Who Will I Be?

By xosugarcookiexo

37.1K 570 139

Lizzie Jonas is part of McKinley High's New Directions. She has a blast, even though her two older brothers N... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Tweleve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen- Part 1
Chapter Sixteen- Part 2
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen- Part 1
Chapter Eighteen- Part 2

Who Will I Be?

5.2K 43 13
By xosugarcookiexo

Ok, so this is a revised kind of version of my orignal story with the same title. It is also the same concept, enjoy!!

Chapter One




Lizzie Jonas flinched as a cherry flavored slushy crashed into her body. The syrup dripped down from her shoulder length dark brown hair and into her brown eyes, making it painful to open them. Slowly, she opened her eyes and rolled them as she watched her brothers and their fellow football teammate Karofsky walk away.

“Nice one, Karofsky!” Joe’s laughed howled through the corridor as he highfived his fellow moron.

Karofsky threw away the ‘Big Gulp’ cup, “Thanks, bro! You’re sister is such a loser.”

“Definitely!” Nick chimed in.

Lizzie looked around the hall as students giggled, pointed, and smirked at the drenched student. Some looked horrified by the fact Joe and Nick, her own brothers, would let that happen to her. Lizzie used to be surprised too, but their bulling soon became a part of her day.

“Oh Lizzie…” Lizzie turned to see her friend Tina walking over to her.

She did a little pose, “Surprised?”

“Very!” Tina said sarcastically as she giggled. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”

The two walked towards the girl’s bathroom while everyone pointed and laughed. Yep, the kids of William McKinley High are entertained easily. The girls walked into the empty bathroom and headed to the sink area. Lizzie put her messenger bag on the ground next to her sink and started picking at the pieces of slushy in her hair. Tina came over with a damp paper towel.

“Thanks, T.” Lizzie smiled as she took the paper towel from the girl.

Tina smiled and nodded then frowned, “I can’t believe your own brothers do that to you.”

“I can.” Lizzie said as she dabbed at her shirt.

Nick and Joe may be older than Lizzie, but they definitely don’t act like it. Joe’s the oldest out of the three being seventeen, he’s a senior. Joe’s probably the worst; he just randomly shoves Lizzie into a locker or knocks her books out of her hands. Nick is a junior, just like Lizzie, and is sixteen, just like Lizzie. The two are only separated by a few months. Nick is quiet in the attacks, he may chime in a word or some laughter, but he never causes the attacks. Nevertheless, he watches it happen and does absolutely nothing about it.

The hate towards Lizzie started around the beginning of sophomore year. In Lizzie’s freshman year, the boys loved her! They would hug her in the hallway, and even carry a civil conversation with her. Then, Lizzie met Tina. Everyone in school labeled Tina the second she walked in, they called her an ‘Asian Nerd’. Lizzie befriended the girl and the two soon became best friends, Joe was skeptical but he was still nice towards the two girls.

Tina soon introduced Lizzie to her friends Artie Abrhams, a sweet boy in a wheelchair, Mercedes Jones, an African American diva who can belt out a soulful song on command, and finally, Kurt Hummel. Lizzie connected with all of her new friends, but she especially connected with Kurt. Kurt is the only openly gay student in the school, probably the only in Lima, and is a fashion god! Sometimes, his outfits make Lizzie want to be a guy. Sadly, Kurt is constantly bullied by the football team…as in her brothers.

Joe was outraged when he found out Lizzie was best friends with Kurt. He yelled, screamed, and even threatened to hurt her if she didn’t break off the friendship. Of course, she refused to stop being friends with the boy, making Joe and Nick give her the silent treatment for a week. Kurt kept on apologizing while Lizzie reassured him

“Kurt, quit it, they just need to cool off.”

He nodded, “Ok…but I’m still really sorry.”

After the week past, the boys started to talk to her again. Joe even stopped bulling Kurt for the rest of freshman year. Life went back to normal.

Well, until last year….sophomore year.

Around the beginning of the year, Kurt and Mercedes told Tina and Lizzie about auditions for glee club, Mr. Shue, the Spanish teacher, started it up again. He named it ‘New Directions’. The five, including Artie, sang every chance they got to. Whether it be the car, someone’s room, or anywhere in public, they would belt out a show tune or a Top 40 Hit. So, of course, they all signed up on the audition sheet.

Yeah….that didn’t sit well with Joe. Lizzie still remembers the fight they had after she got into the club.


“If you want to ‘perform’, just join the Cheerios!” Joe yelled in Lizzie’s room.

Lizzie snorted, “The cheerleading squad? Yeah, that’s so me.”



Lizzie jumped back; she wasn’t used to Joe yelling at her like that. Nick stood behind Joe, in the corner of her door.


“Joe! Calm down! I’m not going to ruin your reputation I-“Oh yes you are!” Joe interrupted.

He continued, “First you hang out with that Asian freak who introduces you to her misfit friends. THEN, you hang out with that gay kid, NOW you want to be part of Glee Club?! That’s social suicide.” Joe said through clenched teeth.


Lizzie put a strain of her hair behind her ear. Tears were welling up in her eyes, she wasn’t expecting this at all. She blinked back the tears then looked up at Joe.


“Well then, I guess I’m dead.” She smiled a bit.

Joe shook his head “Don’t expect me to protect you anymore.”


With that, the two boys left the room as Lizzie broke down into tears.


That’s when the bullying and slushy facials started. Everyone picked on the Glee Club but Lizzie didn’t care. She was happy being in that club, they were her friends.

“Good thing you’re wearing a black shirt.” Tina smiled.

Her voice snapped Lizzie back to reality as she looked down at her outfit. She was wearing a black shirt with a dark zebra stripped peace sign. She completed the outfit with black skinny jeans and black converse. The slushy strained some of the white in the peace sign red, but it was that bad.

“That’s as good as it’s going to get.” Lizzie smiled as she threw away the paper towel.

Tina sighed, “Great way to start the third day of junior year, huh?”

Lizzie giggled a bit as the two started to head out of the bathroom.

“Only the best for us!”

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