Mindlessly New ~A MindlessBeh...

By JadeAmouri

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This story is about a girl named Jade having to transfer in the middle of her junior year of high school beca... More

Mindlessly New ~A MindlessBehavior: Roc Royal story~
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
The sequel is hereee!

chapter 4

3.7K 36 6
By JadeAmouri


I wake up to my mom yelling from all the way down stairs

Mom: jaaaade!!!!! Are you uup!!!

I yell back

Me: Nooow i amm!

Mom: im having some people over going over work stuff after you get out of school

Me: mm k

Ugh i go in the bathroom and take a shower and flat Iron my hair and put on my black high waist shorts and my gray tank top and black leather jacket with my black toms and change my iphone case to match my out fit its the big black cat case anyways so i brush my teeth then unplug my flat irons and cut the light off and grabbed my bag and went down stairs because im kinda late so I'm rushing

Mom: so about the tickets

Me: mom maybe next time because tickets are $350

Mom: um

me: bye mom! Love you! :)

and i hurry out the front door, so im walking out the front door to see prod getting into his car hmmm? Thats why i never see him riding the school bus but anyways so im walking and all of the sudden "Honk!!!"

Prod: ayo jay wanna ride?

Me: um?...

Prod: come on

he unlocks the door

Me: ugh ok

i get in and we drive to school

So we get there and i get out and i see his pink headed girl friend

Girl: hey hun

and she kisses him then sees me then says

"who is this?"

Prod: you know the new girl jade right?

Girl: no um hey im bajah or beauty whatever you wanna call me

she does a friendly smile and sticks out her hand for me to shake it so I shake it and smile back

Me: hi im jade

and the bell rings

Beauty: um see you around jade 

she says with a smile

Me: you to bajah and you first period prod

Prod: iight

They walk off hand and hand aww too cute :)... WHOA WAIT! DID I JUST MAKE FRIENDS? WOW so i walk off to my locker and gets my geography book and my english book then walks off to class and i sit in my seat then a sub walks in and im like omg yes then trey walks in so now I'm like omg no -_-

Trey: a sub!

then trey tries to walk back out

Sub: you must be trey

the sub says and he looks at his paper then back at trey then says "have a seat

Trey smacks his lips then goes and sits at his desk all the way in the back with prod ray and prince

Sub: ok now your teacher is out today and you guys are working on a project am i right? 

some nod

 trey: nope its a free day

he says and some kids giggle and the sub glares at trey for a minute then says

Sub: well get to work and if you guys need me im right here now work

People start moving around in their seats, so basically i chilled the whole class period and got a couple of mean mugs from trey and went through my whole day chilling so after that at the end of the day i went to my locker put all of my books and stuff up and saw prod and beauty walk up to me at my locker

beauty: hey jay you wanna ride home with us?

Me: nah im good its friday, you two go hang out or something

Prod: you sure?

Me: yea

prod: okay

beauty: bye jade

Me: bye 

i wave them off, So i start to walk down the hallway out the front door of the school down the stairs to my school bus until

Trey grabs me by my arm

Me: What the fuck trey let me go!

and he pulls me back to the steps of the school

Me: Trey! Your gonna make me miss my bus!!!

i said and I hit him

Trey: girl!

just then my bus pulled off oh my fucking god!

Me: Oh my god! How the fuck am i suppose to get home trey? YOUR SO FUCKING STUPID, I HATE YOU!!!

and i slap him again then he finally lets me go

By this time theres barely people at school so out of no where i just sit on the school steps with a attitude ready to kill this boy if he says anything and i mean anything to me


Wow i can tell i really done pissed her off, damn should i wait till she cools down to talk to her? ugh! fuuuuck she sits down on the school steps pissed the fuck off at me as always. what do i say to her? shit i really dont Like her ass and i know that she dont like me back but i do need to get this project done and i promise we both wont have to talk or even look at each other ever again but she brakes the silence

Jade: Are you fucking happy trey!

Me: were you fucking happy watching me fail

[TreyThought: im sorry im a boy and what ever i think comes out of my mouth]

Jade: actully yes!

