The Girl With Two Mates

By WolfSwag36189

244K 7.2K 609

Sophia's life is far from normal; two mates, a strict dad, a white wolf, what else could go wrong? Everything... More

Chapter 2: Restaurant
Chapter 3: Two Mates
Chapter 4: Research
Author Note
Chapter 5: Jake
Chapter 6: Recovery
Chapter 7: Rouges
Chapter 8: Hospital
Chapter 9: Plan
Chapter 10: First Date
Chapter 11: Family Issues
Chapter 12: Torture
Chapter 13: Promises
Chapter 14: Kidnapped
Chapter 15: Friends?
Chapter 16: Traitor
Chapter 17: Mountain Pack
Chapter 18: The Journey
Chapter 19: Hope
Chapter 20: Action
Chapter 21: Attempt
Chapter 22: Meeting The Moon Goddess
Chapter 23: Escape
Chapter 24: Luna

Chapter 1: Birthday

33.9K 776 66
By WolfSwag36189

I could smell it, it was a couple feet in front of me. I was only inches away of killing it. The deer looked so good. Suddenly i heard a voice, "Sophia, wake up!"

I open my eyes to a blinding white light, "Mom, I was having a good dream, why'd you have to wake me up?"

"It's your birthday today," she says with a smile, "You're eighteen now and you can finally find a mate."

"Wow trying to kick me out of the house already," I say sarcastically and roll my eyes.

"Just get up. Emma is waiting out in the living room for you," she says then leaves me to get dressed.

I kick off the covers and get up. I feel like a zombie today. I was out partying last night with my friends at the Moon Club. The Moon Club is where werewolves go when they want to party. Also a lot of people find their mates there, I didn't get lucky but I did just turn eighteen today. You have to be eighteen to find your mate, I just hope I don't get a really possessive one.

I walk over to my closet and open it. I pick out a black t-shirt with a blue shooting star in the middle, I don't really care what I look like. Next I pick out bootcut pants, then blue panties and a bra, then head into the bathroom. There I put up my long silky blonde hair into a ponytail and get dressed. After I brush my teeth I look up into the mirror, a girl with pale skin looks back at me, "Ok Sophia, you got this. You will find your mate so your mom will be happy."

In a couple of minutes I was walking down the stairs to the living room where Emma was there sitting on the couch watching the morning news. I don't know why but she likes to watch the news. "Emma, why do you always watch the news?"

"Because I like to know what's going on with the humans. At least i have school with them, you just get to stay here with Liam. Why did your parents decide to home school you?" She's staring at the tv. I can see the reflection in her hazel colored eyes.

"I don't know, ask them," I retort and lean against the railing to the stairs and look at the tv. Apparently there was a wolf attack at a school nearby.

She gets up and goes over to my mom who is reading the newspaper, "Mrs. Radford, why did you choose to have Sophia home schooled?"

She looks surprised by the question but she puts down the newspaper and answers, "Well we didn't want to spend money for her to go to school when we could teach her."

"But why teach Liam too?"

"Well I was great friends with his mom so I asked her if we could home school him and his parents agreed."

"That's all I wanted to ask. Thank you Mrs. Radford."

"You're welcome Emma," my mom picks up the newspaper and starts reading it again.

Emma walks over to me and tells me what my mom said, "Well I did always wonder why she chose to home school Liam too."

"I better get to school now. See you later and remember, we're going to that new Chinese restaurant tonight for your birthday. Maybe you'll find your mate there," I love Chinese food, good thing Emma knows me well enough to choose that place.

"Wow you too. Now you and my mom want me to find my mate, seriously, i just turned eighteen," I unglue my eyes from the tv and look at Emma.

"Finding your mate is the best thing that could ever happen to you. Maybe yours is an alpha or just a normal human, could be anyone. There is an alpha at school though."

"Who is the alpha?" I ask curiously.

"It's alpha Jackson Devine. His Beta is Aiden Shay. Both of them are really hot and almost every girl at school wishes to be their mate," she sighs like she's thinking about something happy.

"Good for them. You should go now before you're late for class."

"Yeah. So see you tonight. Olivia and Liam are going to come too," She walks out the door and waves goodbye as she gets into her jeep.

I go outside and sit on the steps to wait for Liam. He lives like a block away so it takes him a while to get here and also it's hard for him to get up early too because he always stays up late. I start studying for a math test today that my mom is making us do. I never study but I have nothing to do so I might as well study.

