REWRITING A 180 Degree Turn

By NicholasChase

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Okay, guys. I am so sorry for being such a crappy author, but I have my reasons. I will be updating this stor... More

Chapter One - A 180 Degree Turn
A 180 Degree Turn [BoyXBoy] Chapter 2
A 180 Degree Turn [BoyXBoy] Chapter 3
A 180 Degree Turn [BoyxBoy] Chapter 4
A 180 Degree Turn [BoyXBoy] Chapter 5 PART 1
A 180 Degree Turn [BoyXBoy] Chapter 5 PART 2
A 180 Degree Turn [BoyXBoy] Chapter 6
A 180 Degree Turn [BoyXBoy] Chapter 7
A 180 Degree Turn [BoyXBoy] Chapter 8
A 180 Degree Turn [BoyXBoy] Chapter 10
A 180 Degree Turn [BoyXBoy] Chapter 11
A 180 Degree Turn [BoyXBoy] Chapter 12
A 180 Degree Turn [BoyXBoy] Chapter 13
A 180 Degree Turn [BoyXBoy] Chapter 14
A 180 Degree Turn [BoyXBoy] Chapter 15
A 180 Degree Turn [BoyXBoy] Chapter 16

A 180 Degree Turn [BoyXBoy] Chapter 9

2.4K 75 18
By NicholasChase

Gabriele’s POV

“Hurry up Yelle-nii!” Elizabeth whined. Nicholas remained silent the whole time.

I’ve been inside the bathroom for a long time because I was avoiding Elizabeth until we the time we get to the movies so she won’t be able to style my hair and change my choice of clothes to some super formal, model clothes. My snug shirt and plain skinnies were comfortable enough. I’ve been jetlag the whole day. I deserve comfort.

“Kids, stop dawdling and get in the car. You’re going to make us late!” We heard my maman call from outside my bedroom door. Success!

I heard Elizabeth screams of protest fade and I slowly opened my bathroom door to make sure she doesn’t make last minute changes.

The whole family was outside waiting for me and my sister, Giuliana. When papan made sure we were all here, he drove off to the movies for some family bonding time.

Dylan’s POV

“Alex, put this coat on. You too, Cathy. I don’t want your grandma scolding me for getting you guys sick.” We were going out for dinner and Catherine and Alexander where being a handful. William surprisingly listened to me the whole time.

“Cathy, you can’t –for the last time, bring King Midas.” King Midas was Catherine’s goldfish. She named her goldfish after the king who turns everything he touches into gold. Smart kid.

Catherine was basically pouting and I had reservations for dinner so if we don’t go soon, we’d be late. But I couldn’t scold her. We’ve basically only known each other for a day and a half. Besides, she’s only three.

I crouched ‘til our eyes were levelled. “Okay, pumpkin, I’ll make you a deal.” I will try negotiating.

Catherine’s eyes lit up when I tried to make an agreement with her. She ran back to the guest room to leave King Midas. She was in my arms as fast as her little legs took her. I carried her to the car where her brothers patiently sat and played with their PSP and 3DS.

In my days, I played outside. I never stayed long with my Gameboy. Maybe I’ll take them fishing with me when I go on my usual travelling with friends every summer. And if Gabriele doesn’t completely hate me, I can bring him along, too.

My wolf whined at the thought of Gabriele hating us.

We were going to have a more than thirty minute drive to the restaurant. And that is if there’s no traffic. It’s a quarter to eight and I made reservations for eight.

“So, daddy,” Catherine trailed off in a happy tune.

“Yes, Cathy?”

“Let’s go to Igloo fow ice cweam. I want a stawbewwy, vaniwa and pistachi-o triple sundae with chocolate and caramel sywup. Also, I’d like rainbow spwinkles. Ooh, and apple fruit cuts with whip cream.” She listed off, sometimes not pronouncing words properly which is adorable. I swear –Igloo served really unhealthy stuff to kids.

The boys perked up when they heard ice cream and enumerated what type of ice cream they want.

“Okay, we can go there tomorrow after lunch.” I promised after their mini-rant.

We still had twenty more minutes until we got there when Alexander suddenly brought out a topic of their old neighbour.

“Daddy, we had a neighbour named Jack.” Alexander started.

“Oh. And what’s so special about this Jack?” I asked.

“Well, Jack’s a boy and he’s married to another boy named Henwy.” Catherine said.

I tensed up at the mention of gays. I haven’t known them that long so I didn’t know if Sue or her mom brought them up to hate on gays. I sure hope not. Their staying with me would be very awkward if they find out I’m gay and dating Gabriele.

Or maybe used to date Gabriele after he finds out I have kids.

“Granny says people who like the same gender are called gays. Sometimes grandpa calls them the f-word. He gets angry whenever Jack and Henry hold hands when they pass by our house.” William stated.

Catherine nods. “Yeah. But mommy says don’t be like gwandpa. She also told us that the f-word is bad. They have feelings too. What does the f-word mean anyway, daddy?”

The f-word? “The f-word?” I ask them. William whispers in a soft voice, as if scared I’d scold him, “F-fag.” William stuttered.

