The Match Maker's Match

By wattisyourname

1.6K 60 5

At Belleford Academy, Olivia Amherst is the official matchmaker. Everyone goes to her for relationship advice... More

Prologue Olivia
Chapter 1 Tristan
Chapter 2 Olivia
Chapter 3 Tristan
Chapter 4 Olivia
Chapter 5 Tristan
Chapter 6 Olivia
Chapter 7 Tristan
Chapter 8 Olivia
Chapter 9 Tristan
Chapter 10 Olivia
Chapter 11 Tristan
Chapter 13 Olivia
Chapter 14 Sean
Chapter 15 Olivia

chapter 12 Olivia

63 3 0
By wattisyourname

Hey guys!
Make sure to read my new book Emerald Eyes but don't forget to read this one too. Don't forget to vote and comment!
I hated Tristan. At least I pretended to. This was the most miserable week of my life. I saw Tristan every day but I couldn't kiss him and hug him. I had to look away or glare at him. He hung out with Blaire and her air heads. I could only imagine what they were talking about and those thoughts made me laugh. Magazines, models, probably even Tristan right in front of his face. He was utterly bored with them and whenever someone tried to touch him he would step back and avoid it. I loved him even more for it, but there was on part about this that I really hated: Tristan had to pretend to date Ainsley and whenever he looked at her the lust in his eyes looked so real. I wanted to bitch slap that girl so hard...
Tristan and I had made up secret meeting plans in his house. I would go to his mansion and look through the windows to see if the coast was clear, then I would use a secret knock on the door that all the butlers knew. I felt like a kid, but anything for Tristan was worth it. Today was different. I went to his house and saw something that would stick in my mind for a long time.
Tristan, my beautiful Tristan, was making out with Ainsley. She was on top of him, flashing me. Ugh. Slowly she shed her minimal clothing and I ducked away. This was not something I wanted to see. Suddenly, I heard Tristan yelling at her. I looked back and she had his blanket wrapped around her. Thank goodness. He had his shirt off and I couldn't stop staring at him. The hard planes of his stomach, the light hair that lead down to his- she saw me. Ainsley saw me. Her eyes widened into saucers as she yelled.
"She's stalking you. She's fucking stalking you Tristan. What kind of girl is that? SHE JUST SAW ME NAKED. Get her out of here! JEFFERSON!" Jefferson ran into the room, face red with effort. He took one look at her in that blanket and I swear I crapped in my pants at the look he gave her. Perv. She was yelling at him but he just stared at her. Finally, she slapped him into awareness and told him to hunt for me. He knew where I was so he came around to the window where I was crouched down.
"Miss Olivia? Are you alright?" He asked, whispering. I nodded.
"Yeah I'm fine, but she slapped you." I reached out to touch his face. His eyes clouded over. Big mistake. He shook his head, knowing that I was Tristan's.
"This," he said pointing to his bushy beard, "could be a cushion for an anvil." I laughed and he quieted me. Whoops. He took my arm.
"Let's get you somewhere out of her sight. Now, you have to pretend to struggle against me okay?" I cracked my knuckles and my neck.
"Not a problem, Jeff," I said as he grabbed me. I let out a shrill scream.
"Leave me alone you bastard! Stop touching me! I'm in love with him! I need him! Stop! Ugh why are you so stupid?! Let. Me. Go!" I went on like this, sounding the most stupid I had ever been in my life. I saw plainly Ainsley's smirk in the window. The bitch. Jefferson hauled me out to the other side of the house where I couldn't be seen. I sighed and brushed myself off.
"Thanks, Jeff."
"No problem, miss." I smiled and say on the ground waiting for Ainsley to leave. It took an hour, but she finally left. I tiptoed through the house though there was nothing be afraid of. I stood at the door of Tristan's room, drinking him in. How could one guy be so damn beautiful? How could he be mine? His shirt was still off so walked up to him and put my arms around his neck from the back. He quickly turned around and smiled at me, giving me a quick peck on the lips. He wiggled his eyebrows when he saw me looking at his bare chest.
"Does this make you want to do something? Something really fun? Something that involves us both being completely and utterly naked?" I laughed and hit him with a plush pillow.
"Shut up," I said, still laughing. His face was suddenly serious.
"Just tell me when you're ready, love. I'll give it all to you." He whispered into my ear as he kissed it. "I love you so much, darling. You're mine. All mine, Olivia. My sweet, sweet Olivia. I want you so bad. I've been in so much pain, looking at your body for so long. What is it you do to me? Why are you so insistent on hurting me Olivia?" His words made me go weak in the knees.
I want you so bad.
I looked up into his sparkling, hungry eyes.
I've been in so much pain, looking at your body for so long.
I smiled wickedly, an idea forming in my mind.
What is it you do to me?
His words played over and over as I kissed him senseless.
Why are you so insistent on hurting me Olivia?
"You hurt me first, Tristan." I smirked as I walked out of his bedroom, leaving him groaning in pain.
I felt good after I played that little trick on Tristan. I knew he wanted me. I really didn't want to cause him so much pain but I just wasn't ready. The truth was that I was afraid. I was afraid that we would have all the sex in the world, he would get me knocked up and he would leave me like Dad left Mom. He was Tristan though. He knew me. He would never do that to me. Right? I felt so miserable. I couldn't talk to my mom about it because she would straight out freak. Who else did I have? Sean! I couldn't believe I forgot about him. Ever since he had started seeing Adonis I hadn't been talk to him much because he was either kissing him or on the phone with him. I called him up.
"Hey babe," he said. I could just see him lounging on his $50,000 leather couch with a basketball in hand.
"You referring to me or your actual babe?"
"Oh, hush, you guys are both my actual babes. You're just my girl babe and he's my sexy ass babe." I sighed into the phone.
"Okay... Anyway... I need to take a load off my chest."
"Yeah anything Liv,"
"Tristan wants to... You it?" He squealed.
"Oh my god what are you waiting for sister? Dude is a hunk!"
"I know, I know I just...I don't know if I'm ready, Sean. I don't want to be like Mom."
"Do you love him?"
"Yes! More than anything."
"Okay. Does he love you?"
"I really hope so. He's told me he does many times. We love each other so much, Sean."
"Then what do you think will make him leave you? I can bet money on it right now. You two will have ten children and grow old together so shut up and get in bed with him right now." I closed my eyes. What would I do without Sean?
"Thanks Sean, I really love you,  " "I know," I could hear the smirk in his voice. "What are you waiting for? You have a bed to christen."

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