The Avengers (Sequel to IASBI...

By Queen_Oreo_Peasant

17.3K 793 31

Athena gets a visit from Agent Phil Coulson, requesting help to stop her past lover, Loki Laufeyson. What hap... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 1

963 48 0
By Queen_Oreo_Peasant

Thor and Loki landed on a cliff, Thor chucking Loki down roughly. Loki coughed a bit, before he started chuckling. "Where is the tesseract?" Thor asked furiously.
   "I missed you too." Loki chuckled.
   "Do I look in a gaming mood?" Thor yelled.
   "Oh you should thank me. With the Bifrost gone, how much energy dos the Allfather have to muster to conjure you here? Your precious Earth." Thor dropped Mjölnir, causing the cliff they were on to quake. He picked Loki up roughly by the collar angrily.
   "I thought you were dead." Thor admitted sadly.
   "Who else?" Loki hissed. "Did you mourn?"
   "We all did. We mourned for you. Our father -"
   "Your father. He did tell you my true parentage, did he not? And didn't you mourn for Athena as well? You disgust me." Loki sneered. Thor released him, making Loki walk away from him more, leaving a huge space between the two.
   "What? We were raised together, we played together, we fought together! Do you remember none of that? And Athena isn't -"
   "I remember a shadow." Loki interrupted bitterly. "Living in the shade of your greatness. I remember you. I remember you tossing Athena into an abyss. I was, and should be King!" Loki yelled.
   "So you take the world I love as recompense for your imagined slights. No, the Earth is under my protection, Loki." Thor said.
   "And you're doing a marvellous job with that. The humans slaughter each other in droves, while you idly threat. I mean to rule them. And why should I not?" Loki said. "Besides," he added, "Athena would want me to fulfil my dreams."
   "You think yourself above them?"
   "Well, yes." Loki said bluntly.
   "Then you miss the truth of ruling, brother. Throne would suit you ill. Athena wouldn't want that for you."
   Angrily, Loki shoved Thor to the side, walking to the edge of the cliff. "I've seen worlds you've never known about! I have grown, Odinson, in my exile! I have seen the true powers of the Tesseract, and when I wield it -"
   "Who showed you this power?" Thor demanded. "Who controls the would-be-King?"
   "I am a King!" Loki yelled.
   "Not here! You give up the Tesseract! You give up this poisonous dream! You come home, with me and Athena -"
   "Athena is dead!" Loki hissed. "Besides, I don't have it. You need the cube to bring me home, but I've sent it off I not know where. I don't have a home in Asgard anyway. Athena was my home."
   "But brother, Athena isn't -"
   "ENOUGH!" Loki yelled. "I don't want to hear about it! You may have lost a friend, brother, but I lost the love of my life. We were to wed!"
   Thor summoned Mjölnir into his hand. "You listen well, brother," Thor said, planning to tell Loki about Athena being alive, "I -"
   A red and gold blur pushed Thor away from Loki, otherwise known as Iron Man. "I'm listening." Loki sarcastically said, turning to where Thor landed. This should be interesting, Loki thought. Athena would have loved to see Thor -
   No, Loki scolded himself. She isn't alive.
Athena and Hill arrived at the Hellicarrier, Hill leading her to the remaining member. "Athena, this is Bruce Banner, aka the Hulk."
   "Hello, Warrior Banner." Athena greeted, holding a hand out. "It is nice to meet you."
   "You too," Bruce said, shaking her hand. "I'm sorry - why did you just call me warrior?"
   "It's how they speak in Asgard." Hill explained.
   "Wait, you're from Asgard? Like Loki?" Bruce asked Athena.
   "Yes." she nodded. "I have been living on Midgard - I mean Earth, for a year now."
   "Oh." Bruce mumbled. "Well er. . .welcome to Earth."
   "Thank you. . .?"
   "The others are here with Loki." Coulson announced, walking into the room. "They also brought along another person."
   "Who?" Hill asked.
   "Thor." Coulson answered.
   "I gotta go back to Fury." Hill said, after listening to something from her earpiece. She gave a small bye, before walking out of the room.
   "Thor?" Athena said excitedly. "I haven't seen him since the banishment!"
   "Well, he's here." Coulson chuckled. He then turned serious, facing the window showing the hallway. "And Loki is just coming down the hallway."
Loki sat at the back of the flying machine, and looked around bored even though he was surrounded by armed people and was handcuffed. Tony was staring at Thor and Loki.
