
By mieschkaloveszayn_

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Many years from now slavery has returned.The world is runned by rich,manipulative and heartless men. Summer h... More

what happened last night
holding onto you
Hi im Perrie.
As long as you love me
blue laced dress
my babygirl
I dont need your love too
change my mind
trust and betrayal
You and I
im the reason for your misery
family reunions
your love was a lie
heart brakes or happiness ?
hatred or forgiveness?
its okay to give in
hopes turned hopeless
Plans for love
A night out
Our first time together
anger issues or love issues?
dreams or warnings?
who to blame.
help from runaways&&enemies
rescue mission 101.
Life or death? (For the second time)
An exclusive interview with Zayn and Justin
the truth will set you free.
Everything fell into place.

critical but stable

37 6 1
By mieschkaloveszayn_

Summer's POV

I was on kitchen duty and busy with the dishes. Everyone talking about endless stupid girl things and only one thing on my was Zayn and Maddy. I didn't know what to do or what to feel.She's my best friend and his my true love.I wish magic could solve this but my mom always told me magic doesn't solve life problems.

"Hey,Summer"I heard someone in the backround of my thoughts. I thought it was my mind just playing tricks because I wasn't really taking note. "Uhm Summer "she said again this a bit louder.someone shook me."Summer "

I came back to my senses."Oh uhm yes?"I said and then I felt my hand having a burning sensation. "Your hand"iturned and looked my hand was under boiling hot water.I immediately pulled it out."Aah"I shrieked. "You need ice?"asked Paige. "it's fine I ca-"i fell to the ground


I woke up and saw,Justin sitting next to me.I looked around and saw,medication standing next to me and noticed i was in the hospital section of Justins Mansion. "Justin "

"omg SUMMER ! "he shouted

"Shhhh"I laughed

"You okay?"he asked me

"ya, what happened? "I asked

All I could remember was Paige asking me if I need ice and then everything went blank.

"I don't know summer, the doctors can't diagnose you... You fainted and we couldn't wake you up. You were asleep for 2 days now Summer "

I saw the relief in Justins eyes.

Two days.Wait, i remember my mom told my once that when I'm older and my powers will be getting stronger i will experience weird things. I think this is one of those weird things. I never learnt how to control my powers and I'm scared my powers are going to get strong and then something bad will happen.

"Wow"I said

"But how you feeling?"he smiled

"I'm fine "I sighed."Just very tired "I lied to get him out of the room to try something.

"Now sleep,i need to go finish some things and I'll be Back"he kissed my forward and left.

I remember my mother taught me something when I was little to maintain my powers for a few hours. It was almost like meditating but also completely different.

I had to think of a good memory. Let my powers run through the memory so that it gets a taste of a good feeling.

The first memory that came to mind was our first kiss. I remember that inside and out, all the feelings I experienced.... Everything.

I concentrated my powers and let it run through my head and suddenly I got a pain in chest and head. It started off light and sooner the pain got worst. I tried easing it with a spell but everytime i try, it gets worst

"JUSTIN!! "I screamed in terror and pain. Scared of what was happening with me. This pain was unbearable. I waited for justins response but still nothing.

"Fuck "I cursed holding my chest. It felt like my heart wanted to leap out of my chest.

I began crying. "Justin,please "I cried.

"JUSTIN!!"I shouted once more.The doctors came speeding in and i could hear nothing. My vision became blury and i just heard the doctor and nurses shouting something about clear. I saw Justin running inside. He dropped to the floor and began crying.

I couldn't stop myself and my eyes went shut.

Justin's POV

I came into the ward immediately when the nurses summoned me l.

As I entered i saw Summer's eyes closing and the doctors doing that clear thingy. I wouldn't know what it is because I don't like doctor shit.

I fell to the ground and began crying because that's my baby they working on.

One nurse walked quickly to me."Sir,im sorry but you need to leave, we'll call if she wakes up"she helped me up and walked me and closed the door on my face

"If?"I started crying more. I sat in the waiting room for about an hour and finally the doctor came out

"Sir,Summer had heart attack but we could revive her but not fully so it's kind of bad and good new at the same time so... Summer is critical but stable so it's up to her if she will live or.... Die "he said looking down

"So what you saying she might die if she doesn't do something about it herself? "he looked at him with the tears filling my eyes

He nodded."I'm sorry but you can go see her now if you like "he said and walked away

Liam came storming in. He looked at me and flew his arms around me."Liam she might leave us"I cried.

I saw Liam was crying aswell. "C-can i see her? "he asked

I nodded"Call Zayn"he said

"Why"I asked curiously

"Just do it Justin "

I did what he said and he went into the ward

Liams POV

When I walked into the ward and saw Sumner laying in the bed i couldn't keep my tears back.It just kept coming and coming and my heart felt like I lost a piece of it.

I sat down and held her hand."Summer, don't leave me please... Just try to fight you are strong and i n-need you Summer.I wanted to protect you but I can't do that right now Summer."I cried

"Summer I'm sorry for leaving.I had to leave.I remember the first time I held you in my hands, you were a tiny little baby...so vulnerable and precious. Mom always told me not to brake you because you were so tiny. Summer i wish I was there to watch you grow up but Summer I'm here now,your big brother is here now and he doesn't want you to give up...please j-just don't go Sumner "I began crying

Zayns POV

I was sitting in my office doing some shitty paper work and i got a phonecall. The caller ID said Master Justin Bieber.

I didn't want to answer but it could be something important

"Sup"I said

The first thing I heard was sobbing. This the first time I heard Justin crying.

"Justin,what's wrong?"I asked

"Summer,Zayn"he said

I began to worry "What about her? "I said

"She had a heart attack and the doctors said she might die. "he cried

"what?I'm coming okay?!"I didn't even wait for a response i just put the phone down.

"NIALL!"I shouted. Niall came running in.

"Yes sir?"he asked out of breath

"Get me my car I'm going to Justins"I said, i ran upstairs and i got my jacket.When i cane outside my black Bentley was standing outside.

I didn't know what to think and i was speeding so fast not even knowing what to.When i came to the robot. The tears just fell down.I was crying so hard it didn't want to stop.The only time I cried this much was when my parents died.

I came to Justins house and he opened the door. "Zayn"he said and ran past him inside.

"Where is she!?"I shouted

"in the hospital ward Zayn,follow me"

I followed him and when we got there i ran into the ward. When I saw her laying there i fell to the ground and began crying.

"Summer "I mentioned her name in my endless sobs

A/N so what do you think is going to happen to Summer?So Liams Summer's brother, do you think she heard it? I don't know why not read the next chapter hey?


Please please please vote :)

Thanx hunnybears

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