Collide | Teen Wolf | The Ori...

By king_bibibxch

251K 4.5K 930

"I have so many family secrets that starts a thousand years ago. I have so many secrets yet I know none of th... More

*.. Extended Summary ..*
What is going on. Side Note.
"We're gonna die"
"Martin?No? Mikaelson? Yes! Oh, I sound old."
"He's cute."
"Are we doing this again ?"
Back in New Orleans
"He looks like a real life Ken doll."
"If you're undistractable, why are your eyes glowing?"
Changes in the Original family
Santa Klaus on the loose.
Key to the Kingdom

Meeting the FAMILY without knowing it

13.1K 307 95
By king_bibibxch

I was sitting in the library, skipping classes. I was sitting at one of the tables, my head resting on my arms. I was so tired. All night I was dreaming about the Mikaelsons, my biological family. Let's just say it wasn't the best sleep I've had.

I was thinking of the pack, especially Lydia. After all the freshmen left the boat house she told me about the dead pool. To say I was worried about her would be an understatement. After everything that happened last year with the Alpha pack, the nogitsune, with her first love turning into a mutated lizard who killed people and many more things I don't even want to mention.

I couldn't help but think about how strained my relationship with my sister seem to be. Ever since we found put I was adopted, we seem to be drifting apart. I hated that.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when one of the chair scraped across the library floor. I heard someone sit down with a thud. To say I was shocked to hear a British accent speak, would be an understatement. "Luv, you look horrible."

"Wow! That's what every teenage girl wants to hear from a person who resembles Barbie." Was my sarcastic reply.

I heard a snicker coming from the opposite of where Rebekah sat, on my left. I sat up and came face to face with 2 unfamiliar girls. Both were beautiful. The one closest to me had dark hair that resembled my own, brown eyes that spoke of heartbreak and loss. She gave a bad ass vibe of, as someone who had seen enough of the world in her short time. She looked about a year older. What shocked was the uncanny resembles between the two of us.

The girl next to her screamed powerful. Not in the way Rebekah does, this girls power was warmer, to similar to my own to be consider normal. She was definitely a witch. She had dark blue eyes that contrasted beautifully with her dark hair that her to her shoulders. A cute button nose and rounded cheeks, giving her an innocent appearance.

"I'm Davina", the witch said. She gestures to the girl next to her. "Thats Haley. We're friends of Rebekah."

Yeah, I'm sure you are.


After walking away from Rebekah and her gang of supernatural, I went to the music room where Lydia said she wanted to meet. I was sitting on the piano chair reading trough my grimoire.

I was reading about my biological family. It was heartbreaking to say the least. I hate my grandmother and grandfather for what they did to their children. They really need to talk to Dr Phil.

I quietly shut the grimoire and slide it into to my backpack. I sat up and looked towards Lydia and Malia. I was really worried about Lydia. With the darach, Alpha pack, losing both Jackson and Aiden, not to mention the nogitsune, she was losing it. Many people don't see it but I do. She always has this distraught look in her eyes and that scares me.

I really hate the fact that she's a Banshee. Because of her being one, she hears voices and sees things that I can't help her with, forcing her to suffer on her own. All I could was be there and listened as she cried. I hated it.

After figuring the first cipher key of the dead pool at the lake house, she was constantly trying to break another third of it.

She was sitting in from of a blank canvas with a pencil in her hand. She was constantly tilting her head to the side to avoid Malias hovering. I get that she's anxious to see if her name is on the list, but come on! Give the girl some space.

Lydia kept trying to draw something, but every time she came close to the canvas with the pencil, she pulled it back.

"Stop hovering", she snapped at Malia with irration.

"I am not hovering", Malia scoffed with an equal amount of irration.

"Yes, you are", I pointed out from where I'm sitting.

She turned to me and said,"I'm waiting", she turned to Lydia and commanded,"Draw something. Write something. We need to know who's on the list."

Lydia huffed and corrected,"You mean you need to know if your on the list."

"Look, Malia," I started,"I know you wanna know if your on the list, but give Lydia space. She is not like us. She can't control her gift or curse like us."

After a few minute of silence and Malias hovering, Lydia finally told her to sit down.

I watched as my older sister tilt head, closing her eyes. Her eyebrows were pulled together in concentration, telling me she's hearing something we can't.