Me: man whatever

and i shrug it off, this girl not finna talk to me any kind of way pshhhttt thats hells dead

Jade: yea whatever

and she gets up and starts walking

Me: where you going?

i yell after her

Jade: home!!!

she yells back with a attitude

Me: what about the project!

Jade: Fuck the stupid project trey! fuck you!

Damn was she bad when she was mad...wait, what the fuck am i saying?... i still hate this bitch ugh!!! Let me go after her ass, she probably don't even know where the hell she going smh so i grab my keys and drive after her yea i got a car yall must got shit twisted to think that im going to be riding around and getting it on a damn yellow ass school bus or walking home. plus my parents are rich, but not as rich as princes, they bought him two cars but he doesn't drive them because he's scared he might mess them up but yea what ever so I drive down the street and see her and I roll my window down

jade: leave me the fuck alone Trey!

me: can you just get in, damn!

jade: no!

she rolls eyes and keeps walking, but just then a rain drop hit my windshield and I look back at her and she takes her jacket off and puts it over her head and walks faster ugh she so stubborn

me: come on! are you really about to walk in the rain

i said but all she did was ignore me

me: oh my GOD!

all shes fucking doing is getting me  frustrated, i hit my steering wheel in frustration and the just then its starts raining hard and I decided to put the car in park in the middle of the street getting out of the car getting soaked in this damn rain and going after her ass. i grabbed her and put her in the car And this time she went willingly. so were driving in the awkward silence and I finally say something to her

Me: Look, i know you dont like me and i dont like you but

Jade: fine

she said with an attitude

[TreyThoughts: Hold up!...Did she just interrupt me?]

Me: fine what?

Jade: we will do the stupid project

[TreyThoughts: Did she really just say what i think she said?]

Me: your joking

Jade: do you want me to be joking

Me: ok new girl

Jade: that is not my fucking name

Me: you really dont like when people call you that huh

jade rolls eyes and looks out the window

Me: why you always got an attitude

Jade: because dumb people like you give me attitude. i have a name just like everybody else and i would be happy if you used it, you don't see me walking around here calling you boy

she says and kinda makes a point. it gets silent for a minute because she was right

Me: hey umm would it be okay if we worked on this project At your house because i have a lot of brothers and sisters and we wont be able to concentrate

Jade: I don't care

Me: you dont care about nothing

Jade: only when it comes to you thats when I don't care

Me: whatever.....wheres your house?

Jade: turn this corner and down the block

[TreyThoughts: Aye prod lives over here]

Me: witch house?

Jade: the dark brown one right next to the tan one

trey: iight

So i pull up and we get out the car, still soaked and she walks to the front door and she opens it and we walk in then take our shoes off at the front door and walk off to her room but past the kitchen to see a beautiful carmel skinned lady in there talking to a thin tall man and and a short light skinned lady. the Carmel skinned lady looked up at us in surprise and warmly smiled

Jade: hey mom

JMom: hey hunnii....

her mom looks at me and says "who is this cute young man?"

and She smiles

Me: hi im trey

i smile back, what can I say im cute

Jade: mom its not even like that

JMom: you guys got caught in the rain?

as she looks at our wet clothes

Jade: yea and we have to work on a project so hes gonna be here for a little

JMom: ok run along

Me: bye jades mom

and i do my cute little smile. i follow jade up to her room and i can hear her mom talking "kids" and she laughs a little, wow and i thought i was rich jade got a big ass house, so we walk in her room its big as hell big screen on the wall a bed on one side and a couch on the other side of the room with a air hockey table and stuff wow all i got is a pool table in my room but she has posters and pics of her and her friends everywhere and some posters of these TK-N-CASH people i keep hearing about. she goes in her bathroom and comes back with a towel and some basketball shorts and a shirt

Jade: here

she hold them out

Me: what?

