Railgun Online Book 4: Aliciz...

By MisakaLovesYou

28.7K 961 524

One bright sunny day, Mikoto Misaka and her cousin Shino Asada decided to meet their friends Kazuto and Asuna... More

Prologue: A Forgotten Life
Explanation of Fluctlights
The Trap.
The Underworld
A Scarlet Priestess in Rulid Village
Scarlet Rain and Viral Railgun
In Her Shoes
She Is The Railgun
The Journey to Find Alice
The Mother's Rosario
River Spirit
Crimson Automaton Koloktos
Thevos The Taker
Guilty Wing
Roll Roll ROOOOLLLLL!!!!
The Black Snow Princess and the Ocean Storm.

The Search

1.1K 43 18
By MisakaLovesYou

Down in Tokyo.. things were in chaos..

As Squad cars rolled into the streets.. reports were coming in of a rather very angry, white haired, demon tearing apart men with guns.

Of course, the men with guns weren't anybody from the police force, but rather an elite private security team, full of professional mercenaries.

Not that any mercenaries stood a chance against this particular assailant.

"Talk to me Yuko! What are we dealing with here!?" Sergent Daniel Mills growled as he got out of his squad car.

The African American Sergeant Mills just so happened to be the brother of an Andrew Mills who lived in Academy City as the owner of a café, one who was also better known as Agil from ALfheim Online.

The two brothers both shared the same powerful large physique, with the difference in appearance being that Sergeant Mills possessed a short well trimmed mustache.

"It doesn't look good." said one squad member, as he holstered his large gun and checked the straps of his bullet proof vest. "Tactical teams aren't going to do much good, this guy Mills.. this guy is taking down the most elite security team in the world!! These guys are resourced all over the world!! The lead company is in America so they've got all the top tech and everything!! And yet this one guy is taking em!!"

"CRASHHHHHHH!!!!" A massive black tank, one of the security company's advanced tactical weapons for heavy duty crowd control, was sent hurtling out of the wall of the giant company building.

The tank exploded in a massive fireball across the street and many of the police jumped and ducked in fear.

"One guy is doing that!!" Yuko cried out weakly. "ONE GUY!!!"

"Yeah yeah.. I guess you'd expect it if you were dealing with a Level 5 Esper." said Mills. "My bro knows the guy.. I can probably arrange to have a talk with him.."

"He'll rip your head off!!"

"Really?" said Mills chuckling. "Has there been any casualties?"


"All that chaos and nobody's dead." said Mills. "Well, somebody's keeping him under control, and I'm one of the last people that somebody would want this Esper to kill.."

At the top of the building.. in a company room which was being riddled with gunfire.. Asuna Yuuki was typing frantically at a laptop. She wore a pink ski-cap and a blue windbreaker, and was trying to follow the instructions of a similarly dressed Kazari Uiharu, who was pressing a towel to her arm on a bullet wound.

"N-now.. type in Function: Secure PDF Format.." said Uiharu with pained effort. "And it should be in a format perfect for the flash drive.

"Got it!" said Asuna. "Don't worry Uiharu-chan! We're going to get you some medical help! Just hang on!"

"It's my arm Yuuki-san." said Uiharu, trying her best to smile reassuringly. "I don't think it's fatal."

Asuna tapped the earwig mike on her. "Hey! Accelerator!! How's it looking!?"

"I'M A BIT BUSY!!!" Accelerator roared from the floor below where bullets were deflecting from him before they could even touch his body. He launched himself at the men all holding M16s and slammed his hand into the floor.. the floor crumbled in various areas, sending the men falling another floor down.

Accelerator then clicked his tongue and a massive surge of wind exploded from him, sending gunmen flying.

A giant mech tank, a model obviously from Academy City, roved in, aiming it's giant powerful arms at Accelerator. Accelerator knocked the arm aside with a flick of his wrist and kicked the mecha.. causing it to sail through 15 walls and explode.

"Not that I ain't having fun or anything!" said Accelerator. "But I only have a 30 minute charge on this freaking hell of a battery, and I just used up 17 minutes of it! Hurry the hell up!!"