Just as her pencil was about to touch the canvas, I cried out as an idea hits me.

She turned to me and demanded,"What?".

"Maybe we need help from another Banshee", I shrugged.

"Meredith", she sighed.

They left after that, leaving me alone, in silence. I always hated the silence. I don't know why. I just do.

I turned on the piano bench and looked at the black beauty in front of me. It was a shiny black, classic piano. Just looking at at gave me the itch to play. My fingers twitched at the thought.

I pull up the piece of wood covering the white and black piano keys. I placed my hand gently on gently on the keys, my fingers ready to play the beginning keys. I take a breath and let go.


Klaus hated high school with a passion.

IN fact, he could count how many times his been in high school on his one hand. And both had been for his own evil plan.

The first time, he was possessing Alaric Saltzman. He needed to what the protectors of the doppelganger was planning to do to keep her alive. And the second time was due to Alaric Saltzman kidnapping the doppelganger and the girl he fancied in that time.

The second time he entered high school, he almost died. Yeah, he hated high school.

So it was a surprise for everyone, including him, that he volunteered to go to Beacon Hills High to check out Hope's school record.

All he had to do was go in, compel the lady in the front to give him his daughter's records and getting the hell out. He would be outside the school, if only he hadn't heard someone playing the piano.

He didn't think anything of it, until he recognized the melody playing.

He was confused about how whoever was playing it knew it, seeing that he had composed it. It was the very melody he played to his daughter before he had to give her away.

So he followed the sound. He was actually very impressed with whoever was playing it. It was fluent and you could hear that the player had a lot of practice with the piano. There was no mistakes, no pauses between the notes.

Followed the music through the school. He ventured into five different halls, that looked exactly the same, when he found the music room. He spotted a piano, a young girl was playing on it. He stood shocked for a moment. How did she know this? Last time she heard the piano piece was when she was a baby.

For the rest of the piece, he stood in the shadows. He was utterly fascinated with the way she moved her fingers across the keys. The way she closed her eyes, as if she was letting the music guide her.
It was a beautiful sight.

One he could've seen earlier, if he didn't send her away for her sentence.

As the music stopped, he saw how her shoulder went tense, as if she was sensing him in the dark corner. He knew she brushed it off the moment she let out a sigh. She closed the piano, grabbed her backpack and left the music room.

Completely unaware that a pair of blue eyes, matching her own, was watching sadly as she walked away.

Klaus stood there for a moment, finally taking in the fact that his little wolf grew up. It was a difficult lump the swallow.

As he stood there, tears gathering in his eyes, he pulled out his phone as called his brother to tell him what happened.


We were in Coaches office searching though all the lacrosse equipment. After Scott and Stiles revealed about the killer being on the team we all came here trying to figure out who it was.

There was a ton of lacrosse sticks scattered on his desk.

"Okay." Stiles sighed, running his hand through his hair. "This is a waste of time."

"You're right." I agreed, nodding my head. "Most of the team players use their own equipment."

"Maybe, instead of looking for a lacrosse stick with a hidden dagger, we should find a way to cancel the game." Kira suggested.

Scott shakes his head and says, firmly,"The game is the easiest way to catch the assassin red handed."

Stiles and I turn to looked at him with an expression that screams 'are you crazy'. Stiles has one of his spastic moments and asked, with an WTF expression,"What if he's red handed because of the blood of his victim is dripping from them?" He pointed to Kira and Scott. "Which, by the way, could be either of you guys."

Scott looks at Kira and says with determination,"I'm not scared. Are you?"

I gotta give this points. Even if she's scared, she still said,"No."

"Well, you know what?" I cry out in exasperation. "I'm scared, Scott. I am absolutely terrified and my name isn't even on that list yet. I am petrified for both of you. Let me remind you that either of you can be the target, meaning either of you could die tonight."

"Or Liam", Scott sighs in defeat, looking at the table. He looks to his best friend. "We don't have the whole list, and he can be on it. Or you." He added, looking at me with worried eyes. I nod, agreeing with both statements.

"We don't know anything about that list. How it's updated, how it's made." Stiles raised his eyebrows before continuing. "How do they know which of you have supernatural senses, anyway?"

"How dis they know about me anyway?" Kira asked softly.

