She's One Of The Boys

By lilly-rain

24.5M 392K 55.2K

Secrets do not stay hidden for long. Have you ever had a secret that you would do anything to keep from your... More

Chapter 1 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 2 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 3 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 4 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 5 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 6 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 7 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 8 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 9 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 10 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 11 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 12- She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 13 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 14 - Shes One Of The Boys
Chapter 15 - Shes One Of The Boys
Chapter 16 - Shes One Of The Boys
Chapter 17 - Shes One Of The Boys
Chapter 18 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 19 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 20 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 21 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 22 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 23 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 24 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 25 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 26 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 27 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 28 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 29 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 30 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 31 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 32 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 33 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 34 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 35 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 36 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 37 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 38 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 39 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapte 40 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 41 - Eva's POV (extra bit)
Chapter 42 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 43 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 44 - She's One Of The Boys
Finale - She's One Of The Boys
Letting ya all know what's going on....

Chapter 41 - She's One Of The Boys

485K 7.9K 2K
By lilly-rain

~ ~ Chapter Forty One ~ ~

(Saxon’s POV)

Sitting on the edge of my chair as I watched Brody closely, I didn’t trust him one bit and neither did Vance with the tense way he was sitting too but the feeling was mutual considering Brody was also on the edge of his seat while he kept shooting me filthy daggers.

The shower from upstairs turned off and it fell silent for a few minutes until I could hear Eva mumbling to herself about something but it was too low for me to pick up words through the distance and walls. I don't want to sound cold or harsh towards her but she needs to deal with the fact she killed a rogue and build a bridge.

It’s not the end of the world and she will more than likely kill a few more in her lifetime, it’s something that comes with being a wolf. If a crazed serial killer stormed into your house threatening you – you would do anything to defend yourself and your family against that said person.....the same thing goes for rogues, even if killing them is the only option.

I still can’t get that image of her in wolf form out of my head, so vicious and defensive, so far gone with her inner wolf that she didn’t even recognise us as people – only threats. I hated what I had to do to her but she wasn’t going to calm down anytime soon and if I had left her to be, she probably would have done something else that she would be regretting right now.

So in a way I helped her – though I'm still waiting for her to start yelling at me for dominating her like that, even though I did it in the nicest way possible which isn’t something I would have done when I very first met her. I’ve changed and I know it but I still refuse to show this softer side of me to everyone else.

Eva came bounding down the stairs a few minutes later in jeans and a jumper but not one of us moved when she walked into the room, chopping her arms in the air like she was pretending to be a crocodile or something. Slightly cocking an eyebrow I looked up at her – maybe she has finally lost her mind? She was never normal to start off with.

“What are you doing?” I asked slowly and in a low tone.

She turned and grinned at me, “Cutting the tension in the air,” and she did the same chopping motion with her arms before walking over to Brody.

He jumped to his feet instantly, ignoring both Vance and I as he took the last few steps between him and Eva and pulled her in for a tight hug. My wolf was growling lowly at this but I kept him in check. Eva hugged him back just as tightly before he let go and pushed her back a step, picking her arms up and looking them over.

She was frowning when he grabbed her cheeks in his hand and turned her head from side to side, “Uh, what are you doing?” she asked, confusion clear in her voice.

Brody’s eyes narrowed slightly, “Checking for injuries,” then he pointed at her shoulder with the faint marks from her healing wound, “Did he do this?” he snapped loudly, shooting me daggers again.

Growling in a low warning tone I was so tempted to just jump up and throw him out my front door face first but Eva would be angry. Besides, it will ruin my new plan of attack at winning her over.

“No,” she scoffed and grabbed his hand, pulling him down on the seat next to her and faced him as they both fell silent. Dammit! They are talking through their mind link and now I don't have a damn clue as to what he is saying. I'm not worried about Eva because that girl is bluntly honest to your face so you never have to worry about her being the type to say one thing to your face and another behind your back – I hate those types of people.

Brody’s eyes narrowed a little, giving me the suspicion they were arguing about something, Eva gave a small growl and he glanced away for a moment before she turned her beautiful face to look at me, shaking her head a little with an annoyed look.

“What?” I half snapped.

“Don't worry,” she muttered before turning to Brody again.

‘They look a little tense,’ Vance’s voice filled my mind.