"Just try not to kill anybody okay?" said Asuna as she continued to type frantically.

"Oh wonderful!!" Accelerator growled. "Spare the dirty company the blood!! What a wonderful wonderful time!!"

"I mean it Accelerator!!" Asuna said sternly.

"FINE!!" Accelerator roared. "If I end up dead in 13 minutes though, don't go cryin' to my ghost!!"

Accelerator suddenly noticed a certain man in a suit with a large briefcase being escorted by some of the gunmen out of the room.. he grinned maliciously. "Ahhhhh! I've been waiting for you.. administrator!!"

"FIRE AT WILL!!" The administrator of the security company cried out in a panic as the gunmen did just that..

The bullets all deflected off of Accelerator and went shooting right into the legs of the men who fired them.

The men all cried out in pain and fell to the floor as Accelerator strode over and grabbed the administrator's collar.

"Where's Shino Asada!?" Accelerator hissed.

"Wh-who the hell is that!?"

Accelerator grinned wider, his eyes turning wide. "Oh I'm going to have fun interrogating you!!!"

The man screamed as Accelerator laughed and began dragging him down into an empty room, closing the door behind them.

Asuna, who heard what was going on in her earwig, shivered. "I don't want to know.. I don't want to know.. I REALLY don't want to know.. it's done Uiharu-chan!"

Asuna withdrew a flashdrive from the laptop and threw the laptop aside before stuffing it into a satchel bag.  She then put an arm under Uiharu, allowing her to rest on her shoulder. "Come on.. we're leaving."

At that moment, the door to the wrecked office room was smashed open, and gunmen wearing helmets entered. "ON YOUR KNEES!!!"

"POW POW POW POW!!!" The men fell to the floor as nonlethal ammunition knocked them out.

Other men from the Security Company walked in, but they seemed to ignore Asuna and Uiharu. And bringing up on their rear, was none other the Misaki Shokuhou.. the Mental Out.

Misaki smiled and winked. "Hello! Now, now boys, do me a favor and escort these girls out without any trouble.."

Misaki  clicked a remote in her hand, and the mind controlled gunmen obeyed, surrounding Asuna and Uiharu and guiding them into the hall.

"Well?" said Misaki as she followed from behind. "Did you find it?"

"Yep.. a lot of stuff on something called Alicization." said Asuna. "How's the getaway situation?"

"Rika and Azume are on the way, should be out back in 5 minutes, though we're going to need a way to get rid of the police surrounding us.." said Misaki.

"Leave that to Birdway and Seyat." said Asuna. "Accelerator!! You hear that? Time to go!!"

Accelerator kicked open the door of the empty room and walked out, putting a finger to his earwig." Yeah yeah, anyways.. I found out a thing or two on the possible locations of our missing pals! Took a little grit work.. but I believe I have an honest answer.. heheheheh.."

"Freeze!! Don't move!"

Accelerator rolled his eyes. "What now!?"

The police had already moved into the building, and Sergeant Mills was at their head.. holding his hands up in a gesture of surrender.

"Hello! Accelerator right?" said Mills. "I believe you know my brother, Andrew."

"Figured you looked familiar." said Accelerator.

"You'd be glad to know that both me and my bro share the 'nice guy' persona." said Mills. "Which means you'll get a pretty good deal if ya just stop the rampage.. after all.. nobody's dead, which usually doesn't happen when you're around."

"HAHAHAHA!" Accelerator laughed. "Seriously!? You think I started this!? We just walked into the company all hunky dory and requested a meeting with the administrator.. but as soon as that schmuck recognized me, he ordered his guys to shoot us up!! Nevermind that there are two innocent girls in the room!! GO AHEAD AND SHOOT UP THE PLACE!! Those were his words!!  I ain't comin' for any deal pal! Sorry! Academy City is sovereign to Japan! So I don't need to answer to you pal!!"

"At least tell us what the heck you were trying to look for!" Mills said. "And can you assure us that the two ladies up there are unharmed?"

"Oh they're fine." said Accelerator. "And as for what I'm looking for, you can ask the Administrator! He's back there! SEEYA!!"

