Is This Right?

By MoniCook

171K 1.3K 175

VERY MATURE 18+ " Say our names honeywaver!" they said in unison as Jacob plunged two fingers in my juicy cor... More

The Prologue
Chapter 2- What is Your Decision?
Chapter 3- My First Time
Chapter 4- Time to Think
Heavy Silence

Chapter 1- What Did I See

36K 311 60
By MoniCook

Waverly POV (17 years old)

"Ah! that was weird, I think I heard moaning.....I've never had a dream like that before. I mean I have school dreams all the time but I only ever hear moaning when Jacob has a girls over. But this moan was different....whatever." I say as I sit up from bed. I get up and look at my clock 2:23 A.M. "Ugh!! Now I'm up great... I have that test tomorrow and I need my fucking rest Jesus." I whisper yell to the ceiling as if it was the heavens. I stand up form my bed and walk to my door on my way to get some milk from the kitchen. I open my door and meet the long hallway that connects the staircase to my mom's room. I step out and feel a blast of cold air blow in my face and between my legs, since the air conditioner doesn't work in my room it surprised me. I shiver slightly and then continue my walk to the staircase. On the way I walk pass my brother Jacob's room and hear slight shuffling and then a muffled moan.

"'ll wake her!", I hear Jacob's husky voice say in a loud whisper. I swear he's always sneaking girls in at night but I guess they leave before I wake up because I never hear them leave the house. And as you can probably already tell I'm a very light sleeper.

"I'm sorry but it just feels so good Jacob...", I hear Robin's voice this time. But that can't be, why would he be in Jacob's room while Jacob has a girl over? I guess their.... you know.... um... what's it called 'sharing her'. I shiver once again at the thought of Jacob and Robin sharing a girl. And then think.... what if that girl was me?.... I shake my head and get rid of the nasty and unholy thoughts.... For the past couple of years I've been continually growing feeling for my brothers, I know its not right but I cant help it. But no, I don't have time for boys right now, I need to finish High School and boys will jeopardize that.

I slowly open Jacob's door careful not to make it creak. I slowly look around and freeze at what I see. There, Jacob is on his knees in front of Robin sucking him off. But I continue to look around and don't see a girl. 'What the fuck?' I ask myself as I continue to watch Jacob's head move up and down on Robin's c0ck. I cant believe my eyes. It's so awful, it's so horrible, it's I look at them through the crack of the door and watch, I cant help but get aroused at how sexy they both look.

I cant help but moved my hand under my shirt to my panty line and start to fidget. I've never seen anything this erotic before and its really turning me on. I move my hand further down the top of my panties too my clit and start to rub gently while I watch this fantastic show. As time passes my hand moves into my panties and rubs into to my slit softly and lightly as if its a delicate flower waiting to be plucked. I start to drip my sweet nectar all the way down my leg and I moan slightly. I gasp and cover my mouth hoping they hadn't heard. Obviously they didn't because they continued with their fun and soon enough I continued with mine. I moan again by accident and close my eyes at the pleasure I'm giving myself.

I completely stop when I feel the door being opened all the way and I freeze with my hand still in my panties as I see Jacob with a smirk on his face and Robin in pure shock.

"Were you watching us honeywaver? Did you fingering yourself as you watched me suck Robin's d1ck?" Jacob says with the sexiest voice and a smirk on his face.

"Um.....uh..... I.....erh....." I stutter as  fidget with my hands and look down in complete shame. What the fuck am I doing? I basically just masturbated to my brother sucking my other brothers c0ck. My life is so complicated.

"It's ok if you did we aren't going to judge you, I mean I was just sucking my brothers d1ck, there really is no room for ME TO judge." Jacob said with a awkward smile as he rub the back of his neck in nervousness.

"Wave?" Robin said which he is only aloud to call me. "Would you like to join us?" He said looking down as if he was afraid to ask. 'What? Did he just ask me to join him and my brother in their little sex act' I thought to myself. I take a deep breath about to turn around but my body wasn't listening to my mind. My body took me straight into Jacob's room and stood me in the front of his bed and made me take my shirt and my panties off. I lay on his bed with a seductive smirk waiting for them to come over and take me. They both stare with shock and confusion, before Robin came over and got on top of me. He leaned down and passionately kissed my plump lips with his. He felt all over my body and moved one of his hands to massage my shivering chest. I moaned into the kiss as he kneaded my breast with his large hands. Robin kissed down my neck to my collarbone all the way to my breast looking at me for conformation that it was ok. I nodded and closed my eyes as he rapped his beautiful pink lips around my nipp1e.