My eyes didn’t move from Eva as I answered him, ‘They’re arguing – again.’

‘Does she argue with all of them like this?’

‘No,’ I growled angrily, ‘She’s really close with all of them.’

‘When are we attacking the rogues – I'm looking forward to a fight.’ He smirked, Vance is a fighter – he was born one and will die one. He’s a few years older than me and taught me most of my moves when I was younger, actually him and a few of the other older wolves taught most of us our moves before we could even shift but natural talent also plays a big part in how we fight.

‘They’re meant to be attacking us in four days so we will go to them before that.’

“Can you bring me back a game console? It’s so boring here,” Eva finally spoke out loud, ending mine and Vance’s silent conversation so I could concentrate on her now.

“Or you can just come back with me, you know we would keep you safe,” he muttered sourly.

“Not happening,” I growled loudly, making them both turn and look at me. Brody with anger and Eva with annoyance as she shook her head at something she was thinking and looked back at her brother.

“It’s only for a few days tops and then I’ll be back before you know it and you all will be wishing I had stayed away longer,” she chuckled to herself but Brody didn’t see the humour in it.

Personally, I could only wish they chucked her out onto the streets just so she could come live here with me – even if she still refuses to join my pack because she will be soon. She can’t deny me that forever, who has ever heard of mates belonging to separate packs before?

“How about you just come spend tonight at home, one night won’t make a difference and that way I know you’re safe,” and he shot me a glaring look. He is the most stupid wolf I have ever met, to think I wouldn’t keep Eva safe.

“Bro-,” Eva started to say his name but I cut her off.

“Why don't you stay here the night, since you obviously don't trust my ability to keep her safe,” I smirked slightly as his head snapped in my direction, his eyes full of complete distrust and suspicion while Eva grinned ear from ear.

‘What the hell man!’ Vance shouted in outrage.

‘I know what I'm doing,’ I snapped back at him while keeping my face free of emotion from Brody.

‘What could you even gain from this?’

‘Eva.’ It was one simple word but that simple word meant more to me than I cared to ever admit. I’ve had enough of her interfering family and them always being put before me but I’ve decided if I play the good guy card and pretend I'm making an effort – which I know Brody for one will never return, then I won’t look like the bad guy anymore.

“That’s a great idea!” she cheered, clapping her hands together and jumping to her feet, “I’ll go find you a room!” and she bolted out of the lounge room.

Vance groaned as he stood to his feet, “I'm going to make sure she doesn’t give my room away to the trespasser,” he grunted and followed her out, sending Brody a warning look.

We both sat silent, eyeing the other one off until we were sure Eva wasn’t paying any attention to us because she was now arguing with Vance upstairs.

“What are you playing at?” Brody snapped at me in an attempt to jump down my throat.

The corner of my mouth twitched but that was all I gave away, “I'm not playing at anything,” my tone hard and emotionless.

His left eye twitched, “You’re always up to something no good,” he snapped angrily.

“People change,” I offered with a small non caring shrug.

“Not you, I'm always going to be watching you so don't you dare hurt my sister,” he growled lowly, almost threatening me and my wolf was growling on the inside to be let out and teach him a thing or two.

“Why would I hurt my mate?” I hissed lowly, my anger seeping into my words that I couldn’t hold back one hundred percent anymore. I would never intentionally hurt her, she means too much to me and I know that I'm beginning to mean something to her.

The proof is in her behaviour lately, the way she speaks to me now, lets me touch her without jumping down my throat or hitting me for it, the way she kissed me – that wasn’t the kind of kiss you give someone who meant nothing to you.

“She’ll come to her sense soon enough and I’ll gladly rub it in your face that she ditched you,” he smirked, gloating about something that will never happen – not with my new good boy plan in mind.

I don't really have to pretend with anything for the others, I'm not going to be their best friends or start hanging out with them but I can be civil for Eva’s sake but Brody, he’s a whole different playing field and Chris.

“I wouldn’t be too sure about that,” I muttered as I heard Eva coming down the stairs and spoke the next part louder, “I just want to be friends Brody, for Eva’s sake.”

“BS!” he roared, “You’re the biggest liar-.”

“Brody!” Eva shouted, running in and glaring at her brother, “What the heck are you two fighting about?”

Turning to look over at her, I stood to my feet, “I'm trying to be friends but he doesn’t want to,” and I shot him a quick smirk.

