The Next Ender Dragon book II...

Por kynine09

3.9K 159 11

Hex, the daughter of Herobrine has discovered more about herself than she hoped. With the blood of a demon co... Más

Chapter 1: Acceptance
Chapter 3: New Girl
Chapter 4: Blood
Chapter 5: A walk
Chapter 6: Who are you?
Chapter 7: Black Cherries
Chapter 8: Game On!
Chapter 9: He hears the Bells
Chapter 10: Mocking Bird
Chapter 11: Father I Have A Confession
Chapter 12: Big Sis
Chapter 13: Red and white roses
Chapter 14: Lets Play A Love Game
Chapter 15: The End?
Chapter 16: My Name Is
Chapter 17: Even Ender's cry
Chapter 18: MOMMY IT'S HER!!!
Chapter 19: Don't Tell!!!
Chapter 20: Life&Death
Chapter 21:Spit 'n' Shake
Chapter 22: My name is Nathaniel
Chapter 23: Clouded Mind
Chapter 24: Dragon
Chapter 25: Ender Dragon

Chapter 2: I Am

179 9 0
Por kynine09

Susan's p.o.v
The softness of her cheek was snuggled against my breast. I smiled down at the sleeping Hex. She was always peaceful in her sleep. These three months have been exciting with her in my life. I've never felt so alive. Without her I don't think I'd ever have become an angel. I wouldn't have had a reason to.

I brushed a strand of hair out of her face and brushed my hand against her cheek. Her face was wet. Most likely from drool. I wiped my hand on the bed sheet.

"Oh Hex," I said.

"Mm... What?" She replied. She raised her head to look at me.I jumped at what I saw. "What? I know I look terrible, but cmon there isn't a reason to look like that."

Hex was covered in blood. Pieces of flesh hung from her teeth. Her eyes were purple and serpent like. Her teeth were curved back like a snake's. I pushed her off of me and she fell to the floor with a thud.

"Hex... What did you do?" I asked.

"Huh?" Asked Hex. She seemed confused, but I couldn't focus with blood dripping from her fangs. I pointed to the mirror. She stood and looked at her monstrous reflection. Her face was stricken with fear and confusion.
"No... No.... No," she said. The door burst open and Vilkas rushed in with his gun and cocked it back.

"Susan are you alright?" Asked Vilkas. Hex stood there bewildered and frightened. "You. You are under arrest in the name of the King," he said.

"Wait, she was here with me all night," I said.

"I haven't done anything wrong," said hex. Vilkas pulled out the ender necklace and bashed it against a wall. Black chains burst from the crack in the necklace and wrapped themselves around Hex. This is the first time Hex has seen this.

"W- what's going on? Susan?" She looked at me with so much confusion and fear. I couldn't stand her eyes looking at me like that.

"Wait what proof do you have it was her?" I asked.

"Look at her! She has obviously killed. A man was murdered last night," he said.

"Torn to shreds my lady. We have her on camera," said a solider beside Vilkas. He walked up to me as Hex struggled in the chains. He pulled out his phone and showed me the video. My Hex, my little monster was breaking into a man's home.

All I heard was screams until I saw her drag out his bloody, mauled and shredded body and lay it right in front of the camera. She took his heart and slurped the blood out of it before swallowing whole. She didn't even chew. Aw just gulped it down like a starved animal.

She smiles maniacal into the camera and showed all of her blood red teeth. She then traced the man's body with blood like a crime scene and beside it wrote the words I Am in his blood. I looked up at Hex in fear.

"Susan, whatever they showed you its not true. Please you have to believe me," she yelled. I looked back at the camera and the last scene was two purple iris less eyes glowing in the screen. The rest of the tape was her sluggishly making her way to the hospital and laying back on top of me. She glowed before the camera went static.

"Hex," that was all I could say. Words couldn't match how I felt at that moment.

"Susan, you have to believe me," she said. She stopped struggling and stood there.

"Go ahead believe the beast. Deny the evidence and prove that you are obviously unfit to rule," said Vilkas.

"Hey you stay out of this!" Yelled Hex. She attempted to walk up to the bed, but Vilkas yanked on the necklace causing the chains to tighten and yank Hex to the ground like a chained dog. Her once purple eyes were now her normal ocean blue. Her serpent teeth were now her normal sharp ones. Her face was begging for help, but she was guilty I couldn't help her even if I wanted.

"Susan," she said softly. She stared into my eyes with her helpless face. She was on her knees looking up at me from the side of the bed. I broke the stare and looked down before taking a sigh.
"In the name of King Quenton Aldric the Second... You are... Here by under arrest," I said with a sigh. I started choking up as a heat caught in the back of my throat.I looked at her eyes again and I am sure I never want to see the glare she expressed to me ever again.

It was one of betrayal and anger. She stood and just kept staring at me.

"Aren't couples supposed to trust each other? Maybe I should've left when I had the chance," she said. Those words echoed in my head and rattled in my chest. They all walked away and closed the door behind them.

"I... Have to do what's best for my people. You'd understand, but...I can't even trust you," I said softly. I felt empty inside. As if my heart disappeared with those words. I laid there in silence clenching my chest. I could feel tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat.

"My daughter really is something isn't she?" Spoke a low, smooth demonic voice. I looked up to the face of Herobrine. He was standing at the foot of the bed smiling. I didn't speak. All I did was look at him because I was afraid that if I spoke I would burst out into tears and I wouldn't be able to stop.

"You know I totally understand why my daughter likes you," he said. He climbed into my bed and rubbed his hand on my cheek. I didn't like this at all.

"D-don't touch me," I choked out.

"But, you're so fun to toy with," he said. He then ran his hand along my shoulder before licking my neck.

"I said no!" I yelled. I tried to push him off. He then grabbed my hand and pinned he against the bed.

"And you're not my boss," he said in my ear. I felt something cold and metallic materialize in my hand and by instinct I managed to raise it to his chest and cock it back with my thumb.

"I said no. Now get off of me before I blow your guts out of your back," I said. He let go of my and off of the bed.
"Jeez I was just playing with you, more or less. No need to pull out Savior," he said. He straightened his suit and dusted off his shoulders, then it hit me.

When hex attacked me in the cave she had the same purple iris less eyes. Then right before she bit down on my neck they were purple snake eyes.

"Is Hex like you?" I asked.

"Heavens no. I have to control that girl into doing what I want. When she was a little girl I used to steal her body when she was sleep and use her to kill," he said. Got Ya right where I want Ya hell boy.

"So last night?" I asked.

"All me baby," he said with pride.

"So you just leave Hex disoriented and confused? Have you ever considered her feelings about this?" I yelled.

"Of course, but if it was up to her she would sooner let herself go crazy than kill," he said.

"What if she doesn't want to kill?" I asked.

"Well... Now you sound like her. See Hex is my daughter. She must kill to survive. First to release stress and anger, second it is our nature. If Hex was to refrain from killing she would've gone berserk and well... Murdered for fun instead of food. Non stop, 24/7, 365," he said.

"So it's inevitable?" I asked.

"Well now she has been living this long and this has surprised me really. She has been resorting to animals, but because of you she is too weak to fight back, so her instincts kick in and I take control. I'd have to thank you. It feels great to be somewhat mortal again," he said. He disappeared in faze out sequence.

Hex is going to be killed because of her father and he doesn't even care, but what can I do? I sighed and stared out the window. I looked at the sun before an idea came to me. I picked up my phone and called the one person I knew could help.

"Levi I need your help," I said.

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