Accelerator swiped a hand out.. and a massive wind blasted into the police, forcing them back.

In an instant, Accelerator rocketed past the police.. and blew through the walls..

"DAMN!!" Mills ran over through the holes.. coughing through the dust before he saw that the police barricade around the building was in cinders.. on top of a large armored van that had toppled over, twirling her wand rather casually was Leivinia Birdway.

"Oh.. hello there." said Birdway. "I hope you don't mind.. but your men are all taking naps at the moment.

"FIRE!!" Mills roared. But before the men could do anything.. Seyat suddenly appeared among them in a burst of blue flames.

"I can't let you do that." Seyat murmured quietly, drawing his sword. He flew through like a ghost, skillfully repelling every bullet with the sword and slicing all the guns to pieces.

"I suggest that now you are all unarmed.. that you get to your knees slowly." said Seyat. "I'm no killer, but I won't hesitate if goaded.."

The police did as he said, including Mills as a large white van screeched into view.

Azume opened the shotgun door, pointing out an ordinary sidearm pistol. "Where are they?"

As if on cue, Misaki, Asuna, and Uiharu burst out of the building and after a hurried run, they jumped into the open back door of the van.

As they got in.. Lisbeth, who was driving turned to look at them. "Buckle up!! Cause I barely have any idea what I'm doing."

"Well that's comforting." Azume muttered. "I suppose that explains the 20 stop signs you took out earlier?"

"I was in a hurry!" Lisbeth growled.

Suddenly, a bunch of gunmen from the security company burst out of the back door, firing their weapons without discrimination.

Asuna pulled out a familiar looking plasma edged sword. She deflected a few bullets with Kazuto's Dark Fiber Sword, but she knew there were two many bullets raining on them to make a difference..

"Accelerator!! Where are you!" Asuna shouted.

"UP TOP!!" Accelerator smashed straight down from above, and an earthquake shook the entire street, taking out the last of the gunmen.

Accelerator launched himself into the back of the van as Birdway slipped in herself. Seyat on the other hand disappeared in a wisp of blue flames as the van screeched down the street at high speed.

"What happened!!?" Lisbeth exclaimed as they began making there way through the streets. "I thought it was just some sort of quick interview! But now there's bullet holes everywhere on this awesome van, and Uiharu looks like she fought with America in Vietnam!!"

Asuna quickly collapsed the Dark Fiber Sword and sheathed it. "It's like I said on the com, he saw Accelerator, panicked and just lost it! Next thing we knew, it was a firing range. Slow down Rika.. Seyat's going to use a Dark Flame Cloak to mislead the authorities, we'll get away no matter what they do."

"Fine.." said Lisbeth as she eased up on the gas.

"Hmm.. it appears they were warned about us." said Birdway. "Otherwise he wouldn't have reacted to Accelerator that way. They probably knew there were people searching for your friends, but all they knew was that Accelerator was part of our little search party.. after all, he's a hard person to miss considering his reputation.

"So I'm the one who got us blown." Accelerator muttered. "Well that's just great."

Asuna sighed. "Hey, Misaki, give me a hand with Uiharu-chan please.."

As Asuna tended to Uiharu's wound, she couldn't help but think all this had become a major disaster. It had started when the real Paramedics had arrived on the scene two minutes after Kazuto, Shino, and Mikoto were taken.

They were fake paramedics, the ones before.. they had kidnapped her friends.. and that threw her into fear and rage. And it also drover her to extremes. She contacted everyone she knew who could possibly hunt the kidnappers down and help her find her friends..

The fact that she contacted Accelerator first was the first sign of exactly how desperate she was. But this was the first time it had actually turned into a full blown fight.. before, everything had just been investigation and asking questions.

Asuna felt her cellphone vibrate, and she picked up. "Sh-Shirai-san.. eh.. things went south."

"I heard.. it's all over the News." said Kuroko's voice. "However, Accelerator's the only one they believe to be at fault so far, they think that you guys are hostages or something."

"That's rich!" said Accelerator with a cackle. "But considering how I left the administrator after our little interrogation.. yeah, they'll be really mad at me.."

