stomach growled because of the absence of food. I just wanted to sleep but my stomach had to interrupt.

I fixed myself some cereal and sat on the counter stool. He never was out this late, I wasn't worried but surprised. I shrugged, at least the house was peaceful. I decided on checking my phone and I had four new messages. They were all from Violet. We all exchanged numbers earlier considering I was a member of their 'club' now.


'I'm so bored like I would do anything right now, if y'know what I mean (;'

'What did you name your gold fish?'

'Wow, you're so rude for ignoring my texts. We are totes over!!!'

I wrote her back, chuckling. I shook my head and washed the remaining dishes. I entered my room and without even thinking, I rushed to the bathroom. I was in need for another shower. Once I was done and fully clothed, I laid on my bed and plugged in my earphones. The music blasted in my ears and I gave my eyes permission to relax and shut. My phone vibrated on the table indicating that I have received a text. I exhaled deeply, irritated. God, I just wanted to sleep, was that too much to ask?

'The gala's after tomorrow, you'll have some people fix your hair and makeup at a private salon so don't worry about that stuff.'

Oh, joy! Just the person I wanted to talk too. Sarcasm, if you haven't caught on by now. Wait, after tomorrow was going to be Saturday, meaning I had work.

'I have work on Saturday'

'Find someone to take over your shift or something'

'It's not that easy, Morgan'

'I don't care, Lancaster'

'I hope you get eaten by a whale'


I rolled my eyes and put my phone down. Replying would be a waste of energy and letters. So sleeping would be the wiser choice.

• • • • • • •



I'm so so so sorry for taking long to update but my only excuse is school ((::

Anyways, hope you enjoy this chapter and make sure you vote and comment and love me.

Until next time,


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