Crossing The Line (BWWM)

By WritingQuartz

40.3K 989 151

Siena a black girl in high school, soon finds out that high school isn't what it's hyped up to be, and when s... More

Crossing The Line
Chapter two
Chapter 3
Chapter four
Chapter 5
Chapter Six
Chapter 7
Chapter eight
Chapter 9
Chapter Ten
Chapter 11
Chapter Twelve
Chapter 13
Chapter fourteen
Chapter 15
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter 17
Chapter eighteen
Chapter 19
Chapter Twenty
Chapter 21

Chapter Twenty Two

1K 46 13
By WritingQuartz

Hey guys! This is the last Chapter :( Thank's to everyone who has read this! I really appreciate it. Much Love


- WritingQuartz


I put my head onto the cafeteria table, I didn't care that it was most likely unsanitary, or that there were probably millions of germs from peoples food making contact with my face. I was tired, the past week, ever since Beck's family party, I haven't slept well. Every time I close my eyes I see Beck telling me he loves me. The sound of his voice usually soothes me into sleep, but recently its been keeping me up. My eyes slowly closed, and I welcomed the darkness.

"Si, its been a week. I think your suffering from NMMBS."

I lifted my head to peer up at Terra. "NMMBS?"

"Yeah, need my man back syndrome."

I chuckled dropping my head back onto the table. "Whatever Terra."

Terra poked me in the side, making me sit up. "No, Si I'm serious. You've been miserable ever since you found out he loves you. Go get your man back."

I glared at Terra for poking me, but what she said actually made sense. It was just harder than it seemed. I couldn't just walk up to Beck and say, "I want you back."

"It's complicated, okay," I growled.

Terra leaned on the table and looked at me intently. "Uncomplicate it for me then."

I sighed looking down at my hands, I noticed they were really dry.

"Please tell me this has nothing to do with Bently. I know he's hot and all but switching brothers, so not cool."

"It has nothing to do with Bently, that little fling is over."

Terra grabbed my hands and looked straight into my eyes. "Si, it kills me to see you like this and if you don't do something about your relationship with Beck, I will."

"Whoa are you threatening me?"

Terra let go of my hands and smiled at me. "Nah, I'm just letting you know. Dude not to freak you out but the she devil is walking over here."

I turned my head to see Dakota strutting her way over to our table. She stopped and sat down on the opposite side of the table.

"Just the person I was looking for," She smiled.

I ground my teeth, just seeing Dakota made my blood boil. She was just so fake and bitchy.

"Who? Me?" I asked, pointing dumbly to myself.


I looked over at Terra, she shrugged in confusion. "I got to go find a book in the library. I'll see you later Si."

"No, Terra don't leave me," I cried.

The last thing I wanted was to be left alone with the she devil, things could get ugly real fast.

Terra mouthed "sorry," before walking away, leaving me alone at a table with Dakota. Her long blond hair was curled nicely, and she wore bright red lipstick which matched her red shirt.

"So um, what do you want from me?" I hesitantly, asked.

Dakota smiled at me, obviously enjoying this torment.

"I want you to talk to Beck."

I twisted my face in shock. "Um why do you want me to do that?"

I always thought Dakota wanted me to stay away from Beck and now she was asking me to talk to him?

Dakota sighed, flipping her hair over her shoulder. "Beck told you he loved you, in some weird aggressive way." I nodded. "I told Beck not to tell you like that and now he's beating himself up about it. I know he really cares for you Siena, but he's way too prideful to talk to you and he thinks you're perfectly fine, which is stupid because everyone with eyes can see you actually miss him. So just talk to him already."

Terra was just grilling me about talking to Beck and now his bestfriend was too. I sighed, taking everything in. I wanted to talk to Beck, but I was scared. From what I saw at the party he seemed to be doing fine without me.

"I know Beck. Siena he is miserable without you. Frankly his sour attitude is annoying me. So please, please talk to him."

Looking at Dakota I could tell she was genuine. She was a pretty good friend to come and talk to me, yet she was so protective over Beck when we were together. I didn't understand how someone could go from evil to nice.