Brody’s eyes narrowed as he let out a small growl and Eva scoffed loudly, forcing me to look back over at her as she stared at me with disbelief, “Liar,” she muttered.

Frowning, I let out a nasty growl as Brody smirked triumphantly at me – how did she know?

“Brody, cut it out as well. I don't care that you don't like each other but just stop arguing all the time. Now, I’ve got you a room made-.”

“I don't want it, I'm going home - where I belong,” Brody snapped as he stormed out of the room quickly, I smirked as he slammed my front door shut behind him like a spoilt two year old. I saw Eva was about to chase him so I quickly reached out and took hold of her arm, tugging her back gently.

“Let him go, you’ve been through too much today to worry about his sour mood,” I muttered quietly. True, I was glad he left since I didn’t really want him here anyway and I know playing him like that was only going to make Eva angry with me but I can’t help it – it’s who I am but when Eva looked up at me with the saddest eyes I have ever seen, my heart felt like something had literally snapped inside of it.


Wrapping my other arm around her, I pulled her in close to my chest, gently resting one hand on the back of her head as I stroked her hair tenderly, wondering if I should go get the idiot for her or not.

She sighed softly, “I’ll go talk to him in the morning, I'm too tired right now.”

“If that’s what you want,” I murmured quietly, resting my chin on the top of her head but she pulled away and I let her even though my wolf growled at me to keep her in my arms.

I saw her roll her eyes at me before she turned around towards the stairs, “Don't even try and pretend you’re not happy he left – I don't even know why you were willing to let him stay in the first place.”

Grinning a little as I turned the lights off and started to follow her up the stairs, staring at her little butt - she knew me too well.

“Pervert,” I heard her mutter as she walked into my room, glancing back at me over her shoulder and busting me staring at her. Smirking I simply winked as I switched the hallway lights off and walked in after her.

Sitting up with my back leaning against the headrest, I felt like something big was coming, my wolf could sense it too. I don't have a clue to what it could be though because I knew this fight with the rogues was going to be clean and easy without one single loss on our side – so that wasn’t the feeling.

Movement to the side of me had me looking down at Eva, she has stuffed pillows between us because she didn’t trust my ‘perverted hands to keep to themselves while she slept’. I have to admit, it was amusing as she forcefully shoved pillows up against me, ‘secretly’ giving herself more space on the big bed.

Picking up one of the pillows and tossing it across the room with a soft thud, I glanced down at her, waiting for her to wake up from the quiet sound because I know I would have but she stayed fast asleep. Frowning, I reached over and lightly poked her in the side and she didn’t even move – a normal wolf would have reacted to that with at least a low growl but not her.

Moving the rest of the pillows out of the way I quickly reached over and slid my hands in under her and shifted her so she was laying next to me, pressed up against my side as I wrapped one arm around her small sleeping frame and stared back up at the ceiling.

Today is going to be a long day.

I need to go speak with Travis later about them watching Eva while I go attack this blasted pack of scumbags, deep inside I know there is nothing to worry about concerning her safety but its Eva....she seems to just find trouble – when she’s not causing it.

Glancing over at the digital alarm clock it flashed three am back at me. Groaning I knew I needed to get some sleep, I shifted so I was now lying down on my back with one arm wrapped around the only person who really matters to me now. Inhaling deeply, I let her innocent scent fill my nose and I closed my eyes, resting the side of my head gently on top of hers.

“Keep your filthy paws off of it!” cracking my eyes open, I bolted up and instantly looked down at the cold vacant spot alongside me.

“Just one Dammit!” That was Vance yelling angrily.

“I said no!” At the sound of Eva’s voice I was running out my bedroom door, almost breaking it off the hinges as I flung it open with brute force and bolted down the hallway to the stairs, a large snarl ripping from my throat as they kept arguing.

Running into the kitchen with clenched fists by my side, nostrils flared and eyes narrow with anger they landed on a shocked Eva who was half in the process of smacking Vance in the head with an egg flip.

“Uh....morning?” she smiled sheepishly and finished hitting him. I noticed the plate of food in her other hand which she was holding as far away from Vance as possible as he turned back from looking at me to glare at her.

“Come on, I’ll leave you alone after that,” he bargained.

