INNOCENT (Gabe's Trials)

By a_trent

183K 5.6K 440

Julia Groves: young, beautiful, hard working, righteous and a devoted judge. Gabriel Shaffer: dark, handsome... More

A bump in the road
In the Wrong Place at the Wrong Time
Smile like you mean it
The benefit of the doubt
Flirting with disaster
Know your enemy
Off the records
The upper hand
Prove it!
Once in a blue moon
Not over 'till I win
Queen of hearts
All in
Defense mechanisms
Some like it legal
Mr. S
Echoes of the past
The killer has left the building
Author's note


5.4K 164 21
By a_trent

I woke up feeling disoriented and immediatelly realised that I wasn't alone. Gabriel was peacefully sleeping at my side, his arms holding my waist, his legs entangled with mine. The thing is that if it wasn't so damn hot and if I didn't feel like suffocating, I would've probably enjoyed his embrace. But, since it was fucking hot and since I couldn't breathe normally, I carefully removed myself from next to him and padded to where I knew the bathroom to be. I needed a shower. Coming to think of it, I needed some clothes as well, but that could wait for now.

Walking to the glass encased, huge shower cabin, I slid its door open, stepping inside and turning on the faucets, letting hot water run over my skin. It felt good to let the sticky sweat caused by the added warmth of Gabe's body stuck to mine all night be washed off by the pouring water so I closed my eyes in contentment, throwing my head back and allowing a small sigh to escape me.

"That's exactly my idea of a spectacular view..." His gruff, bedroom voice came from somewhere behind me, making my muscles clench, but I didn't turn around to look at him. I already knew that he'd be gloriously naked and gloriously hard. "Is it just me, or am I being ignored? And if that's the case, then why am I being given the silent treatment, Ms Groves?" My ears registered the sound of his footsteps coming closer to me, my brain trying really hard to stop my body from turning toward him, seeking his warmth and hardness. "Are you ignoring me, Julia?" He whispered into my ear, his chest flush against my back, his hands gripping my hips. A small, satisfied sigh escaped me, my bottom pushing back against his groin. "Hmm. Your body gives you away, baby." His deep rumble vibrated through me, making my toes clench this time.

"Where are my clothes, Mr Shaffer?" His body tensed at the sound of his name, his hands stilling.

"So that's what this is about?" He asked, somehow succeding to recompose himself. "You're mad at me for hiding your clothes?" He was saying it like it was the most absurd thing on the fucking planet. Like I had no fucking right to be mad at that. "Still nothing, huh? You're tougher than I thought, I must give you that. Now let's see what it takes to get a reaction from you." His hands started to slowly travel south of my hips, caressing the tops of my thighs, his hips gently thrusting into my backside, making me bite back my moans. "You're a tough nut to crack, aren't you?" He said when it became obvious that I refused to give in to my body's needs. Gently grazing my ear with his teeth, his hands reached the juncture of my thighs, the tops of his fingers reaching my core, making me shiver, in spite of the hot spray of water pouring over us. "There we go... That's my girl."

A moment of weakness on my part was all it took for him to turn me around in his arms and push us back against the wall behind me. My head fell back on a moan, giving him perfect access to my exposed skin, which he took full advantage of. Crashing his mouth to my neck in a savage, desperate way, Gabriel started kissing, sucking and nibbling his way down to my collarbone and further, finally reaching my breasts and turning his attention to them.

Briefly extending his hand to the shower's control panel and pushing one of the buttons there, he succeded in turning the music on, Jeremih's soft and erotic voice making my head spin. If I didn't know any better, I'd say he had this all thing planned, the fucker. How could you explain the fact that the music was creating the perfect ambiance, otherwise?

One of his hands went to my backside a moment later, gripping tight and making me squeal.

"What was that for?" I panted, my voice filled with lust.

"For not thinking to get on the pill sooner. Now we'll have to take a detour." A detour? Why did he always have to talk in fucking code?

"What do you?..." I was roughly interrupted when he quickly turned me around again, my butt now facing his groin. My breath hitched, an idea of what was next to come infiltrating into my brain. He wouldn't have...

"Have you ever done anal, Julia?" I could feel my cheeks burning fucking red. What kind of question was that, even coming from him? "This is not the time for you to blush, judge. We've already been intimate on too many levels for you to be ashamed of talking about such a thing anymore." Oh, God! He was right. I was just acting like a poor, innocent, pathetic little virgin. Clearing my throat I forced the words out.

"No, and I'm not so sure I want to." Not so sure? Fuck! I was fucking possitive that I didn't want to.