   "So you two are from Asgard." Stark asked, though it sounded more like a statement.
   "Yes." Thor nodded, while Loki rolled his eyes.
   "Cool." Stark said lamely, nodding. "I actually know someone who is from Asgard."
   "Really?" Thor asked intrigued, though he had a hunch on who it was. "Who?"
   "A woman, who goes by the name of Athena -"
   "Athena is dead!" Loki sneered from his spot, hiding the look of pain etched on his face.
   "Loki," Thor started. "She's -"
   "We're here." Natasha announced, interrupting Thor.  They all pile out, a dozen guards already waiting to escort Loki to his cell. While the Avengers went to the main room, Loki went with the guards to his cell, while looking around bored, when secretly he was interested in the Midgardian equipment.
   Loki peered at a window, and froze in his step. There, a couple of metres away from him, stood the woman he thought was dead. No, he thought in disbelief. She's dead, I saw her fall!
   Yet, you're still alive, another side of his thoughts said. Athena was staring back at him, with a look of shock as well, along with sadness.
   "Athena?" he mumbled in disbelief.
"Loki." he saw her say. Loki then knew it wasn't an illusion.
   "Athena?" he called out louder, ignoring the shoves he was getting from the guards. He then slipped out of their grasp, running to the window. "Athena!" he yelled desperately, banging on the window. Athena went to the window as well, placing a hand over where his was, looking at him with so much sadness, it almost brought him to tears.
"You need to go," she told him. "Go."
   Loki didn't have a choice, since he was roughly pulled back by the guards,  leading him away from the love of his life.
   "I love you. . ." he heard in his head. Loki smirked slightly, and said the same thing back in his mind, hoping Athena heard it, despite the special handcuffs on his wrists.
Athena saw Loki through the window, and looked at him shocked, but with sadness. "Athena?" he called out in disbelief.
   "Loki." she mumbled. Bruce looked at Athena confused and shocked, only to get more surprised when Loki slipped through the guards and went to the window.
   "Athena!" Loki yelled out desparately, banging on the window. Before Coulson or Bruce could do anything, Athena went to the window as well.
   "You need to go," Athena told Loki. "Go."
   Bruce watched as Loki was dragged away from them without a struggle, his head bent down, hiding his face. "Athena. . ." Bruce said. "Do you love him?"
   "Yes." Athena nodded without looking back at them. "Yes I do."
   "Come on," Coulson said, gaining their attention. "Everyone is in the main room."
   Athena left the room without another word.
"Loki still has sentiment." Thor mumbled hopefully. "He's not fully poisoned with these thoughts."
   "Wait, are we just going to ignore the fact that Reindeer Games just showed some weakness?" Stark exclaimed.
   "Was that the other member?" Natasha asked no one in particular. "That woman Loki was yelling over?" They were watching Loki being escorted to his cell when they saw what had happened.
   "You are correct." Fury nodded, walking into the room with Hill, Bruce and Athena in tow.
   "Athena!" Thor boomed happily.
   "Thor!" Athena yelled back, running into his arms, being enveloped in a huge hug. "It's been so long!"
   "It has." Thor agreed, pulling away. He then turned serious. "Are you all right?"
   "Yes." she nodded, turning serious as well. "I am still trying to get this through my head."
   "Ahem. . ." Stark cleared his throat obnoxiously. "People are here as well, just to let you know."
   "Athena," Fury said, "these are the rest of the members; Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff,  and Tony -"
   "Tony Stark." Stark interrupted, holding a hand out. "But obviously you know me -"
   "No." Athena cuts him off, looking at him weirdly. "No, I don't know you."
   "Anyway," Fury said, before Stark could reply to Athena's comment, "I wanted you all to meet each other so we can get back to business. You know, the one with a psychopath in a cell?"
   "Take care, how you speak. Loki is beyond reason, but he is of Asgard, and he is my brother." Thor said angrily. Athena nodded her head in agreement, narrowing her eyes at them.
   "Okay!" Stark said, and raised his hands up in surrender. "Let's just go before these gods turn us into a frog."
   Stark got a death glare from the two demigods in return.

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