Powerful Alpha (Completed)

By SarahlovesNiallH

1.1M 39.2K 1.5K

Emma Flum is not your average 19 year old girl. You see she's a werewolf. Emma enjoys nature a little to much... More

Powerful Alpha
Chapter one
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty (Final Chapter)

Chapter Fifteen

37.7K 1.4K 45
By SarahlovesNiallH

Emma's POV

Why am I throwing up? Werewolf's never get sick, could I be pregnant? I hope I'm not, I mean I want to be a mom and carry Tommy's pups but I don't think I'm ready, I'm only 19.

I brushed my teeth and went back to the room, Tom was still in bed, I was going to get dressed so I could go to the pack doctor, but Tom grabbed me by the waist and pulled me into bed, he started kissing my neck and patted my stomach then he brought his lips up to my ear and said "I hope there's a pup in there" I pulled his face down so I could see it and he looked so happy, but I needed to tell him how I felt so I just said it, "umm I don't want to be pregnant." His smile disappeared and he looked disappointed, "why not? A pup would complete us."

He was right all we needed was a pup and we'd be perfect, I put my hands on his cheeks, "I know that, but I'm only 19 and you're only 21 do you really think we're ready to be parents?"

"Yes Emma we are."

I went to the kitchen to have breakfast and I bumped into Nick, I forgot all about him but he helped get my mind off my little "fight" with Tom.

I told him I was going to the pack doctor and he told me he thought it was best if I go with Tom, I made my way back to the room and saw Tom getting dressed all he said was "let's go see the doctor," he walked right past me and made his way to the car.

The way there was really awkward, no one said anything until we got to the doctors house, "we're here." Was all Tom said before getting out and slamming the door. I wish he'd stop acting like this, it's not like I said I don't ever want kids, all I said was I don't think we're ready right now.

The doctor was nice, he was very welcoming, when he introduced himself he shook my hand and said, "I'm Evan, it's a pleasure to meet you Luna." I smiled, "please just call me Emma." Even after that he kept referring to me as Luna.

He told me to lay down on his examination table and lift my shirt, he looked at Tom with a worried expression, and said "it's the only way to find out if she's pregnant."

Tom nodded and doctor Evan continued his work, I glanced over at Tom and his hands were in fists, I know he's jealous, but we need to know if we're going to be parents. Evan finished checking everything and stood up. He walked over to Tom and said "well she isn't pregnant." Tom looked confused and asked "why did she throw up earlier?" Evan looked at me and said "it's normal for a she-wolf to feel or get sick after being away from her mate especially if while she was away she was scared. Tom walked over to me and lowered my shirt, then he helped me get up. We thanked doctor Evan and walked to the car.

We both stayed quite, I broke the silence.

"I'm sorry." Tom looked at me and put one of his hands on mine, "don't be" was all he said.

I know how much he wanted to be a father. I was so into my thoughts I hadn't noticed that we were home, Tom walked me to the door and said be ready at 9:30 were going out tonight, he pecked my lips and turned on his heels. "Where you going?" I asked, "pack business" was all he said before shifting into his large black wolf and running into the forest.

I'm glad Nicks here, he told me that most of the pack is going to a club tonight, if he wouldn't have told me I would be whining and begging Tom to tell me what I should wear. I went up to my room to find something that will drive Tom crazy. When I opened my closet a black and red dress caught my eye, perfect I thought to myself, I laid it on the bed and looked for the heels I was going to wear, I picked out a pair of plain black ones and set them on the side. I decided to take a quick shower. While I was in there I thought about becoming a mom and I actually want to be one, I think the reason behind that is because I saw how disappointed Tom looked when doctor Evan told him I wasn't pregnant. I can't wait to tell him!

When I got done blow drying my hair I decided to leave it down and put it in front of my shoulders. I pulled my dress on and slipped my heels on then walked over to the mirror to do my makeup, I'm not a big fan of makeup so I always try to keep it light, I put on some eye liner, mascara and red lipstick that matched the red on my dress. Right when I finished Tom walked in, he stopped walking and just looked at me, I put my head down trying to hide my smile but in seconds Tom was in front of me hold my chin making me look at him, "you look amazing" before I could respond him lips were on mine I pulled away and joked "you're going to ruin my make up" he laughed and said "even if I do you'd still be the hottest girl tonight." I blushed, "thanks but go get dressed before we're late."

He looked at me and said "maybe we should just stay home tonight, and finish what we didn't get done yesterday" honestly if I wasn't already dressed up I would have agreed with him but I'm all done so I need to go out. I pushed him and told him I'd be waiting in the living room.

I finally heard our bedroom door open and turned around to see Tom looking like one of those male models that you see in magazines and you just start to imagine doing naughty things with them, oh God I need to stop now. He walked up to me and said "we need to hurry I want to get there before everyone else." I nodded because I was still at a loss of words.

"This club just opened a few days ago, a lot of humans come here so stay close to me" Tom said as we neared the entrance of the club.

He held my hand and intwined our fingers. The music was blasted and there were sweaty people dancing all over the place. Most of the people were drunk, which isn't surprising. Tom pulled me though the crowd but I lost hold of his hand when a guy grabbed me from behind and pushed me against the wall. I looked at the guy running his hands up and down my legs and it was obvious he was a human I was about to knee him the the crotch but Tom had already punched him in the face and he was on the floor, Tom smiled at me and said "stay closer this time." I laughed and agreed, I was pretty much on top of Tom as we made our way through everyone.

A lot of pack members were here, even Jace was here with his mate, I think her names Anna, I haven't really gotten a chance to talk to her. Everyone was dancing, even me and Tom, actually Tom was standing there while I grind on him.

We made out a couple times and earned wolf whistles from the pack members but once Tom would look at them they'd stop and turn their attention away from us. Anna needed to go to the bathroom so she asked me to go with her, I agreed to go and after about 10 minutes of telling Tom I would be okay he let me go. Anna's actually really nice, she asked me if one day we could have a girls day, I loved that idea, I haven't had girls day for a while so this should be fun.

At about 2:30 AM we all decided to go home, I had fun tonight. It was only going to be Tom and I at home because Nick went home with a human girl.

Right when we walked into our room Tom push me on the bed and said "do you know how many guys were looking at you tonight?"

I smiled and asked "do you know how many girls were looking at you tonight?" He smirked and teased "jealous?"

"Um yeah?" Smashing my lips on to his he responded right away when I pulled away, "Tom I'm ready to be a mom." He looked shocked and said "don't joke around like that."

"I'm being serious I want to be one, I thought a lot today and I'm ready."

The look on his face made me so happy I really do feel like I'm ready now, I realized that there's nothing holding me back, school is done and it's not like I have anything else to do. Tom smirked at me and ripped of my dress.

"Hey that's one of my favorites, I could have just took it off," he looked up at me, "sorry babe I'll buy you a new one, I promise but right now we need to get to work on that pup!"



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