Oh. How do I say this? “The f-word is a bad word.” I agree with what Sue taught them, “It’s bad to call people that word because it’s an insult. It hurts their feelings.” And I asked hesitantly, “What do you guys think about gays?”

“They’re weird. But I only know Jack and Henry that’re gay.” Alexander says bluntly.

I can’t believe I’m having a conversation on gays with my three-year old children.

Alexander adds, “But they’re nice and give me cookies when I play outside. Mrs Clay’s weird too. She has a house full of cats. And there’s also Mr Jones. He’s our school’s janitor. One time, when I went out to pee, I saw him pull in a lady into an empty room. I think he’s alien because I heard screams in the-”

I nearly hit another car when I swerved a little to the right when my son begins to explain his school janitor who obviously had a quickie. Thank goddess he’s only three. I really don’t want to talk about this with him.

I glanced quickly at my children who were acting like nothing happened.

“I see many people going kissy like Jack and Henry. I don’t see why gwanpa don’t like them.” Catherine voices her opinion. “Gwandpa says they shouldn’t live and that they’re wrong and god doesn’t wike them. I thought god loves evewyone. Maybe gwandpa forgot that part of the bible.”

I smiled at my daughter.

“Don’t you think they’re icky or anything?” I ask them again.

William scrunches up his small nose. “All couples are icky.” He states.

I had to laugh at that. My children are absolutely amazing.

I parked outside and I held Alexander while Catherine and William ran towards the restaurant. The lady waiting outside smiled down at William. She looked like she was in her early forties.

“Hey there! What’s your name?” She asked William. William pointed to himself, “I’m Will.” William points to Catherine, “This is Cathy.” William then points to Alexander, “That’s Alex with daddy.”

The lady’s eyes widened when she saw me. She gave me a soft smile, “Hello, Dylan. Your mom told me about the situation. And you’re late.” Mandy greeted me playfully.

Mandy was an alpha female from a nearby pack. My mom and Mandy are really close friends and I would often make reservations with my friends or family here. It’s a nice semi-formal place with a homey feel to it.

I smiled at her sheepishly, “Sorry, auntie. The kids were being difficult.” I playfully poked Catherine. She giggled and followed the waiter who showed them our table.

I lifted them up one by one so they all sat on the comfy cushioned chairs. Mandy was going to personally serve us tonight.

“I’ll have the usual.” I said. Mandy nodded and wrong on her iPad mini and sent the order to the chef.

It’s a really modernized place though the décor says otherwise. The restaurant was dark at some places and bright in others. Music of all genres played softly. You could hear the soft chatter of the customers.

“Already on it. What would you kids like?” Mandy turned to my children who were ready to order.

“Fried chicken.” They said in unison. Mandy chuckled and listed that down.

“Drinks?” She asked. We all ordered a large iced tea. Mandy left to get more orders. “Just raise your hand when you need me, alright?” And she went to welcome in a new customer.

The waiter set down our drinks after a minute and William, who was beside me, pulled my sleeve to get my attention.

“Yeah, Will?”

“Can I get cookie ice cream sammich later?” He gave me his puppy dog eyes which worked well on me seeing as that he’s literally a puppy. I groaned in defeat and agreed.

Before the food arrived, I asked them to go wash up first and I’ll follow soon. William and Catherine ran towards me a moment later, their hands and clothes all wet.

“Daddy, Alex had a nosebleed.” Catherine informed me. I checked my pocket to see if I had some tissue or maybe a handkerchief and told the other two to stay at the table as I went to where Alexander was.

I opened the men’s room and called for my son. I heard Alexander scream “Daddy!” and I went around the corner to find Alexander being cleaned up by some guy. And not just any guy.

“Alex?” I called him.

The guy helping him turned around and I knew I wasn’t dreaming.

“Dylan?” Gabriele asked, shocked.

“Gabriele!” I said his name and gave him a guilty smile.

“Daddy!” Alexander screamed and looked at me; his nose was stuffed with tissue paper.

“Daddy?” Gabriele asked.

“Gabriele, you’re early.” I stated the obvious. He stared at me, waiting for an explanation. “I can explain.”

Just then, the door burst open and Catherine and William entered the bathroom, “Daddy, the food’s ready.”

Nice. Really nice.

Then, I remembered the fortune cookie.


I see what you did there. Stupid correct Chinese cookies.

Good because my love is finally home. Bad because I have no idea how to explain this situation.

“We’ll talk about this tomorrow.” Gabriele said coldly. His small body shook bit. He lifted his head and glared at me.

“You’re lucky I like kids.” Gabriele said with unshed tears in his eyes and walked out before I could say anything.

My kids were too busy admiring Alexander’s bloody nose to notice my exchange with Gabriele. The only exchange I wanted when he got back was the exchange of out saliva. Guess I’m not getting any lip action seeing as that Gabriele looked like he wanted to murder me.

Alexander’s nose was still bleeding a bit and I helped him clean up so that we could start dinner.

My children were eating and chatting with each other. I slowly ate and watched my kids which made me smile despite the situation. If everything fails between me and Gabriele and I know I won’t live if that happens, but I’ll try.

I’ll try because I still have them.


A/N: Corny and boring. I know. o.O

Summer is the season of writer’s block and corny story lines. For me, that is.

Enjoy, vote, comment and fan.


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