“What the heck is going on in here?” I roared, my voice rattling the windows and making them both jump. Eva almost dropping her plate of food but quickly caught it and managed to keep a hold on both the plate and the egg flip before looking up at Vance smugly.

“You’re in trouble,” she sang softly and teasingly then looked over at me, “The hulk is trying to steal my darn food.” She even pouted a little bit.

Closing my eyes and inhaling deeply as I calmed my wolf down at the way she looked so vulnerable which I know she is not.

“Just one pancake! You couldn’t just give me one, I bet you don't even eat all of them,” Vance grunted as he stormed over to the cupboard and ripped it open, grabbing some cereal as a grinning Eva walked towards me, passing me by as she headed towards the lounge room.

“No eating in the lounge room,” I warned her, causing her to stop in her tracks and turn around slowly to look at me, giving me a daring look – she was going to ignore me, I knew it before she had even taken another step.

Moving fast so I was standing in front of her and blocking her way before she even got close enough, she slowly raised her head to look up at me, “I eat in my lounge rooms,” she muttered grudgingly.

Shaking my head, I was still feeling a little tense over waking up to hear her arguing, “I like my house to be kept clean.”

She stood still for a moment, then turned around and walked back to the kitchen muttering, “Clean freak,” under her breath.

Taking another slow long breathe to try and calm down some more, a thought passed through my mind and I quickly followed her to see her eyeing Vance as he sat opposite her at the table, both in some mini glaring match.

“How did you get out of my room without waking me up?” I asked, remembering this isn’t the first time she has managed to sneak away from me while I'm sleeping.

“You only just woke up?” Vance suddenly asked in shock, he knew what kind of sleeper I was like – all of us have been trained to some degree to stay on alert still while sleeping.

Giving him one small nod as I kept my eyes glued to the side of Eva’s face as she looked up momentarily, shrugged and rolled up one of her pancakes, “I'm just a sneaky cool ninja like that,” she grinned before shoving half the pancake into her mouth in a very un-ladylike way.

It was slightly amusing the way she ate because everyone who knows her knows she will never be a ‘lady’, I swear she should have naturally been born a proper wolf out in the woods, living in the dirt and muddy caves.

Walking around the table so I was behind her, I grabbed the back of her chair and slid it out. She started to protest but before she even could get one word out I had her tiny waist in my hands and had lifted her up quickly before sitting down with her on my lap.

Eva turned and frowned at me, “Could have just asked instead of man handling me,” she grunted before turning back to her plate.

Rolling my eyes slightly as I felt completely calm because of her touch and grinning on the inside because she didn’t shove me away, “But really, how did you sneak out?”

“What does it matter?” she asked, slapping Vance’s hand as he tried to steal some food. Smirking a little, I reached around her and grabbed one for myself without the slightest hit coming my way. Vance shot me a dirty look as I shoved it in my mouth and started chewing.

“Maybe someone is more in tune with their wolf then they are letting on,” Vance smirked at Eva, making it obvious that the ‘someone’ he was referring to was Eva.

Eva stopped what she was doing and looked over at him, “What exactly are you trying to call me?”

He smirked again, “A liar, a fraud, a scammer, a phony-.”

“What the hell is wrong with you? Seriously?” she shouted, throwing her fork at his head but he managed to duck it.

“Vance,” I warned in a low tone as he went to flick a spoon of cereal back at her and out of the corner of my eye I noticed Eva smiling smugly and teasingly at him. He gave her a low growl which was going to start another argument between the two but the front door knocked loudly.

Sniffing for the scents of the visitor, I recognised them as Ryan and another pack member who is also my cousin; Sam, “It’s open,” I half shouted out and a moment later they walked in.

Instantly Eva recognised Ryan, “Hi dude,” she grinned, giving him a small wave.

He frowned slightly, “Eva,” he gave her a small nod then looked at me with confusion, ‘She likes you know?’

A growl rumbled through my chest, ‘Yes!’ I snapped defensively and he took a small step back, bowing his head a little.

“Is this your famous little mate running circles around you big cuz?” Sam grinned, pushing past Ryan to come sit at the table and make himself at home. If he wasn’t my cousin I would have broken his jaw a long time ago because he feels like I'm his cousin before I'm his Alpha.

Eva laughed but covered it with a cough, “Nice try,” I muttered which only made her laugh again before eating some more food.