Jade: look, im trynna be nice i was gonna dry your clothes for you

she said with a attitude

Me: oh...ok attitude

jade rolls her eyes once again. so i take them and go into the bathroom and change and i come back out and hand her my clothes and she takes them and walks out the room so i decide to be nosey so im walking around her room looking at pictures and stuff and i see awards on her shelf. hmm i wonder what shes sooo good at to win awards so i pick one up and read it woooow so shes a gymnast hmm never would of thought so i put it back and keep looking at stuff and im walking and i keep seeing pictures of her and this same light skin girl and its starting to irritate me low key like who the hell is this girl? Wait is jade gay? Nahh she cant be, at least not with a ass like that, haha what? yea she got a ass but thats about it dont get me wrong i still hate the girl thats for sure. oh look her laptop open Hmm I wonder what she was doing hmm oh twitter lets see what she tweets about


I really hate this asshole

3min ago


why am i fuckin doing this! hes lucky our dryer work-__-

5min ago


Now what did u have to tell me? Im home now @Mrsright_MB

6min ago


@i_Beez_Luna this dumb ass named princeton

7min ago


I miss you to :( <3

Wooo who is jacob? i Go to his profile, hmmm he must be her man or something? Let me get off this lap top here she comes and jade waljs in the room and goes in the bathroom and changes into so sweat pants and a tank top then comes out and looks at me

jade: you got your book?

Me: no, i dont carry books 

Jade: i can tell

she says and shakes her head

Me: then why you ask 

Jade: don't get smart with me up in my house nigga  

she goes in her bag and pulls a book out and were sitting on the bed 

Me: whats our state and city? 

Jade: Chicago, Illinois 

Me: why the hell did you pick that?

Jade: because thats where im from

Me: you from chicago? 

Jade: yea 

Me: then why the hell you come down here? Thats dumb

Jade: does it look like i had a choice

Me: i don't know

jade rolls her eyes and flips through the pages

[TreyThoughts: I can tell that she's starting to get irritated]

Me: when this project is over we dont have to talk or even look at each other again ok

Jade: thats great, because im really hating this right now

Me: what ever

Jade: can you pass me my lap top?

Me: why you cant get it

she gives me the death stare

Jade: I hate you so much

she gets up and grabs her note book and pen and goes and sits at her desk on the other side of the room where her lap top was and starts writing stuff down so i just lay across her bed until 5min later

Jade: what are you doing?

Me: nothing

Jade: what you mean nothing! you better write some facts about chicago Illinois down because i am not doing all the work i will tare this poster up lest then that

Me: arent you smart?

Jade: yea, i dont need this class i got extra credits so either you can help or you can fail your choice

i Smack my Lips and flips to the page

Jade: thought so

So a good 2 hours pass and im tired of working on this shit it's hard and jade been on and off the phone with some girl named shonique, yea whatever

Jade: [on the phone] this stupid geography project.....yea but ima call you back later.....alright love you too boo.....Girl.....haha bye

[TreyThought: yup she's gay]

then she hangs up and walks over to me

Jade: you finish?

Me: no im confused

Jade: if you needed help why didn't you just didnt ask me?

Me: I don't know, you looked busy

she rolls her eyes

jade: whatever, I'll go get your clothes

she walks out then comes back 5 minutes later with my clothes

Jade: here

I go in her bathroom and change my clothes then come back out and shes sitting in the bed reading what i wrote

Me: whats wrong with it?

Jade: nothing, its decent

Me: what time is it?

Jade: 6:30

Me: i gotta go

and i reach for my paper

Jade: uh uh, so you can lose it? Umm no

Me: whatever, lets go

Jade: where are we going?

Me: you aint gonna walk me to the door? Rude ass

Jade: ugh fine

she walks in front of me out the room down the stairs past the kitchen

JMom: trey your not staying for dinner?

Jade: no! He got somewhere to be, ma how are you gonna just invite people to dinner and you done even no em?

JMom: hunnii i was being polite

Jade: no i see what you are doing and its not cool mom, come on trey

she mumbles under her breath "polite my ass"

JMom: bye trey, nice meeting you

Me: Bye, and you too

i smile and we walk to the front door and i put my shoes on and yes they are dry dont play wit me i aint no goofy

Me: let me see yo phone

Jade: for what?