"I'll talk to him," I said, mostly to make Dakota leave me alone.

Dakota smiled, brightening her whole face. She really should smile more, she looked nice.

"Great! Siena I really want us to get along for Beck's sake, so I'm sorry calling you names and stuff."

I looked at Dakota dumbfounded. Wow, now she was apologizing to me; besides the point it was a horrible apology, but nevertheless she actually said sorry.

"Uh ookay."

"Great, so call Beck any day maybe this weekend. He might sound like he's not missing you but really he's sitting in his room looking at pictures of you. It's actually kind of pathetic.

That made me smile. He was looking at pictures, of us; how cute.

Dakota smiled and waved goodbye, I watched her disappear outside to where Beck was most likely waiting. The bell rang, I reluctantly got up from my seat and walked to my sixth hour class. Beck walked in just as I had sat down, he looked fine to me but if I really looked I could see the bags under his eyes. The rest of the hour I didn't listen to anything the teacher said. My mind kept drifting to Beck and how I was going to approach him, I decided I would call him this weekend and ask him if we could meet up.

Seventh and eighth period went by really slowly. News of the break up had settled down over the weeks but people still looked at me with pity. A girl in my seventh hour class, whom I had never talked to before offered me gum, like it would help heal my pain. I guess most people thought it was Beck who broke it off with me, and not the other way around. My grades were suffering, because I couldn't focus in class and my dad was constantly grilling me about it. On top of that I saw Beck every single day and yet neither of us made eye contact or even made any attempts to speak to eachother. It became a game of who can ignore the other more, and it was starting to annoy me.

At least today was Friday and I could go home and relax. When I arrived home, the house was eerily empty. Nadia dashed off to her room and my parents were still at work. I sighed, dropping my book bag by the garage door and running to change into my pajamas. It was a friday night ritual of mine, change into pj's, and eat snacks while watching the walking dead.

I was just getting to the good part in the show, when the door bell rang. I waited to hear if Nadia was going to come out of her room to answer it, but she didn't. I groaned as I peeled myself off of the couch and answered the door.

"Hey," Tyrone said.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "What do you want?"

"I came to talk to Nadia, is she home?"

"No, she's not home," I yelled and slammed the door closed.

Tyrone rang the bell over and over again until I answered the door. "What?" I growled.

"Please Siena, I need to talk to Nadia."

I put my hand on my hip, refusing to open the door any wider to let him in. "Why now Tyrone? Huh? If you came to tell Nadia what to do with your baby, you better f*ck off."

Tyrone glared at me, but I didn't care; he was a horrible person for leaving Nadia when she needed him the most.

"I've had a change of heart, okay. I want to be there for Nadia and besides she called me over here."

"What?" I asked, shocked. "Nadia called you here?"

"Siena, move." Nadia pulled the door open and pushed me out of the way. "Sorry about my sister, she's a little overprotective."

Nadia glared at me and I glared back. Why didn't she tell me she was inviting Tyrone over? Tyrone walked into the house, with an overconfident smirk on his face.

"So what's this about?" Tyrone asked.

"Yeah, what's this about? Why would you invite this douche bag over here?"

Tyrone took a threatening step towards me, but Nadia held out her hand blocking his path.

"I have to tell you both something actually. Why don't we all sit down."

I walked into the living room and plopped down on the love seat. Tyrone sat next to Nadia on the couch, I noticed they were holding hands. Since when did they get back to being all lovey dovey?

"Is this about the baby?" Tyrone asked.

"Your baby," I spat. Emphasizing the your.

Nadia nodded, her head tilted towards the ground. Tears started to drip down her cheeks.

"I lost it."

Both Tyrone and I looked at eachother in confusion. "You lost the baby." I clarified.

Nadia burst into a fit of sobs, Tyrone pulled her into a hug. I couldn't believe Nadia had lost the baby it was like a miracle, now she wouldn't be just another teenage pregnancy statistic. She could go on living her life, but from the looks of it she was finally starting to accept being a teenage mother. I ran over and sat down on the other side of Nadia, while gently rubbing her back.