“Sam, this is Eva. Eva, this is my cousin Sam,” I briefly introduced them.

Sam grinned as Eva smiled over at him with a fake smile which made me smirk a little – the fact he was my cousins wasn’t going to make Eva instantly like him or treat him any differently but I got a feeling that they would get along.

“If you want to know any good stories you can use against him, just come find me,” he winked with a small chuckle.

Eva perked up at this with a small grin on her face, “How good is good?” she asked slowly.

“Awesomely good.”

“Don't believe anything he says, he’s the pack liar,” I grunted, glaring at him to shut his trap for once in his life.

“What did you guys find?” Vance spoke up, breaking the little chat fest going on and we all turned to look over at them since Ryan had moved in closer.

Sam and Ryan glanced at each other and Ryan nodded for Sam to spill the news. As I watched them, I had subconsciously rested my hand on Eva’s thigh, needing to feel her safety even more but she obviously didn’t like it as she quickly shoved it away and narrowed her eyes at me accusingly.

Smirking a little, I quickly put my hand back just because she was cute when she was angry or annoyed with me and she started shoving at it again but I held it firmly in place.

“Uh, that rogue,” Sam spoke and everyone glanced at Eva before looking away. She noticed this and I felt her body stiffen slightly, so I stated rubbing small soothing circles with my thumb and she relaxed a little. “Yeah, well anyway – it was from the pack we presumed but as far as we can tell it was the only spy sent onto our lands. We don't know if she reported back to them or not because of not knowing if they share mind links or not-.”

“Why wouldn’t they?” Eva piped up and everyone turned to look at her again like she had lost a few marbles.

A low growl reached them all, forcing them to look away before I answered her, “Because rogues are solitary animals normally, they don't group up so we’re not sure if they function like a normal pack or not because our packs actually have blood Alpha’s which is the reason why we can mind link, whereas they have just picked one.”

She nodded slowly and then shrugged before finishing her breakfast.

“Alright, we’ll have a pack meeting tonight-.” I began.

“Oooh, can I come?” Eva turned and smiled up at me innocently.

Narrowing my eyes slightly with suspicion, “Why? No offence babe but you’re not in my pack.”

Her innocent smile turned to a downright nasty glare within seconds, “Fine, I’ll have my own pack meeting tonight then,” she muttered angrily.

Smirking slightly, “You can’t leave my sights-.”

“You just said I couldn’t go,” she interrupted me to point out.

“I was teasing, of course you can come, I just didn’t think you wanted to.”

“Whatever, I’ve got my own meeting.”


She scoffed loudly, “Nu-uh, Travis just called one through our mind link and I have to go – I can’t disobey direct orders from my Alpha,” she smirked and I knew she was purposely rubbing it in that she had her own darn pack.

“Since when do you not disobey someone?” I half snorted; she was completely lying out her butt.

“I’ve never disobeyed Travis when he’s made an Alpha order – why do you think I actually listened to him when he told me to stop pranking you? It definitely wasn’t because he just asked,” she mumbled.

“Yeah, well you can’t disobey your mate either,” I retorted, determined to not let her win this little argument since she wins too many as it is and I know everyone finds it hilarious but its slightly pride bashing.

“Last time I checked we aren’t even fully mated,” she smirked up at me with triumphant and I growled lowly but she ignored me.

“Honeys I'm home!” Eva bellowed as she flung the front door to her house open and walked right on in. Closing the door behind myself as I followed her, I heard so many footsteps from above before they all came barrelling down the staircase and Eva ran at them all.

She tackled Grant backwards first, who was just on the last step which knocked Stevie and Harper, causing them all to collapse in some awkward pile. Chris came walking down next, smirking at me as he had sniffed the air on the sly, but I had noticed it.

“Still not completed,” he muttered in a low tone, teasing me.

Narrowing my eyes as a foot struck out from the pile of bodies and caught him in the shin and knocked him down while he had tried to walk past them all. “Uncool CC!” Eva shouted as she sat up and glared at him before two hands grabbed her from behind and lifted her to her feet while Chris chuckled.

Man, I always feel out of place here. They are so immature and boisterous.

“I for one think it's a darn good thing,” Brody grunted as he let go of Eva and gave her a quick hug before climbing over the others but they were now wrestling each other and brought him down.