I opened my eyes to still see Jacob standing by the door with shocked eyes as he watched us. I motion for him to come over and he slowly walks to me and bends down to kiss me. We kiss for a good 5 minutes before he moves away leaving me breathless and him gasping for air. 

" I need to taste you honeywaver! I've been waiting so long I'm not going to pass up this amazing opportunity!" Jacob says with lust filled eyes. I've never been eaten out before, actually all of this is pretty new to me. I'm still a virgin, yea yea I know a 17 year old virgin, I don't have time for boys right now. Anyways Jacob went down towards my dripping core. "Already wet for me huh?" He said in his sexy monotone voice as he opens my legs. He bends down, and sucks in air in deeply and say I smell super sweet and licks lightly over my clit. I arch my back really hard and moan really loud. "Wow honeywaver you're so sensitive. I like that.'' He says before he puts his whole mouth on my clit and I jerk and moan like crazy. 

"How does she taste brother?" Robin says as he lifts his head and looks me right in the eyes.

"Oh she is so sweet, and so juicy brother, you must try when I'm done." Jacob said in response.

All I can do is jerk and scream as they both devour my body. It feels so amazing I cant even explain how wonderful it felt. Mid-way through I feel a big pressure in my stomach and its coming up fast. I feel like I have to........pee?

"Wait... wait stop.... I h-have to peeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!" I scream as I pee all over Jacob's face. I cover my face in so much embarrassment and close my legs and start to cry. "I'm so s-sorry Jacob, I swear I didn't m-me-mean to, it was an accident I p-pr-promise..... p-please don't hate me...." I sob as its muffled from my hands over my face.

"Honeywaver, what are you talking about you didn't pee on me, you just squirted. It's fine, I actually like squirters, they turn me on and I could never hate you. If you did pee on me the worst I could do is be mad for like day." Jacob says with a bit of laughter and humor in his voice.

"Oh my god you squirt too. You are the most perfect creature on this planet Wave!!!" Robin said with a bit of twinkle in his eyes.

"Oh, ok so your not mad?" I ask for certainty. And they both nod with excitement. I stop crying and feel my face heat up. 'I cant believe I just let my brother eat me out'.

"Well believe it cause its going  to happen again, and again, and again......" Jacob said and with every again he  moved closer to my s3x. 'Did I say that out loud?'

"Yes you did." Robin said with a subtle smirk. my face heats up again and I try to get up. Try being the operative word. Robin pushes me down on the bed again. "Where you going Wave?" he says in sort of a hurt voice.

"Back to my room to sleep, I have a test tomorrow and I need to think about what we just did. I know its not right but I.....I just need to think and I cant do that with your sexiness all in my face. Ok Binny?" I say grabbing his face and ending my statement with a soft loving smile.

"Ok." Robin says with a sort of sad smile as he gets off of me and lets my get up. I get up and get my panties and my shirt and put them back on. I turn around to look at them both.

 "Don't look so sad you guys. Your making me sad." I say with a pouty face and walk back over to then and kiss them both on the cheek. "I'm just going to think, I'm not leaving you both forever, I just need time. Ok?" I ask in a optimistic way.

"Ok." They both say in unison and kiss my cheek back. I walk to the door and leave out, but once I step out of the door way I slip on the wet floor and hit my head on the banister railing and I can feel the darkness closing in.


No One POV

Waverly is  on a gurney rushed through the hospital hallway, slipping in and out of consciousness as the ceiling lights blind her forward vision.

"Does she have any allergies?" the doctor asks Jacob and he nods "Penicillin and Codeine" he says. "How did this happen?" the doctor asks with a stern face.

"She was walking out of my room and slipped in and hit her head on the banister railing." Jacob says on the verge of tears. Robin is holding Waverly's, trying to get her to respond to him as tears leave his eyes and drip down his face.

"Is she gonna be ok?" Robin asks the doctor. "She has lost a lot of blood, the blood that should be going to her brain. We don't know how severe her condition is we will bring you back when we get her stabilized. Jacob and Robin stop in there tracks and look at the operating room doors, as she in taken in. After a minute or two they go to sit in the waiting area and both cry believing this is both of their faults.   


Robin in MM sorry took me a while to find the right guy to play him

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