"Julia, listen to me. I know that this is something new and that you're scared, but trust me when I say that you're gonna love it. I'm not young and inexperienced. I know how to give a woman pleasure and you've seen it for yourself." He would've made a brilliant fucking lawyer, the devil. His arguments left no place for doubt or insecurity. "I'm not gonna hurt you." That was all it took for me to be sold to him all over again. This man could make me sign a fucking deal with the devil himself if he tried.

I nodded my head and, without having to look at him, I could tell that he was smiling.

"Good girl." He uttered, gently patting my behind. "I promise you'll like it. Actually, by the time I'm done with you, I bet you'll be asking for more." Fuck! My core was weeping, in spite of the scary prospect of having sex with Gabriel that way. Another scary thought flashed through my mind. A thought that made me cringe. Gabriel was huge... It was going to hurt like fucking hell, if he even fitted.

Something wet and slippery probbed at my back entrance, my muscles completely contracting.

"Baby, we're not gonna get too far unless you relax." Slowly shaking my head and clearing my mind of all thoughts, I tried to listen to his advice and relax. This time, it was actually easier to stop my body from rejecting his touch, his finger slipping into me and causing my body to slightly jerk. "Easy baby. Stop thinking and just feel." Easy to say... He wasn't the one having a finger stuck in his butt. But then my mind started to slowly rid itself of all thought again, my body relaxing once again and actually finding pleasure in the rithmic, gentle strokes of his finger. The pain was still there of course, but the pleasure accompanying it made it bearable. Pleasurable, even.

Another one of his fingers joined in, stretching me -preparing me for more. I moaned in spite of myself, my head falling back.

"Fuck. I can't do this. I need to fucking see you." Gabriel groaned, his strong hands pulling me up and turning me so that I could face him. "I'm sorry baby, but I can't. I want to be able to see this pretty face of yours while I fuck you senseless." My throat was closing in on me, my eyes stinging, tears threatening to break loose. He needed to see me? What did he even mean by that?

Picking me up into his arms and forcing my legs to wrap around his narrow hips, Gabriel kept us both under the hot spray of water this time, his arousal teasing my entrance.

"But I'm not on the pill." I panted before losing my train of thought. Plus, I might've wanted him to finish what he'd started.

"Then I'm not going to come inside you. Easy as fuck." I knew that I was pouting, but I was way past controlling the look on my face. "What's this all about? What do you want, baby? Tell me." This was really emberassing. How could I tell him that I'd changed my mind and that I wanted him to finish what he'd started?

"Nothing. I just..." With his eyes fixed on mine, Gabriel gently smiled.

"We'll do it, at some point, baby. I want to own all of you. I want to explore every single part of your body, so don't worry. I promise we'll get there. Nothing could stop me, Julia. Do you understand?" I nodded, wrapping my arms around his muscular shoulders. "I just need to get my fix of you first, ok? I need to see your face while I fuck you right now, ok?" I nodded again, eager to get started on the fucking. And just like the gentleman he was, Gabriel didn't let me wait any longer.

His first blow hit me hard, my head falling back, a strangled moan escaping my lips. His second blow came even faster and harder than I'd anticipated, my nails biting into the skin of his back. Blow number three, four, five and six came as a combo, Gabriel slowly circling his hips afterwards, making me crave for his next thrust, the anticipation killing me. But then there it was. Blow number seven had been bloody brilliant, his girating hips and the force of his thrust making me hoplessly scream out loud. I only needed a little more now to reach the heights of pleasure.

"Fucking hell, baby! This keeps getting better each time. You're fucking perfect." He panted, playfully smacking my behind. I giggled, biting into his shoulder and driving my hips forward, trying to make him go on. "More, baby?"

Suddenly turning around, Gabriel walked us out of the shower, the cold air immediatelly affecting our sensitive skin. He only stopped in front of the vanity unit, placing me on top of it and scattering some towels on the floor in the procces, his hips continuing their punishing rithm. I'd lost count of blows somewhere around twenty and it had been a while since we reached that number, but the man was restless. His hips kept thrusting, his body drenched from the shower, just like mine. A tingling sensation spread throughout my entire body announcing my impending release. Gabriel must have felt it too, his movements becoming shorter, harder...

And then, there it was. My world collapsed and shattered around me, the violent wave of pleasure making me bite into my murderer's sholder, my hands gripping at his back and holding on for dear life.

"God! Fuck, fuck, fuck!" My voice came out as shrill and high pitched due to the immense pleasure I felt. Opening my eyes to look at Gabriel I found him watching me closely, his mouth set into a satisfied grin.