“Will you lots of pervs stop sniffing me!” Eva snapped, going bright red in the face as she jumped over all of them to land at the bottom of the stairs.

Walking towards her with her bright red cheeks, she looked so mortified that they were for some insane reason keeping tabs on how physical our relationship is. Wrapping one arm around her shoulder, I spun her around and she didn’t fight me as she immediately ducked her head under my arm and avoided looking at everyone.

“Naw, that’s so precious,” Emily suddenly cooed from further up the stairs.

Looking up at her my eyes narrowed slightly as I took her and Travis in, I may be dropping this mini war with them but I still didn’t like the fact Emily was mated with a Thorn. It was embarrassing to have her leave her own pack for the one that refused to join us but I said nothing about it.

“Travis,” I greeted in emotionless tone while he did the same.

“Eva, your dad wanted to speak with you when you were home next,” Emily smiled as she walked over towards us, hand in hand with Travis. I felt Eva’s body stiffen under my arms.

“If it's regarding what I think it is, then I'm avoiding him.”

“Don't be like that, he is just happy for you – we both are and we just want to help you,” Emily smiled even bigger now.

Eva pulled away a little and peeked at Emily from under my arm, “Have you two seriously been discussing me?”

Emily quickly glanced away then jumped forward and latched onto Eva’s arms, trying to tug her away from me but Eva had suddenly latched on to my arm and was even digging her short nails in from how hard she was gripping me.

“Eva,” I mumbled, trying to pry her fingers off of my arm, “Go see your dad; I need to speak with Travis anyway.”

“Heck no! You don't know what he wants to talk about. I do,” she growled as she pressed one foot against Emily’s thigh and tried to push her away but Emily was a fully mated female and slightly stronger than Eva because of it, so it didn’t work.

“Don't be such a child! I even brought you an outfit!” Emily grunted as she kept tugging at Eva.

But Eva was a stubborn thing and determined not to go with her as she quickly looked up at me and pouted, trembling her bottom lip just a little and getting to me, “Please don't make me.”

Closing my eyes and groaning internally I heard a few chuckles at my expense and one gasp, opening my eyes it was Emily who had gasped and Eva took advantage of this as she instantly let go off me, tugged free of Emily and ran up the stairs in a flash laughing.

Emily smiled up at me, “I see the face works on you,” and then was gone, chasing after Eva.

“Man, it has got to suck when your mate pulls that face on you....,” Chris trailed off with a giant smirk, “And isn’t giving you any,” he snickered.

A loud growl erupted from within me and everyone went tense instantly which had me grinning on the inside – they may have not joined my pack and think they are better than me but at least I know I make them uneasy when I'm angry.

“Chris! Shut your pie hole or I’ll make sure when you get a mate that she won't go near you with a ten foot pole!” Eva shouted loudly from upstairs, “Argh!” she suddenly screamed and then there were fast footsteps with another set chasing her.

“You can’t hide anywhere, I'm a wolf Eva!” Emily shouted.

Travis groaned quietly, “Let’s go sit down and talk while ignoring them, they will be at it for ages,” he muttered and walked towards the same room we all talked in last time.

Glancing back up at the ceiling and listening to Eva arguing with Emily, I knew she was safe, so I followed after Travis and stood just inside the doorway, leaning on the wall. While Brody stood back against the fireplace, staring in my general direction, but avoiding direct eye contact while everyone else was just spread out around the room.

“Okay, what did you want to discuss?” Travis asked, obviously not wanting to waste time.

Looking over at him, he was sitting down casually and looking back at me but not in a challenging way. Listening in on Eva again quickly, she sounds like she was in the direction of her room now but everything was silent.

“My plans are to head out tomorrow some time, I'm not sure if I'm going during the day or at night but I wanted to leave Eva here with you, she will stay tonight with me and i'll drop her off before I leave but if anything happens to her while I'm gone, you guys better make sure I don't find youse,” I growled with warning at the end.

It was hard to admit to them how much she meant to me, even though I didn’t say it in words but they all knew it. Brody was about to open his mouth – like always but Travis bet him to it.

“Brody,” the command was powerful and Brody quickly shut his mouth and looked away, glaring at nothing in particular now. “She’ll be fine with us but does she actually know about these plans?” Travis asked suspiciously.