"It was just starting to get so real. I felt connected to it, you know like I could feel it growing inside of me. And then I got excited about naming it, but now its gone."

"How do you know for sure?" Tyrone asked.

Nadia sniffled. "I wasn't feeling good, so I went to the doctors. I had to tell them about the pregnancy and they did some test. When the doctor came back she told me there was no baby."

"Aw, Nadia," I cooed.

"What's going on here?" My dad asked.

I looked up in surprise to see him and my mom standing in the doorway to the living room. I guess all Nadia's sobbing had drowned out the garage door opening.

"Siena, why is your sister crying?" My mom asked. "Good to see you, Tyrone."

Tyrone nodded. My parents only knew Tyrone as Terra's cousin, I'm sure once they found out he impregnated Nadia they wouldn't be too fond of him.

"Um, I have to tell you guys something," Nadia said inbetween her tears.

My mom and dad sat down on the love seat, both had looks of confusion and worry on their faces.

"Are you sure your ready to tell them?" I whispered to Nadia.

She nodded while grabbing my hand and holding onto it. Nadia proceeded to tell my parents about being pregnant. Of course my dad got all mad and demanded to know who the baby's father was. When he found out it was Tyrone, he got even more mad. I was surprised with the way Tyrone handled himself during all the yelling, I thought he would've left but he didn't. My mom calmed my dad down and then Nadia told them about losing the baby, my mom seemed to sympathize with her while my dad glared angrily from the coach.

I was proud of Nadia for finally speaking up and telling them. My mom decided to sign Nadia up for therapy sessions, to help her deal with losing the baby. In the end my dad even hugged her while she cried on his shoulder. Seeing Nadia be so brave made me realize I needed to do the same thing and talk to Beck. It was twelve in the morning, so I decided I would call him after I got some sleep.

The ringing of my phone, woke me up. I scrambled in my half asleep state to find it and turn it off. In my rush to get to bed, I must've forgotten to turn the volume off. I reached my phone, pressing the button to make it stop ringing. The light from my phone blinded me for a second before my eyes adjusted. The time on my phone read four, twenty five. Who would be calling me at such an early time? My phone flashed as someone called me, Beck's number flashed on my screen. I sat up in my bed peering at the phone. Worry started to wash over me, maybe something had happened.

"Hello?" I whispered into the phone.

"Hello, Siena this is Mrs. Wilson. I'm sorry to have waken you up."

"It's fine. Is everything okay?" I asked.

Mrs. Wilson breathed heavily. "No. There was an accident Beck and Bently were in the car. Can you come down to the hospital, I'm sure Beck would want you here."

My heart stopped when I hear, accident, Beck and Bently, hospital. My body broke out into a cold sweat, I really hoped they were okay.

"I'll be there in 15 minutes," I yelled into the phone before hanging up.

I jumped out of bed, grabbing random clothes. What if Beck was dead? What if he was severely hurt, and all this time I was too afraid to tell him how I felt. I ran to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and tried to wrangle my hair into a pony tail. I left a note for my parents when they woke up. My whole body trembled as I got into the car and sped down the almost empty streets.

Please let them be okay, please let them be okay, I yelled in my head.

I quickly parked and ran into the hosiptal, walking to the front desk while trying to calm myself down. The smell of bleach immediately burned my nose. The receptionist looked up at me and smiled.

"I'm here to see Beck and Bently Wilson."

The receptionist typed away at her computer. "I'm sorry dear but family only."

I sighed, slamming my fist onto the desk. I needed to get in to see them. Just as I was about to walk away, Mrs. Wilson came running up to me. She looked surprisingly put together for being up so early.

"She's with me," Mrs. Wilson told the receptionist.

"Sorry no family friends. Is she family?"

I glared at the receptionist, didn't she realize this was an urgent situation.

"She's a cousin."

The receptionist nodded. "Okay, I'm going to need you to sign here and write your relation here."

