The Geek Game

By freyjasaurusrex

4K 92 34

Samantha is a geek. Looks like one, acts like one and certainly treated like one. Living in a far too stereot... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five

Chapter One

2.5K 25 9
By freyjasaurusrex


I sat upright in bed, immediately regretting it. It was 7.00am in the morning and it was a school day. I flung my blanket off and stumbled to the bathroom. I aimlessly fumbled around for my hairbrush and pulled it quickly through my hair. I tied it with two red hair bands in two very neat and equal plaits. I stared at the young girl in the mirror and sighed. Tugging at my freckled face I told myself once again that this was who I was, the ugly nerd that no-one would want to lay a finger on, ever. I left the loser in the mirror and walked sluggishly back to my bedroom. Deciding to fix my vision I put on my oversized glasses. Typicial geeky ones as people call them. I was forced to wear them by my mother, she is awfully strict and wants me to be the 'perfect daughter'. To be honest I don't see whats wrong with that, I agree, I look smart and sophisticated. My school uniform was hung up in my wardrobe. Blazer, blouse, tie, cardigan and pleated skirt, pristine clean and glowing velvet green. I grinned and changed into it.

"Mother, I'm ready!" I called sweetly. Immediately a stern looking business woman emmerged from the kitchen.

"Samantha, darling." She cooed, checking out my uniform. I gave her a closed mouth smile and sat down at our glass dining table. My mother handed me a perfectly buttered hot-cross-bun with a small mug of tea. She sat down opposite me, watching me marvel at my perfect breakfast.

"Scrumptious, mother!" I said, finishing my hot-cross-bun. I sipped my tea, still hot.

"So Samatha, is your skirt the appropriate legnth for school?"

"Yes Mother"

"Is your top button done up neatly?"

"Yes Mother"

"Well you better hurry up and drink that tea before the bus comes and collects you!" She said. She checked her watch. "It's five to eight, ten minutes." I stood up waiting for my mother to come and see me.

"Bye Mother!" I said with a slight smile.

"Good-bye darling" She purred, kissing my forehead. I received my rucksack and departed out the door to catch the school bus. Let the torment begin.


I climbed the stairs to get on the bus and was immediately greeted by a loud jeer.

"Oh hey, its good old Samatha!"

"Here comes four eyes!"

"You better watch out, she'll whack you with her maths book!"

An explosion of laughter and claps echoed down to where I was seated, I plugged in my earphones to drown out the harsh jeers, until one of the bullies started walking down the gangway to plague the seat next to me.

"Hello Samatha" He said loudly, screwing his eyes up mockingly. "You're looking mighty fine today...mind if I look at the science homework?" He plonked himself down beside me and started tugging at the folder tucked neatly under my blazer.

"Oh do stop it! Reace!" I said the first bit timidly then raised my voice when I said his name. He slid his fingers under my arm and tugged at the folder while caressing my rib. It sent shivers down my spine that he was trying to seduce me. The plastic folder slipped out of my grasp and fell into his lap. He chuckled while ripping out the science homework. He then looked at me at shoved the folder back at me.

"Why thankyou darling Samatha, you always help me out" He grinned evilly while stuffing the sheet in the pocket of his coat. I've got used to him tormenting me like this and stealing my homework. All the teachers know he steals it though so I never get in trouble; they really should so something about it but to be honest our school is a bad one. The teachers don't give a fuck and the place is half falling down. No-one dares to go in the playground alone, one kid got stabbed four years ago, and it escilated from there. But the worst thing about the school is...The Geek Game.

I sat in my first lesson, unlike the other kids I was getting on with my work, while they were chatting, listening to music, screaming, eating, some were even dancing on the tables. It's a school not a club you low life plebs. Of course I would never say that out loud. I never say anything.


Yes I know, its mega short but I'm trying to do the thing that @magiclollyl does, update frequently in smaller amounts. As you guys know I'm really bad at keeping up this kind of stuff! Remind me to update! 

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See ya'll later

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