
By mieschkaloveszayn_

1.1K 172 10

Many years from now slavery has returned.The world is runned by rich,manipulative and heartless men. Summer h... More

what happened last night
holding onto you
Hi im Perrie.
As long as you love me
blue laced dress
my babygirl
I dont need your love too
change my mind
trust and betrayal
You and I
im the reason for your misery
family reunions
your love was a lie
heart brakes or happiness ?
critical but stable
hatred or forgiveness?
its okay to give in
Plans for love
A night out
Our first time together
anger issues or love issues?
dreams or warnings?
who to blame.
help from runaways&&enemies
rescue mission 101.
Life or death? (For the second time)
An exclusive interview with Zayn and Justin
the truth will set you free.
Everything fell into place.

hopes turned hopeless

30 6 0
By mieschkaloveszayn_

Justins POV

It's been two weeks and one day since Summer's heart attack.

The doctors still couldn't diagnose why she had it because she was young and healthy. Everyday the doctors try but still nothing. Sometimes I feel like Summer doesn't even try to fight. Does she know how devastated i would be of she left me.

I love Summer so much it hurts nor to hear her voice anymore.

Madison would come over with Zayn and we would talk about weird things. She's a great friend. She is really helping me through this tough patch but I still don't know why she's still not taking to zayn.

I fell asleep in the chair next to Summer's bed.

"Justin"I heard a soft lazy voice.

"Not now... I'm sleeping "I said moving to my otherside to get more comfortable.

"Justin "I heard again.

"What! "I looked up. Then I saw it... Her eyes were open. She had a smile on her face. I could feel the tears running down my face.

"Summer "I said and stood up. I walked towards her bed.

"Summer "I smiled.

"Omygod"Summer said. I turned around and saw zayn and Chris. Chris had a gun to Zayns head.

"Chris, no!"I shouted but then I heard a big bang.

"oh god!"I shouted and saw i was sitting in my chair. I looked to Summer and she was still laying eyes closed and zayn and Chris were gone.

It was all a dream.

I stood up and went to kiss Summer. "Morning, beautiful... Today might be your day so make it count okay "

The doctors walked in. "Morning sir... We are here to check up on miss Hathaway "he smiled

"Morning, "I replied

I left the room and went to my room.I looked at myself in the mirror and saw a hopeless wreck. I couldn't even look at myself,I was in desperate need of a shower or even a therapist.

I went to the bathroom and i brushed my teeth. I miss waking up to Summer's voice.She is so beautiful and amazing.

I got into the shower and washed me so quick it was unrealistic because I wanted to go Summer as fast as I could.

I got dressed and finally felt normal and refreshed again.

As I was walking a saw a group of girls chatting in the lounge. "Morning girls,aren't you suppose to be doing chores?"I asked them.

"Sorry Sir. "said Amber.

"But sir we haven't seen Summer in two weeks "asked Paige

"Girls,I'll speak to you later okay... I'll speak to everyone later "I told them and walked briskly away.

I came to the hospital section and saw Zayn and Maddy standing outside Summer's ward."Hi there"I said both got a fright and turned around

"Hey there"said Madison and i gave her a hug."You look.....good"she looked at me up and down With smile."Thanks, just thought I needed to take a shower you know...I still need to look presentable. "I laughed and so did Madison.

"Hey Zayn"I said to Zayn who kept lookin outside through this big window next to Summers ward."Hey"he said.

Zayn has become very distant and emotional over this past few days.He said that Summer and him just became close friends and that he will miss her dearly if she leaves us.I will miss her aswell but I'm not getting all emotional about it like he is.I dont want to ask him or else I made everything worst.

The doctor's finally came out."Justin, can I speak to you "said the one doctor.

"Sure doc"I said and he took me a side. "What's up?"I asked casual

"Sir,We did our normal check ups on Summer but this time we got a different result. "he told me looking at his note book he had in his hand.

"It seems like she had a lot of pain still in her chest and it is difficult to stop it. The morphine helps a bit but...Sir she had another heart attack but only a minor one. "

"What!"I tried not to shout but it was impossible. Summer is supposed to be getting better, not worst. "So what are you trying to say doc?"I asked him trying to hold back the tears.

"The 50% chance of her waking up had reduced to 40%"he said and walked away.

I walked away with my hands on my head,tears falling down. No no no no, this is not suppose to happen i thought to myself. "Justin,hey what's wrong?"I heard Madisons voice behind all my thoughts. "Justin,Bro what did he say?"I heard Zayn asked me aswell.

I sat down with my head in my hands. "This is not suppose to happen"I said."What Justin?"Madison asked

I can't loose her not now.Not when i need her the most.

"40%"I manage to say

"Bru,tell us what about 40%?"Zayn asked and sat next to me.Madison following Zayn afterwards.

"40% of waking up "I said and began crying so hard.I saw tears falling down Zayns cheeks. He stood up and walked to the window. Madison began crying aswell. I took her hand to comfort her but really I need comforting aswell.

This feeling was unbearable.

Zayns POV

40%.Summer has to wake up. Not when i thought I found my true love. This hurts so badly. I'm not talking to Madison,my love is in a comma where there's a 60% chance she might never wake up. This is unbelievable.

I went inside leaving Justin and Madison outside.I sat down next to Summer.I held her hand.It was so pale and cold. Cold as ice.She looked like she never ate in a while and she actually never ate in a while."Hey,Summer "I smiled through my crying.

"You know that 40% is bullshit, you can wake up.no.you will wake up"I cried.I couldn't take this pain looking at her knowing she has a bigger chance of dying.

So,i stood up and walked to the door to go and see how Justin and Madison was doing but then I heard someone say :


A/N and excitement fills in your body or will it be disappointment, idk maybe read the next chapter when i update :)

Thanks guys for being awesome readers and uhm for those few people that actually vote...You are AMAZING and I thank you for voting :)

Oh and thanks for 180 reads!! AWESOME THOOUUGG!

Sorry for all the mistakes, i know it's silly but my stupid auto check and uhm my grammar ain't so good aswell but atleast you can make out what I'm trying to say

Please vote and comment what you think of the book so far because I feel like it sucks because I'm getting not a lot of votes


Thanks hunnycakes :)

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