I took the pen, scribbled my name and wrote cousin. Mrs. Wilson led me back into the hospital where the rooms where. I always hated hospitals they were so cold and impersonal. Mrs. Wilson stopped in front of room 116.

"I'll let you have some time with them. The rest of us are in the cafeteria."

I nodded my thanks before walking into the room. The room was dark with only a few streams of light coming through the blinds. Someone else was in the room too, they sat in a chair in the corner, their head in their hands.

"Beck!" I cried. Rushing over to him, he stood up and crushed me into a hug. I sighed, tears streaming down my cheeks. Beck was okay, he wasn't hurt. I pulled away from Beck and looked into his eyes, he smiled weakly at me.

"What happened?" I asked.

Beck sighed and turned towards the hospital bed, where Bently lay. "Oh my gosh," I gasped.

Bently had tubes down his throat, his leg was in a cast and elevated, he had cuts running across his face. The soft beeping of a machine monitored his heart rate.

"Bently was driving, we got into an argument and the next thing I know, we're on the wrong side of the road. The car tried to swerve out of the way but ended up hitting the driver's side, Bently got the worst of it."

I turned back to Beck, noticing the small cuts on his face and arms. "He's gonna be okay though?"

Beck nodded. "He's fine. They gave him pain killers and it knocked him out."

I sighed in relief, happy that both Beck and Bently were okay. Beck pulled me into a hug and I let his familiar axe smell wash over me.

"Beck we need to talk."

"I know. I'm going crazy sitting in this place, wanna go for a walk?"


Beck released me from his arms and grabbed my hand as we walked out of Bently's hospital room. I smiled, feeling Beck's fingers between mine again. We walked past the parking lot and down the sidewalk aways. Beck seemed to know where he's going, so I walked with him, hand in hand. After walking for a few minutes I feel like I should initate the conversation.

"Beck, I know I was horrible to you when all you've ever been is caring to me. I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions about the gang thing and about Dakota. I know you would never cheat on me. And I'm sure you had a perfectly good reason for not telling me about Bently. I know one apology doesn't make it better but I hope you can forgive me for what I did."

Beck stops walking and I realize we've made it to a park. "Siena, I gave you reason to believe I was still in the gang and I gave you a reason to hate Dakota by chosing sides. I should be the one apologizing."

Beck pulls me closer to him and gently caresses my cheek. "Siena, I love you."

Tears well up in my eyes. "I love you too, Beck."

Beck crashes his lips onto mine, we kiss with a sort of passion and urgency. My body burns up as his tongue enters my mouth. I try my best not to moan, but I've missed this. When I break away from the kiss we are both breathing heavily. Beck smiles down at me, his grey eyes sparkling in the morning light.

I smile up at him, my cheeks hurting from all the smiling I've done today. While looking into Beck's eyes I know that I've finally crossed the line. I was on the edge of the line that is love, not sure wheather I was ready to take that dive; but I'm ready to cross the line into a loving relationship with him.

"Look," Beck says. Turning me around so I face the direction he's looking at. The bright orange and yellow rays from the sun streak across the sky as it slowly rises. It's absolutely beautiful, I couldn't have imagined a more perfect setting to share my feelings with Beck.

"It's beautiful," I gasped.

"You're beautiful."

I blush, and playfully slap Beck on his chest. "Come on we should go back; see if Bently's up yet."

Beck pulls me close and puts his arm around my waist. "Babe, we're gonna be the number one couple at school senior year. Just watch we're gonna rule the school."

I chuckle. "Beck, you're a moron."


"But nothing."

"Wrong answer," Beck says before starting to tickle me. I squirm trying to get away. I pry his hands off of me and take off running down the sidewalk, Beck is a lot faster than me and tackles me onto a nearby patch of grass.

I laugh, trying to wiggle away but Beck continues to tickle me until we're both tired and laughing in the grass. I smile, staring into Beck's eyes. He smiles back, that intoxicating smile. "But... You're MY moron," I say.


"And, I love you."

Beck's smile widens. "Forever and always?"

I nodd. "Forever and always."

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