Avenger's Preferences

By alicornamulet

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This is my preferences for the Avengers. I know there's a lot of them out there, but hopefully, this will su... More

When You First Meet
The Second Meeting
His Favorite Things (Instrument, Style of Music, Color, and Animal)
He Asks You Out
The Date (Pt. 1)
The Date (Pt. 2)
Hobbies You Do Together
Quirks You Do That He Loves

Your Nightmare (Being Rewritten)

986 31 5
By alicornamulet

Steve- You stand there petrified as Steve looks at you, his hands in his pockets and a disinterested look on his face.

"But...why?" You manage to croak with the large knot that had grown in your throat. Tears were pouring down your face and your hands were trembling. Why would he do this? After all you'd been through together?

"I just don't care about you anymore," Steve stated bluntly. "You're not as interesting as you used to be." You sob loudly and cover your eyes with your hands.

"You're really leaving me?" You ask through your hands, opening your fingers slightly to look at him. He smiles and opens his arms.

"Yeah, I'm a free man once again! And I had to fight for this freedom," he adds with a wink. You scoff through the tears, and wipe your nose with the back of your hand.

"You're a bastard," you say, scowling. Steve's eyes glint with a certain evil glee.

"But you fell in love with this 'bastard', didn't you?" He turns and starts to walk away, his footsteps echoing in your head. You collapse to your knees, crying and feeling like the world is spinning around you and melting through your fingers.

You lurch up in bed, screaming, "Nooo!" Your head swings left and right, assuring yourself that you are in your bedroom, then you rest your elbows on your knees and rub your eyes, sighing. As soon as you woke up, the memory of the dream begins to fade, but you remember exactly what it was about: Steve was leaving you. The thing that boggled you the most was why you were so scared about that.

You walk to Steve's house the next morning and knock lightly on the door. He opens it almost immediately, and smiles as he sees you. "Hey, Y/N! What you doing up at this hour?" He laughs softly, but soon stops when he sees your downcast gaze. He takes your chin lightly and lifts your head. "Hey, what's wrong?" You hesitate, staring into his intense blue eyes before lurching forward, wrapping him in a tight hug and burying your head into his chest. He quickly wraps his strong arms around you and picks you up with ease, carrying you into the living room and setting you on the couch gently. Once he makes sure you're properly seated, he sits down and keeps one arm protectively around you. Again, he asks, "What's wrong?" You wipe a stray tear from your face and tell him about your dream.

Once you're finished with your story, you break down crying once again and he puts his other arm around you, pulling you into him. His hand rests on the back of your neck while his chin rests on your head. He strokes your back as you soak his shirt, and he doesn't say anything. You finally manage to pull away, wiping your eyes with your jacket sleeve and giving him a weak smile. He smiles at you and gives you one last squeeze. You hug him, genuinely smiling to yourself. You were so lucky to have your captain.

Tony- You found yourself on top of Stark Tower, which wasn't such a surprise since Tony brought you up there all the time to have some "alone time." You loved the wind on your face and the sparkle of the stars. However, what you felt was anything but bliss, because you weren't on the patio; you were on the very edge of the building.

You shrieked and waved your arms frantically, trying to move your feet off of the edge and onto safe ground; but you wouldn't budge. More screaming followed as you started to tip over the edge. This was it; your suicide.

Any kind of sound was cut off as you plummeted down the side of Stark Tower. Your fingers grabbed at the tower, but you only succeeded in cutting your hands with the jutted glass. Tears fell from your face and up away from you, and you desperately tried to stop your fall by flapping your arms.


You yelp in surprise as you fall off the bed, tangled up in your light pink sheets. You smack your elbow on the hard floor and you grimace. The same nightmare that had been haunting you for weeks had appeared again, ridding you of sleep. You laid on the ground, holding your elbow and staring up at the ceiling. What had happened to cause you to be afraid of heights?

Sighing, you get up and trudge towards the kitchen, your sheets still hanging around your shoulders. You shivered as the cold tile floor nipped at your toes, and you flicked the light on. Your head hanging, you slip into a nearby chair and stare at the table intently. Why am I so afraid of heights? It's not like anything traumatic happened to me before. And it's not the fall that kills you; it's the sudden contact with the concrete.