I could feel that he was close too, his body tense and rigid, his hot breath fanning over my skin in short, fast breaths, but he held back the need to come, his hips continuing to thrust, making me moan each time his arousal hit that sweet, hidden spot inside of me. And then, all too soon, Gabriel pulled back, his hand gripping his length and squeezing hard from top to bottom, making my mouth water at the sight of him. If I knew for sure that my feet wouldn't give in the moment I tried to stand up, I would've probably had a taste of the delicious man standing in front of me, but as things were, I was, on the contrary, sure that my feet wouldn't work properly.

"Fuck! Dea..." He murmured, his hips thrusting into his fist, his movements becoming harsher as he got closer to his own release. But who the fuck was Dea? "Julia!" He grated, his body going rigid, his head falling back, eyes closed. "This is too fucking intense. Baby, you're going to kill me one of these days." Gabriel said, his arms enveloping me, his head resting in the crook of my neck. I didn't say anything, though I wanted to throw dozens of questions at him.


"Mmm, this smells good." I mumbled while smelling the beautifully scented body wash. It smelled like cinnamon and Gabriel, the combination making me heady. He smiled at me in the mirror, putting the tooth brush aside for a moment.

"Yeah, cinnamon is my second favourite flavour in the world." Considering his body wash smelled like it, I doubted it was his second favourite.

"Second, huh?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at him. He just smiled and simply shrugged.

"Yeah. You're my first favourite flavour in the world." My mouth dropped open at the unexpected compliment coming from him. He'd said he didn't believe in romance, but everything he said to me was fucking romantic to my ears. "Now, will you tell me why you wanted to leave in the middle of the night again?" I sighed. I'd known this was coming.

"Well, first of all, because I knew that I'd need my things in the morning." His eyes widened.

"What things are those exactly, Ms Groves? And why can't you just use mine?" Of course he had to make me explain myself.

"By my things I mean some hair products, makeup and even clothes. Your hair products consist of shampoo, you have no makeup and I can't see myself wearing your clothes." In spite of my light giggles, Gabriel playfully pouted.

"I can see you wearing my clothes. Actually, the image of you wearing one of my shirts does things to me." And I could see exactly what things that did to him.

"Oh and can you see me leaving the house wearing just one of your shirts?" A deep growl rumbled out of his chest.

"No." That was all he said, making me understand that the subject of clothing was officially closed. "So, is there anything I have that is actually good enough for your use too? " I smiled at his obviously offended tone.

"Did I mention that I like your body wash?" Tiptoing my way to Gabriel, I swiftly kissed his shoulder. "Now, do you think you can tell me where my clothes are?"

"I think I can do better than that. Wait here." Placing a quick, minty kiss on my lips, he left the bathroom and then the bedroom, until I could hear the front door being shut as well. Where the hell had he gone? I wondered idly, while wrapping myself up in the white linen sheet on the bed.

When two minutes had passed and Gabriel hadn't come back, my feet took me out of his bedroom as well and down the corridor until a slightly ajar door caught my attention. Making my way inside, I was shocked to discover a treadmill, a boxing bag, some weights and lots of other sports equipement being strategically placed around the room. He had a personal gym appearently that he'd forgotten to tell me about. What other things may he have forgotten to tell me about?

Walking out of the gym, I made my way further down the hallway finding another door that caught my attention, this one completely shut. Trying the knob to see if I could open it, I actually succeded in my attempt. This door was leading to a huge office full of book shelves and old, imposing furniture. Why would have Gabriel hidden the existance of such a room from me? Unless... Walking into the room, I carefully scanned my surroundings, in search of something that might have seemed out of place. Damn it! Nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary, maybe except for the open Macbook Air seated on the desk. Why would somebody keep the power on their computer on, if not used?

Making my way to the massive, wooden piece of furniture, I walked behind it and sat in the huge, black leather office chair. My fingers barely had the time to touch the computer's keypad before the front door bursted open. Yet I couldn't just leave like that. I was too close to see what was so important to that computer that it had to stay on all the time, and I couldn't just give up. Pressing a button was enough to bring the display to life, eight perfect squares appearing on the screen. Fuck! He had the whole damn house under video surveilance. Only now could I understand that, in fact, he wasn't running a business, but more likely an empire, and that he was the fucking king.

"Julia?" The sound of Gabriel calling for me brought me back to the here and now, making me stand up from the chair and head for the door. I couldn't let him find me in what I thought to be his office. Making a minimum of noise, I made my way back to the gym and tried to regain my composure before Gabriel found me and my flushed state gave me away.

The sound of heavy footsteps coming down the hallway and toward me made me jump and hurry to catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I was no longer flushed, but I hoped to God that he wouldn't try to look me in the eye. My eyes were the only part of me that still looked guilty as fuck.