Looking back to him, I shook my head slowly, “And she won’t know until the moment beforehand.” I don't think she plans on coming with me but its Eva, so I wasn’t risking telling her beforehand and angering her. I was just going to drop it on her and if she gets angry, then her brothers can cope with it.

“Good idea,” Harper commented with a smirk.

No one got a chance to say anything else and loud footsteps came thumping down the stairs followed by another set. Turning I watched as Eva slid across the foyer, arms swinging to keep her balance before she bolted down the hallway and out of sight.

“Eva!” Emily shouted as she followed a few minutes later with a pink bag in her hand. A door slammed shut from the backend of the house and everything fell quiet as Emily slid to a stop and groaned before turning to face us all and blushing slightly.

“She’s gone wolf to get away from you,” Grant chuckled and immediately my body was tense as I took a step to follow her but Emily shoved the bag against me.

“Here, she won’t take it, so give it to her for me?” she asked, looking away.

Rising an eyebrow, I decided to not argue and just gave her a small nod before glancing over at Travis, “I’ll be back tomorrow sometime.” He nodded as he wrapped his arms around Emily and kissed the top of her head while she closed her eyes and smiled.

Walking off I sometimes wished Eva would be like that with me, but nope – she has to be the one that has run off in wolf form while I have to be the one to follow and make sure she doesn’t get herself in any trouble. Though, I can’t ever really seeing us doing the whole ‘head over heels’ in love couple thing – it’s not really either of our styles.

Following her scent out the back door and across the large yard, I looked up at the giant brick wall she had scaled and gripped the handle of the bag in my mouth as I ran up the closet tree, grabbing onto one branch and hoisting myself up further until I was high enough to jump and land on the top of the wall. It was only a small edge but I had great balance.

Pushing myself off the trunk of the tree I ran the short distance of the thick branch and leaped through the air, my feet touching the wall and I quickly crouched down to a half sitting position and balanced myself before twitching on one arm and plopping my butt down with my feet hanging over the edge.

A soft snort from below caught my attention and I looked down to see Eva laying under a bush and staring up at me. Frowning slightly, “I thought you ran off,” I mumbled and she shook her head.

Pushing myself away from the wall and landing down on the ground below on the balls of my feet I stood up as she climbed to her paws and walked over towards me, “Ready to go then?”

She nodded and we started walking around the perimeter of her dad’s property to get the jeep out the front. I felt her soft fur brush against my leg and looked down to see her walking as close to me as she could get while her eyes scanned the trees and bushes defensively.

Then it clicked – she is still hung up about the rogue, whether she is worried, scared, and nervous or what, I don't know but she obviously felt something that stopped her from running off into the trees alone while escaping Emily. It explains why she was laying under the bush just outside the brick wall.

Reaching down and gently scratching her behind the ear, she growled lowly at me and I chuckled before pulling my hand back.

“I'm bored.”

Glancing over at Eva as she was spinning herself round and round in circles on my office chair while I sat on the sofa looking over the maps of our surrounding lands, I sighed lightly. It didn’t matter to her that this was my office or that I was Alpha, all that mattered was that she got the most ‘entertaining’ seat and it has only kept her entertained for twenty minutes.

And during that twenty minutes she kept pulling small facials which made me believe she was talking to someone but then she kept sneaking sly glances at me and staring which she didn’t know I noticed out of the corner of my eye every time she looked my way. Even a few times when she would look at me she would blush and quickly spin around again.

“Tidy up my desk then,” I smirked and looked down at the map while she scoffed. Obviously she has finished her conversation with whoever it was.

“I'm not your maid, and anyway it's already tidy ‘cause someone is a clean freak,” she muttered, spinning around in another circle again.

She had acted a little weird after we got back from her house and once she leapt out of the jeep, still in wolf form I handed her the bag Emily gave me and her eyes bugged wide as she latched onto it and quickly tore into it like a dog with a bone. She went crazy at the bag until it was ripped to shreds and then she took off inside.

I couldn't really make out what had been in there but the small shreds of black lace was enough to figure out Emily was trying to get Eva to wear raunchy lingerie – which I have to admit would be something I would love to see her in, even if it was only one time for the rest of our lives.

I was about to reply to her maid remark but the office phone rang and she quickly grabbed onto the desk and pulled herself to a stop as she looked at it, then up at me with a grin, “Can I answer it?”

Narrowing my eyes, “will you answer it properly?”