Shaking your head, you get up, letting your sheet fall to the floor, and walk to the fridge. Your hand grips the handle of the orange juice container and you lift your head and set the jug on the shiny counter top. You turn to the dishes cabinet, swing the door open, and reach for a glass. While your hand gropes around the back of the cabinet, your eye wanders to the nearby window, and your stomach lurches as you remember that you're on the top floor of Stark Tower. With a yelp, the acquired glass slips from your fingers and crashes to the floor. You stare petrified at the open window, watching the small curtains stir with the gentle breeze outside.

Loud footsteps echo down the hall, and soon Tony is standing in the doorway, wearing nothing but bright red boxers and a threadbare T-shirt; he's out of breath. He looks at the glass on the floor, then at you, then back at the glass. You try not to cry, but your eyes sting from the effort. Carefully, Tony begins to pick his way towards you, stepping lightly over the bits of glass all over the floor. Eventually he makes it to you, and pulls you into a hug, one hand resting on your head, and one in the small of your back. Finally, the tears come pouring out.

You soak through his shirt and onto his chest, shaking his torso with your loud sobs. You wrap your arms around him, gripping his T-shirt as if it was the only thing keeping you from jumping out the window. A vibrating hum moves through Tony's chest as he speaks.

"What happened?"

Two words. A single question. And you had no answer. You simply shook your head and continued to cry silently. Tony didn't pursue the question, continuing to cradle you until finally you passed out. You faintly remember him carrying you back to your bed, kissing you lightly on the forehead, and shutting off the light before closing the door quietly behind him.

Bruce- The ground moved slowly around you. The faint whisper of hissing filled the otherwise silent air. You couldn't move anything; you were lying down on the forever-changing floor, wondering where you were. As you looked around with your eyes, a shape emerged into your sight. It was round at the top, but shrank into a tube shape near the bottom. With a jolt, you realized where you were: you were in a snake pit.

The cobra sitting on top of you stared unblinking with its dead black eyes. You forced yourself to look away, now noticing that the floor consisted of hundreds of snakes, all writhing underneath you. With a muffled cry, you find sudden feeling in your limbs and you jump upright, upsetting the cobra. It hisses and snaps at you; you yelp and jump out of the way, taking off to the other side of the room. The cobra follows you with strange speed, catching up to you in no time as you find a dead end. You slowly turn around, facing the horrid creature. It flicks its tongue, glaring holes into your forehead. A small whimper escapes your throat.

The cobra hisses and lunges at you. You scream and fling your arms up over your face-

Your head jerks up out of your sleep, your scream becoming a persistent beep from your alarm clock. You groan, slamming your hand on the Snooze button and burying your face into your pillow. Your nightmare becomes a fading memory, although you still clearly remember the cobra's hiss and its large white fangs. You involuntarily shiver and pull yourself out of bed, slipping into your slippers and putting on your robe. You trudge into the kitchen, start the coffee maker, slip two bagels into the toaster, then plop into the only kitchen chair. You run your hands through your tangled hair, trying to forget about your nightmare, although it's kind of hard to forget when the one thing you hate above all other things is snakes.

Ever since you were a little girl, you hated snakes. They were just so gross with their tongues and slitted eyes and the way they just stared at you. You think you're scared of them because you distinctly remember an event in your past: you were going to the zoo with your parents, and you started to go into the Reptile area. Well, apparently one of the more deadly snakes had gotten out of its tank and was now roaming the enclosure. You had begged your parents to not go in, but your father insisted that he could take on a two-ton snake if it even got near you. After that, you were pretty okay until you saw two giant yellow eyes floating right in front of your face. You were frozen in terror, even though your mom was screaming for you to run, but you couldn't.

Eventually, the snake left, leaving you standing there, your eyes wide with fear, and your diaper noticeably soiled. After that incident, you've never set foot in a zoo again and you've always had nightmares about snakes.

You ate your breakfast in silence, walked back into your room, threw some clothes on, and walked into your basement to continue working on your project. Soon, you heard the front door open, and you sighed to yourself. Bruce's head popped out of the basement door, smiling when he saw you. You smiled weakly as he climbed down the rickety stares, setting his bag down and setting out several notebooks. You both worked silently for a while, until Bruce's timid voice spoke up.

"Um...did you sleep okay?" Your head swiveled around.

"H-How did you know?" You asked cautiously. Bruce scratched the back of his head.

"Well, uh...I kind of noticed what you were wearing, and..." You look down, and yelp aloud. (I'm not going to explain how you look; it's that bad.) Trying to hide your blushing face, you nod.

"Yeah, I didn't get a lot of sleep last night."

Bruce nods and goes back to his work without another word. You sigh with relief; you could always count on Banner to not get into your business.


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