"Banshee", I whisper, an idea hitting me.

Scott turns to me, a confused frown across his face.

I quickly explain. "Think about. Witches can feel and see an aura around the supernatural. A werewolf of coyote, or something similar can only smell them. Both can detect a supernatural up close. But a Banshee can be halfway across the world and hear the supernatural. This means that whatever's hunting us isn't human."

Scott nods before he asks,"Does that mean he or she can be on the list ?"

"Hell yeah it can."


I was standing in the school yard with Scott and Stiles. My hands were interlaced with Scotts. They wanted to see the competition for tonights scrimmage. They were talking when we heard Liam shouting.

"Brett!" Shit! I forgot it's his old school that we're playing.

We rush forward to stand in front of the crowd that surrounded the two boys. Brett was freakishly tall, or I was freakishly short. To make myself happier, we're going with the former.

Liam was shaking with anger. Glaring at Brett, he said,"I just wanna say", he paused. The whole crowd was holding their breaths because of the tension between the two. He put his hand out and say,"Have a great game."

The whole team laughs at him. Brett steps forward. "Is that what they said in anger management classes? Apologize and everything will be okay? You demolished Coaches car."

"I paid for it." He looked like he was gonna rip his throat out. With Liams anger? That will most definitely happen.

"Your gonna pay for it." Brett threatens Liam.

I rush forward to stand by Liams. I glare at Brett and hiss. "At least he's got balls to admit when he did something wrong." Out of the corner I see Scott and Stiles dragging a pissed of Liam away.

Brett looks me up and down, lust clearly in his eyes. "One night with me, and I'll show what real balls look like."

I raise my eyebrow and confess."I'm not into boys-"

"Well that's disappointing." The rest of his team hooted and made suggestive moves behind him.

I cross my arms under my chest. "-I'm into men." I notice his aura around him. My powers are still slow. I stand on my toes and whisper in Bretts ear. "I'd watch what you say next, Beta. I have an Alpha on my side." With that, I punched him in the stomach and strutted of.


I was sitting next to Scott on the bench, next to the field. I look at him and smile. I bump his shoulder playfully and flirted,"Have I said how sexy you look in your lacrosse gear."

"No, but I would like to hear you say it."

I was laughing at that, when 3 huge players from Devenford Prep walked in front of us. I whistled. "Jeez! What do they feed them ? Steroids? God, you are huge!" Scott chuckled at my outburst.

I looked around and saw Garrett, sitting a few feet away from us. Scott told me about his suspicion about Garrett being the assassin. "Shouldn't we do something now?"

Scott turned to look where I was looking at. "No, this is the only way to catch him. And if we do something now, and it isn't him the real assassin gets away."

"That sucks."


I turn around when I hear a familiar British accent call my name. I saw Rebekah, Davina and Haley standing with a cute boy. His arm was wrapped around Davinas waist. I lift my hand and wave to them. I turn back to Scott, placing a lingering kiss on his cheek. I whisper in his ear. "Good luck."

I stand up and walk to Rebekah. "Hey Barbie impersonator."

She glared at me. Her glare was as scary as Lydia's. Truly that is scary. "I still hate that nickname. But, anyway, I want you to meet my youngest brother Kol." She was gesturing to the boy who's arm was wrapped around Davina's waist.

"Hello Kol."

He smirked at me. It was the type of smirk that said 'I know something you don't'. "Hello, darling, nice to finally meet you. My sister won't shut up about you."

I nod, an understanding expression o my face. "I understand. I wouldn't shut up about me to. I mean, I am awesome."

Everybody chuckled. I saw Coach blow the whistle, signalling that the game is about to start. "Alright, how about we sit down and enjoy the game."

----------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------

Heya!! Sorry for the over due update!! So tell me what you thought about this chapter.

Please go check out my other stories!!

Morning Star Witches || It's a The Originals fan fiction

Dhampir || It's a Rose Hathaway and Jeremy Gilbert pairing. TVD Fan Fiction

Wonderland || It's a Stefan Salvatore love story.

Dark One, Dearie || It's a Descendants fan fiction.

Shadowhunter || It's a Scott McCall fan fiction.

And my newest book is a Harry Potter fan fiction!! It's called Merlyn in the Goblet of Fire!!

Go check these out if you want!!! Tell me what you think!

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