She nodded eagerly and picked it up, clearing her throat a little, “Alpha Saxon here,” she used that stupid tone of voice which is apparently what I sound like according to her.

Growling lowly as she grinned over at me, I crossed the short distance and snatched it from her hands, shooting her daggers while she covered her mouth laughing, “Hello?” I half snapped.

“Uh, Sax- I mean Alpha Redford?” a voice nervously asked.

“Yes, what is it?” I snapped, I don't have time for annoying wolves from other packs when I’ve got a bored out of her brains mate annoying me while I'm trying to organise our approach of attack.

“Don't hang up, it’s Jack Nel-.”

“What!” I roared, anger coursing through my veins as I now recognised his voice, my hands crushing the phone within seconds and disconnecting the call as I pelted the crumbled plastic across the room with a deafening growl that shook every single window in the house.

Didn’t he learn his damn lesson last time? I almost killed him if it wasn’t for Eva! My breathing was coming hard and fast and my body was fighting to stop myself shifting but I could feel my bones bending to wolf form and twisting back to human form, trying to figure out which way to go.

Clamping my eyes shut tight my inner wolf was growling murderously, we should have just dealt with him that time then he wouldn’t have been calling me right now. Did he really think I would ever forgive him?

“Calm down,” a sweet voice soothed as warm but frail arms wrapped around my waist while I still fought for control.

With every ounce of strength I had I reached up and gently pushed at her shoulders, urging her to back away. I didn’t know if I could calm down right now or not and I didn’t want her right next to me.

“Look at me.” She wasn’t soothing or asking, she was demanding me and my eyes snapped open as she struggled to fight against my gentle pushing while she stared up at me, “Calm down.”

Taking a slow deep breath I dropped my arms and she instantly fell back against my chest, holding on tight and I could feel her heart beating faster than normal against my chest – she was scared.

Wrapping my arms around her waist I quickly picked her up and held her close while she lifted her arms up and wrapped them around my neck, burying her face into my shoulder while her legs wrapped around my waist and I inhaled her scent deeply, focusing only on her and blocking everything else out.

She could always calm me down but this was taking longer than usually, Jack really gets under my skin and hearing his damned voice had done wonders at ticking me off to the point of almost no control. Closing my eyes and inhaling deeply again as I ran one hand gently up and down her back.

Suddenly two small hands were holding my cheeks and her hesitation about something filled me and the air around us but before I could open my eyes soft and sweet lips were pressed lightly against mine, and then she pulled away.

Opening my eyes to a blushing Eva, I don't think she could ever get any more beautiful than what she already is. Without thinking I leaned my head forward and closing the distance between our lips as I crushed mine hungrily to hers, she gasped from shock and I took that as my chance to gain entrance to her mouth. I needed her so badly, not just to calm myself down right now, I simply needed this girl in my life, whichever way she wants it to be – I don't care so long as she’s with me.

Eva shocked me by gripping her hands in my hair and pulling my face even closer to her, she was desperately kissing me back, small moans escaped her mouth and one whiff of the air around us with her desire filled scent and I knew what was happening. Pulling her away and breathing heavily but from not from anger, I rested my forehead against hers and looked into her wide eyes.

“We should stop now,” I breathed heavily, knowing if this went on for any longer then I wouldn’t be able to stop this easily. She wasn’t ready for me in that way.

Eva bit her bottom lip and gently shook, “I can’t,” she whispered before bringing her face back up to mine and grabbing my cheeks to stop me from pulling away as she forcefully kissed me with so much passion, need and hunger that I would have dropped her from shock if she wasn’t latched on by her own body.

“Please stop, you’re not ready for this,” I managed to say between kisses but damn this girl has a strong grip on me as she broke from our kiss to trailing her lips gently along my jaw.

“You don't like this?” she asked in such a quiet and almost insecure voice that didn’t sound right coming from her.

“I'm calm now, you don't have to do this,” I whispered, groaning a little at the end – why is she doing this to me? I'm only male.

“I want to,” she mumbled, bringing her lips back up to mine and a small pleased growl escaped my chest. I have been waiting to hear those words ever since I marked her.


And they do the nasty! Lol

That’s all I'm writing about them ‘getting it on’ bc some readers on here are young and I'm doing this story as PG....but I've done an adult-y version.....and I hate it, hahaha.

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