"Julia?" He called just as the door opened and Gabriel stepped inside. "What are you doing here?" He asked, his tone one of amusement. "Is everything ok, baby?" Taking a deep breath and hoping to God not to look guilty as hell, I turned to look at him. Gabriel was only wearing a knee length pair of large, black running shorts, his naked chest being the perfect example of pure, breathtaking male perfection. I could barely keep myself from going to him and running my hands through his still damp hair, but I had to keep the distance for now. At least until I stopped feeling like a fucking criminal for going through his stuff. "Julia?" My eyes automatically went to his face.

"Everything's fine. I was just getting bored and wanted to see the rest of the floor as well, but then found this and ended up spending all my time here. Hope you don't mind it." God! Even I couldn't believe myself. I was a damn shitty liar. Gabriel frowned at first, making me swallow hard, but then his features loosened up in a smile.

"Why would I mind it, baby? I remember offering to give you a tour of the floor myself a while ago." He had offered, but I wasn't interested in a tour of the house at that time.

"You'd never mentioned you had a personal gym." I said, tentatively, witnessing his eyes narrow on me.

"You'd never asked, baby. Now, as much as the image of you wearing nothing underneath that sheet appeals to me, maybe you should get dressed for work. It's seven thirty and I'm afraid I don't own a helicopter just yet, so I can't fly you to court." Seven thirty? Fuck! How was I going to get to court in time? Even more, what was I going to wear? "Julia? I can see the cogs spinning. Stop it! I took care of everything. You just need to get dressed and let me drive you to court." He'd taken care of everything? How? "Come. Like I said, you need to get dressed." Taking one of my hands, Gabriel led me back to his bedroom, my eyes immediatelly finding the red office dress neatly placed on the back of a chair.

"How did you get that so fast?" I asked, my eyes widening in surprise. He just smirked.

"Two girls wearing the same size as you do live here, Julia. It was quite easy, actually." Oh no! He'd borrowed one of his former lovers' dress for me. How fucked up was that? Unfortunatelly, beggars can't be choosers and I was really running late here. I guess I could've reached a compromise this time. Even if it's one of her dresses? My conscience asked and I knew exactly what her she was talking about. I rathered go naked than wear one of Mei's dresses.

"Is it Mei's?" Please say no.

"Of course not, Julia. First of all, I'm not an idiot. I wouldn't have borrowed a dress for you from the woman trying to strangle you to death. Second of all, Mei is not the same size as you." The fact that he knew what size the women he called his proteges were was another reminder of the fact that those women had once been in my shoes.

"Ok, then who should I thank for this?" I asked, picking up the dress and starting to put it on.

"Stella. You haven't met her yet." No shit, Sherlock. I had a feeling that I hadn't had yet the chance to meet many of his proteges.

"Well then, please thank her for me." A devilishly handsome smile pulled at his beautiful lips.

"Or you can thank her yourself next time you come here." Or not, since I wasn't planning to come here often. I had no business with his empire or his girls, not that I was going to get into a fight with him on that subject now. Now I had to get to court in time.

"Can I at least get my shoes back, since I can't walk barefoot out of this building?" His eyebrows rose questioningly.

"I think you've just stolen my line, Ms Groves." I cockily smirked.

"What are you gonna do about it, Mr Shaffer?" He let out a small, incredulous laugh.

"I'm gonna go bring your shoes. You're gonna be late." He left the room again, leaving me laughing like a damn nutcase.


"Are you sure you can take me? I can grab a cab now that you gave me back my purse, you know?" I said whiled climbing down the stairs at Gabriel's side. He smiled at me and huffed dismissively.

"I said I'll take you. Why do you always have to deny me the simple pleasures of life?" I had to laugh at that. The way he was playfully pouting and the things he said were simply adorable.

"Pleasure granted, Mr Shaffer." Even though, I was in fact granting a pleasure of my own. I loved the fact that he had offered to take me to court.

"Gabriel?" Mathew tentatively called from the bottom of the stairs, approaching us. "May I have a word with you?"

"Whatever it is you can say it in front of Julia." Mathew seemed to ponder his boss's words for a moment.

"Stephanie's here and she's causing a scene, man. She wants to see you. Not even Ginger can calm her down." Stephanie? Ginger? Proteges?

"I need to take Julia to court. You can handle her for now."

"Actually, I can't. You know you're the only one capable of calming her down when she's like this." Quickly glancing in my direction, Gabriel nodded. He was dumping me for one of his ex-lovers?

"Mathew, take her to court, please." Then turning toward me again, he handed me a pretty, black lace scarf. "For the bruises. I'm sorry." One peck on the cheek was all I got before he left. Turning toward Mathew I tried to smile.

"Nice day, right, judge?" I nodded and followed him down the stairs.

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