Me: so i can put my number in it so we can talk about this project

Jade: i left it up stairs so give me yours so i can put my number in it

Me: iight

i give her my phone and she puts her number in it

Jade: delete my number after this project is over with

Me: i got you

she gives me my phone back and i leave and she closes the door behind me and i walk and get in my car and drive home, time goes by and Ugh finally home i go in the house up stairs to my room to see my little sister mia sitting on the stairs i was about to sneak up on her without her noticing but just then i heard her sniff so i stopped and looked at her

Me: mia


Me: mia?


Me: whats wrong? 

shes only 4 

mia: i dont wanna talk about it

Me: you sure little one?

mia: um

Me: come on

I pick her up and we go into my room and i sit her on my bed and dry her tears from her face

Me: you want some candy?

Seeing my little sister cry is the worst thing in the world i hated it she is the only sister i have, yea you thought i had a lot of brothers and sisters? nope its just me and her i just didn't want that new girl jade at my house

mia: yea

she looks up and I see a little smile on her face

Me: if i give you some will you tell me whats wrong with you?

mia: but its a secret

Me: says who?

mia: shhhhh

i whisper back to her

me: says who?

mia zips her lips so i go inside my bag and pulls out a ring pop and she reaches for it and but i pull away

me: you gonna tell me?

mia: yes

Me: alright here

and i open it and gives it to her

mia: marcus showed me this game

me: marcus?

mia: wait he said dont tell nobody and im breaking his promise

Me: what game?

she lied down and started taking her clothes off and my jaw drops

me: MIA! Stop!

she stops

mia: its the game

Me: did he touch you down there? and i point

mia: yea, he said it was part of the game

Me: thats not a game you play

mia: he said when i get older i would be able to beat him in the game

Me: when do yall play this game?

mia: before day care and after day care

Me: is he here?

mia: no

Me: where is mom?

mia: in her room

Me: stay here, when ever you see marcus i want you to scream as loud as you can alright

mia: is this a game too?

Me: um... yea can you practice for me?

mia: ok

she screams and i cover my ears man she could scream

me: alright good job

mia: do i get some more candy?

By this time her mouth is all blue

Me: maybe

mia: ok

Me: love you bug

mia: love you too lion

and i imitate a lion and she laughs a little, I love putting a smile on her face

I run out the room to my moms room and shes peacefully sleeping in her bed. she must of had a long day at work i love my mom she did it all by herself now she has this dead beat asshole holding her back man i fucking hate her boyfriend marcus, i dont wanna wake her and have her worried tonight i go over to her and turn her lamp and tv off and kiss her forehead "Goodnite Beautiful" then i leave out the room cracking the door just by a little i was hungry so i went down stairs and saw some McDonald's on the table that had a note with my name on it from my mom so i grabbed it and put it in the microwave and warmed it up then went up stairs to see mia laying across my bed with sticky blue fingers and the face to match haha i love my bug

Me: come on sticky

mia: what?

Me: tub

mia: awe man :(

Me: haha lets go

So i go and wash her and her hair and im done washing her up to notice a bruises on her thigh

Me: did Marcus do this

mia : yea he said its part of the game

I sigh, then look her in her eyes

me: promise me no more games with marcus ok

mia: promise

and i wrap her in her yellow duck towel

Me: no you have pinky promise

mia: ok

we pinky promise

So i put her Pj's on her and she got in my bed because i really dont want her away from me right now

mia: oo can we watch tangled?

Me: didnt you see that movie already?

mia: please lion please!!!!

she does her cute little baby face

Me: ok for the 100th time

mia: YAAAAAA!!!!

she jumps on me and hugs me tight as i turned it on she just lied on me but 15min into the movie she was sleep haha typical mia i kissed her forehead and fell asleep









was this chapter long? eh but if you don't know who TK-N-CASH are then look them up, their a music group of two and they rap and I'm just so in love with them, I met them and saw them in concert before and they follow Me on twitter and I get retweets and mentions back from them really easily but yea their amazing you should become a fan follow them on twitter @TKNCASH1 for me please and tell them @jademindless sent you


TWITTER: @Jademindless

KIK: @jademindless

INSTAGRAM: @ @jadeamouri

KEEK: @JadeMindless

VINE: @JadeMindless

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