The Beginning of Our Infinity

By Accio_DracoMalfoy13

7.3K 228 31

The third book to the Holding onto Forever Series. Finally, Skylar goes home! Will it be the same? can it go... More

Can you love me again?
Check up.
Welcome home.
Hey guys!
Missed... Again.
Birthday/Christmas time!
Riker's Note.
Rocky's note
Ellington's Note.
Ryland's Note.
Rydel's Note.
Mark and Stormie's Note.
His Note.
I belong here.
Different pains...
My Name.
Help me.
Panic Attack
A year later.
Picture Perfect.
Pillow Fight!
The Beginning of Our Infinity.
To my Readers.

Long fall.

101 5 0
By Accio_DracoMalfoy13

I tripped and was hurled down an embankment, I felt a pop in my ankle and hissed, still tumbling. When I smacked the bottom I heard a small chuckle in the distance making my heart beat faster. I groaned as I turned on my side. I had landed on a large, sharp rock. I knew I had to get out of here, or I would never leave these woods. I couldn't hear the mans footsteps anymore, was he gone? Before I could turn to see I heard a shuffle of feet behind me.

"fuck..." I muttered under my breath. I turned my head to find the man knelling down only feet away from me.

"are you alright? that was a long fall." He stepped an inch closer.

"get away from me." I growled. How was I suppose to get away from him now. My ankle and my back stung with pain, just enough to make me cry. But I didn't. I had to act tough and not afraid. When I was really terrified for my life.

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