After about ten minutes I see him walking down the street toward me. He waves and I wave back after I close my math book.

As he gets closer I can more clearly see what he looks like. He has red hair and his face looks kinda dorky. He has freckles, wears glasses, and he's about six feet tall. His eyes match the storm clouds above and he's wearing something new today, a red shirt that i guess his mom made for him because it just makes him look like a complete nerd.

"Hey Liam," I say as he gets into the yard.

"Hey," he replies.

"What's up with that shirt? It makes you look like a nerd that loves his mom."

"Hey! That's mean because I do in fact love my mom but I'm not a nerd."

"Dude, I'm just joking with you. I love my mom too, now get in and be ready for that test today."

"Ok and happy birthday Sophia."

"Yeah thanks," I roll my eyes. I don't really like birthdays because my parents will always take me out to eat and sing Happy Birthday in front of everyone, "We're going to that new Chinese restaurant tonight with Emma and Olivia."

"Ok," he walks into the house and I follow him.

"Hey mom, Liam is here," I say to my mom whose eating breakfast at the table.

"Great honey. You two should get some breakfast before we start," she hands us some cinnamon rolls.

"Thanks Mrs. Radford," Liam says as he takes a cinnamon roll.

"You're welcome. Sophia, here take one," she tries to give one to me.

"No thanks mom, I'm fine."

"You sure?"


"Well then you can go and study before the test," she says and I knew I couldn't say no because she'll get mad.

"But I kinda wanted to go out in the woods for a little run with my wolf. I haven't let my wolf out for quite a while now," I know she'll say yes because she always wants me to do this.

She sighs, "Fine but be back before your dad gets up."

"Ok," I say as I run out the door and slam it behind me.

The woods are like a minute away and once i get there I immediately let my wolf lose. It feels so good to run around in the woods as a wolf. It's like I'm free and can roam around anywhere.

I run around trees and chase my tail like a dog would. I see a squirrel and chase it up a tree. All that time I didn't see the black wolf that was watching me.

As I'm heading back toward the beginning of the woods where I came in at, I smell a very lovely rose scent. I stop running and turn my head to the right and see a black wolf staring at me with its ocean blue eyes, the same color eyes that I have. I growl a warning but the wolf stays. The wolf is looking at me like I'm something precious. Finally I head back home after staring at the mysterious black wolf for a while.

Once I get inside I go and sit down on the couch and wait for my mom and Liam to get done with breakfast. I get out my math book and just look at it, not even studying but instead thinking of that black wolf I saw in the woods. I don't know what happened and how it even smelled like that. I thought nobody went out into those woods anymore except Emma, Olivia, Liam, and I but I don't even know if the wolf was a werewolf. I'm going to ask my mom what happened, I know she will help me.

I get up and go over to my mom, "Mom."

"Yes sweetie?"

"When I was out in the woods I saw a black wolf. It has the same color eyes as me but I could smell this rose scent. Do you know why?" I was nervous to ask her because I usually never tell her anything like this but I need to know what happened.

My mom looked excited, "Honey, you found your mate!"

"I what!?!?" I was really shocked.

"You found your mate! I'm so happy for you!"

Liam looked as surprised as I was, "Well mom lets just get the test over with."

"Oh, yeah I almost forgot. Liam, are you done?"


"Ok well you guys know where to go."

Liam and I walk up the stairs into the room where my mom put two chairs and two desk for us. There's also a desk for her in the front which has a computer, a cup filled with pencils and pens, papers, and a comfy looking chair she can sit on. There's a chalkboard in the front of the room too.

I sit in the seat closet to the front and Liam sits in the other one which is next to mine but pulled back a bit. We just talk until my mom comes in and tells us to get a pencil out. Once we do she hands us the test and we start it right away.

After about a hour I'm finished and Liam finishes a couple minutes after me. We go up to my mom and hand her the test then go sit back down and talk.

"I can't believe you found your mate in the woods," Liam whispers.

"Just please stop talking about it, I just want to forget it," I reply.


My mom hands our test back and I got 90 out of 100 right. Liam shows me his and he got all of them right. He must of been up studying last night.

"Hey mom, can Liam and I go into town and get ice cream?"

"Sure but be back before your dad gets back from work. You didn't get back from the woods before your dad got up and he was mad by the way," she says sternly and crosses her arms.

"Ok, bye."

We walk down the stairs and out the door.

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