Hold You Down

By HippyHilda

11.4K 453 151

(Book #2: Rich Kids series) Brooklyn and Travis have been tight for over 13 years. They've always been the i... More

1| Brooklyn
2| Travis
3| Brooklyn
4| Travis
5| Brooklyn
6| Travis
8| Travis
9| Brooklyn
10| Travis
11| Brooklyn
12| Travis
13| Brooklyn
14| Travis
15| Brooklyn
16| Travis
17| Brooklyn
18| Travis
19| Epilogue

7| Brooklyn

545 20 13
By HippyHilda

"Do you really have to go?" Gabe whined as he walked me outside to my car. "It's kind of late for you to be going anywhere at this point," he continued plead with me.

"It is late, which is why I need to head home. Plus, tomorrow is a school day and I need to be up, alert." Gabe playfully frowned and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me in close.

"Fine. Call me when you reach home?"

"Of course." I assured him and pecked his cheek.

He gave me a disapproving look before speaking. "Damn, I make you a bomb dinner and all I get is a cheek kiss."

I cackled softly. "And what's wrong with a cheek kiss?"

"It pretty much means we're just  friends and we both know that's not the case." 

I looked off into the distance because in my mind we were just that, friends. I mean we go on dates and he treats me like his girl now, which I love. However, I still have my doubts so I'm taking it slow with Gabe until it feels right give this thing a label.

"Technically, we are just friends." I replied and he dropped his arms from my waist, giving me an uneasy look.

"Babe, don't make that face," I said, smacking my teeth. "I didn't say that I don't want this go beyond friendship, I'm just pointing out that we're not there yet. Now, give me a kiss," I added before poking my lips out.

Gabe played me and kissed my cheek. I rolled my eyes at his pettiness and his mouth formed a small smile to display his dimples. "You kiss all your friends on the lips?"

"Nah, only you. Now give me my kiss so I can make curfew." I snatched his shirt collar up before he could deny me and softly pressed my lips on his for a brief second.

"Aggressive, I like it." Gabe stated with newly cherry colored cheeks.

"Yeah, whatever. I'll call you when I get home." I opened my car door and settled in the front seat.

"Alright, babe. Be safe," he muttered, closing the door for me.

"Night." I put the key in the ignition and drove off from the apartment complex. In the midst of riding home, my mom called my line. I had to double check my watch to see if I was running late.

"Yes, mama?" I answered her once I got to a red light.

"Hey, you're on your way home I hope." I sighed at her reminding me of the curfew.

"Yes, mother. I'm leaving Izzy's house now. I should be home in about 15 minute if this traffic light turn green already." I casually lied to her.

"Okay, good. I need you to swing by the store for me. Get me a gallon of milk, two boxes of lucky charms, and two bags of cheese ruffles. I'll pay you back for it when you get here," she finished stating her grocery list and I giggled.

"Mama, I thought you were on a diet." I reminded her as I steered into Wal-Mart's parking lot to go get her unneeded junk food.

"No, Krissy is the one on the diet and I refuse to starve myself like that." I shook my head with a smile because I firmly remember them both committing to eating better and now she's backing out after only a week of trying.

"I got you mama. I'll be home with your stuff shortly." I assured her before hanging up the phone as I looked for a parking spot in the crowded lot. You'd think the store was a hang out spot the way people kept it packed all the time.

When I got inside, I replayed in my mind everything she said that she wanted. "Milk, lucky charms, and--cheese ruffles." I mumbled to myself and headed to get the milk first since it was closest to the area I was standing in.

Strolling over to the dairy section, I peeped a familiar face deciding on whether cheddar or mozzarella cheese was the one for him.

"Hey." I politely spoke and it caused him to turn around to face me with a pleasant grin.

"Sup, shorty. Question for you. Do people use cheddar cheese or mozzarella for mac and cheese?" Isaac appeared clueless when asking me about the varieties of cheese.

"Definitely cheddar," I advised him and he nodded before tossing the cheddar cheese packets in his shopping cart.  "You're obviously not the one cooking." I added in a as a matter-of-fact tone.

"You'd be right. Moms is cooking me a big dinner for me tomorrow night because I got a promotion at my job today, but of course I have to buy the ingredients." Isaac's face lit up when discussing his accomplishment.

"Oh, that's dope. Congrats."

"Preciate that. You should come through and eat with us. My parents seem to love you more than the both of us anyway," he joked.

"Lies you tell." I playfully rolled my eyes.

"So you coming or what?" Isaac asked once again as he pulled his dreads up in a ponytail and zoned in on my eyes.

"Um, I don't know. I already be at y'all house so much, you should be tired of me by now." I mumbled and Isaac shook his head to disagree.

"Nah, I never get tired of seeing you come by. Hell, you should come by more and chill with me but that's another conversation because I know you got a man." I smiled nervously.

 "Ok, I'll be there. Just text me what time--and I don't have a man fyi." I subtly confirmed to him.

"That's not what I heard," Isaac muttered under his breath while staring me up and down like a plate of enticing food. I couldn't even control myself from blushing slightly at how he was scoping me out. It was flattering.

"Ehh, it's complicated I guess." I shrugged it off and grabbed the carton of milk. My eyes roamed around the store and I peeped another recognizable face in the store as well. At first glance, I was convinced that that was Travis who he was being chummy with, but my best friend for sure doesn't rock a male bun like the guy Marco was holding hands with.

It caught me so off guard that I wasn't sure how exactly I was supposed to act. Was I supposed to confront him or just tell Travie to watch out? Then again, Marco could just be friends with that guy and I'm over exaggerating my findings. 

Just when I almost decided to let it all go. A kiss to the lips sealed what I originally thought was going on. Marco was a two timer and I was going to make sure I tell Travis exactly what I saw.

"Yo, you good? You look like you saw a ghost." Isaac snapped me out of my thoughts with his comments.

"Um, yeah. Just a deep thought. What were you saying?"

"Ah, so I'm boring you I see."

"Of course not. I love talking to you." I reassured him.

"You like talking to me so much that you still haven't gave me your number...What is up with that?" I giggled softly.

"What's the point? Your sister told me that she gave it to you a few weeks ago after you asked for it. Now, I'm just wondering why you haven't used it yet. Scared?" I teased with a small grin.

"Never that B." Isaac grinned before licking his lips.

"So, that means I should be expecting a call like really soon then."

Vote, comment, and whatever else :)

How will Travis respond to what Brooklyn tells him and will he believe her?

DO you see a future for Gabe and Brooklyn?

Are you surprised that Marco is a cheater?

(S/N: question for another book. Would you prefer a:

1. Detective

2. World Traveler

3. Doctor)

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