(Back at the scene, cops open the door to the room where Accelerator 'interrogate' the administrator. "OH MY GOD!! THERE'S BLOOD EVERYWHERE!!")

"He's alive." said Accelerator grumpily in response to uneasy glances in his direction. "Jeez, I can keep a promise!"

"Did he give us anything?" Kuroko asked as Asuna turned up the volume so everyone could hear.

"Apparently there's a Base in the middle of the Pacific.. somebody stole our kidnappees from our Kidnappers. Before they could get far.. the fake paramedics were ambushed by the Japanese Defense Force."

"What does everybody want with them!?" said Lisbeth.

"Hmm.. I can understand wanting to kidnap a Level 5." said Misaki. "But yes, why they would want Asada-san and Kirigaya-san is beyond me."

"According to the info on the Flash Drive." said Asuna. "RECT's old Security Company is tied to how Laughing Coffin was able to reunite IRL, not to mention gain a stash of customized Dark Fiber Swords even though production of that weapon was supposed to be frozen years ago."

"Another thing" said Kuroko. "I've been working with some sources back here in Academy City.. Laughing Coffin is everywhere.. America, Canada.. Brazil.. and their membership is growing. Of course there's the old originals from SAO.. but it's turning into sort of a cult..  somebody is supplying them with the resources for this.. and it isn't just some old run down company with it's own business dedicated to security or militants for hire."

"This isn't just some simple kidnapping for research." Said Birdway. "That's it.. I can't just treat this as a small task anymore. I'm contacting the rest of my cabal and I'm getting some others in on this.. whatever those three are wrapped up in.. it's probably big enough for a global catastrophe involving both the Science and Magic sides.. where's Kamijou?"

"Still investigating that warehouse down south." said Asuna. "I'll give him a call."

"You better.." said Birdway. "Because I think we're about to deal the magic part of this hectic joyride."

"When you mean the magic part.." said Lisbeth. "You don't mean that weird scary looking fog ahead do you? Because that looks verrrry magic."

Birdway sighed as she saw what Lisbeth was referring to. "That.. would be Fiamma of The Right.. and I think we're about to be caught up in this particular magician's.. 'misunderstanding... of the situation."


Back in the Underworld, Two Years Later on the Human Empire Calendar

"ATTENTION ALL WHO WOULD HEAR US!!!" PoH shouted to the vast crowds gathered before him in the dark night outside a remote village. "WE have brought great tidings, and great philosophies you my children!"

PoH.. and his fellow 5 other Laughing Coffin members, all of them originals from SAO were all dressed in their original attire from the game.. Johny Black in his bagged mask. Everyone, except Red-Eyed XaXa.. who out of a rather great liking for GGO, had taken on the Death Gun Avatar.. complete with the glowing eyed steaming metal skull mask..

"My friends.." said PoH, raising his large cleaver-like weapon.. Mate Chopper. "Killing isn't a sin.. it isn't a disservice to those we kill! Hasn't your law taught you that when one dies, they go to be with Stacia? Well by killing others, we send them to Stacia sooner, so they need not take in the sufferings that life bring!! My friends, we are saints!!"

Everyone cheered at PoH's words.

"To those of you who would join us! raise your hands and shout!!"

"Heh." Johny Black chuckled and nudged the deathly masked figure by him. "Yo XaXa.. the boss is really riling them up today."

"I'd say." said XaXa in his staticky Death Gun voice. "Who knew that there were other ways to Fulldive ones' self into the system...? And here we are.. I believe that 1 hour in here is equal to 42 days.. which means that 1 year in here is only around 8 hours out there.. incredible.. "

"Keep your eyes on the prize XaXa.." said Johny Black. "We're here to keep our eyes on the Black Swordsman, that Sniper, and the Railgun.. after all.. if those idiots from the JSDF manage to repair their minds before they somehow log out.. it's going to look bad with the Big Boss.."

"Don't worry." said XaXa as steam hissed from his mask. "This time.. my next one on one with the Blurred Blade will end in a nice tombstone for her.."

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